I Be a Community Booster! Judge a Store by the Advertising It Does. TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR Attend Captain Nusbaum’s Programs Next W eek • Farmers and Townspeople All Invited THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD, I-ANE COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY OCTOBER 13, 1927 I NEW SPAPCR IN A L IV E T O W N . NUMBER 40 Community Week to Be Held in Springfield EUGENE MEN Bill Thompsons Feted LOCAL BUILDING O n Anniversary 52 Years Of Wedded Life Are Celebrated By Spring- Rankin-Fry Structure it Sold by field Couple George W. Barker, Medford; Will Be Modernized and Po»- Married 62 years. Mr. and Mrs L. B. eibly Ueed for Housing New Thompson yesterday were the recipi­ Hotel. ents of greetings of muny friends and CAPT. NUSBAUM, WORLD To Organize the Community for* LECTURER, PRAISED IN Future Development, A Pro* gram Has Been Planned With MANY CITIES VISITED Captain Nusbaum; Civic Club Captain C. S. Nusbaum. who la com­ Banquet Monday Night. ing to Springfield for the Community Week program, had had a wide ex­ To create a spirit of good fellowship Bale of Hi« Rankin «ml Kry hftlil perience. Before the war he waa a and promote harmonious teamwork In« In Bprlngfleld to a «roup of Ku- Chautauqua manager and lecturer for j Community Week w!H he observed I * «vne bualneaa men who Inlend to 25 years. During the war he was Springfield October 17 to 22. L'ndaf modernise «he building In «vary parti­ field director at large for the Ameri­ the auspices of the Chamber of Com­ cular. possibly With I he purpose of can Red Cross and waa commissioner merce, Captain C. S. Nusbaum, natio» t stahllshln« a first class hotel here with the rank of captain. He has ally known lecturer and community was announced today. been active In Chamber of Commerce j builder, is being brought to Springfield The deal was handled by J. T and Farm Bureau work since the war * for a series of nightly meetings to be Travis of the Robert Prescott com­ and has traveled In 44 states of the ' held in the downstairs room of the pany. Eugene, who declined to given Union. « j Odd Fellows building. the names of the new owners of the A few of the score« of recommenda­ The meetings start next Monday property here Gorge W. Harker, Med­ tions he has received are printed evening with a community home-pro ford. owned the building before th« below: ducts banquet In the dining room of purchase by the Eugene group Henry J. Allen, Governor of Kansee the Methodist church. The Ladled Details of the plana of Ihe Eugene —He Is both eloquent and forceful. He ' Civil club Is serving the dinner and risen were not announced, other than has always had a wide Influence In the entire community is invited ana that they Intended to carry out ex­ every community he has served. urged to come. Captain Nusbaum tensive Improvements on Ihe alroc- William Allen White. Author and will make his first appearance at thia ture The building Is located at Third Traveler—I think he Is one of the banquet, give a talk and outline htfi and Main streets, and has housed most forceful and attractive speakers program for the week. The cost of business establishments on the first 1 have ever heard, and I can recom­ this dinner will be 50 cents a plate floor and a rooming house on the mend him without reserve aa a lec­ and whatever proceeds result above second for some lime turer of superior ability. the cost will go to the Civic Club for "The men who acquired thia build­ CAI’T. C. 8. NUSBAUM Amarillo Daily N e w s , Amarillo community work. ing are strong believers In Spring Nationally known Lecturer and Texas. March 14, 1922—Captain Nus­ Tuesday evening the meetings start field's future.” sub! Mr. Evens today. Community Builder. baum Is not only a pleasing orator, at the Odd Fellows building and con« "They felt that the Investment In the but has a fund of fact embodying prin­ tinue all week. Captain Nnsbaum tak­ building would be especially warrant­ ciples which. If applied to the com­ ing up different community subject« ed nt the present time, and they In­ munity, can not fall to bear rich fruit each evening. Tuesday evening “The tend to put more Into It In the future." ; for th® general good. Captain Nus- Individual Life of the Community'1 It has been rumored here that the baum's lectures are a profitable In­ will be hts subject Wednesday even« BROWNSVILLE FANS TO Intention Is Io establish a hotel In the j vestment for any community whose lng "The Investment of Life's Forcefi STAGE RALLY HERE IN Lectures by Captain C. S. Nusbaum building, although Mr. Evans declined purpose It Is to move forward for real in the Community;" Thursday evening GRID BATTLE SATURDAY to say deflnllely It thia la so. Monday, 6:30 p. in. — Community Banquet at Methodist accomplishment I am complimented "The Home and the-Communtty.” and Church. to be ifls friend.—very sincerely, Joe Friday evening “The Building of * The streets of Springfield will be SUCCESSFUL RALLY IS L. Pope. Editor. Real Community." will be the topic« the scene of rallies by football faua Tuesday, 8 p. m.— Musical Prelude, Lecture, “The Indi­ First Congregational Church, Plain- discussed. HELD BY LOCAL CHURCH of Springfield amP Brownsville Batnr- , vidual Life of the Community.” view, Neb., January 25. 1921—Captain There will be a musical program nay afternoon, preliminary to a grid Bally day at the Springfield Baptist Iron battle between the high schools Nusbaum la in a class by himself. each evening along with the speaking. Wednesday, 9 a. m.— Merchants Meeting— "Indoor Adver­ church Bunday proved an unqualified I of the two towns at 2 o'clock on Brat- The concensus of the people is that hl« Some of the best talent In the com­ tising.” success More than 125 were present ! laln field. lectures far transcended anything we munity Is being lined up for this 00« Wednesday, 8 p. m.— Musical Prelude— Lecture, "The «In­ have ever heard In Plainview, both caslon. The meetings are open and at the dinner and annual buslnosa A special Southern Pacific train has vestment of Life's Forces in the Com­ from the standpoint of entertainment for everyone In the community. meeting following the morning church been chartered by Brownsville fans to munity. and real permanent value.—W. 11. During the week Captain Nusbaum services, and a successful program , carry them to the game here, and they Pardum. Paator. win attempt to organize the individual was presented. will arHve shortly before the game. A Thursday, 9 a. m.— Lecture, “Salesmanship.”— Employees. Erick, Okla., Community Chamber life, activities and organization in the Rev. C. H. Blom gave a short ser­ march to the football grounds Is plan­ Thursday, 8 p. m.— Home Night— Musical Prelude— Lec­ of Commerce, Feb. 28, 1922— Deer Community after a constructive aid mon after the program in the morning. ; ned. with plenty of noise to summon ture, “The Home and the Community.” - Captain Nusbaum: I am delighted to cooperative plan for a bigger and bet­ At noon the dinner was spreatf In the pep for the visiting football warrrlore. tell you that every man and woman ter and more satisfactory community. Springfield high school fans will no basement. Friday, Farmers’ Night, 8 p. m.— Musical Prelude— “The have spoken of your work with us 'n He has a wide experience in this work Reports on Improvements to the a little nolae-maklng on their own Building of a Real Community.” the kindest and highest terms of and has put on programs successfully church and parsonage were given, and part, and the ensuing battle between praise. All positively assert that thev In 140 cities of the country. He Ifi other church activities were revealed the two schools promises to be one of | will be bigger and better men and wo­ ' appearing this week In a series of the hardest fought to be held here thia In statements of officers. men as the result of your having lived talks at Junction City and has Just VASBY HOUSE GUTTED H. J. COX RESIGNS AS Harry Chase was elected new year. w th us a week. Personally I shall concluded a week at Longview. Wash­ Coach Leonard Mayfield's proteges BY FIRE OF DOUBTFUL deacon. The board of deacons now CHAMBER PRESIDENT; long cherish fond recollections of your ington. Besides being a serious and are showing up to better advantage Include besides Mr. Chase, F B ORIGIN MONDAY NIGHT BUSINESS TAKES TIME first community week in our city. . well Informed speaker Captain Nu9- Chase. J. A. Oarver. P. H. Emery. Roy dally, and are expected to put up a —Marion Rook. President. haum is a humorist and tells many stiff battle against the Brownsville Fire of dotibtful origin gutted the Carlton and W. H. IMtkln 4 F B. Hamlin, vice-president of tha I funny stories and incidents along wi'fi Experience ta doing house of William Vaaby at Tenth and Hoy Carlton was re-elected clerk, aggregation. Springfield chamber of commerce, pro­ ' his talks. B streets at about 11 o'clock Monday bably will be asked to take over the WORD IS AWAITED ON and Kred Krcse was re-named seer«- much for the Springfield team. Committees for the week's program Last Friday, Springfield stopped Ihe CLOSING OF CROSSING night, destroying the household furni­ leadership of the organization until tary-treasurer Elmo Chase and Ikale Include the following: heavier Junction City eleven, and the ture and damaging the property vir­ Horton were elected new trustees General arrangements — W. F. game ended with a acoreleaa tie after tually beyond repair. The Vaabys. who the November election as a result of Decision of the public service com­ Mrs Blom was named Bunday school. the resignation of President H. J. Walker. H. M. Stewart. John Hendee- a torrid struggle on Ihe Brattaln arranged to move to a new house at mission on the closing of the Second superintendent. Cox. It was stated today. er. Dwight Kessey, W P. Tyson, W. grounds. Sixth and C streets, were spending the Due to the few weeks that intervene street crossing here Is being awaited. M. Gossler. first night In the new place, but had before the election. It is not expected , Friday and Saturday of last week, the MRS. RHODA THOMPSON Publicity—H. E. Maxey, Rev. Gabr­ SCOUTS ARE ADVANCED not yet moved furniture, and the car that it will be necessary to name n commission hearing was held in Eu­ iel Sykes, Rev. C. H. Blom, Dr. W . C. gene at the courthouse, and the mat­ DIES AGED 72 YEARS IN LIONS CLUB TROOP was left In the garage beside the new president. It was Indicated, un Rebhan. Mrs. A. B Van Valxah, Mrs. ter taken under advisement officially. The annual election is in C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. Rhodn Thompson. 72 years of | Earl Wheeler, who has been serving i house. Spr'nefield city officials are doubt­ November and the new offices are Musical entertainment—D. B. Mur­ nge and « resident of Bprlngfleld for as senior patrol leader In troop No I The machine was pushed from the ful that any action toward closing the sworn in in December. phy. Dr. S. R. Dlppel. A. J. Morgan. nine years, died at the family horn« 11. the Llona club troop, has been garage by fire-flghtera. The smeller crossing will be taken by the public Mr. Cox's resignation was sent In Community and sales day—Julius here at 12:55 o'clock last Thursday named scout Instructor. In thia caps- > building later was gutted by flames, this week. He said that his business service commission. City Attorney afternoon. She was III a little over a city he will assist Scoutmaster Barber which finally were extinguished by the made It necessary for him to be out Peterson said that in his opinion there Fulop, G. H. Turner. J. F. Ketels. W. appears little hope of obtaining the A. Taylor, W. C. Wright. week preceding her death. and Aaalatant Scoutmaster Aldrich In Springfield fire department. of the city during the day-time and Finance—Julius Fulop, C. E. Ken­ With Rev. Gabriel Sykea In charge, training the scouts for passing tests It seems that the fire was first seen consequently he Is In “no position to 236,000 for the new Springfield bridge yon, W. G. Hughes. funeral aervlcp» were held at the for higher awards and badges. by Sidney Ward from his home two take care of chamber duties which j sought by the highway commission Walker chapel Sunday afternoon, and Peyton Oderklrk, who was patrol miles north of Springfield. He tele­ demand attention during that time.” from the Southern Pacific. Representatives of the rail concern BUDGET COMMITTEE IS Interment waa at laurel Hill ceme­ leader before he left last spring with phoned to Mrs. Bert Doane, telling her The resigning president said that tery. Mrs. Thompson was a member hla parents for the coast, has been re­ of the blase. In the meantime, Mrs. he was ’’excetdingly sorry that these hinted that the company might be will­ AUUOINTED BY COUNCIL; of the Methoillat church. instated to that poaltlou. which has Clark Wheaton, who lives across the plans make It necessary for me to ing to pay |3000 toward the bridge, WILL MEET OCTOBER 31 Surviving are her huahand, M. .1. been filled by Wheeler. street from the Vasby house, arrived give up the chamber work" and that but not *35,000. Exceptions were recorded as testi­ Thompaon, a son. Roy Thompaon of A committee was appointed and tha home from Eugene In her automobile. If there la "any help I can render after mony in the hearing progressed, In­ date set, October 31, for the annual Spokane, Washington; and two dnugh- WILL OPERATE SPONG working hours I shall be only too glad Encountering smoke at the corner, dicating that the matter could be budget, making for the city of Spring- tera. Mrs. Myrtle Walker of Granger. HOTEL DINING ROOM Mrs. Wheaton mistook It for fog, and to do so.” taken into the courts In case develop­ Washington, and Mrs. Nettle Hankins field at a meeting of the council Mon­ put her automobile In the garage. It ments were such as to warrant action day evening. Each councilman ap­ of Bellingham, Washington. Mr and Mrs H. E. Carr have leased was when she came out of the garage EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS on the part of one side or the other. pointed a member of the budget com­ the dining room and kitchen of the to go In the house that she smelled Southside residents were represnet- PLANNED BY CHRISTIANS John H am lin Coming mittee to serve with themselves. Ap­ Hpnng Hotel from Jack Sherman, the smoke. She Immediately railed ed by Attorney Charles Hardy and op­ Word la awaited by Mr. and Mrs. hotel proprietor, and will conduct t’>e pointed were C. E. Wheaton. A. J. the fire department, which reached Evangelistic services will be con­ posed the closing vigorously on K B. Hamlin of the arrival In the business In Ihe future. In conjunc­ Morgan. Roy W Carlton, W. C Mo- the apot a few minutes later. ducted at the Springfield Christian ginunds that It would be damaging United Btatea of their son. John, re­ tion with the hotel service they will Lagan, and George Perkins. The fire had made too much head­ church the first three Bundays In Dec­ to property in that section. ported to have sailed recently from serve short orders and cater to the The committee will meet and mak* ember, according to plans announced Spain. The younger Mr. Hamlin 1s general restaurant trade. Both are way for the fighters to save the furni­ the budget on the above date and the Benefit Card P arty at last Sunday’s services. Rev. Ted connected with the diplomatic ser­ experienced restaurnnt people and ture. The entire Interior of the house taxpayers meeting will be held on Goodwin, graduate of the Eugene Cascade chapter. Order of the November 28. Several of the funds vice of the United Stntes. serving now will conduct a first class service. Mr. was damaged. No theory of the Bible University and recently pastor Eastern Star, will have a benefit card In Spain, and Is on lenve of shsenep. and Mrs. Carr live In Springfield and cause of the fire has been developed. provided In last years budget have or of a church at San Francisco, Califor­ party tonight In the Shielal Parlors cf Upon his nrrlval In Washington. It own property here. will be overdrawn by the end of the nia, will conduct the meetings. the I. O. O. F. hall. Mrs. John Ketels yeah so It Is likely that the budget will Is expected that ho will come west to Mrs. Knox Surprised A special song service is planned will given a reading and Mrs. W. K. visit his pnrents, On the occasion of her birthday, 1 for next Sunday evening at the Chris­ Barnell, will sing on the program dur­ he Increased over last year the fuU WOODCRAFT LODGE PUTS six per cent limit as allowed by law, O N GROVE INITIATION Mrs. Anna Knox was given a surprise tian church. Mrs. Knott, of Eugene, ing the evening AU Eastern Stars Progressive Group Meet party at her home Saturday night. A will give her Interpretation of the and Masons and their friends are In­ city officials say. The Progressive Twenty-Two's, drill The council voted to low«’ Initiation nt the Cottnge Orrve number of her friends 'happened In'* club of the Rebekah lodge, will moot circle of the Neighbora of Woodcraft at the same time, and the evening famous song, “The Ninety and Nine," vited. Any one wishing a table re­ vert on Mill street near Cy Jonea* served call Mrs. Alfred J. Morgan. property provided he would asalafi at the lodge rooms tomorrow evening. Monday night was In charge of the | was spent enjovably In conversation as a special feature. Entertnlnment will be In charge ef Springfield circle, 42 members mak-, and needle work. with the work. He has been a peti­ Mrs. Alice Ixirnh, Mrs. Grace Lans­ Ing the trip to the neighboring city! Refreshments were brought by the tioner for the lowering of the culvert Property Is Traded Barber Will Move berry and Mrs. Geneva Louk. vlaltora. Also, they presorted Mrs. from here. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Barber are mov­ for several year* claiming that tha Port Schtdler has traded his house Creswell and Junction City also were Knog a token In the form of two and lot on K street, this city, for an ing this week to Drain. Mr. Barber, water stands on his property and im­ ■ «presented. , oeautlfiil candle holder* and candles. S acre farm belonging to W. B. bar­ who has lived here for some time, pairs hts family** health. 0. A. R. Meeting Planned A proposal to paaa a milk ordlnanog Present were M r*. A. C. Trertg. rier, one-half mile this side of Marcola. has purchased an Interest In a busi­ Tributes to the Bprlngfleld drill Ladina of the G. A. R. will Rieei teaorro w afternoon at the home of team aa the beet tea*. In District No. Frances and Riumagene Travta, Mrs. He Is moving shortly to the fcrirz W. ness In that commanlty. They are regulating dealer* In m ilk waa dim In announcing the work ’ Elsie Pollard, Mrs P. A . , Woe ley, W. Wklker, local real ••thte nmn. vacating their house on B between csaaed at length but no notion wgfi , V 4.4 1 j’"., the president, lire . 0. F. nggimaan. I I . ijure, InikBA «t , , 11* w 1-1 - b.-- L -1 N inth aad f n t i i t r w U Regular business w ill be conducted. of thelocal mom tiers, Qfclute. Wooley and Mre. Bmma Qleon. Landed the d eal ' , ^ ^ « 5 were honored at an enjoyable cele­ bration attended by relatives come from many parts of the west to vlst them. The celebration was held at the home'of their daughter. Mrs Maude Uryan. of l his city. The afternoon and evening were spent In recalling old times, and dinner was served In tne evening by Mrs. Bryan, and her daughter. Mlsa Crystal Bryan. Those present f Included D H. Thompson, Bellingham. Washington, and J M Thompson. Hpr'ngfleld, brothers of Mr. - Thompson; Mrs. N eele Hankins, Bellingham, and Miss Laura Thompson. Isis Angeles, nieces, and Arrhle McKinnon. Dundee, a grandson of J. M Thompson Mr and Mrs. L. E. Thompson were married In Wsstuca, Wisconsin, on October 12. 1275. Columbus dsy of that year. They lived for some time In the Middle Weal Thirty six years ago they moved to Springfield, and have since resided In this city, where thoy have a wide circle of friends Two years ago at s large family re­ union their golden wedding anniver­ sary was celebrated. s '•« p it’s Paper” Com m unity W eek P rogram