|j Community News NOTICE t»F SHERIFF’S SALE ON EMPLOYMENT REACHES ' EXECUTION PEAK IN SEPTEMBER Notice Is hereby given that by vlr By Special tue of an execution laaued out of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon Cortland. tire., Oct. «—(Special) Late September saw employment In for the County of lame on the 24th the l*actfic Northwest at Ihe season'.! ■lay of September. 192?. upon a Jodg ate of the Vnlversity of Oregon. melil rendered therein on the 23rd At a meeting of the student body l>eak. according to the 4-L monthly day of September. 192&. In favor of ihe THURSTON I at the high school last Wednesday employment letter published here. Full plaintiff Willamette Collection and the following officers took ihe oath farm work, fruit harvest and canning, . Credit Service, a corporation, and Kenneth titles from WaltervUle against Ihe defendant Lucy llualead. ¡o f office. Austin Mathews, president; and a continuance of work on many for the »urn of 9146 60, with InteiA-at « a s in Thurston last Sunday. large construction Jobs, combined with thereon at the rate of six per .en i Mrs. Marte Spires from Eugene Carl Linton, vice-president; Lyman usual fall activity of (he logging per annum from (he 23rd lav of Sept­ visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tinker, secretary-treasurer; Emery camps, have brought Jobs and takers ember, 1928, and Ihe further sum of Hyland, business manager. Paul Hap Charles Hastings, last weekend. 1 to about a balance, the letter sa il 410 SO coats ami disbursements, which Miss Margaret Russell, who Is at­ din. athletic manager: Clifford Baxter. The 4-L sums up current conditions Judgment was enmlled and docketed In the office of the Clerk i f said Court tending Normal at Monmouth spent . reporter; Hurwin Baxter, editor. ac follows; in said countv on Ihe 23rd day of Kenneth McKentle. a star athlete Sunday with home (oiks. “Woods work In the Inland Empire September. 1928. and aald execution at the Pleasant Hill high school, en­ Mildresl Price, who is teaching at and other pine producing districts is to me directed comniandina me in the Vida spent Sunday with her parents tered high school Monday having in full swing, but pine sawmills have name of the State of Oregon, Io sallafv said Judgment« Interest, coals : missed the first week of school bo- here. begun the usual "tapering off." several anil disbursements. and the costa and Flossie Herrington. who is teaching cause of the death of his father. night shifts already being laid off for expenses of and upon this writ out Mary Hardin's Sunday school claas | of Ihe personal property of sn'd de at Noti. spent the week end here. Ihe fall and winter months. 1 fendant or If sufficient could not be The Junior Sunday school class elected officers last week and chose "General construction work la h.^ld- ' found, then out of ihe reol property are planning a party at Mrs. John Mildred Swift as president and Evlyn I ing up well, for as yet there has been helonring to said Defendant la la n e Phelps, secretary-treasurer. Price's for Friday evening no slackening of Jobe under way and I County. Oregon, ami being unable to I find any personal property belonging Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Swift and daugh Professor laindles from Eugene several new projects have been start­ Ito said Defendant or either of them, Motored out to Thurston Tuesday ter. Mildred spent Sunday at the home ed There Is also considerable high upon which to levy, I have levied upon evening and met with those who are of Mr and Mrs. J. A l’helps. the following descnheil renl property way paving being dona. Very heavy rains accompanied by Interested in organising an orchestra •'The return to school of many whn In l.ape County. Oregon, to wit: Lot Ons l i t block two (2 D <1 Me hall fell off and on all afternoon and have been working In various Indus here. E. J. Moore county school superin­ evening Tuesday. The rain Is hinder­ I tries during the siwimier has created FarUnds Third Addition to Cottage Grove. Oregon tendent, from Eugene met with the ing apple picking considerably. Now. therefore. In Ihe.nam e of Ihe new openings.” Patrons of Thurston and Ilaris dis­ Stale of Oregon. In compliance with said execution, and In order to satisfy tricts Tuesday afternoon to »-xpiain DeAutrem ont W an ts Divoree said ludgtnent. Interest, costa and tils the benefit of consolidating the two GARDEN WAY burseinenla. and the costs and ex districts and building a two room penses of and upon ibis writ. I will on Charging she has become Infatuate i Saturday the 8th day of November. school house as the buildings in both Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs. Scott Brown, with unother man ami po longer cares 1927, at Ihe hour of one o'clock in the district« are very poor. and Miss Minnie Brown of Condon. for him. Paul DeAutremont, father of afternoon of said day, a . the smith Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mathews and Oregon, visited with the Neal fam ilies west front door of the County Court fam ily from Dexter visited their Saturday. They were on their way to Roy. Ray and Hugh DeAutremont. con House, in Euoene, lame County, Ore­ victed Siskiyou train rob hors. has filed daughter. Mrs. Herbert W eiss, last Creswell to visit relatives. The Neal gon. offer for sale and sell for rash, suit In circuit court for divorce from nubile aurt'on. subject le redemp­ Sunday. and Brown fam ilies were old friends ’n his wife, Nellie, He seeks Ihe caatodv at tion aa provided by law. all of ihe Rev. Hoven from Eugene has been eastern Oregon. of their minor child. The DeAutre- right, title and Interest ot said de­ engaged as pastor of the Thurston Ralph Cole, who entered school in montx were married In August. IBIS, fendant Lucy Httstead. or any other chnrch. Idaho, returned here and Is a student she being his second wife. person o r persona claiming b y. The freshman reception was held through or under them, or either of of Springfield high. Three wives were granted divorce them In and to the above dem-rlbed at the high school last Friday even­ Daline Waite spent the week-end decrees from their husband» In cir­ property ing. While the students were Initiat­ with friends at Cottage Grove. FRANK B. TAYLOR Sheriff. cuit court Tuesday: Dora Beardon ing the freshmen, ex-high school M isses Lucille and Mariam Male, By BEULAH HRINN1CK. Deputy. students made a get away with a who teach west of Eugene were at from Thomas Beardon. Olive Dean O « 13 20-37: N 3 from Raymond Dean and Berths freexer of ice cream which caused home for the week-end. Heflin from Joseph Heflin. ranch excitement and racing to re­ V äristy of Blooming Potted Plants The Sunshine club will resume acti­ cover i t The ice cream was finally vities after the summer vacation. The At Oldham and Sebantol’s. returned with but little damage done first m eeting will be held at the home and very enjoyable evening was had of Mrs. Marvin Chase Thursdty. Octo­ Mr and Mrs. Harry Harbit from ber S. Coburg visited Mr and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. J. R Fish and family Campbell last Sfcwday , and Mrs. A. C. Wilson and daughter. Mildred, of Euegne spent Sunday with Specializing in Tonsils relatives at Wendling. Corraapondanta Dr. Geo. A. Simon UPPER WILLAMETTE Undergoex THURSDAY OCTOBER, «. H»27