THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY OCTOBER 27, 1927 Llttls Son B orn— A 21 tusking tracings. The News Office have paid taxes on said premises for Jew eler—"I don’t like that new IN THE NAME OF THE STATE prior and or subsequent years, witn For family of e ig h t _..___>28 Ok OREOON: You are hereby noti- clerk you've hired." the rate of Interest on said amount« at our plant We specialize In awlss bracini watch fied that C, F JVorking and Lulu M. ae follows: Manager—"Why not, sir?" Sewer Pipe— Drain Tile repairing. Hoyt’s 321 Main Street, tf Year's Tax "He takes things too easily.” Date Paid Chimney Blocks Tax Receipt No. Amount Rate of Int I »22 Aug. 16. 192ff 29224 > 9.25 12 E U G E N E C O N C R E T E - P I P E CO. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON 1923 Aug. 15, 1925 29235 13.30 TYPEWRITER RIBBONS— Assorted 12 1924 EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Aug. 15, 1926 tf. 1C779 13.10 12 muki s In black and blue In stoc*r at 1925 Apr 15, 1926 Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ 2746 25 84 12 1926 tir News office. For the convent- Apr. 21, 1926 Blank Promissory notes and re tue _____ ___ ____ ________ w 1338 23.59 of an execution and order of sale 12 ence of customers who have hither- celpts printed and In stock at the 1 In foreclosure Issued out of the Clr in foreclosure Issued out of the Clr You are further notified that C. F I premises for subsequent r e a r s w to not been able to get ribbons In News office. cult Court of Lane County, Oregon, on Working and lu lu M W n -V n . I JiL „ 7 7 . , ”UDS**luent years, w Ith the 21st day of September. 1927, In a paid municipal assessm ents upon ^ald ' i s follows0:f “ ter“ t amou* amounts Hprlngfleld we have started t h i s , — - - suit wherein The Pacific Havings A new line of ribbons for Underwoods. CAi.L AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emory Loan Association, a Washington cor Amount Rate of Int. Date Paid Amt. Int. Total Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Smith, 1 on prices on plates and other work. if. poratlon, plaintiffs, recovered Judg >13 18 12 July 26. 1926 40 84 ment against the defendants Emma C and other makes. tf 12 July 26,1926 >54.02 >7.02 $61 04 57 5» 12 i F o il HALE—Carbon paper In large i Garry Ople. E D. Lombard Mar. 27. 1926 57.59 9.70 67 2# 24 57 12 for the sum i sheets, • . a 26x3» e -ie , Inches, e . , - 1 and Catherine Lombard fot Aug. 2, 1927 suitable for . . SU M M O N S 49 21 12 Aug. 2,1927 „ ... . ... ¡of >1682.37 and interest thereon at the 73.78 .56 74 34 making , racings. The News Office. ! I .„to n i(e of 10% per annum from March In the Circuit Court e* the State of Total .... .. >202.67 Oregon for Lane Ciunty. , 15. 1927 until paid, and for the further »>««« * ', b ' thp’ a b o v e X s ' This sununom Is published by order Frank (Inffin, Plnlutlff. vs. Ana A ! H e r . From Clup C r e e k - M r s . A V | Griffin. Defendant. Eby of Culp Creek was a Hprlngfleld frorn July 2C , , 27 and for ,Phe furth£ airbed property as the .tuyne appears of the Honorable C. P. Barnard, Judge of the County Court of the State of To Ana A. Griffin, Defendant: ' tailor Friday. ‘ sum of $200 00 as Attorney fees, to &nd each of the other per- Oregon for the County of Lane, for IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF i ____________________ , gether whh costs of .am suit In the “ hS w X ^ r,th?r the reason that Honorable O. F Skip- OREGON: You are hereby required j r , sum of >16 50. which judgment was en L°l w d, u , e . C',n W,orl‘‘nS and Lul,u worth Judge of the Circuit Coart ol to ap pear and a n s w e r the complaint | NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION rolled and docketed in the office of ??' ^Y°„, ®PPly to the Circuit said County and State Is absent from filed against you In the above entitled » U it ........ .. h e r..,., fo u r » s e k a fro m dai'.' D e p y tm e n t of th e In te r io r , U . 8 . Land 7 ' ^ J * ? “ 'd f ™ " ? ™ , ,h e the State, and said order was made Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Sep-i 20,h day ,,f sp P,p’’’bp'5 1927 and "a,tut>lcte elevens thin full ua two KMinnH eouie on conavcutlve day», one hern and one In Pendleton The el- Springfield grldHlem urn William Poll ard and Moliur Iteeae Pollard made an enviable record while playing for Hprlngfiebl high school und la ton- coded an even chance to break Into the Wehfool duckling rank* Complete freahnien schedule fol­ lo w s: October 21 W ashington Hist« freshman at Pendleton: October 22- Columhta Unlveralty at Eugene; Octo­ ber 21* — Unlveralty of Washington freshman at Kugn-ne; N o v e m b e r 5 — C h e tn e w a at Eugene; and November 12—Oregon Aggie rook a at C o rvaltla. They Are Like That Hame—"You dear little man Where did you come from. Whul are you?" Man—“I'm a college professor." "Isn't that loo cute for words Oh. please do something abas-nlmlnded " PAGE SEVEN iec prayed for In the rom plaint and for a .....r e . of absolute divorce from you and n n iiulku< -nl of th e m a rria g e con- tract between the parties tn the above entitled suit . e«.T weeMk nfor'“f'1.M u r ?.v"e w X ?n ih l Surtagflehl News a weekly fTewspaper^published In Sprln^Teld SET RESULTS) and accruina (tout« to sell the follow I,cation of summons, exclusive of Kn,rf No. 014524. for SH NE%. and | ‘ the day of the first publication and 8E>6 N W ' i , S ectio n 7. an d on N o v e m - T h ,, . n f , v th re e (53» fe e t o f I^it deiend *his action or pay the amount her 14. 1923. made Additional H E. '' ' due as shown above, together with No. 016276. for the NE'4 SW>4. S ec. I Hlx ,8 ’ ln Blor,t Seven (7) of Fair- costs and accrued Interest, and In lion 7. Township 17 S , Range 2 West, mount, an addition to the City of Eu- case of your failure to do so a decree W '"*”-*'“ * Mer.dlgn, has filed notice | gene. M ne County. Oregon. i *?11 be rendered forecloMn^ the 1™ of ‘ p '’’"” 0" »« "’«>“ • 'hree year Proof. Now therefore in the name of the ’ a,d t*xea and costs against the “’ ° f ' V * 0"' 1" c° mp,1r‘ "C? ’ ’’ a ‘ “ d P ™ 1"*" All process and papers In this pre- ceedings may be served upon the un­ dersigned residing within the State of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned. P iS in iff Ct L^LN9, Attorney the PJatottft Residence and postofflee address, Eugene, Lane County, Oregoa. Se 1. 8, is , 22, 29; Qg 8 13 2# 2?. I „„ County Oregon by o rd er of the ' '' *• u- 8- said .-x.-.-utton and order of sale and — Honorable ti F Sklpworth judg.- of I Commissioner at Eugene. Oregon, on I in order to satisfy said Judgment. In NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING SUMMONS • ka. g-rki.n mm,., Orinlipr 4t»i the Mth day of October, 1927 threat, attorney« fee», costs of suit anJ _____ __ rik I tblM NUinmnn* dated and first Claimant name« as witnesses: nrcrulnp costs. I will on Saturday the NOTICE IS HEREBY GGIVEN: That IN o J ^ , CIRCDIT c o u r t OF THE •'I'll have you know air that I'm 1»”7 •uLlished O c t X r 6lh 19 ”7 ! 2 ” ay'a- * Davis. 22nd dav of October. 1927. at the hour the undersigned. Alta King, «dminis STATE OF OREGON FOR THE uaeil to having people treat me like 1 W H I T T F N S W A F F O R D A tlo n ie I 2i,Hhua Mallatt. W V. Tallman, all of ' of one o’clock In the afternoon of sahl trator of the estate of J. M. Ritchey. COUNTY OF LANE. a lady.” e P la in tiff It, ild e n .e and oos' Mohawk. Oregon Non-coal. day. at the Southwest front door of deceased, has filed his final account for - r th the I laln tltT H e a ia e m . ano pos ........ the County Court House In Eugene. *n the County Court of Lane County, Frank E. Maxey. Plaintiff, vs Marjorie HAMILL A CANADAY. Register. "Do they ever discover their m is­ office address. Eugene. Oregon Neale Maxey. Defendant 8. 15-2229: O 6 .3 Ijine County, Oregon, offer for sal? Oregon, and that October 22nd, 1927. O 6 13-20 27: N 3: take r at ten o’clock in the forenoon thereof and sell for cash, at public auction. _ at the Court House in Euegne. Lane To Marjorie Neal Maxey, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE S T A t« FINAL NOTICE "“hl’ ft to redemption «« provided by c o u ^ y ? o 7 e g ™ 7 h 'a s “ b7e“n " f i l e d T Notice Is hereby given that the Jaw.’ha *al<1 Court as ,h e ,im r of ,hem ln and to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE noon nt Eugene. Oregon, as the time Flowers — Hats and Coata 633 D Street. Phone 106-W marriage contract now existing be­ and place for final hearing In said said premises STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Cor. Main and Second Streets. tween plaintiff and defendant and far FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of Or leave orders at COUNTY OF LANE an absolute divorce from defendant. I’li,me 166 W filed or presented on or before said ' I-ane ( ou"t 9„rp*'”! Farmers Exchange Katy Beers. Haintiff. vs. Frank J 8 22-29: O 6-13-20: time This summons is published oneb Beers, D efendant Dated and first published Septem­ SUMMONS S U M M M ®p th ^ V o rflL fl “d C™ 8eCUtive week3 —------------------------------------------- - SU M O O N N S S ber 16th. 1927 IN THE CIRt UIT COURT OF THE To Frank J. Beers, the above named newspaper published SARAH GLICK. Administratrix. LUBKE SECOND HAND STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Defendant: i ‘ „rd'er of tLe WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney. STORE S 15 22 29: O 6-13 COUNTY OF LANE IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Hon. C. P. B am lrd. County Judgl 129 5th Street J. A. Williams. Plaintiff, va. Charles GF OREGON, you are hereby required made on the 16th day of September" O. Dowell, Nellie W. Dowell. Grace to appear and answer the complaint 1927. ‘ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Why go to Eugene When you can E Brown ard John Doe Brown. De- filed against you in the above entitled Date of first publication September Notice Is hereby given that the un- fendanta. Court and cause on or before the 10th Buy It Cheaper In Bprlngfleld? terslgned Altha E. Sellon has been ap­ To Charles O. Dowell. N ellie W day of November, 1927, said date be- 22nd. 1927. 228 Main SL Residence 126 C 8t pointed Administratrix of the estate Dowell. Grace E. Brown and John Doe >ng more than six weeks from the date DONALD R HUSBAND, Attorney 62 J 62M Phone 130 M of the first publication of this sum- for plaintiff. 860 W illam ette St.. Eu­ of Ell M Sellon, deceased, by the Brown. Defendants: County Cou.t of Lane County. Oregon. IN THE NAME GF THE STATE mons and herein entered of record gene, Oregon. Life, Automobile and Flra Full Auto Equipment and !f you fail ao to appear and answer and all persons having clam ls against | o f OREGON: You are hereby S 22-29: O 6-13-20: Inauranca Lady Assistant said estate will present same duly j ,,u| re600.00 with ~ hat ,hia summons is served upon To W. H. Clark and _____ Clark deralgned Amanda May Pinkstaff has interest at the rate of 7% per annum you by publication thereof in the the above named defendants: DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL been appointed executrix of the will from August 14. 1925. >60 00 attorney Springfield News pursuant to t»>t order IN THE NAME OF THE STATE DENTIST and estate of Mary J Landrith. d e : feea, and >64.08 taxes, together with of ,hp Honorable C. P. Barnard Judge Offllce PJjone 43 Rea. Phone 3 ceased, ny tbe Couiuy Cour^ of bane [ Interest thereon at the rate of 6% per <’f ,hp County Court of the State of (f) arpear ant] ’ answer "the Vtvn'i'iaint Phong 43 Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. County, Oregon, nnd all persons hav arlnurn, and the coats and disburse. Oregon for the County of Lane duly a_ ingt you jn th above en»itipd Ing claims against said estate will mentB of this suit: and for a decree made and entered of reeorn on the Court and r a is e on or before the 10th General Practice, Special Attention FI ret Net'l Bank Bldg., Springfield present name duly verified aa hy , declaring same to be a first mortgtge ,la-v of September, 1937- onlering d f November 19”7 said d ate be to Obstetric« and D iseases of chil­ law required at the Law Office ot llen upon foIIowlnK described pro- ; thla ~ > , " 9 Of Noveraber' 19!7’ bp- ing more than six weeks from the date dren. Whltten Swafford. SIR Tiffany Bldg pertv 1n Lanp County, Oregon, to-w it; f acb f,,y *'x ¿ ““ ^ c u l ve w e e ^ of the first publication of this sum­ Flrat National Bank Building on or before six months after the Beginning at the Southeast corn r ,.n ,,hp ,Spflngi P*d ’’'.T" i?»» i ' u mons and herein entered of record dnte of the tp-st publication of th s „( the Frederick Fisher D. L. C. No. d a lp o f o,bp dr 1 Publicati°P * ni b and if you fail so to appear and enswer Springfield, Oregon MAX STOVE WORKS notice. ! 53 i„ Tp. 19 8., R. 2 West of the Wil- o n . tb® 29,b da5j ? L S,ept.embM,' . e ' L ' for want thereof the r-lilntlff will Dated and first published Septem |„n:otte Meridian and running then« e «"<• f',p <1a,e 2959.00 and Interest there­ Main near Mill St. WHITTEN SW \F F O R D Attorney North 89’ and 45’ East 20.00 chains gon. NOTARY PUBLIC on from the 30th day of November, to the East line of said D. L. C. and ; 8. 1R-22 29: O 6 13 S. 29: O. 6, 13, 20, 27: N. 3. 10: , Office at 1926. « a t 8% per rm n m , and the thence South 20.00 chains to the place j further sum of $110.54 taxes paid by of beginning, containing 40 ncres In ; FIRST NATIONAL BANK NOTICE FtiR PUBLICATION, plaintiff together with interest there­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Section 18 In said Township and i Springfield, Oregon FOREST EXCHANGE on at 6% per annum from September FOREST EXCHANGE Range in Lane County. Oregon: And: No. 017633 15th. 1927. until paid, and >350 aa No. 017646 ( for a judgment and decree for' the i All kinds of gravel for con­ D contm ent of th« Interior United foreclosure of that certain mortgage Department of the Interior, United attorneys fees and the costs and dis­ % P ,’ 'te7 [ .n S Office.' Roaeburg” Ore mentioned In the complaint on file States Land Office Roseburg, Ore- bursements of the suit. DR. N. W. EMERY crete or road work. We A Decree foreclosing the mortgage e»n~ ^ *D te m b e r 22 1927 I herein, nnd for a sale of said mort- gon, September 22. 1927. make a specialty of crushed DENTIST of the Plaintiff and ordering the real NOTK’F In ’ hprohv ’filv.»n tb it Tnhn fW 'd promlaea to satiafy said Judg. NOTICE is hereby given that Calvin rock and rock sand. Bunk­ S t - n . of Lebanon. Or, gon. filed appli , mp« ‘ and decree; and for a further W Yates, of baedd. Oregon filed ap- property covered thereby sold hy the Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J ers at foot of Main on Mill «■atl-c No 017646. under the Act of <’*<’,'* • „ th *< ,W.h a * * T L '« V ° o n o fn',’e r . " sheriff of Lane County. Oregon, and Residence Phone 1B3-M Mu. n ->n ia-’-> i4" Rtat 465« tn ex claim, lien or Intereat the defendants. March 20, 1922 (42 Stat.. 465) to ex- the proceeds of the sale be applied street. , linct tiic S F ' SV, «1 To 15 S Charles O. Dowell, Nellie W. Dowell, change the R 'i of N ’«4, Section 10, Tp. In satisfaction of said judgment and Springfield, Oregon HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. Range 9 Weat. W." M . w ithin the 8 ^ » ,""d »T ?™ ! L 8 ”, S?“*?’"* for any deficiency which may remain that the plaintiff have Judgment law National Forest. In exchange for may have or claim to have in nnd to i ins 160 acres within the Siuslaw against the defendant W. H. Clark. timber f r o m approximately 10.50 sal«l premises and property Is subject National Forest in exchange for tlm- That this summons Is served upon General Law Practice acres within tile N W ’i SW ’*. Section to nnd Inferior to the rights nnd clnlms i her from the SW ’i SW ’. , Sec. 21. you by publication thereof in the 22. Township 9 S.. Range 6 East. W. of plaintiff: nnd for such other and ; Tp. 9 8-, Range 6 East. Will Mer.. Springfield News pursuant to an order 1. M. PETERSON M„ within the Santlam National further relief as to the Court may j within the Siintiam National Forest, of the Honorable C. P. Barnard Judge aeem Just and equitable, nnd for a Oregon. Attornoy-at-Law Forest, Oregon. JKWKLER The purpose of this notice is to of the County Court of the State of The purposeof this notice Is io deflelenev judgment against defen­ allow all persons claiming the lands Oregon for the County of Lane duly Repairing a Specialty allow all persons claiming the lands dants. Charles O. Dowell and Nellie City Hall Building selected, or having bona- fide objec­ made and entered of record on the selected, nr having bonn fide objec­ Springfield. Oregon W. Dowell, to satisfy said Judgment of Springfield, Ore. 24th day of September. -.<27. onlering tions to such application an oppor­ plaintiff in case said mortgaged pre­ tions to such application an oppor­ this summons to be published once tunity to tile their protest with the m ises do not sell for an nmount suffi­ tunity to file their protest with the each week for six consecutive weeks R. gister of the U. S Land Office at Register of the IT. S, Land Office nt cient to satisfy same. In the Springfield News and that the Roseburg. Oregon Roseburg. Oregon. This summons Is published by order FRANK A. DE PUE M. 0 . HOGE Any such protests or objections date of the first publication will be Any aueli protests or objections of the Hon. C. P. Barnnru, Judge of ATTORNEY AT LAW September 29th, 1927. nnd the date of must he on file In this oflli e within the .County Court of Lane County, must be on file hn this office within th«1 last publication will be the 10th Attorney-at-Law thirty days from the date of the first NOTARY PUBLIC thirty daya from the date of the first Oregon, made September 8. 1927. of November, 1927. Practise U. S. and State Dnte of first publication September publication of this notice, beginning dav publication of this notice, beginning FRANK A. DE P l k . Attorney for September. 29. 1927. non-coal. Courts September, 29, 1927. non-coal. 15. 1927. Plaintiff. Residence, Springfield, Ore- ROBERT E. CRAWFORD. Acting Sutton Springfield, W. H. Brooke, attorney for Plaintiff, ROBERT E. CRAWFORD, Acting Eugene, Oregon gon. Register. Building » Oregon. 860 W illamette St., Eugene, Oregon. 1 Register. S. 29: O. 6, 13, 20, 27: N. 3, 10: S 23: O 6-13-20-27: 8. 15 22 29: O 6-13 S 29: O 6-13-20 27: Thara’a A Oifterence B U S IN E S S !H R E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W . Roof