THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published E very Thursday a t Springfield. I-ane County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H . E M A X E Y . Bditor._________________ ffiBturvd as second class m o lt':, I hruary lit, 1993 a t the poatofflce. Springfield, Oregon MA^L SUBSCRIPTION RATE One y ear In Advance >1.75 T h ree Months .........75c Btx M S la sh Copy THURSDAY OCTOBER 27. 192? COMMUNITY WEEK WHERE OUR WHEAT GOES The volume of wheat exported through the Port of Portland during Septem ber was far in excess of previous estim ates, a total of 9,495,747 bushels with a value of $12,306,163. as coni|»ared with the movement of 6.7S6.2O8 bushels valued it $7,691. 266 In Septem ber 1926. The wheat was destined for the following coun­ tries and represented a weight of 2SI.S72 tons Shipments moving to Colon for orders are includ­ ed In United Kingdom. ' United Klngdxmt Belgium Fraut-e G erm any Holland Italy N orauy Peru Japan llushids 5.390.030 951.197 337.99» 203,4«« 1.049.030 893,939 149.333 205.245 417.519 Value »7,013.7^2 1.094.09« 372.533 370.771 1,34« 97« l.lÀ .3 35 Community Week is to be held in Springfield as • sort of a revival service- a week to awaken Civic spirit, to promote good fellowship and loyal 197.133 Cooperation for m utual interests of the people 350.239 living in this section. Eor that reason the Spring- 529.419 field Cham ber of Commerce has retained Captain C. S- Xiishauni. nationally known lecturer ami 312.305.IS3 9.495,747 T otal tow n builder, to conduct program s during the Present Indications are that October wheat ex­ week and assist generally in outlining plans for six million bushels. com m unity inprovement. He comes to this city ports will probably exceed • • • a fter having given successful service in Hi* cities in the United States. An unwelcome guest or a bad cold are two of Springfield needs more town spirit, better co­ the best things going. a • • operation between the town and the country folks, and harm onious team work am ong the dif­ ferent organized forces in the community. The citizens should back Community Week 100 per TO B ACCO T O P S EM A L L cent. It will do them good individually—m ake F igures compiled by th e t ’nlted S tates treasu ry de­ them better men and better women—and redound p artm en t tndicate th a t the people o( this country spent to the uplifting of the community socially and i in a single y ear 31.947.000.000 for tobacco, 39CO.OOO.- financially. 000 for soft d rin k s and lee cream . 3934.000.000 for th re a tre s We have the resources and the people here to and am usem ents. 3C99.090.000 for candy and 3501c build a m uch better com m unity than we have. 000.000 for perfum es, toilet soaps and chew ing gum Let an expert point out the way and let everyone Compared with th ese figures, which wen* com puted front fall into the procession. Editorial Comment, • • • ' in tern al revenue tax es for 1924. the revenues of the ele. trlcal utilities sh rin k Into the background. In 192«. two The flax industry is rapidly growing and in « y ears ta le r th an th e flgxires quoted, the sixteen million few- years bids to be one of the largest and most ■ w ired hom es in th is country paid only 3450.000.000 for ying of the agricultural crops in Oregon. Dur- 1 th e necessary, convenient, safe, luxurious and restful ser- t the year 1927 about 4,000 acres of land were I vtcea of electric light and power In the hom e When devoted to the cultivation of flax, being approxi­ j sta tistlc a n s deaf with the spending habits of the American m ately double the am ount seeded to flax in pre­ nation, th ey play around with billions. T h al'i how the vious years. The increase is due to the operation 1 co u n try got the notion th at th e electric Industry was big of the state flax plant at Salem and other mills Com pared to the to tals th a t the nation spends for other being built recently. The quality of flax is equal , essen tials, such as food, clothes ami rent, the to tal spent to any grawn in other countries. Much of it is • for electricity Is a bagatelle. T he fam ily electric light •hipped to Ireland the home of the flax industry I bill rep resen ts about seven-tenths of one per cent of the • • • ' hom e budget. e To keep them soft and pliable the Eskimo wo­ men chew their husband's boots. It is a m atter like darning the husband s socks in a civilized Country says one writer. Well then as the Eskimo becomes more and more civilized the m an can look forw ard to chewing his own boots and also his wife’s boots while she takes a hand at spear­ ing seals or jazzing around on the ice. • • • Doc Cook of North Pole fame, from his cell in the Leavenworth prison, asks U. S. Supreme Court to “reconsider” lower courts denial of pro­ bation. Taking Doc at his word it is possible the court does not know w hether to believe he is there or not. , After careful study of the Ford car horns, Seth Abraham s says he is not sure but he thinks a fliv­ ver’s voice changes between the fifteenth and seventeenth year. • • • Tuning in on thought waves, the same as on radio waves, is possible, says a French scientist. Well, here’s to the professor and our wives. May they never meet. • • • An Englishm an, flying a t about the rate of five miles a minute, wins the air speed championship for 1927. We wonder if an Irishman was chasing him? THURSDAY OCTOBER 27, 1927 THE SPRINGFIELD NEW’S PAGE TWO • • • After listening to a few of these radio tenors w e’ve decided th a t our Amercian aviators are not the only ones lost on the high C’s. • • • Europe is wrong. America is not ruled by petti­ coats. If they’ll come over here they can see for themselves. Anna Hour Big Rexall tin e C ent Hale St Hhe: "I Juat blew myaalf to a new F lauery'a Drug Store. T hursday. F ri­ "Am I you ever dress." day and S aturday. , kissed?" Ila: "Do you alw aya pul them on "Now that you m ention It. you do that way?" look fam iliar " NOTICE OF H IlflR IFFH SALE ON Might O' Bash the first girl EXECl T lo N IN IXlREi'LOSI RE Say It with Flower» I U nder amt o.v virtue oi an Ordei of Huy them of Oldham and Sohantol I Sale and Ih-cree of Foreclosure l-»u W alker, Malcolm W alker, flra -e 1 decree of foreclosure against the said Notice ts hereby given th a t by vlr defendant, which ¡aid decree was ett W alker. Mildred W alker and Donald tue of n i l execution and order of sale rolled and docketed In lltt- office of Walk«! were defendant» nt a reg u lar lit foreclosure Issued out of the t'lr the County Clerk of said County “ it 'te r m of said C-'iirl on tlv- 20lh dav if ( cult Court of Lane County. Oregon, on S eptem ber 27th. 1927. ami an execu­ Septem ber. 1937. appointing the nn the 9tlt day of Septem ber. 1927. In i tion leaned thereon by th e Clerk of d-rslgiied. It It Weila. R eferee with suit w herein on the 91h day of Sep said Court on Septem ber 27th. 1927. I nn o rd er Io sell lb« following des. tim b e r. 1927. In said court T h ak er Dev ant commanded to ael! the following rrihi-d real property belonging Io the Shannon. recovered Judgm ent against plaintiff and defendants In fee sim ple described real properly, to wit: the defendants J o h n .I ) Ungley and as ten an ts In common, eltuni-d Beginning at Ute N’orthw e-t corner ami Mary Itagley for the sum of 31595 09 of the following tleserlheil tra c t In In I Ito - t ' l - t i i i t ' Oregon. to wll ■ Beginning nt the n o rth east corner -f to g eth er with Interest thereon at the Creawell, lathe County, Or-m m. to wit ra te of six per cent per annum from Beginning at a point 14 chalna E»»t section 14. In tow nship 19 south rang« July 1. 192«. and the fu rth er sum of Ilf the Southeast corner I'f Lot Nine I »1-1 of Hi- H Hlanretle M eridian In »35 00 atto rn ey s fees, together with (9) In Section Fourteen (14t Town Lane Countv, Oregon, anil run Ihence costs and disbursem ents herein In the ship Nineteen (19* South. Range south 13 chains -core or less, to the sum of 31« 40. which Jud-tuent was T hree 131 Weal of the WHIanc-ilc middle of Rerfcshlre slough l h - n e f enrolled and docketed In the C lerk's Meridian. Oregon, ami running Iheii. -- sviuiliw sierlv along Ihe middle s 1-1 slough « 50 chains more or less. office of said County on tho Sth day of W est 21 19 chains to the middle of the Io a point 4 91« chains north of the Septem ber. 1927. and said execution County Rond, thence following along ninth line of Ihe W ashington b Rlgga to me directed com m anding me in the the said Courtly Rond North 7'-. donation land claim No 40. thence nam e of the S tate of Oregon, In order degree» East II 35 chains, thence Ea * to satisfy said judgm ent. Interest, at 14 91 chains, theiit-e South 23’v torneys fees, costs of suit ami accru ­ derecs East 12 23 chains to th e «place line of sal-1 claim No 40. f t « « chains ing costs to "Well the following d es­ of beginning For a beginning point to the ••ast Urn- of the S outhern Fact, cribed real property, to-wlt tho tract hereby Intended to he con tie R ailroad Com pany's right hf way. north»- terly along Hie east All of the lot num bered 3« In Col veyed, thence East 212 feet, thence ’ thence of said right of wav to th e west lege C rest Addition to Eugene, being South 420 feet, th e n -- W est 271 feet line about flve and flve-elghth acres, sltua to the cen ter of said County Road, line of lot three of section 14 said thence N ortherly along the center of tow nship nnd rang" (hence north on ted In laine County. Oregon west lit«* of said lot to a point 13« Now. therefore In the nam e of the said County Road 425 feet, mope or feet south of the northw est corner S tate of Oregon. In com pliance with less, to Hie place of beginning thereof, thence east «00 feet, thence Notice Is hereby given thul on Sal said execution and order of sale and In north 13« feet to the north line of said urday. the 29th day of O ctober. 1927. o rd er to satisfy said Judgment Inter » • I r-.-ti 1 1 I I I - ............... -I»t --n s e .-tt nn * eat. atto rn ey s fees, costs of suit and at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of said line Io the place of beginning all i day. nt the front door of the U n - accruing costs, I will on S aturday the County C ourthouse In Eugene. Oregon. being In t-ane County. S late of Oregon. 15th day of O ctober. 1927. at the hour I will. In obedience to »aid order of I will sell the said land In one hodv. of one o'clock. In the afternoon of said »ale and decree of forecloaure. »ell at I o r In lots or parcels of land to suit day. at the S outhw est front door of public auction, the above deacrlbed j purchasers. In the wny to obtain Ihe the County Court House In Eugene. real property, or no much thereof a» best price nt public auction, at the Lane County. Oregon, offer for sale may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff’s ' South weet front door of the Court and sell for caso, at public auction, Judgm ent with Interest thereon anil I House In Eugene, fam e County. Ora- subject to redem ption as provided by costa tn the highest and best bidder [ gon. on Saturday Hie 32nd day of law. all of the right, title and Interest cash In Gold Coin of the U nited O ctober 192?. betw een l..a hours of of said defendants, John D. Bagley for S tates, sale being subject to re ­ I nine »'clock A M. and four o'clock and Mary Itagley. and all persons dem ption said F M of said day. to wit. nt -ma as by law provided. claim ing, by tLrougli or under them or o'clock F M T erm s ra sh In hand FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of any or eith er of them In and to said It It W E L L » R aferea Lane County, Oregon prem ises S 22 29 O « 13 20- 8 29: O « 133037- FRANK E TAYLOR. Sheriff of Lane Coutny. Oregon. By BEULAH BRINN1CK. Deputy S 1522 29: O «13 CARD of t h a n k s We wish Io expresa our sincere ap p re d a tio n to our many friends for Ihetr kindness and expressions of sym pathy our recent bereave ment Also for lh< heuullful flowers W ('. W alker anil family Mrs N ellie H ankins J M Thompson. Collectively, th e electric Industry re p resen ts a great aggregation of capital, but, when com pared with any o th er service or comm odity used generally by th e Aroerl can people, th at Industry Is relatively Insignificant Many people think of the electric Industry ns gigantic and over­ pow ering. sim ply because sta tistlc a n s have collated In one SU M M O N S lum p sum th e revenues and the Investm ents of the thou* IN THE C IH C I'ir COURT OF THE and» of sep arate electric com panies scattered throughou* STATE OF OREGON F O R T IIE th e U nited d a te s . COUNTY OF LANE SUIT IN • • • EQUITY M artha M Stas. PkUutlff. versus Clyde IM P R O V IN G O U T D O O R M A N N E R S Rudehaver. Bruce Rodeltaver. E. It B anner, and Clyde R udehaver as the The cam paign to im prove the outdoor m anners of the A dm inistrator of the E stute of Allen Rixlehaver, deceaaed. defendants. j trav elin g public has made considerable headw ay th is sum To Bruce Rodehnver. D efen d an t.- m er. as incidents from a nu m b er of states go to prove. In You are heceby required to app ear un-l I Maine some to u rists at least h a re heeded the appeal to answ er the com plaint Med against you bury the rem ains of th eir picnic luncheons, and In C alifor­ In the above entitled suit within four n ia It has been no unusual sig h t to see autom oblllsts stop w eeks from- the d ate of the first pub­ th eir cars to warn o th ers ag ain st picking the m arlposa Illy lication of this sum m ons In the Spring News which Is S eptem ber 22, Roads have been a veritable netw ork of signs asking field 1927; ami you afe hereby notified that passers-by to pick up th eir rubbish and stam p out their If you fall to appear and answ er sal-1 fires. On one suburban railro ad line out of New York city ’ com plaint w ithin said 4 weeks, your trav elers have been saluted by th is adm onition ‘‘T he Out d -fau lt will be entered and the plain door Code. Help save th e tre e s and wildflowers. P ro tect tiff will m ake application to the Court for the following relief to-wll That i th e birds and game. Keep the highw ays beautiful Pick the m ortgage for the sum of 2400 00 ! up th e picnic rubbish. Put o u t your Are; then bury It. i Interest and atto rn ey fees, executed From P ennsylvania comes the story of a m otorist who by A R odehaver und Mollie A. Rode- haver to M artha M Stas, dated Fell. disregarded the law which prohibits the gathering of 25. 1926, and recorded on page 26 of flowers, ferns, sh ru b s and trees along a private or public book 64 of Ihe I-ane County. Oregon, road and provides for a heavy fine, or even Im prisonm ent, m ortgage records, an-l covering the ng described real estate in for violators A traffic officer arre ste d the offender and a follow Lane County. Oregon, to-wlt: B egin­ Justice of the peace Imposed a 350 One. ning at NW corner of the NW*4 of the E '4 of Sec 5. T 17 8.. R 3 W of No one who sees the dally litte r of paper In C entral Park S the W illam ette M eridian, run thence .- tn New York City, o r wtio views th e piles of tin cans ' S 23 rods. E. 70 rods. N 23 rods. W. 70 along the roads In any state, can doubt th a t much still r e ­ rods to the place of beginning. 10 m ains to be done; but the progress made should encourage acres and also beginning a- a point those organizations and publications, which have been 5 75 chains S. of the NW c o m e r of the carry in g on a cam paign of education to continue th eir NW>4 of the SK'» of Sec. 5, T. 17 8 , R. 3 W. of W illam ette Meridian, work.—C h ristian Science Monitor. thence run E 17 50 ch ain s; 8. 14.25 ch ain s; W 17.60 chain», N. 14.25 chalns to the place of beginning. 35 acres, he foreclosed and sold to pay said m ortgage. Interest, and atto rn ey s fees. An order m ade ami dated S ep­ -i J tem ber 21. 1927. by Hon C. F Barnard. ( ounty Judge of Lane County, Oregon, ó ù N i . 'A ¿5TA "? NE. directs th a t this su-ir.mons be publish­ iJ jo >ï>e.A TH n * r ? i * - r T y ¡ ed once each for 4 successive w eeks 'll ’ v n o m t ' ' ’P’ u T V Jt-T ft T f f A T ^A TD i the Springfield News, and th a t you np pear sn-l answ er said com plaint with In 4 weeks from dale of first publica­ tion of this sum mons H E. SLATTERY. A ttorney for Plaintiff, anil my residence and F. O. address Is Eugene, Oregon. 22.29: 0 6,13.20: A Drop In Time May Save A Doctor’s Bill It I h coming the time of the your when mughH and Fold« I are prevalent. Don’t let the cough go !»••«-ntise it may develop Into Romcthlng aerlotia that will mitke your system ) weak and Husceptihle to dineuHe I xihh of time and doctor'« bills wili be the result. Kggimann'H cough drops are guaranteed to tttop any ordinary cough. Ratty to take they will do you a world of good if taken in time. Made right here in Springfield but sold all over the country. You tthould not he without a box. EGGIMANN’S Commercial S ta te Bank Capital $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 . SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 7 ^ ” od p 7 Swvlas NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, FO REST EXCHANGE No. 017634 D epartm ent of the Interior, United S tate Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- . gon, Septem ber 15, 1927. NOTICE 1» hereby g lv -n th at W alter E Yates, (if Brownsville. O re­ gon filed A pplication No 017634, un­ d e r Hi- Ai t of Mari h 20 1922. (42 S ts t 465) to exchange Ho- S ’/4 N EU , N% S E 'i. Sec 22, Tp 15 8.. Range 9 W.. Will Mer., containing 16b acres w ithin the SI iih I hw N ational Forest, in exchange for tim ber from th" NW '/t KW '4. Section 22, Tow nship 9 8., Range 6 E ast. Will. Mer.. (onlaln Ing 4b acres, w ithin the Santlam N a'ional F orest. T he purpose of this notlcs Is to allow all persons claim ing the lands selected, or having bona fide objec tlons Io such application nn opportun­ ity to file th e ir protest with the R egister of the U. 8 Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any such protest or objections must he filed In thi« office within thirty days from th e date of the first publi­ cation of this notice, beginning Sep­ tem ber 22, 1927. Non-coal. ROBERT E. CRAWFORD, Acting R egister. 8 22 29: O 6 13 20: A Favor W e Shall A p p recia te TH ERE ARE OTHKRvS LIKE YOU WHO WOULD LIKE US. A WORD WILL BRING US TO­ GETHER. A Good Bank in a Good Country C. E. KENYON, Cashier