T H E S P R IN G F IE L D PACK EIGHT 4 NEW » ■ a n i m a * ■> - » » r • > 0 « c - .l Community Newè J S U P E R V A L U E S A R E T O BE F O U N D IN A L L D E P A R T M E N T S — A T L A R A W A Y ’S CerrsepondOnts — — — — — — the school year. A* the first meeting | THURSTON I a health program «ill be given A _ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ — phystcial will give a tala on the y rs William Rennie underwent J health and physical development ot major operation at the Pacific Chris the child. The question ‘‘Is the avef- llan hospital last Wednesday. age school luuch sufficient tor the Mrs. Carl Phetteplace and mother mental and physical development of from Springfield called on Mrs. Ray the childT" will be discussed. After Rennie last Wednesday. ihe program the social committee will Mr. P. Conley has moved to Eugene have a "get acquainted” hour. A cor- to make his home with his son j la( invitation is extended by the I*. T. A. to all who are Interested in Clintou and tanilly. John Endicott is serving on the school work or school activities to grand Jury in Eugene. rome. A special meeting of the P. f. The Ladles Aid met with Mrs. A. members will be held at the school Ernest Bertsch. president, last Thurs- Friday evening at S o'clock at which day. This eras the first meeting since members are urged to be present the summer dismissal. Mr anil Mrs Berl winkle of Eiger Mrs. Flora Price entertained the anJ Edna ulacllw,>u ana Junior Sunday school class at her j aU)f^,er oj junction City were guests home last Friday evening after a w Ferree home Sunday, pleasant evening spent in playing They acCompanled by Mrs. Car- games, they roasted weiners. rie Parshall who will remain here In­ Dorothy Hart, daughter of Mr. and definitely. Mrs Joe Hart underwent an opera tion for appendicitis at the Pacific Mns. Marvin Chase was hostess to Christian hospital last Wednesday. «he Sunshine club Thursday afternoon Miss lnus Tyler entertained the high As it was the first meeting of the school students with at party at her year, few were in attendance. After j home last Friday evening the business meeting refreshmen»« j The Thurston Hall company held a were served. Those present were: meeting last Thursday evening and de- Mrs. Harry Chase. Mrs Waldo Hardle. cided not to allow the high school Mrs. Homer J.’hase, Miss Edna Patti- students to play basket ball in the son. Mrs. Lester Cyr. Mrs. W. H. dance hall this winter Arrangements Anderson and Miss Maude Chase, have been made for them to play In The next meeting wilt be held at the the pavilion at Myers Park. home of Mrs H L Chase. Mrs. Charles Hastings and son. ----------------------------- James, drove to Washington last Frt- _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ day and returned home Monday, visit­ UPPER WILLAMETTE ing relative«. Mr ami Mrs Frank Campbell an 1 daughter. Margaret, spent Sunday in Now that the first excitement Of Coburg visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry opening high school has subsided Harbit. thoughts of the young folks have turn- Thurston Sunday school rally day ed to basketball Kenneth McKentle will be held the last Sunday in Octo- was chosen captain of the boys basket ber. A committee for the program ball team. Students are turning out was appointed last Sunday. (Or class teams and interclaSs games Ira Grey motored to Landax last will start next week. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jakeways and John Taylor from Indian Creek son, Johnnie, and Miss Attie Manning spent Sunday with his brother. o, Springfield were at Pleasant Hill Charles, here. this week. Mrs. Bud McPherson and daughter. , HowarJ Merriam haB a crew at work Esther and son, Lavern, from Spring- picking apples in his orchard near field spent Sunday with her sister. Goshen? Mrs. John Edmiston. The schoolboard of the Pleasant Hill Several from here attended the public school Is laying a floor on the Bible school conference at Waltervllle playshed This is a much needed im­ last Sunday afternoon provement as the dust has been so Mrs Ira Gray was surprised a few bad in the playshed the last year that days ago when her sister and son from It was impossible for the children to Coos Bay and her mother from Saiem play In it. drove up to visit her. There are 42 enrolled at the Pleas­ Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Price and Perry ant Hill public school. 27 In Mr. Sheri­ Price and Jay Grant students from 0. dan's room. 15 in Mrs. Phelps' rodm A. C. at Corvallis spent last week-end Mr Reitsma of Russell Poultry with home folks here. i ... . ™ .. yards of Corvallis was at Pleasant Hill Miss Eller from Eugene spent the ' t .v „ . . last week looking over the flocks of week-end at John Price's. chickens from which hatching eggs Miss Heersma entertained for last will be purchased this year. Bunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Sam The young folks of the Junior En­ Caruther and family. Mr. and Mrs. deavor held a party at the home of Bert Weaver and family and Mrs. Miss Mildred Swift last Friday. Sand­ Margaret Campbell. wiches, pickles, cake and elder were ' Mr and Mrs. Conklin. Mrs. Rosa served as refreshments. Baughman and son, Harold, from Eu gene spent Sunday afternoon In Thurs­ Accidents Reported ton. Everett Squires received treatment _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at a local physician’s office this week GARDEN WAY | i I°r a dislm-ated shoulder, received —— __ __ — ““ ““ while playing in a football game re cently. The executive council of the P. T V Mrs. William Berens brought her met at the home of Mrs Elmo Chas“. *mal1 son to a local physican's office Wednesday evening to formulate for treatment of a fractured nose, re­ plans for the year's work. Afi inter- celved when he fell from the roof of estlng program was outlined for each a playhouse on a plank. meeting which will take place the , second Friday of each month during , ( OPPOSITE REX THEATRE Sarawat/^ 9 6 6 -9 6 8 W illa m e tte St. Phone 2 23 3 Laruway B u llin g MA MA WilUroctta 2233 Continuing Today 'O K N O W thia store is to know quality at its best. T h a t’s what we w ant to stress in this A n ­ niversary Sale that only the best o f m erchandise is sold here and always at the lowest Z possible price. N O W during this sale we are not only giving you our low regular prices, but in addition a special Anniversary Discount on all merchandise in all departm ents. W e know you w ill readily appreciate the great values we o ffe r— values the entire town has been w aiting for. All Prices Are Subject To Our Anniversary Discount Ladies’ Coats $12.75 to $129.75 Men’s Hats The new Fall hata are very «mart and wonderful values. Our $3.50 to $4 95 lines are real head liners. Coats for all classes. All beauti­ fully detailed and richly fur adorn­ ed. Choice of flattering fabrics and new colors and color combina­ tions. They are in the height of the vogue. Our $59.50 coats art- equal to any $75.00 coat on the market. $2.98 to $9.50 All Are Subject to Our Anniversary Discount All Coats Subject to Our Anniversary Discount M e n ’s Dress Socks In our 49c line you will find val­ ues up to 75c and our 75c line Rollln Trl-Pll toe and heel are superior to any hose on the market today at that price. 49c to 98c Pair Anniversary Discount Men’s Clothing Work shirts. Blue and Gray Chambray. net ....... 49c Men's Blue Denim Bib Overalls, n e t ............... Heavy Khaki Pants ..... Mole Skin Pants .... S U IT S 98c 91.98 You can rest easy about your ward­ robe with one of these line woolen suits of ours at 924.75. Our 937.50 line ot suits are at least from >5 to 910 a suit less than you are ask­ ed elsewhere. 92.99 39c • - Established 1909 36 - 8th Ave. West. Eugene, Ore. Double Acting 1 BakingFowder^ $ 1 6 .5 0 to $ 2 7 .5 0 Swagger double breasted overcoats —luxurious In warmth, full cut, fashionable in stylo and durable of fabrics. Browns, grays, blues, blacks and Oxford grays in a vari­ ety of weaves. Fabric Gloves 98c Pair, U p A very smart and attractive linn of quality glovea and all reason­ ably priced. All Gloves Subject to Anniversary Discount D EPA RTM ENT Special Sale on 50 Felt Hats $2.98 Children's Hats 98c to $2.98 All hats subject to our Anniver­ sary Discount, exixpt those on special sale at 92.98. Undergarm ents Rayon Bloomers, pair, net 98c Rayon Bhortles, net . 98c Chemise and Combina­ tions 9198 to 92.25 Gowns, Silk and Rayon ........... 93.25 to -96.23 Above Prices Subject to Our Annlverssry Discount Except Net Items Anniversary Discount Above Prices Subject to Our All 8ubject to Our Anniversary Discount BIG SHOE SALE M e n ’s Union Suits Of Several Hundred Pair Heavy Cotton t'nlon S u i t s Bought before the advance. $1.49 to $1.98 Part Wool Union Suits $2.98 All Wool Union 8uits $3.49 to $4.98 All Are Subject to Our Annlverssry Discount -. ♦ J ■■ h BLANKETS Cotton Blankets $1.25 Up Part Wool Blankets 94.49 All odds and ends or In other words all broken lines In the Men’s, Women’s and Children’s lines will be taken out of the regular stock and piled on Special Bargain Tables and offered to the buying public at close-out prices. This Is one of our Big Anniversary Specials and It will pay you well to be here early for the best selection. These are big double blankets —a wonderful bargain. Our shoes sre made from solid leather throughout and will wear longer than the average run of shoes. Look for the They will save you money. These shoesShoe Bargain Tables will not be subject to any further discount. All Blanketa Are Subject to Our Annlvaraary Dlsoount Phone 250 ; I !, Above Prices Subject to Our Anniversary Discount O’COATS 98c to $2.98 : Subject Io Our Anniversary Discount $ 1 9 .7 5 to $ 39 75 All the late shapes and new Fall cloths. You will And our caps very good values at our regular prices. Y om ore ' doubly sure- with Crescent 98c to $3 j 98 M IL L IN E R Y M e n ’s W o rk Clothing M e n ’s Caps a • .* •• A beautiful showing «f »II 111» laical Ideaa In scarta In printed gdbrgeites. Worn by oil »ma.t dressera. K id Gloves $3.49 Smart Dresses for every day-time and evening need. In smartest ef­ fects, colors and materials. Every model new and different. Every dress In the store is subject to our Anniversary Discount, except onr $9.90 they In elude values to $19.75 All Dress Bocks Subject to Our Scarfs The newest alylea In kid glovea will be found In our stock and all superior quality. All colors and sites. Ladies’ Dresses $9.90 to $49.75 Moore & Moore Also, a special depart­ ment for r e m o d e l i n g . Where your past season? garments are conformed into new fashions. L A R A W A Y BLDG A n n iv ersa ry S ale ’ • > *; . • 2233 In Our All Items Not Market Net Are Subject to Our Anniver­ sary Discount , Phone 2 23 3 Higher Quality and Lower Prices Wool Socks, White or Gray are tailors for those desir­ ous of being correctly groomed in every detail. It has ever been our privilege to serve a distinguished clientiel. W illa m e tte St. Phono Strcwt •W H E R E Q U A L IT Y M E E T S C O N F ID E N C E 1 L A R A W A Y BLDG. 9 6 6 -9 6 8 - i 'f. < '•) V Wool Blankets $5.75 to $16.50