...... PAGE FTVE TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY OCTOBER, »), I »27 11 Portage and out through the wilder- Mr». Doan* Hat Questa— Mra. U»Tl Marriage Uleaneaa laauad neaa were alive with huckleberries. It Ikiun« haa aa dinner »ueala on« waa a good fruit aeaeon, for the ralna hurt ng the paat weak marriage llo | Itila week Mr and Mra. Il K. Wll- (Continued from Pag« 3) NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. been plentiful, and had come at llama, Kugeuej Mr amt Mra. Uran eaaea have haen laauad by the county many of the thing, he yearned to a . r haul r|•* be heW “l H1«b »e»“*4 - »“ the 2gtb daJ' of October. 1327. at eight H _ , 1 a . _ . _ ^ __ rlea, each as large as th o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter man and Ixila Baker, both of Hugona; ] at |Mt Mra. It K. Ix>ve, J aa per. Kugene Knowles, Trent, and Morenci- . bfla(, .., you little Anger, grew In prodigal protu get fMl( w,)h , be levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a Mra. Mattar Improvaa—Mra Knat m elem entary «chool fund during the coming school - one morning, over to his own property. Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during her get over here huffy At, that's all 7.766 00 f ■ The sand of the narrow road was the coming school year — ------------------------- ----------------- 11« should let her come t o her damp. He noticed with surprise the »22.187 63 aenaes—. f Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax clear-cut Impression of motor-tires By three o'clock he deemed that she which turning from the highway, also RECAPITULATION should have come to her senses, for »54,539.5» entered the southern field of his land. Total estimated expenses for the year ......... — /2487.S 8 he drove townward, taking tile curves Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax _ f ivf reln iscoun tamps He followed the track to Jhe mound, of the sandy road at a reckless s'e-ed. »32,351 71 and around the base, Balance, amount 1« he arised hv district tux H is visit was fruitless. Mrs. Klhnane (TO BE CONTINUED) came to the door of her home In ans­ The indebtedness of District No. 19 is as follows: wer to her ring. Hhe said brleAy that » 71.000 00 Nice Potted Ferns 'Total bonded in d e b te d n e ss------------------------------------------ 35,19013 Mrs. Forbes was away. Total warrant indebtedness ...— - -------------------- ------------- At Oldham and Scbantol's. 37903 "Do you know when she'll be back?'' Total amount of other indebtedness ----------------------—— »106,569.16 he questioned, disappointedly. Total amount of all Indebtedness ---- ------------ —------------- N O T IC E ^ otice Is hereby given that I will "No, Mr. Forbes. She said to tell Dated this 5th day of October, 1927. not be responsible for any bills con­ you not to wait." A ttest: R. W. SMITH, District Clerk. v tracted by Shannon's Pastime Pool Wm G HUGHES. ROY W. CARLTON, W. P. TYSON. W. C. WRIGHT, Hummer reached its crest, and the , ball. D. B MURPHY Budget Committee. little, sheltered valleyB about Long I ROY HICKM AN. Notice of School Meeting CEDAR SWAMP You can always depend upon splendid baking results with Crescent ■ the Double Acting Baking Powder -ygg?. W G ’2).W G r S D Opening o f The Hot Soda Season Fountain beverage* have become so popular ami >| J the m ethods of dl*|n>nsing bo Improved that the ~ demand for them Is uniform the year around. W ann w eather beverages are Htlll popular, but with the Ilrst glgns of cold w eather we shall begin to ? .e r v e II Complete line of hot beverages. \\ nerve _ LARA WAY’S DEPARTMENT STORE • C o ld a n d H o t D r in k s in S e a s o n Joins With Laraway’s Jewelery and Music Stores Celebrating 18 Years in Business in Eugene Our hot ami cold drinks are equally good, because both are prejitired from the purest and choicest J| —’ m aterials. We Are Celebrating Continue to drink with ub , no m atter whether you prefer hot or cold beverages. By Offering the People of Eugene And Lane County O u r Hot Chocolate ¡a E x tra Fine Ketels’ Drug Store IH A Rousing Three Day Anniversary Sale e B ili 942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 6, 7 and 8 • EVERY PIECE OF MERCHANDISE IN THE ENTIRE STORE IS SUBJECT TO OUR ANNIVERSARY SAIxE DISCOUNT. OUR FALL STOCK OF QUALITY’ MERCHANDISE IS VERY COMPLETE AND ALL MARKED AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. IN ADDITION TO TH ESE LOW PRICES WE ARE 0FFERI1NG AN ANNIVERSARY DISCOUNT TO SHOW OUR APPRECIATION FOR TH E LIBERAL PATRONAGE YOU HAVE GIVEN THE LARAYVAY INSTITUTIONS IN THE PAST AND WE HOPE THROUGH OUR SUPER SERVICE AND QUALITY ALSO LOW PRICES TO MER1IT A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR VALUABLE PATRONAGE. ATTEND THIS SALE WE CAN SAVE YOU REAL DOLLARS ON YOUR FALL PURCHASES. Extra Special for Friday 75 Ladies’ Dresses 125* Anniversary • Girl«! See These Coats Every Approved Style A t Universal Saving* “Never before,” you will say, “have cost» like these been priced »o low”— that’» what we thinl^and why we want you to see them soon I Tweed mixture« and twills— with or without fur collars. Size* 2 to 16 Year* 6.90 About Half in the Lot Silk and the Others Woolen Special a t $5 ,9 0 Values to $10.75 Read Our Four Page Advertisements in Thursday Morning R egister aratvOi L araw ay Bu-ldinft »66 968 Willamette Street WHERE. QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE *