OREGON STATE NEWS C i GENERAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. TI ru n a DA Y OCTOBBR, 6, 1927 THK 8PR IN O inK U ) NEWS PAUK r o U R Work on the first uail of the Mend Btaraa highway started Inal week with craws atartlag at Brothers and head- ; I ng toward Head Daachutea conuqr ' road cr^as and eqnlpnxat ara being ua<>d by tha state in construction work. I roads ware found by the Springfield men. Near Martie Feint they found an antomohllw driven by a woman I well sunken Into a ditch and with the ! aid of other motorists dragged the Jasper Man lis—Paul G kid ward a ■>( Hotel Is Planned— Dr V. L Ruder machine from the m ir e Jasper waa a Springfield visitor Sat will conduct a hole! at Heerhoru lu Charlea Kenyan In Idaho—« hartes unlay. connection with the sanitarium oper Kenyon. Jr. who haa been rtslllng sled by htoi for some lime. ' V isiters Hare Sunday— Frank Meyer of Wendling paid Springfield a visit P rayer M ealing Data la Shifted— Sunday. Prayer meeting » a s held at the W endling Man H e re —-G uy Bedding Methodist church Wednesday instead of Wendling waa a Sprlngt^ld visit r of Thursday night thia weeh. ,Ihe latter date being left open fur choir Saturday. practice. This plan will probably be Daughter Is Welcomed— Mr and carried nut through the winter months Mrs Geo. P Franks welcom.nl a baby while the choir remains active. daughter laat Saturday Many Huckleberries Found— llunr Hera From Craswell— L- Castb-raan kleberriea are plentiful in the Bandon of Creswell waa a visitor tn Spring district, according to George Valller. Beld Friday I’leg McPherson and Bill Hurls, who Hera From Harrisburg— Mrs Sam visited there over the w eekend Good Faarver of Harrisburg was a Spring- field visitor Saturday. TOWN AND VICINITY for anma lime wllh hla parents. Mr. and Mrs <’ H XenyoA. wunl Ihla week II) Wolaer. Idaiio. lu be gotia about 10 dura lle ll waa accoiupanlad by Ton» Reyr. Aaunclatrd ITeaa at­ tache who haa baen vlaltlng the Kenvona for a few daya. Mr Bayr » lit go to Han Francl»«u> upon hla n e turn front Idaho. A large amount of fall plowing ia i being done throughout the Handy- Gresham section, and more tall seed­ ing will be done than ever before It 1» found that grain sowed In the fall Th- »anual convention of the Ore­ produce» better than sprtng sowing gon Bar aaaoclatlon « • held in Bend The state treasurer haa received last week from the secretary of state a warrant The Oregon stats fair, for the first for I Sod.ooo. which la the three-fourths tlci- in hlatorjr. waa held over on Son proportion of motor vehicle fees col­ lected during the semi annual period <»y thia year. W alter L- Too»e, Sr., for many year» March If to September 15 of this year a prominent resident of <>re«on. died Governor Patterson haa issued an suddenly at his home in S a le * last order extending the reprieve taaued to waak , James WUloe. convict, for a period of Bids have been opened at Medford 30 days WHloa ia under death sen­ •n «tdeolng and clearing the channel tence for the part he played in the and stabilizing the bank» of Bear slaying of guards during a break at the state penitentiary here tn August. •nek. The data of the Sherwood potato 1935. Dannie Cyr III— Ib n n le Cyr la r. and onion »how has been changed Cracksmen blew the safe In tha ported IU at the home of his daughter. from Noeember 5 to Saturday. Noveut store of Gilliam a Bisbee of Heppner Mrs. Walter Laxtun her 1». laat week and escaped. They secured about 3150. It la thought the men Hara From Mareóla— -Mrs Guy Red Five flah boat» came In to Coos bay recently with about Ji.uvo pounds were after the funds of the rodeo, ding of Marcóla was a Springfield Of salmon, the largest offshore catch which closed here Saturday, but moat visitor thia week. of these (usds had been taken to the Ut the year. In From Jaspar—C R Franklin of Between 55 and «0 per cent of the bank. Jasper spent a part of Tuesday Iran T h e Perfect Vmatllla wheat crop haa been sold, The state banking department. | »acting business here. according to an estimate of Henry Col- which has been located in Portland S anitary Napkins M r. Smith Honored— Several fro nd» Baa. Pendleton miller. for more than two year*, will be moved of Mr and Mrs. O B Smith of Natron] Washington county haa no bonded back*to Salem, according to announce- Y O U must n J ly hear «n Orthophonie V ic tro b pixy to Indebtedness and approximately 40 i ment made by A. A. Schramm, state gathered at the Smith bom.- Saturday understand its astonishing range in musical reproduction. m iles of paved highway* and 530 miles i superintendent of banks, at a meeting night in honor of hi» birthday. It give» vou everv measure, every shaiHng of a note, exactly > of the state banking board held in at splendid level macadam roada Tonsils Are Removed— llob ert end Completion of the digicing of nine 1 Salem recently. as the artist rendered it. W alk into another room and it Cheater, tons of Mr ami Mr« W r Tomatoes are ripening fast and are acre» *.*f potatoes on the Newton Miller Boring underwent tonsil operation« Is hard to believe that the artist i» not there in person, farm on Grand Island gave looo sacks. 1 of wonderful site and fiavor and in I at the office of a lock! physician Fri­ singing or playing to vou and your guests. If you haven t running from 100 to 120 pounds a sack, i sufficient amount to keep the Grand day. Marion oonnty producei more than , Island cannery running continuously heard the new Orthophonie V irtro la, by all means com« 1» per cent of all «the peppermint ] Canning of puree haa begun Melons Dr. Rebban Returns— D r W. C in and see ua— todjyl Velvet edges that prevent grown in the United State», according also are ripening fast and are rich R.-bhan is back at hl« office following and sweet. Clover hulling is progress- any Irritation. to L. C. Harrold. Lake Labish refinery | a vacation of two weeks Ilia la't I ing and quality and yield continue holiday trip waa up Row river. He •Xpert. The underlayer protecta i returned with a good catch of fish ’ At a public auction held recently on good. the clothing A total of 1104 forest Area caused by | I the Claude Fulgham farm near Day Automobiles Crash — Automobiles lightning, with 418 man caused fires More and more women jon. dairy oowa brought goon prices. are demanding Gnuz-td Bit entire herd averaging more than tor the season up to September 30. ia operated by W. J. Lloyd of Motor shown in the fire summary just re­ Route B and Thomas MiKinnl» of because of the protection flOO each. leased by the forest service offices at Springfield collided on Main between and comfort. ' Ashland will celebrate Thursday. Portland In spite of heavy rains so Third and Fourth streets Saturday October «. with a big fall festival. far In September. 48 fires were re­ Little damage and on Injuries re­ Which. It Is »aid. will eclipse anything ported by the {prest rangers from Sep­ sulted. T *r \ ’rw Box of One Ooxan of the kind ever held in that city. All tember 10 to 30. Of Oreg'Xi has been invited Q ribopbon tt Arm Is Dislocated— The little »on of The state treasurer ha« deposited After being mangled under the Mr and .Mr». R. C. Humphrey wav with the sta te s fiscal agent in New wheels of a locomotive. Anthony Me- , brought to the office of a local physi­ E __ , i York |2 .1ST.552.69 io pay principal and Gibbon. Brooks Scanlon logging train I I Inloeaaf /vov f iruonn Kw.nHa nils* A td . itB-l cian Saturday with a dislocated arm w interest on Oregon bond» due. A total conductor, died while being brought The Injury was sustained 10 days pre­ I of »588.315 25 was deposited to pay to a Bend hospital laat week. viously when the boy fell while play­ tab Stört ! interest on 827.bOO.Ooo of veteran's aid Sam Starmer. sheriff of Douglas bonds and 81.tO0.33C.44 to pay 8800 000 ing t e w ; was elected by the state board ..rlnclpa, and |SM u ( 14 interest on ef control as commandant of the Old state highway bonds. goXiers' Home at Roseburg, to suc­ More than 30 per cent of the Lane ceed the late George W . Riddle. i county prune crop has been ruined or Union county farmers are looking i badly damaged by recent rains, ac- forward to one of the best potato crops j cording to one prominent grower, and la many years when the croop is dug | some growers estimated the loss to be this fall. There are 1300 acres and more than that. The rains came In the estim ate la 250 bushels to the acre. the midst of picking and continued to The fifth case of infantile paralysis | such an extent that the prunes not >j»s discovered by Dr. P. M Drake onljr but began to rot on the Coo« county health officer, last week. ! treel and resulted in the closing of the Toy The "town" of Noonchester. born School, near Coquille, until October 10. three weeks ago of a gold rush that The 1927 University of Oregon Hun­ collapsed when rocks failed to react ger sessions at Portland ana Eugene to gold tests, was moving down the We will start our annual clean-up Lumber Sale at our Springfield mill on Monday, October 3rd. had a total enrollment of 1324. as cow western slopes of the Cascades in gsred to 1225 in 1126. Dr. Arnold Ben trucks from Windy point last week Get your list ready and come early If you expect to get In on the real bargains. Many of these Items offered will be sett Hall, president of the university, Pinal Daces of the town will be re­ has announced moved In the next few days, according cleaned up during the first few days but there will be plenty «if good building material left for any ordinary use. Congressman W. C. Hawley has rec­ to information from the stormy sum­ ommended the reappointment of Fred mit of the mountains. Wagner as postmaster of Ashland. Portland smashed two foreign trade Per M. Per M. I HU present term will expire December records in September. More wheat 19 and his reappointment will be for was exported from this port than In (/