THURSDAY OCTO1IMK >3. 1927 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR battle with liquor, and how he h a t tellin g before; The Identity of hla youreelf." Invited the cashier, defen «and. You b e a r'" • "Thia la slundur, Forbes," warned won. of hla plans for the future He com panion the nig h t at the at'Chlent. atvqljr And. also, take her home j Kddle leafed them over. They were ih e 'o th e r. his combing Augers moving stam ped It and affixed a special (C cn ltn u tJ from Page 3) delivery postage Ils carried It Io the PBT -he but th ree hundred • u ln o rd er— Hold on. the check to agitatedly. "I have witnesses." two." he reported. “ Seems pretty stai loll hlliiself. anil hauded II to the “ Wttnessew be dam ned," retorted and ftfty dollars, and he had more >*almau for the pig had been rul*e«| k e a r r taxes on poor land, but they The the angry man "You d aren 't go Into clerk on Ihn southbound train than th at sum In the U m g P ortage .from ” »« dollars to five h tn d red bu!!' two roads and widened and deep- court." He turned on his heel anil governor sould have it early next bank. He consulted the stu b of hla •‘books to ute as though the hank •Ced Portage creek, all In the sam e morning lu his office in latnslng. ch. He had about liv e him '» ,l,u r houn.lre.l and ninety flve strode out. hanging the door vloleutl' yea: Then th e penalties are h eaty . behind lllltl He hud barely reached dollars." he itunounced "T his check Always Ho-rc had been with him Ito- drvd dollars—a young fortune* And It makes It p retty binding, even |-uj has been raised Of course you know the street when he heard Ills num ■ - Now lip weui in m ore in his pocket. called. Sealm an musl have made >*l'I Unit, tinm an. Thia man has told yon K llitiane's office T he old i ’f course he had ho Job lint he his mind rapidly, for lie wus in the lawyer wus alone. ••Where'» my wife, could get one. Of th at he felt certain II was w ritten for five dollars." "I haven't told him anything of 111» tiny Vestibule of the hank lie came Mr, K lliltalle’" he asked And he would begin building up his huddledly tnw ur il Eddie. \ • kind." retu rn ed Sealtnan. land against the day he would crop .t "Not h ere Just now. Mi Forties. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the lesal voters of School D istrict No. Eddie turned the check over. It "Now Forhi-s. th ere's no ijse ill lia v II of Lane County. S tate of Oregon, th at a SCHOOL MEETING of said d is­ iit!J stock It and m ake it pay good Bhe'a out In (he ro u o li) for n few was endorsed "I Sealm an." but Jud iug trouble o tei this be began. plu< a tric t will be held at High School,- on the 28th day of October. 1927. at eight dividends. below was an o th er signature In a tingly, "I don't deny the check was week»." o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of d iscu-sing the hu.tgi i heretuwftev lie went Into the bank to deposit siuo.uli and flowing script. "Henry To Eddie's look of bew ilderm ent he set out with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a for live dollars. I |'*i-.sed it on for a the Daveuatit check and the loose cash W. R obbins." lie reverted to the taco a d d 'd Bile co n n s In quite freq u en t­ special d istrict tax. loud of huckleberries io a stranger lie was carrying. T h ere was three of llo d o ck again The forgery had He d id n 't wunl to lake them to town ly If rou wish Io reach her a le tte r The total am ount of m oney needed by the said school .d istrict during the fiscal year beginning on Ju n e 30. 1937. and ending Ju n e 30, 19-3. is . atim persona behind the cheap partitio n of lieeu cleverly done, though d o s e because it was late I've never seen In m y c u r e will he d e liv e r'd is the following budget ami includes the am ounts to be revolved from tho white pine stained Io look like hard scru tin y revealed how the "hundred" him since. How was I Io know he'd prom ptly." county school fund, state school fund, elem entary school fuud. special dis­ wood, and iron grills stained to look hud been cram ped because of lim ited raise the cheek?" (TO BE CONTINUED) tric t tax. and all oth er m oneys of the d istric t; like bro n te. Gray little Gilm an, the space. BUDGET "W ell, what e ls e ’" dem anded Eddie cash ier; Harold Paunce, the young "A ny Jury would call that a raised "I don't waul you Io lose your place ESTIMATED EXPEN DITU RES bookkeeper; and Sealtnan. slick and ; check." said Eddie. scornfully, shoving and gel nuthlng for II I want it. I Personal Services: rotound. combing his heard with his J 2.200.00 >2300.00 I It buck "Looks as though this hank Forbes, it goes welt with my land I'll I Principal. 1. 1.260.00 Angers as he talked earnestly. 1260 00 " . 1. _ m ake you a good otter " 1.250 00 i "W e were Just about to get in touch was negligent In taking It." 1250.00 1. _ 1.215 00 . 121500 "W e ll have to ask a Jury to decide "You will, eh?" T eachers. I. _ 3.510.00 w ith you. Mr. Korbea." began Gilman , It." returned Gilm an "T his hank dls.v . 1170.00 "Yes, I’ll give you thirty flve | X ... nervously, as he sw ept th e currency 1.125 00 1125.00 I. - «Are yo u r glusm** Riving I vows responsibility. You were uegll- hundred." 3.240 00 . 103000 forw ard amt checked th e deposit slip X - llio (iin ifo rt unit Sul nr I in - gent In draw ing il. If th e line after 13.456 00 i 1035 00 kiddie's answ er was to place the IX - "W h y ’" asked Eddie He felt Seal ‘Five1 had sta rte d closer to the 'o’ and heel of a werk roughed baud against 2.025 00 . 1012 50 Hon ihoy fo rm e rly did? If X _ • 595 00 m an's bright, bold eyes upon him 595.00 not. your eyes should lio 1. - had been druw n d e a r through, th ere S ealm an's high bridged nose and push 3 2 5 0 0 325.00 Jan ito rs. examined and g I a s a e » "I w anted to notify you of your would have beeu no negligence. Ilut violently. The bearded man tottered 990.00 990 00 made according lo tho now 1,045 09 o v erd raft—Mr. Forbes." T h e la tte r ex­ you left a space and the forger took from th e edge of the wulk Into th-> - . 1045.00 300.00 clam ation was a flustered rem ons advantage of It." |M'rs»'ri|>tion. Clerk g u tte r Whfrreat he uttered a venent ' __ Other services trance. For Eddie, th ru stin g an arm So th at was It. Maybe Seal man ous oath, quite out of keeping with I O ur eomidefe exam ina­ 133.930 00 through the w icket, seised hia deposit was not responsible for the forgery, his sleek placidity. Total tion w ill reveal w hether 1 ■ Í and pulled his bankbook from the Kddle went on up the street, think . hut he was taking advantage of It to your old glasses are still M aterials and Supplies: F urniture (desks, stoves, cu rtain s, etc.) I 1 .134.70 cash ie r's fingers, so th at th e uneasy tie up his funds until a fte r the pass­ Ing rapidly. T hat morning he had ' suited (o your oyos. Your 069 S3 1, Supplies (chalk, erasers, e t c . ) ... ........... — pen left a long, black m ark down the age of tax-day. two weeks away. He had two strin g s to his bow. One had - eyesight Is priceless De­ 161.11 page L ibrary b o o k s -------------------- ----------------- th ru st bis heud and shoulders through been snapped lie could not borrow lays «re dangerous Have 6 00 Flags "Now say th at again." com m anded the w icket, so th at the flimsy grill from D avenant. Ilut the governor re I your eyes examined todav. 35 00 Playground equipm ent 225 00 Eddie. creaked under the strain m a Inert. Ja n ito r's supplies — 701 25 “Your account la eighty four dollars F u e l -------------------------- T he postoffice at Ixmg Portage or- j "Sealm an. you dam ned crook." he 300 00 Light ---------------------- overdraw n,” retu rn ed Gilm an. He said harshly, "you've been trying to cupled a corner of the largest general j 260 00 W ater Optometritt 290.00 glanced over his shoulder In hunted sw indle me uut of my place ever store. Kddle bought a pencil (ablet j Postage, stationery, p rinting and telephone fashion as if to m ake su re th a t Heal since I cam e h ere lie stood ut the post o ffic e desk and i You've connived W ATTS OPTICAL CO. 3 4.232 39 T otal man were th ere in su p p o rt a t this trick to He up my money. Ilut w rote the governor, outlining hla j No, I I 8 A rc West M aintenance and R epairs: "Y ou're crasy." was th e brief retort it won t do you any good You’ll never situ atio n and asking for a loan of I Eugene, Oregon » 1.724 05 School buildings and g ro u n d s ------------------------- "H ere are your vouchers. See for put a Anger on a grain of that while th ree h ii ml red dollars. He (old of his — - ■ A ssessm ents (Highways. Roads, Streets. Bridges): 74 84 10th S treet and sidewalk assessm ent _______ though the Improvement eoata wu.-g oear th ree years.“ Eddie w ent out with hla noae lu the air. He had given the tough old world an under hold and pinned Its shoulders to the m at, first flop. He had licked booae and he had saved his home Now to And Patsy Jan e an I tell h er what pride had forbade his CEDAR SWAMP I spread Notice of School Meeting Comfort and S a tisfa ctio n Dr. Ella C. Meade Indebtedness: 3 3.349 30 Bonded, and in terest thereon W arrant, and in terest th e r e o n _______________________________ 8,111.41 T otal 311.961 21 ------------------------------------------------------------- Ineu ra nee : 3 1.066.6*) -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Miscellaneous: -----------------— 500 00 ------------------ ------- ---------------- _ 950 00 Emergency: _ ------------------------------------------ -------------------------- Total estim ated am ount of money fo r all purposes durin g year 354.539 59 ESTIMATED REC EIPTS From county school fund during the coming school y ear -------- 3 8.195 00 From sta te school fund during the coming school year __ 1.217.38 From elem en tary school fund during the com ing school year _ 5,009 00 E stim ated am ount to be received from all o th er sources during the com ing school y ear ---------------------- ,-------- ------------------ 7.766.00 T otal estim ated receipts, not including proposed tax ......... ...... 32X187.83 RECAPITULATION T otal estim ated expenses for th e y e a r ___ __ _________________ 354,539.59 T otal estim ated receipts not including proposed t a x ......... ......... 22.187.88 332,351 71 Balance, am ount to be arlsed by d istrict tax SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFER During Month of October Only ». The Springfield News T otal T otal T otal T otal bonded w arran t am ount am ount indebtedness _______________________ indebtedness . - .............. ....... .................. of o th er indebtedness ........ .................. of all Indebtedness ___________ __ ±~. 3 71,000 00 35,19» 1.3 379 01 3106.569 16 D ated this 5th day of O ctober. 1927. A ttest: R. W. SMITH, D istrict Clerk. Both 1 Year $5.00 For $4.00 $1.75y T he indebtedness of D istrict No. 19 is as follow s: The Portland Telegram - Total $6.75 Save $2.75 Wm. G. HUGHES, ROY W. CARLTON. W. P. TYSON, W. C. WRIGHT, D. B. MURPHY. B udget Comm ittee. T H IS SPECIAL OFFER IS GOOD FOR M AIL SUBSCRIPTIONS U N T IL OCTOBER 31. T H IN K OF IT ! ALL T H E LOCAL NEW S OF SPR IN G FIELD AND ALL T H E W ORLD NEW S BY ASSOCIATED PRESS AND SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS FOR ONLY $4.00. ALSO FOR $1.00 A D D ITIO N A L: $10,000.00 Accident Insurance Policy PAYS: Isolation O B IN S O N C R U S O E had no telephone. R There was no one on his island to talk to but Friday who was never beyond the reach of Crusoe’s voice. But there is no reason for any one in the United States to live like Robinson Crusoe. Anyone’s telephone reaches anywhere and everywhere in the land. It will put people in touch with the nearest village or most distant city. It will run errands through rain and snow just as cheerfully as on sunshiny days. I t helps people keep in touch with their neighborhoods and it makes one neighborhood of the whole country. Moreover, it is the constant aim o f the Bell System which serves the country to make its service better and to fit it more closely to the particular needs and desires of its telephone users. T he P acific “ fiffponc K nd T elegrafi ^ C ompany O *w i < BELL SCSTEM * Universal Service y * G t. * $10,000 FOR LOSS OF LIFE OR TO TA L D ISA B ILITY. $1,000 FOR BLINDNESS OR LOSS OF HANDS OR FEET. $20.00 A W EEK FOR 15 W EEKS IN LOSS OF T IM E DUE TO AN ACCIDENT. Thit it ACCIDENT, TRAVEL and PEDESTRIAN INSURANCE NO PHYSICAL EXAMINATION NECESSARY There were 22,600 persons killed and 678,000 injuFed last year in the United States in street and highway accidents. You may be next. For $1 you can insure yourself or any member of your family between 15 and 70 years. DONT PUT IT OFF-COME TO OUR OFFICE TODAY Save $2.75 if you Subscribe to the two Newspapers. Save $1.75, (the Subscription price of the News) if you Subscribe for both News­ papers and take out the $10,000 Accident Insurance Policy.