PAGE SEVEN T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS Working, the holders of certificate of SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Delinquency numbered 2131, Issued IN FORECIXJSURE OF TAX LIEN on the fifteenth day of August. 1*2«, Were you ever out with the girl In the Circuit Court of the State of bv the tax collector of the County of Oregon for Lane County. Lane. State of Oregon, for the amount who — Blushed when you cracked the ris­ C. F Working and Lulu M. Working, of ten and 75-1*0 Dollars, the same Plaintiffs, vs Mary A. Perry, the being the amount then due and delin­ que Joke? Unknown heirs of Mary A. Perry, quent for taxes for the year 19?’.. to­ W hh horrified at the Idea of If deceased; Ira Vernon, Clara Ver­ gether with penalty, interest and co«tg non. Charles Drake, Jane Doe thereon upon the real property as­ parking? Drake, Joseph Boyd, Jane Doe sessed to Mary A. Perry, of which Kefuaed to let you kla« her the first Boyd. Btlver« Vernon. Jane Doe Mary A. Perry Is the owner of the time you tried? Vernon, and ail unknown owners of legal title, as appears of record, situ­ Was Insulted when you offered her the property described herein, De­ ated In said county and state, and particularly described as follows, to- fendants. a awlg of scotch? TO: Mary A. Perry. The Unkonwn wit: Wore old fashioned corsets? The north half of Lot 10 and the I All kind» of house painting; Kalao Had to be home by ten o'clock? heirs of Mary A. Perry. It deceased; south YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND half of Lot Eleven. Block 27. P Ira Vernon, Clara Vernon, Charles IIEMHTITi KING HI m conia per yard mining 22 per room and up. Boy Vos; ao were we! Gross Addition to Eugene. 1-anu Drake, Jane Doe Drake, Joseph Boyd, ut M HO Pearl Hl Eugene. Oregon Koch, Call 126 J. »• T H I CAR YOU AHI LOOKING Jane Doe Boyd. Stivers Vernon. Jane County. Omgon. ___ 8 2*: O 4-11-20-27: You are hereby further notified that Doe Vernon, and ail unkonwn owner« The beat unbreakable watch cry»- FOR AT PETTYJOHN'S The Strangle Hold of the property described herein: De­ C. F. Working and Lulu M. Working F o il HALE—Carbon paper In large tala. Any «hap« or alMe. Hoyt'» Store have paid taxea on said premises for Wunne—"1 can't uderstand why I fendants. Hloeta, 36x39 Inches. aultublu for prior and or subsequent years, wita 312 Main Btreet. •» wa« so dizzy last night. 1 only had IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the LOOK OVER OUR SELECTIONS rate of Interest on said amounts making tracing« The N ew s Office. OF OREGON: You are hereby notl- SEPTlC TANKS OF LATE MODEL USED I one glass.” fled that C F Working and Lulu M. as follows. 1 CARS: | Guyee—"Yes, but they kept filling Rate of lot Wo specialise In awlaa broclet watch Amount Iteudy for you to Inatatl Tax Receipt No. Date Paid j It.” ____ _______ Year's Tax 12 * 9.25 »21 29224 Aug. 15, 1925 1*$7 Four peasetiffer (dunlry Club repairing lloyt's 321 Main HI root, tf For family of fire — 1922 12 13 30 29235 »28 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON Aug. 15, 1925 1923 For family of eight — 12 Coup*. 13 10 16779 Aug 15, 1926 1924 EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE at our plant 12 25.84 l‘Y PE Wit ITER RIBBONS— Assorted 1*27 Dodge Coupe. 2746 Apr. 15, 1926 1925 12 23 59 Sewer Pipe—Drain Tile Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- 1338 1*3« Standard llulck Two-Door Sedan. make« In black and blue in stock at Apr. 21. 1926 1926 ! tue of an execution and order of «ale Chimney Blocks 1*26 Btaudard llulck Roadster. t ie New» office. For the convent ‘ You are further notified that C. F premises for subsequent years, with I In foreclosure Issued out of the Clr- 1*26 Jew ett T w olloor Couch. ence of customers who have hither- J EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. cult Court of I-ane County. Oregon, on w orking and Lulu M Working have the rate of Interest on said amount» 1*27 Btaudard llulck Fourlkior K.-dan to not been able to get ribbons In tf. the 21»t day of September, 1927, in a Im|d municipal assessm ents upon said as follows : ult Wherein The Pacific Savings & — Total Int. Hprlnglleld we have started Ibis 1*23 Essex Coach. Amt. Date Paid H ate of int. Amount July 26,1926 1*34 Studebaker Light HI m Coupe new line of ribbons for Updsrwoodi*. . Blank Promissory notea end re I^ian Association, a Washington cor | $13.18 12 poratlon. plaintiffs, recovered Judg j $61 04 $7.02 $54.02 July 26.1926 12 Ford Coup» ., ilo o Remingtons. Royuls, L. C. Smith. . celpte printed and In stock at the rueut against the defendants Emma C. . 40 84 67.2» 9.70 57.59 Mar. 27.1926 12 57.59 llulck Touring ........ I*1’ and other makes. Ople. Harry J. Ople. E. D. Lombard > tf ' News office. Aug 2.1927 12 24 57 ” ------------ ----- land Catherine Lombard for the sum ' 74.34 56 IbHlgo Touring $35 73 78 Aug. 2.1927 12 49 21 $202 67 CALL AND SEE Dr. N W. Emery j j j g j 37 and Interest thereon at the ; Total . We will accept your car In trade nnd SUM M O N « on prices on plates and other work. tf. | ralt. of iq «, per annum from March g lie terms. This summons Is published by order In the circuit Court of the State ot 15. 1927 until paid, and tor the further Said Mary — A. Perry, as the owner Oregon for Lane Clunty. , hp Jp , tltle of tbe above des of the Honorable C. P Barnard. Judge FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large ! sum of 210.00 together with lntere«t OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS of the County Court of the State of Frank Griffin. Plaintiff, va. Ana A. ' .... I thereon at the rate of 10% per annum (lrb,.d property as the same appears sheets, 26x39 Inches, suitable ’ . from July 26. 1927, and for the further f ord and each of the other per- Oregon for the Connty of Lane, for Griffin. Defendant. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. uiuklng tracings. The News Office. , HUrn nf $200 00 a« Attorneys fee«, to- gong named above are hereby further the reason that Honorable O. F Skip- To Ana A Griffin. Defendant: Judge of the Circuit Com-t of -------------------------- — j («ether with costs of saiu suit in the | fied tbat q p Working and Lain worth IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF I said County and State is absent from Bwveutb and Oil»« St. Eugene, Ore. ' sum of 216.50. which Judgment was en- „ w orking will apply to the Circuit OREGON: You are hereby required | l ’hono 1297. nawer the in. couium oi. , NOTICE-FOR PUBLICATION | rolled end docketed In the office of o f th Connty and State afore- the State, and said order was made to appear and answer “ W th„ X v e complaint “« H ie d ! D epartm ent of the Interior, U 8. Land -he < nun. v Clerk of «aid Uounty^on ‘ „ T for a decree fored o.ln e, lien and dated this 31 day of August. 1927, tiled against you and the date of the first publication o tt,c , , t Roseburg. Oregon. Sep- -01 h day of Septem ber “ andm ' agr.tnst the propetry above Or He« Mr Master«, 524 O Hired suit on or before four weeks from dal- of this summons is the 1st day of • em ber 10 1927 ' 11,lon to m“ <'lret **d com m a nil ng gnd mentlonad |n i B1d certificate. And Hprlnglleld. Phone 132 J “' X . f ’the plaintiff I k o TK ' e ’ u lon-by given that Squire >>>•' InI theI name ' you are hereby cummoned to appear September, 1927. w .„ t . V 7 « ^ ¿ g 1. n ^ ^ g o n ,h wlm:U,on j o r d ^ ^ a ^ I s f /s a U ? Judgment. All process and papers In this pro­ So It Goes ceedings may be served upon the un­ •‘Arthur seem» to find It hard to p ra y ed fo r Io Hu . o m p .a ln t and for a Entr). N„ 014524. for H 4 S B - . , and , am i a c c ru in g p’r” p^ v ,h^ ' " ' ’? U th e day .of the flret »ubllc.tlo.x_jxnd dersigned residing within the State ing described real p ro p erty to -w lt: defend" this action or pay the amount of Oregon at the address hereafter HM>«t his expenses In school." decree of absolu te divorce from you RKI< N W t4. Section 7. and on Novem Th(- W(1)t nftv.,hree <531 feet of Ix>t due as shown above, together with mentioned. “Gush, not me I meet them wht-r and autiulkm-hl o f the m arriage mount, an addition to the City of Eu- case of your failure to do so, a decree Plaintiff. Residence and poatofflce This summons 1« published once Meridian, has filed notice apnP- i j , ne County. Oregon T e'.Jtd ’taxeV an d ^ coitT 'agafn st 'the address, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL each week for four consecutive of intention to make three year Proof. Now therefore in the name of the o t "a*£ t“*8 aboTP rapntloned Se. 1, 8, 15, 22. 29: Oc 6. 13, 20. 27: ACCOUNT It! the Springfield New», a to establish claim to the land above statP of Oregon. In compliance with l-»n.l and pr m,. . abo ------— _ _ _ Notice la hereby given that the un Newspaper published In Sprlngfleld. ,|ea(.rlbpd before E. O. Immel, U. S. , „„¡j execution and order of sale and i — r ’ u o .n .v n And Ditto derslgned Executor i r . . npp at Eugene, Oregon, on In order to satisfy said Judgment. In-1 NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Bcutor of the estate of ,_OI1P County. Oregon, by order of ha. Held l. „„neralde 1 terest. attorneys ' fees, costs of ----------- * j —Q—.p g JS HEREBY GGIVEN- That ■ He D” y° U think men are made suit an.l Ellas Nlcolle. deceased, hua Held h hi» Honorable G G F, F . accruing costs. I will on Saturday the NOTICE 18J1EREBY duat? flnal account with the County Clerk lh „ uiM)ve court, made rt. m ade Octob« UC Claimant names as witnesses: of Lain- County, und that by order of 19»7 afld thia summon» dated ami flr«l (efaphatically)— No. If they Archie J Davis. Ora A . . _ ----- i - - —- i »27. the County Court of «aid County. 9»' published O ctober filh. 1927. I,,.»,,,,, Mnllntl W V Talll Tallman. imagine you'd dry up once in a unlay, the 8th day of «».«ole-r, 1 9 2 7 ./ WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attoree.' M .^ latt M nt Ho- hour of ten o'clock A M. at the for ,h„ l-lalntirt. R esid en ce and pqy * HAM , L) A CANADAY. - . i Oregon, and that October 22nd, 1927. ____________________ County Court room In the Court llo u e s office address. Eugene, Dregon i jj -jj- jj; o 8-i the forenoon thPreof n o tjc e p rB L , CATloN Lane County. Oregon, offer for .ale a{ (en O.cloc„ O 6 13-20-27: N 3: In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, has- and «ell for cash, at public auction. : ¡he Court House in Euegne. Lane been Axed as the time and place of FOREST EXCHANGE «ubject to redemption as provided bv county, Oregon, has been fixed by flnal hearing upon said flnnl account FINAL NOTICE • V, law. all ail OI n g m . title u u e and Interest -- „am o u r t as toe No. 01.. 87 of tn the e right, 8ald c Courl the nine time anu and place »«. for , MAX STOVE WORKS and for the settlem ent of said estate that Notice Is hereby given ¿n of the defendants Emma C. Ople and hearing said account and settlem ent Department of the Interior, unixeo ti» r _ _ . • All persons having objections io _ v_ — -4 f _ i __u x — O'ltehurn. S ta te s Land F Office. Roseburg, Ur»1 Ore­ undersigned Sarah Glick has filed her jjarTJ, j ople. her husband. E. D. thereof. Buys. Sells. Repair« and said flnal acount. or any Item thereof final report and account as admlnts- and Catherine Lombard, his Datp of flrgt publication September Exchanges gon. Septem ber 2. 1927. are hereby nollfled to present the tratrlx of the estate of L. J. Glick. w,fp Walters-Bushong Lumber Com- ¡2. 1927. NOTICE Is hereby given that J. F. gloves. Ranges and Heaters same to the County Court on or before deceased, and the County court of > ny a corpratlon. and L. M. Travis. \LTA KING. Administrator. Yates, of C ovallls, Oregon, filed ap­ the time Axed for flnal hearing herein aVthe Countv a corporation and all persons ’ S 22 29: O 6-13-20: plication No. 017587. under the Act df Main near Mill 9t. JESSE J N'lCOLI.E, Executor. day ¿ ’clock In the fore - clahplng by. through or under them __ _ March 20. 1922. (42 Stat.. 465) to ex- BEAN * itROOKE. Attorneys. Court room at 10 O ( lock tn tne to n ...h e r of them in and to . . . nr any or either of them In t o 1, « t h e CIRCUIT COURT OF THE change the SH of N*£. of Section 2S, S 8 15 22 29 0 6 noon at Eugene. Oregon, a« the time said premises. ‘ STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Township 15 8.. Range 9 WoaL M . M., and place for flnal hearing In Bald FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of ---- 1 .w ithin the ‘ - Siuslaw •— National ---------- - COUNTY' OF LANE estate and all objections should be tiled or presented on or before said | Lane < «^eg n b , - e ... j ¡(; t , ; - s " » S ? ” t “ L S R 22 29: O 6-13-20: Beers. Defendant. Range 12 W est. W. M.. within saM time . _ Dated and first published Septem­ SUMMONS S IM M O N S . gipgiaw National Forest. _ A R C H A M B E A U 'S ber 15th. 1927 IV t h f r i m U1T COURT OF THE To Frank J. Beers, the above named The purpose of this notice Is to al- SARAH GLICK. Administratrix. % ™ T E iS ^ OREGONR POR T iiE Defendant: low all persons claiming the lan< W O M E N S SHO P hemstitching WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE “elected.__or_ having bona, Specialty Dressmaking 5c a yard , 8. 15-22 29: O 6-13 COUNTY OF LANE OF OREGON, you are hereby required rtlo n sjo such »P P^aH on.^n opnorttm- Evening Dresses — Hand Made J. A Williams. Plaintiff, vs. Charles v r uam vo. { ie)r protP9t wtth with the Plaintiff. Mn, W K. BARNELL O. Dowell. Nelli. W Dowell. Grace to appear and „^ .va em it led Ree’«ter of the I’. S. Land Office at Flow er«- - Hat« and Coats NOTICE TO CREDITORS 6.'l5 D Street, Phone 105-W E Drown ard John Doe Brown. De- filed against you in the. 5 o' Pbuig. Oregon. Cor. Main and Second Streets. Or leave orders at Notice Is hereby given that the un- fPndnntR Court anil cause An^ guch prf)tpst of objection must Phono 166W Jerslgned Althn E Sellon 1 ms been up- To Charles O. Dowell. Nellie M day of 1 'J' • „ , hp da,.. be filed in this office within thirty Farmers Exchange I pointed Administratrix of the estate nowpll, Grace E nrown and John Do« Ing ",or^ tha,‘ ef*_. . this sum days from the date of the first public»- Sellon. deceased, by t h e ! Brown. Defendants: ____________± ‘ a % " r h e r e btnC“en”er« l of'record ' Hon of this notice. of Ell M County Cou.t of Lane County. Oregon , N THE NAME OF THE STATE mona “^ ^ p p e a r and answer her 8. 1927. „ J i 0.“ ? and all peraons having clam ls «gains. , o p OREGON: You are hero»”- - - A “ thpreor , he plaintiff will HAMILL ^ CANADY Register LUBKE SECOND HAND said estate will present same duly ,,u| rpd to appear and answer the com , hp Cf)llrt for the relief in S. 8-1R--2-2F: 0 6 STORE verified as by law r£du‘O' mons and herein entered of record I on or before six months after the Successor to Sutton Transfer date of the first publication of th » of the Frederick^ Fisher D. L. C. *No , , hp 09th day of September. 1927. and if you fall so to appear and answer DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL 53 in Tp. 19 8., R 2 W est of the Wil­ and the" date of the last publication for want thereof the plaintiff will lK'tlCP. Dated and first published Septem­ lamette Meridian and running thence will be the 10th day of November. applv to the Court for the relief in DENTIST Its complaint against you demanded South 89“ nnd 45' West 20.00 chains, 1927. Offllce Phone 48 Re» IT»008 3 ber 15th, 1927. on the South “line of said D. L. C.. FRANK A. DE PUE. Attorney for and prayed for to-wit: Phone 43 AMADNA MAY PINKSTAFF. Ex- thence North 20.00 chains, thence A Judgment against W. H. Clark for Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. Plaintiff. Residence, Sprlngfleld. Oro- _ the sum of $2959.00 and interest there­ Flret Nat'l Bank Bldg. Sprlngflald i ecutrlx. General Practice. Special Attention WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney North 89’ and |5 ‘ East 20.00 chains gOIS. 29: O. 6. 13, 20. 27: N. 3. 10: on from th«- 30th day of November. to the East line of said D. L. C. and 8 15 22 29: O 6-13 to Obstetrics and Diseases of ch I- 1926. at 8% per annum, and the thence South 20.00 chains to the place further sum of $110.54 taxes paid by dren. of beglhnlng. containing 40 acres In NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, plaintiff together with interest there­ First National Bunk Building NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Section 18 In said Township and FOREST EXCHANGE on at 6% per annum from September Range In Lane County. Oregon; And FOREST EXCHANGES No. 017633 Sprlngfleld, Oregon 15th. 1927. until paid, and $350 as for a Judgment and decree for the No. 017646 Department of the Interior, United attorneys fees and the costs and dis­ _ . , , •(,. intarinr United foreclosure of that certain mortgage All kind* of gravel for con­ States Land Office. Rpseburg, Ore­ bursements of the suit. De?.i,rAmer i_ 5 f O r. mentioned In the complaint on (He A Decree foreclosing the mortgage States Land Office. Roseburg. Ore- herein, and for a sale of said mort­ gon. September 22, 1927. crete or road work. We WM. G. HUGHES non. September 22, 1927. NOTICE is hereby given that Calvin of the Plaintiff and ordering the real gaged premises to satisfy said Judg­ F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E make a specialty of crushed NOTICE Is hereby given thnt John ment and decree; and for a further W. Yates, of b.iedd, Oregon, filed ap property covered thereby sold by the rock and rock sand. Bunk­ Steen, of Lebanon. Oregon, filed app.L , pRn't'ha7 C l e v e r right, title, j pHcatlon Nm 017633'. under the Act of sheriff of Lane County. Oregon, and NOTARY PUBLIC ers at foot of Main on Mill |cn tlo n No. 0 1 .1.41-> ’ aS. Holm lien or Interest the defendant«. ’ March 20. 1922 (42 Stat., 465» to ex- the proceeds of the sale be applied , Office at : March 20 1932 <42 ®,a t" ‘, r o 'I Charles O. Dowell. Nellie W. Dowell, change the 91* of N H . Section 10, Tp In satisfaction of said Judgment and street. FIRST NATIONAL BANK loh n n ie the Sl-,%. Sec. 9. Tp 15 R. R Brfiwn nnd Jnhn Brown 15 g.. Range 9 West. Vi. M . contain- for any deficiency which may remain HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. ll.mge 9 West. W. JJ . within th. Slits_ h ,alm , 0 have 1,, and to inu 160 acres within the Siuelaw that the plaintiff have Judgment Sprlngfleld, Ore° on , law National Forest In ^ -'h a n g e for m«> Rn„ propprty Ig BubJprt National - Forest • - In exchange - -------------------- for tlm against the defendant W. H Clark. ; -15,5.“ S . !:» « g g r o r o - S i ’ « - « ¿ i ’ S That this summons is served upon her from the SW ’<* SW 1*, Sec- - 1 Tp. 9 S . Range 6 East. YY ill Mer.. you bv publication thereof In the DR. N. W. EMERY within the Santlam National Forest. Springfield News pursuant to an order of the Honorable C P. Barnard Judge Oregon. D E N T IS T F orest, Oregon. (»logon. J"st e deficiency Judgment against. Sutton Bldg. 20 J allow all persons claiming the lands Oregon for the County of Lane duly nllow all person* claiming the lands dants. Charles O. Dowell nnd Nellie selected, or having bona fide objec­ made and entered of record on the Repairing a Specialty Residence Phone 153-M said Judgment of tions to such application an oppor­ 24th day of September. »27. ordering selected, or having bona fide tibjei ' W — ~ Dowell, to satisfy “ Springfield, Oregon tlons to such application an oppor­ plaintiff in case said mortgaged pre tunity to file their protest with the this summons to be published once Sprlngfleld, Oregon m lses do not sell for r.n amount suffi Register of the U 8. l^ n d Office at each week for six consecutive weeks tunity to flic their protest with the In the Springfield News and that the I Register of the U. S Land Office at clent to satisfy same. Oregon. This summons is published by order Roseburg. date of the first publication will be I Roseburg, Oregon. Any such protests or objections M. G. HOGE General I