i > F ___ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY OCTUBER 18. 1027 NEW WOODCRAFT HOME Her« From Crssw sll — Mr». F B Roborl* of Croawrll visited III ftprlng held Tuesday. Finn Male le III—Finn Male ha»i been confined this week with an af lack of rheumatism. Wandlirty Lady Hors— Mr» II A 1 Mrs. Mortensen at Roseburg— Mr« Bkordnbl of W< iii II iiik *a» a visitor II. I*. Mortensen aud daughter. Mar- ! hurt* (Ilia week. garet, were visitor» this week at K os«-! burg. f . i i l L fesk M»n H ers— H"V lli< » • if F ill Vii'i’k vlslieil In thl« illy Tun« day, H e r e From Spo1"»"? — K o y O ,, Thompaou of Hpokane, WaNhlngton, i Harr From O .«tsr—<’ I,. tlln»pr R. [ • FTVE Eugene After a sohrt honeymoon We special)!« In sw I m braclet watch trip, the eouple are at home to their repairing Hoyt's 321 Mala Street, tf friends at Eighteenth and Jefferson. Eugene. » , Big Regali One Cent Hale a t Flanery’t Drug Store, Thursday, Fri­ day and Saturday. BIG MEETING PLANNED FOR NOV. 11 BY LEGION Nice Potted Ferne A feed and get-together with the A t Oldham and Schantol'e. American Legion Auxiliary partidpa; In« la planned by membera of the Springfield Amerclan Legion for the I evening of Nevetnber 11. At the meet- ! Ing last, Friday night it was decided , to postpone all meetings until that . time. According to Commander Will, 192S CRYSTAL WATERS PARK , due» are now due and payable lb- ' HUgge-.ted that they all he paid before Everybody Welcome November 11. Gent» 75c - - Ladiea Free The Legion voted to support the district convention at Los Anglele» civic organizations In the community The Springfield circle drill team, week program. captained by Mrs. Ithoda Lloyd, per-} formed as a part of the ceremonies at­ tending the lmpre»aive dedication, a n l win given very favorable mention. OLD T IM E D A N C E S A T . N IC H T I*. Mortensen visited over the week-1 Frankin In Town— F Franklin of | "lid with hla daughter, Mr». George Ja«prr wun » I iuh I ii «»» vlaltor in ! Horsfall of Portland. Hprln«n<’lil Tu«»ilny. Above la the new Neighbor» of Here From C reek— Mr». Glenn lui Woodcraft home at Riverside, Canfor­ Low* 11 Man Hers— F <’._l)rury of Vee of Camp Creek spent a part of ata, recently dedicated by Urani loiwell »prut u port of Tuesday attend­ Saturday vlaltlng friend« In Spring- I Guardino Minnie Him r of Portland, ing to liualn«»» In Hprlngflold. field. 1 In the preaence of 3000 visitor» at the ■ a b y S o n Born— Mr anil Mr» I I " i Many See Ball Game— Many Spring of W slt.rvllls wel< timed a baby »011 tlekl people attended the Oregon- early Monday niornli «. NORVAL POWERS, 20, IS Idaho football game at Eugene Sal EDWARD TOLLIVER TO Baby Bon Born—A baby »on »«« utday. BE BURIED THURSDAY APPENDICITIS VICTIM born early Tuesday to Mr and Mra. Californians Pay V I « l t _ M r and Funeral aervlces will be held at the Guy llnddlna at the Cue I fit t'h rla tla ti Victim of appendicitis, Norv.d Mr». Henry PrueHSer of Red Bluff. Walker cflapel thia afternoon for Powers, 20, died last Saturday morn­ hospital. < Uillfornla. nt upped at the N. Nelson Edward Tolliver, non of Grant Tolli­ ing He was a resident of Springfield Her« From Jasper— Mr». Walter home early thia week for a «hurt ver,, of Weal Springfield, who wa» kill­ for some tlmO, and well-known here. Wallace of Ja»|wr »pent u part of visit on their way home from Port­ ed In an accident at Camas, Wash., The funeral was held Monday at 1 land Mr. and Mr». I*ruea»er are the Tuesday. A flat car turned over on o'clock at the Walker chapel, -with Monday In Springfield. I parent» ut Mr». Clarence Nelaon. Mr. Tolliver while he wa» working Rev. Gabriel Sykes of the Methodist . Mrs. Neet In— Mr» tile Nret of Fall for a timber company. church In charge. Mr». Pollard at Springs— Mrs W H. Creek wa« a Springfield vlaltor Tuea Rev Fred Hornahuh of Eugene will Surviving are his wife. Jesse; par- j Pollard went thia week to Kltaon day. have charge of (he aervlces today. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powers, I Spring«, to remain with Dr. Pollard Lipes Are V isitors— M r and Mr« The city physician 1» taking an ex- Mr. Tolliver lived a long time In this Mabie, and three brothers, Harold of Welter Lipes of Junction City ,ml‘l : tended rest at the springs In »n effort ulatrlct. He la survived by three North Bend, and Lawrence and Frank­ slaters, Mr» Kurl Holmes, and Kuth lin of Mabie. Springfield a visit Sunday. fo regain hla voice, whir* ba« been BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER OFFER­ and Tlllle Tolliver, all of West Spring Merle Casteel III—Merle Casteel falling him In the past year. Held, aa well as his father. ED BEFORE AT THIS POPULAR SALE. ELLEN TOMSETH WEDS was reported quite III at hla home Mie» Hodge Called Home— Ml«« HAROLD LYONS, EUGENE this week. France» Hodge, teacher at the Spring- , MRS. BOWMAN WILL BE field high school, was railed (o Salem i HONORED HERE TODAY Return From Hunting Trlp__I. J. The marriage of Ellen Tomseth, daughter of Mr and Mrs. John Tom I^tpley and Claude lamsberry returned Saturday by Ihe deuth of her brother-1 Mrs L o t t i e B o w m a n , w h o seth of Sprlnyfleld, to Mr. Harold Monday from a hunting trip on the In law She remained there thia week ! with her winter Taking her place al leaves today tor her Aberdeen. Wash . Lyons of Eugene, was solomnized it South Fork of the McKentle river. the high school during her absence 1 h,,me »Her a visit here, will be honor- the new j,ome of t,,e coupie at Eigh­ Ha» M ajo r Operation — Francis ts Mrs. Rice, a former Instructor ’‘d by olf SPRINGFIELD, OREGON and family of Bend. Oregon, crossed Mr» Alma Cowden, entertained her the Springfield public schools were office» Mr. Lyons has been employed at the pass Saturday to w itness the Ore- u (hreatre party in Eugene last honored at a reception held by the the Slgwnrt Electric company store in gon Idaho football game. Later they Thursday night. Parent Teachers association at the vlelted at the home of his sister. Mrs chamber of commerce Tuesday night Sam Richmond, and mother. Mrs Dedication Postponed The event was largely attended, and Mary Magill, of Ibis city, They re­ Dedication of the new I. O. O. F various entertainment features given turned to Bend Sunday. hall at Mnrcfrta has been pnstponrd by members of the association were Indefinitely from the original u .te. enjoyed. Cctober 15. Principal A. J. Morgan of the high STATEM ENT ’’’he homecoming, set for thnt date school gave a short talk, as did Mr*. of O wnership, M anagem ent, Clreula also, will he held as planned. It was Wilson, president of the association. «Ion, Etc., Required by the Act of announced. All members of the lodge, Musical readings were the contribu­ munv from d slant points are expect­ tion of Mrs. John Ketels. and Mrs. Congre«« of August 24, 1912, Rarnell sang several solos. Of The Springfield News published ed to gather. Punch and cake were served In the weekly at Springfield, Oregon, for CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emerv evening The affair was pronounced October, 1927. State of Oregon, County of Lane, ee. on prices on plates snd other work tf. an unqualified success. Before me. a notary public In and for the State and county aforesaid, personally uppearcil H. E. Maxey, who, having been duly sworn accord­ ing to law, deposes und says that he is the editor and publisher of the Springfield News and that the follow­ ing Is. to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statem ent of the Notice in hereby given that no hunting or trespassing ownership, management, e tc . of the will he allowed on the Brattain Estate property east of aforesaid publication for the date Springfield. shown In the above caption, required by the Act of August 24. 1912, •’to Signet!, MRS. PAUL BRATTAIN. (Mailed In section 411. Postal l