T hursday O ctober 20. 1927 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FTVE COMMUNITY PHONE 9 Quality -WHITE FRONT GROCERY- PHONE 9 z Service W H. Taylor, Prop. CARROTS CABBAGE PARSNIPS PEARS GRAPES WALNUTS ALL OF WHICH IS A SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY PRODUCT. GRAND CLIMAX SPRINGFIELD’S COMMUNITY SERVICE WEEK Merchants Offer Greatest Collection of Bargains Lane County Has Ever Seen APPl.ES PRUNES CELERY POTATOES TOMATOES BEETS LETTUCE WE BUY FROM TH E HOME FARMERS. Community Day Specials—Saturday, October 22nd Only You’ll Need Some o f These: 6 DECORATED CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS _________ _____ 98 C SET OF SIX HOWLS _______________ a....... ............ ....... 9 8 C 14 QT. WHITE ENAMEL DISH PANS ........................................ . 5 9 c LUNCH KIT WITH THERMOS BOTTLE ......... .................... $ 1 .2 9 * You'll find the best Hardware and Furniture in our stock and at prices you can't beat anywhere. WRIGHT & S O N S HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINT 'HE MERCHANTS Advertising on this page want everybody to unite in building a bigger and B etter community. They want to do what they can to make everybody happy and prosperous in this community. 1 lb. Hospital Cotton, Regular Price 65c, Special at 49c 50c PEBECO TOOTH P A S TE ------- 39C bOc IPANA TOOTH PASTE ---------- 39c 50c PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 39C CREOMULSION FOR COUGHS $1.05 Flanery’s Drug Store SWIFT'S PRIDE WASHING POWDER. Reg. Price 30c. Special 10 BARS SWIFT S WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP ________________ QUICK NAPHTHA SOAP CHIPS. Regular 29c. Special----------- THESE AND MANY MORE ITEMS CAN BE FOUND AT GRAY’S A T 12c 27c 19c ATTRACTIVE PRICES. “It Always Pays to Trade at Grays’ GRAY’S Phone 22 Cash & Carry 424 Main St Baby B eef— A Real Treat , Springfield’s Best M eats All our meats are bought from the atockraisent close to Springfield, and we use only the best INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. E. C. STUART 4th and Main Sts. The Home of Good M eats Phone 63 These merchants believe that dollars sent away to mail order houses, to large cities or given to peddlers sap the financial life blood of the community. These dollars NEVER COME BACK nor help to pay LOCAL, COUNTY«and STATE TAXES, whereby we build our roads, pave our streets, conduct our schools ard main­ tain law and order in the community. As a special dispensation to create interest in Springfield Community Week This Great Collection of Bargains is Offered for One Day Only SATURDAY, OCT, 22nd Community Week QldllM&Sl rSMHHOfllLB M l PHOHl SRFO I NEW CROP NO. 1, CALIFORNIA W A LN U TS ........... CARNATION WHEAT OR OATS W ITH C H IN A __ We Give Green Discount Special Offer for Farmers Only We make our own candies of the finest ingredients and know thev are always pure and wholesome. Eggimann’s is known far and wide * for candies and confections as well as for service and low prices. EGGIMANN’S 20% Discount on all Tubes > S atu rday O N L Y 10% OFF on all Electrical Goods for Cash $1.50« Atwatar-Kant, Zenith, Croslay and Sparton Radio« Saturday—Sales Day Only All Three For $1.00 With Each Subscription to The Springfield News we will give FREE 50 BUTTERWRAPPER8 WITH NAME AND ADDRESS PRINTED ON THEM. Ketel’s Drug Store Phon« 11-J 414 Main SPECIAL SA L E ON B L A N K E T S - $ 3 .9 8 72 x 80 INCH NASHUA DOUBLE BLANKETS.......... - ......... -.... $ 2 .9 8 64 x 76 DOUBLE B LA N K ETS----------------- ---------------------- ------- $ 1 .9 8 54 INCH. ALL-WOOL FLANNEL, IN LEADING S H A D E S ........... $ 2 .4 8 WOOL CHALLIES, A Y A R D _________ ____ — - 98c WOOL MIXED Phone 4 4th and Main Streets HALLECK’S GROCERY Regular 60c Marshmellows for 40c a ib Oct. 21st and 22nd 5(>C 5QC 5Qc 25C Lb. 35C Lb. Special on Marshmellows— Saturday Only Springfield Garage This is a chance to subscribe or renew your Subscription to The Spring- field News and save 75c. If you are paid up have the date extended a year. Springfield House Powder We will Give a Package of Light House Cleanser. Friday and Saturday C O M M U N IT Y S A L E S D A Y Cut Flowers and Potted Plants 75c TURNER'S NOVELTY STORE And Repair Shop TOTAL THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS (Regular Price $1.75 a Year) FOR $1.00 Special For Saturday Norwood Ferns ..... 2 PAIRS SILK HOSIERY, Any Color,___ __ ............. Q 9C 45c RIBBED HOSIERY__ __ ___________________ 3Q C A large Assortment of Glassware at Special Prices. Many Fancy and Beautiful pieces to select from. Now is the time to pick up your Christmas gifts Cheap. • ZERBST S COLD and GRIP CAPSULES........... . ONLY Auto Supplies SPECIAL PRATT HOLVERSON OLdham, G^schaatoL's jw n irfZ e r 3 dtone cundt/z same tune// Turner’s Variety Store Offers You a Selection of Hundreds Of Articles at Fancy Prices. Special for Saturday— With Each 23c Package of Light AMBER - O - LATUM U o a anrl yröwefg With Each Purchase of $2 or more Saturday. These merchants are 100% for this community. They want you to hear Capt. C. S. Nusbaum, famous lecturer and community builder, who will point out how to become better citizens and build a big prosperous community. NYAL HONEY and HOREHOUND COUGH SYRUP M etete A POUND OF ASSORTED CANDIES FREE Main Street Special on Soap for Saturday = PAGE FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS NASHUA BLANKETS, FULL SIZE THE FARMERS EXCHANGE We carry the famous Westinghouse Line as well as other standard makes. Only the best fixtures and appliances are to be found in our stock. Ketels Drug Store Bldg. - HENDERER’S ELECTRIC Fifth and Main Streets NEWLANDS asjisrifejss Saturday Specials Çillr Saturday morning beginning at 10 kJUK. J l U t K l l i g a «o’clock we will place on Special Sale for this day only, one lot of Pure Thread Silk Stockings. These are Service Stockings with silk to the top in a lot of wanted colors, truly a wonderful offering. The p air......... ......... 95c We offer one lot of Fiber Silk Stockings. Standard Quality. The pnir ..... ....... .............. « rj 4 t)C In the Men's Section we will feature, Silk Socks and Silk Mixed Underwear. Silks Buy S,lks Saturday and buy them at this store at wonderful saving prices, every yard is quality Silks, and they are all under-priced for Saturday. Baronet Satins, 40 inch, in a lot of wanted plain colors, suitable for undergarments and many other uses. The y ard _______ __ ____ __ ________ __ / i3C One lot of 40 Inch Black Satin will be on Sale at The yard .................................... ....... Hundreds of yards of Beautiful Silks will be offe? ered at Sub- stentla.l Reductions Saturday Only. Beginning at 10 o'clock A. M. for all day. $1.50