FAO R TWO TiniRaUAT OCTOBER 20. 1F2T TIIR SPRINOraLO NBW8 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thu red * y at Springfield. Laa« County. Oreana. by T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R « «» Egwrag * r e determ ined from the fed eral and the «tala school centos taken la tba yaaib m eattoaed ami ooeertn* every district la th« atata. Blame At R a rtla n « — H er. sad Mrs. C H . Ilium want to IM rU sad Bunday to attend the aanual gathering of Hap Uat m m tatere of Oregon. A nckool d istrict census taken la O ctober 1*3« showed Havg Baby Daughter— Word has been received by Mrs. C. F Kerim ään that Mr. sad M rs AMen U lu li et W eiser. Idaho, a re the proud parents of a baby daughter. M arian Alice, born ihie month. T he nowromer weighed eevan pound«. -Mre Kolla was form erly D m Chase, and M r Koita was a student at the U niversity of Oregon. re tn ra they war« accompanied by M r. Flnnery's mother, M rs H. It Ftaaary, -who la visiting here for a few dnya V isit A t Or»(p>n City— M ra C art W eber sod child ran want to Oregon C ity early thia weak to v ia li her mother for a few day«. that there were 154.884 children In Oregon T o these N O T IC E F D R P U B L IC A T IO N figure« b are been applied the ratio of 26 41 per cent (an N » 01 « 3 4 average of those fo r 1910 and 1930L which give an ra il Departm ent of the In te rio r, U. ttered a* second c l* * * m atter, February 1«, 1903 at the ma I ad population for 1*3« of 997.098, a gain of 313.703 L a n g Office e t R oeeburg, O rego n, poetoffiee, Springfield. Oregon Her» From Portland— T C Dorrlo O cto b er 14, 1337. over the federal figure» o f 733.313 for 1830 Em ploying the an i Kugene Hecker were week end N O T IC E I« hereby given th al E lm er M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E »ame ra tio of Increase for the period tinea 102« Oregon visitor» at the hume of M r. Uorrte's C. Yeoman ut Créé well, Oregon, aho. D riva To C o rvallle— M r and M ie One year In A d v a n c e .. 11.75 T hree M e n t h a _____ 76c can Justly boast an approxlm at popnMtlon of »lightly over uu Novem ber 36. 1822 mau« ilum e fam ily her». T h e y came down front stead E n try , S erial No. «14424. (or Lot Ì H F lanery drove Io Corvallis Mun­ Blx M o n t h « . . _____ J1 00 Single Copy ................ Sc 1.000.000. Portland for a pheasant hunt. ti of rbctuui 3, Tow nship 19 M. H a u te ; '1*3 to visit relatives Upon their T H U R S D A Y O C T O B E R 10. 1927 3 W. W ilia m ,d ie M eridian, haa tiled ' - ................... i notte« of Intention to make F in al c h a rte r No 8341 Raaarva D is tric t No. 11 T h ree year Proof, to establish claim to R E P O R T OP C O N D IT IO N O F T R I HE POINTS THE WAY TO BETTER TIUNGS the land ahot» described, before K U. lu, met. U. 8 . Comm issioner, at hl» o f­ Bringing to Springfield a new vision on how to fice at Eugene. Oregou. on the 22ml grow and prosper and inspiring men and women day of Novem ber, 1827 At Springfield. In Iho Stalo of Oregon, at (tie close of business on Claim ant name» a» wKnesaes to do greater service for the community Captain October 10. 1927 W illia m K illu it. of C resw ell, Dragon, C. S. N'usbaum is appearing all this week in prt>- F rank T lv e y . of Cresw ell. Dragon, . . . . __ R ES O U R C ES inis at the Odd Fellows building. While his August Pohil, of Eugene. Oregon. Loan* and discounts, Including rediscount«, acceptance« of other STUDY THESE FOUR MODEST MEN lures are instructive and treat the more serious N o rris S m ith , of I'rv s w e ll, Oregon i bank», and foreign hill» of exchange or draft» »old with In- do'sem ent of this bunk. .......... Not coal land Side of life Captain N'usbaum knows how to be Modesty is one of the chief characteristics of 97.477 Mi O verdrafts, secured, none; unsecured. *196 34 H A M IL L A C A N A D Y , Register 13534 funny and his jokes keep the audience in good true greatness. A great man can have no further i U. S. Governm ent securities owned: D. 30-37 N 3-10-17 hum or. An evening at his lecture Is one full of com m endation o r no greater bid for popularity De pool fed to secure circulation (U . S bonds par value) 96 250 U0 amusem enL ( A ll o th e r I tilt 'd States tiovernnvm t Securities (Including GAS SPOILED SLEEP. than to have it said that he is modest. premiums. If any) 99.134 67 There can be no doubt but that his messages Total MADE HER DIZZY 16.334(67 This has been a characteristic of President , O ther bonds, stocks, securities e tc point the wav to greater happiness and prosperity 109.092 71 F u rn itu re and fixtures, "F o r year« I suffered from gu« amt 6.324 75 for this community and will make better citizens ¡Coolidge. He has avoided the spotlight and a t­ estate owned other than bunking house 19 43« 17 of those who practice a little of the wisdom he tended to the serious duties of his office with b e­ constipation. Used to get headache» Heat L aw ful reserve w ith Federal Reaerve Bank 17.304 57 im parts. G reater crowds should greet him to­ coming humility. His recent word th at he did and dlsay spell*. The Aral dose ------ of - ■ (j*» h In vault ami amount due from national bank» Z3.6&4 3» Now I rest backs on other banks In the same city er town as reporting liank. night and Friday night. He is perhaps the best A d lerlka gave me re lie f 3.7IM 60 T o ta l last tw o Item« ___ 135,374 M9 o rato r we have ever had here. He comes as a not choose to run for i*resldeut again should 1 m * w ell."— Mr». It B rin kley. Just O N E Miscellaneous cash Items # 1 7 3« doctor to diagnose and prescribe for this com ­ ¡taken at its face value. It is the solemn dictum spoonful of A d lerlka relieves gw» and Redem ption fund w ith U B. T reasurer and dua from U. 8 T reasurer BUM m unity. There is not a person living here but of a man who. having achieved the acm e of his that bloated feeling so that you con T o ta l 9300.81 ; «1 whom his medicine will do some good. popularity, desires to step aside. eat and sleep well Acta on B O T H L IA B IL IT IE S upper and low er bowel ami remove« H. B MAXKY. Editor. First National Bank C A nother m an who is winning all kinds of plau­ dits and reaping all sorts of« popularity from his The gasoline tax collected by the state of Ore­ ; becoming modesty is the Prince of Wales Of gon is assum ing a figure neardly as large as the course he deserves no credit for being born the license fees. It is estim ated that $4,000,000 will son of a king, but he does deserve credit for not be collected from this source this year or nearly slopping over. He has m anaged to say the right 116,000 a day. The license fees am ount to $4,600, thing a t the right time and to conduct himself 000 thus the highway fund is enriched over $8,- with becoming decorum In w hatever limelight he 000.000 a year from automobile ow ners and m ay be placed. While he is not to be credited j with the distinction of being bom to royalty, he operators. is entitled to the distinction of caring for the Last year 114,758,789 gallons of gasoline Were duties of this superior place as he should. He Is used in the state subject to tax. Up to the first of well liked not only throughout the British Domin­ Septem ber this year $83,397,936 gallons had been ions, but in the United S tates and elsewhere Consumed. throughout the world. • • • old waste m a tte r you never thought C apital atock paid In 35.000 00 was therv. No m a tte r what you tried Surplus fund .... .............. 4.0O0 40 Undivided profit» for your stomach. A d lerlka w ilt sur­ !-*» • current expen«es paid 371M3 11 12174 64 5.014 71 prise you. Flattery's Drug Store. j C ircu latin g notes oulMtandliiK 4.350 no i ashlar's checks outetandlng 304 63 , , - , (o th e r than bank dspo.lt«) aubjaot N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F S S A L E to Reserva (deposits payable w ithin 10 day,» E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E .......Jluul dr* punita subject to check 161.713x5« Under anu oy virtu e ot au O rder of L e n ific a te « of deposit due In lesa than So days (other than for money borro wed ____ Sale and Lh-cree of Foreclosure issued 14,479 60 State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledgs of out ot the C irc u it Court of the s ta te of thin bank or wurety bond ot Oregon aud County of Lane on 33,903 94 T o ta l of d m .w d deposits (o th e r than bank depositai Septem ber 37th, 1927. In a suit where­ subjec t to reaerve . ... 3199 297 '9 39 in Com m ercial State Bank o f Spring Tim a deposits subject to Reserve (Payable a fte r 39 field, aa p lain tiff, recovered a )udg day«, o r subject to 30 days or mora nolle« and m ent against G ran t J Cowling In the postal aavinga): sum of 1250.00 and Interest thereon Saving» deposits at Die r a t e of 3% per annum fruui 69.746 99 To those who have m et Jack Dempsey person­ T o ta l tim e deposita subject to reserve 969.745 9» Why should science go to such trouble in search­ ally he has been a surprise. They expected ih * Septem ber 33, 1924 u ntil paid; the ing about for an accurate lie detector. Any wife M anasa m auler to look like a bruiser. They were fu rth e r sum o f 335.00 atto rn ey fees; T o ta l 9300.413 31 the fu rth e r H im ot 3303 35 and the will do. surprised to find him gentle, well liked by every- •urn of 124 32 coats o f said s u it and a i body and courteous. His form is slim and his decree o f foreclosure against the »aid d ia ls a f Oregon County e f la s s ae which said decree w « i , n A wise girl rem arks that short skirts m ake men m anner is th a t of a gentleman. He is affection­ defendanL rolled and docketed In the office of ate in his family relations and altogether those better lookers. the County C lerk of said County on '■ " « 'f " - '- » “ i " “ “ who know him are not envious of his fame. Septem ber 37th. 1927. and an execu­ “ " " i u W . w U , ï a " “ ' tion Issued thereon by the C lerk of The fourth modest man that has loomed in the saM Court on Septem ber 27th. 1927. I horizon has been Lindbergh. After achieving a am commanded to sell the follow ing M y tom m I bn I on expires January M. feat th a t brought him the plaudits of kings and described real property, to -w lt: Beginning at the Northw est corner A N E S T IM A T E O F O R E G O N ’S P R E S E N T P O P U L A T IO N nations everywhere he apparently was not poss­ of the follow ing described tract In essed of the idea th at he was a superm an, but Cresw ell. la n e County. Oregon, to-wlt: C h a rte r No 88 (B y 9am A. Koxer, Secretary of S tate) _______________ « '••‘•rva D istrict No 13 modestly restrained his claims to those of a flying Beginning at a point 14 chains East R E P O R T O F T H E C O N D IT IO N OF T H E o f the Southeast corner of Lot Nine man. He had crossed the ocean alone in a flying Oregon's population has passed the m illio n m ark. I t is an established principle of political and social plane, but did not suppose th at because he hail (91 In Section Fourteen Ith. Range ship Nineteen (19) South. A t 9pr,B ' fl* ld ' «" O» Oragon at , h . eh m . o L a l n a Z economics th a t growth in industry, prosperity and popula­ done a stunt with his machine in the air he could T h ree (3i West Of the the State of Oregon at the tion go hand in hand. The com m unity, state o r gallon do every other kind of thing. It is with a feeling M eridian. Oregon, and running thence October 10. 1927 W hich is m arked by a steady expansion of business, in­ of pride th a t the people of the country read of the West 21.13 chains to the middle of the dustry and w ealth, of necessity records a proportionate way he demeaned himself in France and in Great County Road, thence follow ing along the said County Road N orth 7 H increase in the num ber of its inhabitants. T he converse Britain and in connection with the officials of this R ES O U R C ES East 11.35 chains, thence East ■ country. As far as we know, he has made no degrees pf this proposition equallay is true and recognised. 14 81 chains. thence Rnutb 23’4 Loans and discounts Including red», counts, acceptances or bills T he estim ate th a t Oregon now has a population of more enemies, for the one thing that m akes an enemy dereea East 12 23 chains to the place o f exchange. »«Id with end rsement of the bank. (Including of beginning For a beginning point than 1.000.000 is based upon careful calculation o f the is over weaning egotism. Item» shown 29. 30 and 32. If any) * 9120.796 14 the tract hereby Intended to be con O verdrafts secured and unsecured yatlo o f the school population to the total population dating 34« 91 yeved, thence East 212 feet, thence ' l n * e £ T ™ T 3 5 T X ‘',‘ OW," d ' ‘ h° * "h',Wn America is justly proud of these four men and back as far as 1910. In that year children of school age South 420 feet, thence W est 271 feet principally because they are not proud of them - form ed 25.62 per cent of the total population of Oregon 7.760.00 to the center o f said County Road, O th e r bonds, w arrant« and aecurltkna. Including foreign thence N o rth e rly along the center of T en years la te r this ratio was 27.30 per c e n t These selvesc especially. g o v e rn m e n t »tale, m unicipal, corporation etc Inclu dln r said Counts Road 425 feet, more or those shown In Items 30 and 35. If any 33.236 54 less, to the place of beginning Hanking house, 314.900, furniture and fixtures 3379'1 17 18.692.17 Notice In hereby given that on S at­ Reni estate owned other than banking house 4.630 00 urday. the 29th day of October. 1927. (c ) N et amounts due from other banks, banker» and trust companies ................. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said 44.393 43 day. at the fro n t door of the Lane O ther assets. If any Saving» Ixmn« and Discounts 11.382 13 County Courthouse In Eugene. Oregon. I w ill. In obedience to said order of T o ta l 9261.037 01 anle and decree of foreclosure, aell at public auction, the above described L IA B IL IT IE S real property, or so much thereo f a« 14 C apital Stock Paid hi __________ ___ may be necessary to aatlafy plaintiff's 30.900 00 17. Surplus fund and Savings Capital Judgment with Interest thereon and «000 00 costa to the highest and beat bidder 13. la i Cndlvlded profits 913.0M6 1» (b ) Ix'ss current expense. Intere»! and taie » paid fo r cash In Gold Coin of the U nited 38474 08 4.412 11 States, said sale being subject to re ­ 20. Dividends Unpaid 25.00 D E M A N D D E P O S IT S , other than bank», subject to renervo- dem ption as by law provided. FRANK E T A Y L O R . Sheriff of I 33. ’ " '’ '»'dual deposits subject to check. Including deposits due (he stale of Oregon, county, cities or other puhlh fund» Lane County. Oregon 175.98« 57 Demand certificates of deposit outstanding S 28: O 6 13-20 27: 83 00 Certified checks outstanding 148 31 I T o ta l of demand deposits, o th er than bank deposits aublsct TH E GAS TAX Editorial Comment; Commercial State Bank of Springfield * Camel The cigarette that earned first place by its goodness to reserve. Item s 23, 24. 25, 2« .,'7 . T IM E A N D S A V IN G S D E P O S IT S , subject to rem try. and pay. a b le on dem and or subject to noth-*: T im e certificate» of dcpo»|t outstanding Saving« deposits, payable subject to notice T o ta l of tim e and savings deposit« 'yeyabln on demand or subject to notice, Items 27 and 28. 144 r,2 Bills payable w ith federal reserve bank or w ith oilier banka L ia b ilitie s other than above, If any Suspense The greatest endorsement ever given to a cigarette is revealed by the fact that Government figures show that more Camels are being smoked today than ever before. A n endorsement by the many—not the few. T o ta l ................ .................................. .......... ............ .. a 159 50 9281.027.01 State o f Oregon, County of Lane, sa. a . C »B- K<,n3ron' c«»h‘«’' of the above nam ed bank, do solemnly «wear •kat the above statem ent la true to the beat of my knowledge a«d belief C r m t Attest: M. M Peery. A. J. P « % * .“ E r nd " WHrn t0 be,or’‘ * th l" U lh d"y ° f October, 1927. u f , 1 , M ' ,,K T R fi8 O N . N o tary Public. My ( omtnlHHion Bxplrea Juno 13, 1928, ODTLAHQ OREGON: • t S raitfU rtl O il S srv H « S ìa Nona, ' " 't c . f I .ibrt catio n Sp«f4ial- Uta.f«Br«KPg and ockar daaiara. THE N E W If all cigarettes were as good as Camel you wouldn’t hear anything about special treat­ ments to make cigarettes good for the throat. Nothing takes the place of choice tobaccos. C 1937, k J 30.348 IS 13,18« 34 ZEROLENE Rraion »hy (1 OF M A N Y ) S T A B IL IT Y —Lubricate» cor­ rectly — never "break» dow n!’ The modern oil for m odem motor carl. Berwold. Tebecte C o t k w t , WiasMB-Salse,, N . C. I T A N h A lU ) 4 O IL COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 In P re m lu m i? 5 ÌA ? ,? i ci.oil'inc» I I.liry product«Show , world-renown, 1 1 lor«*- Show, N atio n al W o o l Show, Northwest Fog Show, M anufai Hirers* and L a n d P roducts Show , Boys’ nnd ( o ils ’ C lu b W o rk . Custers lO acres.rxhih itin g America's prbe Pun-Bred Beef and p . t r r C an lr. Il„ n ,a , Hlirrp, H o«,. ( su. Foxes. I annoi Pr-tnlum l.i *v»r '•I P l inlunt I I l,t ..(tersd. Bonl»n.l, Orason, Oct. i ' l - N s r , M. H c lu o d liirvB (,ra , all rallrtiMtla.