Friday is Farmers* Night on the Community Weeh Program Judge a Store by the Advertising It Doe«. • - Every Farmer and His Family is Urged to Attend THE SPRINGFIELD NE™S TWKNTY-F'OURTH YEAR LOCAL INDUSIHI’S I GROWTH IS RAPID "T h e P eoplt’s Paper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N LJbnu-y RPKINOFHSLD, LANE COUNTY. ORBOON, THURSDAY OCTOBER 20, 1927 Grid Team Faces Hard,Game F riday HAMLIN NAMED HEAD OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AT DIRECTORS MEETING F ||. linin'*«). postmaster. wa prealdent of the Springfield ( lu m b e r County C.E.Rally ’ Will Be Sunday O f f ic e r , NUMBER 41 Community Week p ro g ra m s S u c c e ssfu l Am ong Cottage Grovs Fresh From Win of Commerce for the unespln-d term _ (FINAL COMMUNTY WEEK Hundred« Hearing Captain C. 8. of Herbert Cog. rw.lgoerf. nt a d lr « Speakers At All-Day Over Roseburg; Locale Dryped 'Chemical Company's MEETINGS IMPORTANT Nusbaum, Community Build» tors' meeting Monday night. P r o g r a m Whip Brownsville Shipments Increasing Steadi­ MUSICAL PLANS MADE •r; Friday Night Farmers Art Mr llamlln'a advancement loft the ly; Capacity At New Loca­ Thr seenitnily Increasing power of i’laa* are now complete (or the an vice-presidency vacan t and H. E. nttal Lane County Christian Endeavor Given Special Invitation To tion Is One Million Cans An­ the Springfield football team will be Maxey was appointed Io thia position '*To obtain the greatest good from Meet With Townspeople. put to the teat tomorrow afternoon the community week events, one must nually. when the atron* Cottage Grove high ,he Three successful meetings have HaPldlr «Handln* Ita business coa- school eleven will Invade thia city tot 1 ihla weak Societies In all parts of the county ,»j-e i,lous experience has shown that been held on the Springfield Con* atltuency over the waat. the D ryped, batik, the locals on the Brattaln HppoOTtmFnt- wllt will srn«l **‘**“, ‘?M ‘" J “*» munlty Week program and Captain C. Chemical company I. steadily Incrraa-: V " “« !'- The game la called for 2.15 annuua! , ketlon> whlch l meetings wh ch w in e m . m v a» M rge 8. Nusbaum, community builder, bag — two teams - *------ . rival«. . . part of the day, The local Christian The are • traditional curs on November 25 The new officers . , w__, sent hit hearers away each night w i l l Ing shipments of Its waterproofing. church society la acting as host | Last year, the crack Springfield team will assume duties December 22. new Ideas and Meals. Two more Conférences, Inspirational addresses. product, and la now sending out more . managed to annex a victory, and Mr. Cox's resignation was accepted meetings will be held thia week: To* than 500 cans a day. and on some days Coach Mayfield a proteges are deter w |(|| r # - r e - b>. Thfl form and musical features, are phases of night when Captain Nusbaum speak* Í mined to repeal the performance t o - pr(.glllw t „ „ relinquish 1 “" " X ? * . The first running to 2000 cans on "The Home and the Community," _________ p()g,t)on doe ba-Deitg dut,„ . meeting Is at 11 o’clock, and the final Ownership of the company has morrow. A later game between I h s L and Friday night, "The Building of a event at * 1 8 o'clock. . hanged recently, with I»r H It »• at Cottage Qrove. . h<>p, h|w ou, of tbe cHy dur)na Real Community.” The meetings are Program of events follows: Jaynes and Thomas McKInnls now the iRdlcatea that (he Springfield team the day. he said. being held In the Odd Fellows build, 11:00—Christian Endeavor Sermon— sole proprietors Headquarters of the will have no pink lea drinkers to con Ing. "Young I'eoi le for the New business have been moved from W est , uuer. If conquer II does, al Friday's Last night ISO people attended the Age." . Springfield lo the McKInnls buUdlng name. (•<•«. ««•» Grove high school SCOUT COURT OF HONOR ' meeting and beard Captain Nusbaum Rev. 8. E. Childers, pastor of on Main street between Second and «ppcara lo have a cracking good team TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY apeak on the “Investment of Llfs'e the First Christian church, Third streets here. The move was ' Although far outweighed. the \ Forces in the Community.” He proved Springfield. The monthly court of honor of the forced by the expanding operations i «rovers won a decisive victory. 19 .0 to his audience that the time and en­ 12:30—Basket dinner, with local group Springfield lloy Scouts will be con- 7. over the Roseburg high school of th e company. ergy put in building of a community In charge. in the new Nx-atlon. Ihe com pany' "le»»» at Grove last Friday On both ' dueled next Tuesday night at the and service to one’s fellow men bring rlth 1:30— Reel cation. can handle between half a million and "ffense and defense, the Grove outfit C hristian church gymnasium, the greatest returns of any Investment, 2 00—General assembly. Claud Neely, , u million cans of ''Dryped” annually, »bowed excellent form, and a pretty scouts of both local troupe partlclpat- The banquet at the Methodist song leader. Talk by Viola ' according to Dr Jaynes When the »«rial attack was responsible for at Ing. church Monday evening and the first Ogden. Oregon C. E. Union local company was firs! organised, a j <«••« P»r' 'he victory over t h e , AaalsUuS Scoutmaster AMrlch of ( i meeting held in the Odd Fellow« secretary. 200 can vat was used. The concern ilouglas county «eaters. the U ons club troop expects to have building Tuesday evening were at* | - now uses a 2000 can vat. and can turn Oa the Grove team the line-up wll! 1 s t least four scouts ready for ad- 2.38—Conferences. tended by about 100 people. Every- Prayer meeting—Viola Ogden It is from these that the greatest in out a s much us M000 cans on some ,o«k about like thia tomorrow: vancement at the public ceremony, i . body who has heard Captain Nut* _______ ______ ______ splratlon for community service Lookout—Harold Dunn. ggy, i George Seheufele, c; Don Vmphrey, j and Scoutmaster Gossler of the LogtoB j Social — Josephine Bothman, obtained," said CapL C. 8. Nusbaum. baum at 'bests, meetings have been Between two and nine men have j rlL B«>b Martin, rt; John King, re; troop Is planning on arranging awards .I ...I .., ..n, h n „ n v n m u n ifv waa W director of i the community week, to­ convinced that he is an orator of un* state social superintendent. been employed by the company steadl K*lpb Black. Ig; Alta Kelly, It; Roy : for that many members or more. ; usual ability and has information that day. Missionary— Walter Myers. ly since August Murry, le; Hilly Mct'argar. q; Georg, i Scout leader« of the city and county "At the final meeting tomorrow everyone should hear. Shipments now go out all over the RoW»». '•>; Kenneth Goff. Ih; D a le' wlU be present, and parents of the Junior—William Morse. Speaks on Home Tonight roast Monlant and Colorado have Gates, fh. substitutes. Arne. McKib- j boy» especially have been invited to 3:0«—General assembly: group stunts night, an appeal to the people living His talk tonight on "The Home and in surrounding territory, especially, - and announcements. ben. Wilson, Ward. attend the court of honor. recently been added lo Ihe company's will be made," he continued. "We the Community” is especially for the constituency, and Alaska shipments I ° » •*>« ”' h®r hand' *h" Springfield, The program for the court of honor ■ 3:40— Receaa, 3:50—General assembly. Awarding should have a large attendance of Parents and young people and Captain are also sent out from here Opera- >» demonstrating constantly Im ss arranged by Scout Commissioner 'of cup. Address by D onald! townspeople and farmers. It will be Nusbaum promises some helpful lions of the convpsnv may be expand Proving style, us witness the 1» to 0 W. P. Tyson follows: Nelson, president of the Oregon the summing up of the whole week. ▼Ice on how to live and be happy. Ho ed even farther Ihla winter, according victory over Brownsville at Brattaln Scout Oath, and we want to put our best Into IL” expects this to be one of his Mg C. E. Union. Remarks by Chairman. io Dr Jaynes 1 d,’*d ¡“ Ht Saturday, Francis Deeds nights in Springfield. 4:15—Closing quit hour. Ross Gulley, Musical programs for the final meet­ Tenderfoot Investiture. An extensive advertising campaign "hewed up especially well for Ihe F arm ers' Night Friday leader. s ings are of especial m erit Court of Honor with remarks by C. | has been carried on ''Dryped" la a "I" Friday night has a special appeal R. Clark, county executive. waterproofing for all leather , Wl,h '••rb b',PP«'d up by fresh At tonight's meeting Robert Mc- to the farmers as well as the tow*«* ____________ ' victories, tomorrow's battle should Demonstration I n Scouting b y MRS. F. E. GILLETTE IS Knlght. prominent vocaHst of the unl- p ople and Captain Nusbaum will eS* ! provide plenty of torrid struggling for Troop 11 and 12. SIDEWALK PROGRAM IS DEAD AT 89 YEARS AGE verslty of Oregon school of music plain how town and countryside can supremacy. Demonstrations In first aid and will sing. Miss Wlnlfrld Tyson and unite In btiiMIng of a real community. NEARING COMPLETION knot tying. Funeral services were held at the i Miss Agatha Beals. Springfield girls. He shows that only by cooperation bo* Walker chapel Wednesday for Mrs. will gltne a piano solo. tween the two can a community hog« Il Plerrle and Ron are nearing tha MARTHA MOORE, 14, TO Flnad.s Elisabeth Gillette, who pass- | Qn FrWay nlgbu th 'he holne orchestra, directed by Miss Grace H tL T ._ H fc A U HMJUKfcU here. polter> wi;, se,ectioO8. Town, speople are unred to invlt« rials. A few days of good weather, it Martha Henrietta Moore. 14, who Mrs. Gillette, who had reached the , Miss Tyson, M?so. COUB,ry P®°Ple wh'’m "»X knoW *• war said, and the last of Ihe cement has lived with Mr. and Mrs. Ward of Hit by a living belt which he was m ) - . will . < i i give - < - a . a a 1 „ I a a . . solo, a I a and this meeting. While everyone is w«»* construction will he finished and the West Springfield for several years. attempting to put on a revolvin g1“*'* of 89 ye“ ™' ,w o raon,h’ and 23 I p Potter clarinet crew s laid off for Ihe winter. died this m orning'at 4 :30 o’clock at ' pulley, Percy Tyson, belt man at the day“' had been a re,,,<,en' of Spring- Miss Tyson will present a piano s o lo ., w'm'* “ > a,tPnd 8P'*cial ____________________ : should be sent wherever possible. Probably Ihe largest single sum­ the Pacific Christian hospital in Eu Booth-Kelly mill, sustained painful In­ field since April, and during tnat time made many friends who mourn her LIONS CLUB SCOUTS mer's program of the kind here has gene. She was the daughter of W. L. juries (o his bead last Saturday. i The w <*‘k’s pro*ram of ,B the beln* put °* UIUI1Q v u u o under the au8plcpg Chamb^ been pushed by Plerrle and Son thio Moore of Gregory, California, and Is The belt struck Mr. T y so j’s fore­ passing. Previous to moving here she NAME PATROL LEADERS of Commerce with other clubs a«* year Many cement walks have been survived by her father and a younger head making a great 'num ber of had lived for six years In Cottage i slating. The dinner Monday night linked by new construction work, snd sister, Mary, who lives with Mr. and I gashes In It. He wae unable to work Grove, coming from Canada. Patrol leaders of the Lions c lu b ; wag serTe(| by the ljul|eg C„ , c c ,„k 'Saturday, but returned lo h l. duties She ,a « » " ‘’"•«1 by her husband. In a few Instances, walks of consider­ Mrs. Ward. Nusbaum ____ has also spok«* r Albert Gillette: three sons, E. A. Pick- troop of Boy Scouts were elected at | Cap,aln ___ __________ able length have been built. The funeral t rill be held at the Monday, with his head bandaged, j ett, Chetek, WIs.; Ellsworth P ic k e tt., ® held Tuesday n igh t A s-' gt tbe gcboo|g tb| g weeg. ------------------------------ Walker chapel tomorrow at 2:30 I Sockcenter. Minn.; C. H. Pickett, i sls‘ants om officiating. A. J. PERKINS BUYS THREE ARE OFF ACTIVE j W ash.; three daughters. Mrs. A. M. after their election Interment wll. be at [.aurei Hill. HOPES HELD BRIGHT FOR The officers of the three patrols EUGENE RESIDENCE! NATIONAL GUARD LIST McCormic, Sebeka. Minn.; Mrs. Bertie ACTION ON NEW BRIDO t Page. Hot Springs, S. D.; Mrs. Jennie follow: No. 1— Ralph Hughes, leader; Billy A. T Perkins, formerbr of Spring- 4-L WILL HAVE MEET Sergeant D. C. Taylor has been Jennings. Center. WIs.; two step­ Some hope that the highway c o * field. has purchased a residence In NEXT MONDAY EVENING transferred ffiotn tbe active national son». Harry and Willard Gillette of Knox, assistant. mission may be able to take ea rl/ No. 2— Lloyd Mattison, leader; Eugene, and will make his permanent guard company here to the National Springfield; and a stepdaughter, Mrs. i action on the Springfield bridge plant, home there while he continues his J A meeting of the local unit of the Guard Reaervea, It waa announced by Ethel Tallmann, Shaunaoon, Sask.. Reese Chase, assistant. regardless of the decision of the puF No. 3—George Mason, leader; Carol business activities In Portland with ; >*oyal Legion of Loggers snd Lamber­ Commander C. A. Swarts. j Canada. lie service commission on the Seco«4 Adams, assistant. ths Guaranty Trust company. It w a s , men Is scheduled for next Monday The funeral services were conducted Byron C ow -it and Corporal Joe learned here this week Mrs Perkins , evening st the W. O. W. hall, accord- Bf»y Wheeler was elected scribe street closing, was expressed today kjf by Mrs. Gillette's friend and pastor. Thompson have been discharged. En­ County Commissioner Martin And«t* wRI move to Ihe Eugene residence Im-1ln* 'be John King, secretary, listm ent of new men to fill the varan- Rev. Walker, of Ihe Free Methodiet of the troop. A program Is being planned by E Recently Earl Wheeler was ad­ son. mediately, hut Mr. Perkins will he clea la pending, and wilt be announced church. Interment was in the L iure) "While It will ba impossible to 4« vanced from senior patrol leader to kept In Portland most of the time, It N Dillard. Considerable business Is shortly. Hill cemetery. actural physical work on the bridge to come before the organisation, It was scout Instructor, and Peyton Oderklrk was said. nntil spring. It is possible to go ahead made senior leader. Mr Perkins w as a visitor In Spring- stated. Hers From San Fronclsoo— Mrs. Visits Jasper—Dr. E. Kester was a with plans for the structure, so that field over Ihe weekend. Fsrrel Per­ Mike Krekos of San Francisco was a professional caller at Jasper yester­ all w ill be ready for the actual work," kins, his son. and wife and baby, have SPRINGFIELD WIDOWS MT. STATES DIG MORE Springfield visitor y«ete)4ky. day. he said. “The highway body se e » « moved to Santa Ana. California where PLAN ORGANIZATION TEST WELLS FOR WATER optim istic over the proposition, d4F Mr. Perkins will operate a service spite the fact the closing remains «•* station. Springfield widows are to organise. More test wells, bringing the num­ certain." Plana for a club were announced ber up to 14, have been driven daring Mr. Anderson said that an fnspe* ONE SPRINGFIELD BOY today by Mrs. A. B. Van Valtah. who the last few weeks by the Mountain tlon of the old bridge had brought States Power company in an effort about a decision by the county court BACK FROM COLORADO said that the organisation meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Merin to locate a new water supply for to abandon plans for replanklng tM A conducted by the army at the Georgia Springfield. Most of the wells have bridge deck, s s announced recently. Oral Neet. one of the quartet of Catching tomorrow afternoon. Locai National Guard Sargeant fort. been driven on the Industrial tract The present decking, he said. Is al* Springfield boys who have been for covered dish luncheon will be served Coes to Georgia On During the four months he w ill be at east of town and some closer to the together safe, and It seems In a d v * to Invited guests. several weeks st Hotchkiss, Colorado, Fort Bennlng, S erve-” ' - Membership In the club Is to be river. The company officials Indicate able to spend money on new rlecktag February 1 returned to his home here this week. on regular army salary, and wilt be that they have not been satisfied with which would be torn out next sumsa«« He Is n member of the locsl National restricted to less than ten. all of them A stir of Interest was created in given a course In communication work what has been found, none of the when the new span Is hntlt Guard company and w ill resume his widows. Plans for the organisation were first dismissed Iasi. Sunday when National Guard circles of Eugene and which Is recognised as second to none, wells as yet yielding sufficient water duties with Ihe unit Immediately. The state highway commission U The other hoys are still st Hotch­ Mra. Verna McClain entertained at Springfield today by the publication according to Mr. Swarts. His appoint­ tor a city this slse. shaping plans for protecting the Past* The test w ell have been driven from fie highway In W est Springfield !■ ment la the first one to be announced kiss, but are planning to come home her home Mrs. i,etching, Mrs. Van In the Oregon Guardsman, official pub­ from Oregon. 30 to 75 fe e t In all the wells volcanic event of floods this winter. Shoulder« as soon as possible, according to Neet. Valsah, Mias Mary Roberts, Mrs. Kate lication of the Oregon National Guard, The course to be pursued during ash was encountered. W. C. McLagan. on the paving are being relnforoed T hey are Joe Thompson, Edgar Louk, Burnett and Mra. Pearl Clark. his stay at Fort Bennlng takes up local engtaeer of the company, says and other work done. of the following announcement: and W ilfre d Geiger. * H a rry W ooley Injured work of a character similar to that he believes that this ask came from The Southern Pacific is still "The Commanding frenerai has ob­ Sidew alk la Improvement Harry W ooley sustained painful In­ tained authority from the War De­ done by Sergeant Griffis as a member the prehistoric mountain, ‘‘Mount Ing on the strengthening of the of the local headquarters company. It Multnomah,” In the Three Sisters re­ tie near the overhead crossing at Springfield people who have had juries at the Booth-Kelly mill Tuesday, partment to send Sergeant E. R. Grif­ consists of signal work, map drawing, gion or some nearer volcano In cen­ Glenwood. Concrete bases for Um occasion to visit the depot recently when he fell off the rolls white Work­ mdlo. telegraph, telephone, and all ta l lea past. trestle are being constructed. have remarked on the noticeable Im­ ing a» offbearer. He waa treated at fis, Headquarters Compony, First Bat­ manner of army Intelligence work. provement provided In the new cement a local physician's office, and will be talion, 1 ft 2nd Infantry, Springfield, to Chrysanthem um Elects Fort Bennlng to attend the communi­ Youth Breaks Arm sidewalk connecting Main street with unable to work for several days. Sergeant Makes Record The Chrysanthemum club elected cations school for non-commlasloned Arthur McKay waa brought to a the hoard walk over the marsh. Ample Staff Sergeant T. V. Henderson of Mrs. W. H. Adrian president at a local physician's office for treatmaad drainage facilities at the culvert under Back From Convention , officer». Sergeant Griffi» will be order­ the local national guard company has meeting held yesterday at the home this morning following an nccldm t ed to proceed to Fort Bennlng so a» fleventh afreet have ben allowed In Mr«. Bernice Van Valsah and Mra. hnng up a new record, according to of Mrs. J. A. Seavey. The next m eet­ In which he broke his arm at tM the new conatrudon work. M. B. Huntly Returned yesterday from to report there on February 1." the current Issue of the Oregon ing will he at the home of M rs. B. A. Fisher Lumber company’s mill al Albany, where they attended the state The authorisation by the war de­ Marcola. He tripped over the Guardsman. He completed form 100 V’ashburne. Needlecraft M eet Today convention of the American Red portment cornea as a result of an ap­ Those present were Mrs. F. A. De- box on the carriage. The Needlecraft club will be guests Cross. Interesting talks by prominent plication filed three months ago by without an error the first time. Form today of Mrs. 8. R. Dlppel and Mrs. men featured the convention, they Commander Swarts of the Springfield 100 Is a complicated report of at­ Pue, Mrs. WtHiam Dawson, Mrs. In From Jasper—Ross HumphraF F. B. Flanery at a 1 o'clock luncheon raid. Miss Margaret Barnard, county company, and makes It possible for tendance and similar activities of the W alter J Scott, Mr«. 8. R Dlppel. Mrs. at the Osburn hotel In Eugene, It «as Red Cross secretary, returned with Sergeant Griffis to attend the first national guard and Is seldom eom- B. A. Washburne. Mra. McMurray. of Jasper spent a part of W «dneedaf ta Springfield. j - M -v -e Bryan, and he iS». announced *h! morning. •hr it i s far as Eugene. '.ool far i on-commltiplor;d officers ricted accv’Orelr he first time. Sargeant Griffis Will Go Sfo cArmy ‘Training School on Order