PAGE THREW TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THUHHDAV OCTOUKH 27. 1927 B rattain C arnival Successful nant, more furiously than before. Bu, V a riety of Blooming Pottsd Plants A tidy sum of benefit work was A t Oldham and Bchantol's. Ills advance ceased obtained as a result of the carnival Eddie cum« out to load hls ppsses- given last Friday afternoon at tbs NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALK ON along In the car, the owner way no- Brattaln school by school children. EXECUTION i where to he seen Bull, the foreman, Notice Is hereby given tha, by vir­ Many local people patronised the af­ i was. anil he was regretful anil sytttpn tue of an execution issued out of the fair. which proved very entertaining . thetlc. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon It was said. Mrs Ora Read Ilemen- "Horry to lose you, Forbes.” He for the County of I-ane on the 24tb way, principal of the Brattaln school, glanced over hln shoulder as he spoke, day of September, 1927, upon a Judg originated many of tbe Ideas carried toward the main ranch house, a com ment rendered therein on the 23rd da* of September, 1925. In favor of the out by the children in the carnival. modloua two story log house, as trough plaintiff Willamette Collection and M ic h a e l J. P h illip « tearful of being overheard. "Hot von Credit Service -• • -i - rnCrr. and ■ And A Real One know how It Is The old man a crazy against the ili'e" I;- >• tyi: — !'•' ’ d. ’ I l l u a t r a t l o r u »or H e n r y f a r L e a for the sum of ?!'. death a Ar thru Tail per annum from the 23rd day of Sept­ •'Tell me a atory, mother." hs 1 ago. What In thunder (lid you w «at ember, 1925. and the further sum of j to keep that bottle around fcr? You 310.50 costs and disbursements, which begged. Judgment was enrolled anil docketed "Quiet, dear.” replied his mother. only have a right If I fall to redeem might have known that tint Ml'llg In th<- office of the Clerk e f said Court "Daddy will be In soon and tell US TM B L E A D IN Q C H A R A C T E R S — hearted. Eddie tried harder than ever would smell I, out."' In said county on the 23rd day of Edison Forbes, a youug r.-aldeut o( Io earn the «limey and one morH'ng the property. Well. It'll he redeem«». “Oh, I don', know, I’d forgotten It. September. 1925. and said execution both one." M< ottdale with Mb Inherent craving early while berry picking, notices So right now you're a trespasser anil more or leas," replied Eddie. I'm to me directed commanding me In the name of the State of Oregon, to EVEN RICE HURT a thief You're stealing my property.” tor liquor, is held tor the death of s fresh tire marks on his property. The lean pawed expressman rubbed sorry to have to go. Bull. I llk j cork­ satisfy said Judgment. Interest, costs wisoon who hu» been killed by a boot- GIRL'S STOMACH and disbursements, and the costs and ; hls bristles nervously. "Don't blame ing for you. Well, If you'll g've me expenses of and upon this writ out UIIAITER XIX. legging truck. » IrcuiustuaUal evl- , me. Mr. Forbes." he pleaded. "He said what's coming—” of the personal property of said de­ "I had Indigestion so bad 1 wan Just Dessert deuce pointe to Forbes and rather The foreman went to the ranch fendant or If sufficient could not be than toll the truth of tho episode A light truck was standing near the he owned Ibis when he hired me,” houae unit returned, presently, with found, then out of the real property afraid to eat even rice. Adlerika h it which would clear blot but cast an scar on llie side of the mound—the i Kddle waved absolution. belonging to said Defendant In Iain« done me so much good that now I eat '•You're using pretty rough lan. Eddie's pay cheek for wages to the County, Oregon, and being unable to anything.”—Ardenia Howard. other friend In a bad light, he stands scar which he mid Pat hod noticed on end of the month. He bought Eddie's find any personal property belonging Adlerika relieves stomach gas and trial and la sentenced to a long term the first day of their pourney of ex- guage, Forbes," commented the youth, pig. whlc had thrived wonderfully, for to said Defendant or either of them, In prison. The governor of llte slate, ployutlnn. Two men were busily at jcooly. "Thief, eh?” I ll show you the eighteen dollars. As the discharged upon which to levy. I have levied upon sourness in TEN minutes. Acting on an old friend - of Eddie's father, be . work, scraping anti shoveling the first of the month. Where woukl you farmhand drove homeward and later, the following described real proper,} BOTH upper and lower bowel, It re­ au »... • — ------- --------- moves old waste matter you nevef llrves him Innocent and pardona | MOUr.gme||ln g eBrth mto sucks which get (lire»- hundred and fifty dollars to as he was disposing hls goods and in Lane County. Oregon, to-wlt: Ix>t On- (I) block two 12, D G. Me- thought was in your system. Let Ad­ take care of that tax-title— " He laugh­ shortly after hit arrival at the »all j (h|,y loaded onto the truck. One of chattels to make the cabin cosily liv­ Farlandts Third Addition to Cottage lerika give your stomach and bowelfl Scoots Llbbey. a w orthless charor ; them was the Long Portage express ed Ironically. "Everyone knows you're able. he had time to ponder on two Grove. Oregon. a REAL cleansing and aee how much ter, who baa smashed his trachino In 1 man Kddle's face burdened at sight broke, that your wife has left you and things which hail been crowded to the Now. therefore. In the name of the better you will feel. It will surprise 1 you're )ust stalling here because you State of Oregon, In compliance with to asoldar car. killing Ils lone oc. u | uf (h<| ot,)< | t Wns his companion back of his mind by more stirring said execution, and in order to satisfy you! Flanery's Drug Store. pant, a woman. Forbes' companl -n ; of the night of the accident, the youth don't da»e show your face In Scottdale. events. said Judgment. Interest, costs and dis­ Why, you escaped being a »allbird be- end Llbbey quit the scene hurrMty. I who hail so cravenly deserted Io avoid •'The address on that sack means bursements. and the costs and ex­ leaving the former alone to face a the possible consequence o, discovery. ' cause that old crook of a governor penses of and upon this writ. I will on pardoned you. So.don't get fresh with something," he thought. “It's up to me Saturday the 5th day of November, constable who reuauna that Kdtllu As Eddie came upon the workers, to squander a little something on tele 1927, at. the hour of one o'clock in the with tho scent of whiskey about him the youth started. Then he '«»"ed on me.” "So that's It, eh?" was Eddie's com­ grams to And out exactly what. His afternoon of said day. at the south­ most be connected tn some way with west front door of the County Court hls shovel, lie smiled Insolently. the accident. Accordingly Forbes la j „„„ »,!« ment. "Well, I don't think those few story about carting the stuff away House. In Eugene, Lane County. Ore­ i (lee. you re an early riser, »u s his a* sal, for the stock Is all bosh. The sacks of earth ure worth much. Bu, arrested. gon. offer for sale and sell for cash, Specializing in Tonsils Patsy Jsns. Eddie's p re tty wife, «ret remark. at public auction, subject to redemp­ you'll leave them. Just the same. Un­ pure salt Is on top. "What about the other remark of tion as provided by law. all of the agree, mat public sentiment run. too "»«•»- ’» «" • » » » r"’ ^ h .« ..„ a t him. Accordingly they | being carried away. « h a t . the big load." right, title and Interest oi said de­ The youth's reply was to drop hla hts? What did he mean by talking fendant Lucy Hustead. or any other Over Penney’s Store about three hundred and fifty dollars migrate up nerth to some land that i l,,r“ ’ shovel and ruah. a scowl on hls weak, person o r persons claiming b y. has been In the fanrtly for years ! "You mean this? ' The youth nod- dark face. Eddie met him with a for the 'firat' tax-title? Didn't I get through or under them, or either of Settimi in the,r log cabin <»*» •« "' straight right hander that puffed the the dope straight from the county them In and to the above described tsalh Sealman. a shitty neighbor who , Ibis stuff Is good for stock, salt In It Eugene Phone 355 loose lips. As u fight I, did, not com treasurer? Guess I'll get downtown property. FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff . la anxious to buy their land. Eddie yon know So I wns getting some for pare with the fierce battle against the right away and And out where I'm at By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. learns that the back taken total over the cattle at Encell's." CHAPTER XX. O 6 13-20-27: N 3: motortramp. This adversary had "At Encell's?" e ght humlt e I dollars and must It.- Wiped Out neither the rouruge, th«- strength nor "Yea I tn visiting over there, you I m I . M u five months to aver, forfeiture. He drove to the railroad station and the resolution of the wanderer. Hls S.-alman makes a generous offer know V »•yes were blackened and his nose sen, away two telegrams. He went to ‘ Eddie regarded him speculatively. which Is refuse.I Eddie thinking the bleeding, though he had scarcely left the country building and stated his land must have some vain.’ unknown 'Well of course I'd like to see Encell's u mark on Eddie, when he turned hls errand to Peter Wimple, That official ( podded, as though confirming some-; to him to warrant hln neighbor's In­ stock do well." In- said mildly. ’ Hui back and clamored onto the truck. terval. Things do not go well Eddie wouldn't I, be courteous to ask me "All right, you big bully!" he com­ thing that had long been a matter of , falls Io g.-t work and sin climbs to hts first about this stuff?" plain«!. "I'll have the laugh when doubt. The sneer tn the young man's sm ll- “You know.- Forbes." he explained j ..Id »earning by fulling In with a the sheriff throw* you off. You put "Why bootlegger's gang, getting drunk an.l became m o r e pronounced. your foot on here and I'll shoot you puffing on hts pipe, "I've thought a . should I ask you? You lose this place t IH'llIK i b i i sinu. 'i to »». s Chicago, t'pon • r ----- being m shanghaied like a dog. "Yes. I will!" he raved. good many times that maybe y o j , h l. return he discovers thn, Pat has . on taxtltle the flr.t of next month. I suppose you ; u h the expressman started the truck. didn't understand me. |.-t, him and will not return until he Pin already the owner. I bought the •'And you keep away from Nance En- knew that a tax-title Issues for each has quit drinking This he determines title from the Bower estate by tele­ cell. or I'll drill you anyway.” year of hack taxes, bu, that you have ' to do He secures work on n nearby graph two days ago.” “So that's It?" mused Eddie. "1 two years from the date of Issue of j "The Brower estate?" echoed Eddie, ranch, run by Davenant, and after remember he always did like her. Of each to redeem them. many temptations at las, twats hls puxt led. "There are two such plasters ont j course he wouldn't have been so nasty "Sure. You don't know what'a go­ enemy, John Barleycorn. All this If It hadn't been for boose. Hls against your property. To settle them time slowly * earning money -------- but , ing on under your own nose,” was breath was like a distillery. He got both would be eight hundred an-1 lllllv I he I « - is in • > » • • • » .„ realises that when the lax I. due ne the contemptuous re,or, „Id Brower away with tha, dirt, after all. Oh. thirty-odd dollars. But If you'll pay .an ' , possibly have enough Seal died suddenly, am» the family doesn't well, I guess he paid for It." lie grin­ the two-year-old one the first of the Greater eye comfort at less expense, mun » n e w s hls offer and la again re -are about thia northern Michigan month, you'll still have a year for the ned. “SEE US AND SEE BETTER" fused „ n e day «"•«•<• » * * o i h "' A" h,R U x Absentmindedly he picked up an other one." Nance Encsll. hls former sweetheart were put on the market I got this Eddie swallowed Jerkily. "How empty sack, one which had been left .„Ils, finds him alone, o ffer# to pa; , So. really I have more right here than and which had been overlooked. A much Is the first one?” the deficit bu, la rebuffed. Then Nonce , you." Peter consulted hls canvas-jacketed name and adress were printed on the O P T O M E T O IC>T E v t s 1S ‘ » ' S U1 E C ' A t I T k him and Is seen by Patsy who "Listen, kid." commanded Eddie, "Three forty-eight, seventy- sack In black letters He whistled book. Suite 831 M iner Bldg. Eugene, Oregon, Telephone 362 h e l called to attempt a reconciliation quietly. "You're o f f -a w a y off. You j (Contlnued from Page 3) when thelr significance came to him with her husband 111 leaves without haven't any right here until after tho with the others. He was. the slick listening to hls explanation. Broken- »rat day of next month Then you one. a director of the bank, Eddie re­ called. When he drove back to the big j a ssss»sa» VT ».................. g w a n f f l V e u « » ' ----- runch. Davenant himself, black with ' DEPENDABLE E11EQLA5S SERVICE passion, met him a, the door of the bunkhouse. "Ge, your flirty traps together, Forbes, and make tracks," snarled the big man. f O P TO m S TE IS T-.C Q B S IQ H T SPECIALIST "Why. Mr. Davenant, what's the EUQENE 81H tr iiu ,nello SI Phone 620 matter?" asked Eddie, in surprise. Juit one !h»nq~~'&ut I do it nqnl "Matter?" echoed Davenant doubl­ • s ing his fists, and Eddie noted th a t, the formidable knuckles were barked, ' ................................... .............................. ‘w r "matter? You've been giving liquor to Mllllg. that's all." e ive r e e n iscount tamps Mllllg, another farmhand, had man-! aged heretofore to keep hls potations | from the notice olLthe owner. But he had, sVonringly. bfeen careless, had I been thrashed when he grew impu- j dent, and discharged. "But I didn't give him liquor,” pro- I tested Eddie. '•You did. Don't lie to me." "I tell you 1 didn't," returned Ed- J dip. sharply. Use Disinfectants Freely During the "Well, he go, It from you. You had CEDAR. SWAMP Dr. Geo. A. Simon SfuHiuinWlfloodu Camel Dr. Rollai Q ick L W G ^ .W G D S The cigarette that leads hy billions ] Just to state a great truth in another w a y— Camel F orestall D isea se Fall Season At thia season germa breed and If not destroyed they will become a menace to health and life. Danger lurka ,n dark, dam p places. Uae D isin fectants a n d G erm icides freely around your premises at this tim e and raj m ake your home safe against disease during I he yg indoor season. We have the m ost effective kinds and can recom ­ mend w hat I h best to use In special cases. During fall housecleaning Is a good time to get after the germs. Ketels* Drug Store l lt” 1 "He didn't. I—” he began, and stop- ' ped. He recalled the bottle in hls ; suitcase. j “H ah!” growled Davenant at hls I hesitancy. "You'd better admit It." Eddie entered the bunknouse. His 5 suitcase open, lay in the middle of the floor. The bottle w as-gone. He re- i turned to the outside. "You're right, 1 Davenant," he acknowledged. "There was some liquor In my bag. 1 and It's gone. I didn't give It to htm. j ! or tell him—” '•But you lmd It." The owner's voice ' ! rose to n shout. "You know how I , 1 | hate boose, but yon brought It here, j I suppose you figured on a spree your-. ! self. I’ve a notion to give you what 11 I gave him." He advanced, hls arms swinging. "Well, maybe you can, hut you'll get som ething In return," snapped Eddie. "You won't be beating up a drunken squarehead If you try Bny funny business with me. I’ll leave you a few marks, anyway.” "Get off my place,” shouted Dave­ is so exactly what so many sm okers w a n t th a t n o o th e r b ra n d is e v e n a close second. 1/ all cigarettes were as good as Camel you wouldn’t hear anything about special treat' menu to make cigarettes good for the throat. Nothing takes the place of choice tobaccos. hsMoa-Sal», N . C I