THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY (KTOHBIt. 6, 1 »27 PAGE THREE Lltaral Las land, aside from this year's taxes You NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE O?I E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E "This Is perfectly stunning," gently haven’t enough to meet II. and you Under ano oy virtue oi an Order of ■creamed the collet* man as the won't be able to get enough. Tell the Sale and Decree of Foreclosure Issued burglar socked him one on the head. truth, now. Will you?” out of the Circuit Court of the State "I haven’t all of It, he admitted “I of Oregon and County of laine on REFEREE'S SALE know where I can borrow Jt If I September 27th. IM7. In a suit where­ OF REAL PROPERTY in Commercial State Bank of Spring- have to." field. as plaintiff, recovered a Judg Notice 1« hereby given that In puf- She nodded and went on: “Patsy ment against Grant J Cowling In the ■nance to an order and decree of the has left you. Eddie. All Long Portage sum of 1250 00 and Interest thereon Circuit Court of the State of C ration knows It. She's a stenographer In old «I the rate of 8'£ per annum front for Ijine County, m ade'and entered Klnnane'« office. She'« living at their September 22, 192« until paid; the In the Cause wherein I-aura Walker further sum of 236 00 attorney fees; was nlalntlff and Harold Stelnhauer, home Bo—' the further sum of 2303 36 and the 8r„ Harold Stelnhauer. Jr.. Nelson J. Again the red flowed Into bis cheek». »urn of 224 32 cost« of said suit, and a Brooks. Elizabeth Brooks. Alfred 111 c a s tr a tio n * H e n r y Jay L o o Malcolm Walker, Oraca And you'rv- still off on the wrong decree of foreclosure agalnat the »aid Walker. < ?, O ^ y v 4 £ l^ M U X a .l V. FRÜH foot, Nance. Everything Is all right, defendant, which »aid decree was en­ Walker, Mildred Walker and Donald U U Lovl A a to O M U r rolled and docketed In the office of Walker were defendants at a regular really.” the County Clerk of said County on term of said Court on the 20th day of She shook him Impatiently. “Can It. September 27th, 1927. and an execu­ September. 1927. »nnofntlnc the un­ Eddie; I know It Isn't. Now. what I tion Issued thereon by the Clerk of dersigned. R. R Wells, Referee with TM I LBAOINQ CHARACTIR* — flaal." stood It was not a long drive, even same here to say was this; I—" and said Court on September 27th. 1927. I an order to eell the following de«> E dison Forbss. • young resident of Only, then she stopped as If quite unable to am commanded t-> «ell the following crlbed real property belonging to th« “You may lose It < jji the taxea—— ” for sandy wllderne*« roads described real property, to-wlt: plaintiff and defendants In fee »Imp!« H< utldals with an tub* rani craving "The taxea will be taken rare of ho wished that she hadn’t come. go on. But she shrugged and plunged Beginning at the Northwest corner and as tenant« In common, situated for liquor, la balil for tba death of a when the time comas.” retorted Eddie "W elt aren't you going to ask ma bravely ahead. "I have money enougn of the following described tra d In In Labe County. Oregon, to-wlt: v i c a u who has barn killed by a boot "By the way. they tell be you have In?" «he rallied blm. Beginning at the northeast corner of to w ip e out those taxes and never Creswell, Lane Countv. Oregon, to-wlt: legglug truck. vlrcuwatuutlal evi­ some young pigs Wonder If I could “Of course; I want you to see tba miss It. Won't yon—" Beginning at a point 14 chains East section 14. In township IS »onth rang« of the Southeast corner of Lot Nine 3 west of the W illamette Meridian 111 dence point« to Forbes and ralbar deal for one of them? Hull offered to Improvement« I'm waking." "No, Nance. Thank you Just the 19) In Section Fourteen (14) Town­ laine County. Oregon, and run thenc« Hbe stood In the center of the floor same, but It Isn't necessary, 1 can ship than tall tba truth of tba vplaoda let mine run with their hogs till fall. Nineteen f i l l South. Range south 13 chains -more or less, to the which would clear bltn but cast an A good thriving pig should make me and looked smilingly about her get It all right ” Three (3) West of the W illamette middle of Berkshire slough, thenc« Nance Kncell was a superb and strik­ other friend In a bad light, ba aland« some money." It was not his tnrn Io stop, em ­ Meridian. Oregon, and rnnnlng thence south westerly »long the middle of ing figure, vividly blonde. Her bonde barrassed, for the eyes Into which he West 21 IS chains to the middle of the said slough « 50 chains more or lesg, trial and la «entanrad to a long term County Road, thence following along to a po’nt 4 91« chains north of the When Eddie left for the ranch that hair was rough, not from lack of care, In prlaon. Tba governor ¿>f tba stats, evening a chubby young porker but from the excess of the owner's looked were slowly filling with tears. the said County Road North 7H north line of the Washington L. Rlgge an old friend of Eddie's father, be degrees East 11.36 chains, thence East donation land claim No 40. thence scrambled Ineffectively In a gunny- energy, apparently. She wore whip­ "I'd like to do a little som ething—" 14. SI chains, thence South 23>4 south 89* 33’ w est parallel to the north lievaa him Innocent and pardon« him ' sack In the tonneau of his car. The cord riding breeches that fitted with she began, again. "Sure you can get derees East 12.28 chains to the place line of said claim No. 40. 41 6« chains shortly after hl« arrival at the Jail. ! It, Eddie?" of beginning. For a beginning point to the east line of the Southern Paci­ little animal hod coat five dollar« Hut revesting perfection and a thin, brown Scoots L lb b e y , a w orthless charoc "Sure. Nance. But I’m mighty the tract hereby Intended to be con­ fic Railroad Company’s right of way, hl« hew owner could see ¡¡Is value silk shirt. Its collar femininely rolling. veyed. thence East 212 feet, thence thence northwesterly alone the east tar, who baa amaahed hie tracblna In ' grateful to you, Just the sam e.” • multlplyud by four against the day cut low unri held loosely In place by a * A smile broke through. “All right, South 420 feet, thence West 271 feet line of said right of way to the west Io another car, killing It« Iona otk’U- I of tax reckoning red tie She looked a daughter oJ(, |ndpppndpnce; she said, with to the center of said County Road, line of lot three of «ectlon 14. said pant, a woman. Forbes' companl -n I thence Northerly along the center of The perspective of a little distance of the Vlklnga. but sophisticated mod hard w y „ ,y And before he reallxed said County Road 425 feet, more or township and range, thence north on end Llbbey quit the arena burrldlj west line of «aid lot to a point 13« from Healman made the man uncon­ rr’xed and ralBed from Viking stolid- wfcat he(, nPXt raoye m|ght be, she leaving tba former alone Io face a leaa. to the place of beginning. feet south of the northwest com er vincing. Ilia explanation of why he Notice Is hereby given that on Sat­ thereof, thence east «00 feet, thence . tty by a complex modern clvlllxatlon. Ieaned forward and gigged hhn on the constable who reason« that Eddie, urday, the 29th day of October. 1927. north 136 feet to the north line of said "Biddle, as a housekeeper and oar- rool|y, with tba «cent of wbiekoy about blm ) wanted the Forbes tract did not ex 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said section 14. thence east on section Nance who realized first, a at moat be connected In aome way with ; plain He was not the type o f man j punter and landscape gardner you're day. at the front door of the Lane line to the place of beginning, all d(d , hat , herH County Courthouse In Eugene. Oregon. being He couM fee| her grip tighten real property, or ao much thereof ag best price at public auction, at the gbp laugh„d ,oudly and maliciously, may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff’s Southwest front door of the Court high agalnat him Accordingly they out regret If the abandonment would eBOUgh.” She sat down It RPPlned good to see someone from „ComP Roon- Rhe Rald raising her Judgment with Interest thereon and House In Eugene, bane County. Ore­ migrate up nrrth to aome land that bring money. costs to the highest and best bidder gon, on Raturday. the 22nd day of "I feel somehow, that Healman was I home, though Scottdale belonged to TO,rP baa been In the family for years for cash In Gold Coin of the United October 1927, between U e honrs of mixed up In thoae two rumrunners j a paat epoch In bis life. She tnkl him He turned his head Patsy Jane State«, said sale being subject to re­ nine o'clock A. M. and four o’clo c l Settled In their log cabin feeding me drugged whiskey,” muawl the news of the little town, flavored had come up |n the Klnnane car. and P M. of said day, to-wlt, at one demption as by law provided. laalh Baalman, a shifty neighbor who FRANK E. TAYLOR, 8herlff of o'clock P. M Terms cash In hand. 1« anxious to buy their' land Bridle Eddie. ''They had no reason of their with a humor slightly embittered. bad gtOpped In the driveway near the Lane County, Oregon. R. R. WELLS. Referee. learn« that the back taxes armount tu own for getting him out of the coun­ »lightly Ironic. “Now tell me your ^ r a g e . She had seen the kiss, heard S 29 . O 2-13-20-27: S 22-29: O « - 1 2 - 2 0 : try. I was sent out by freight so the trouble«, buddy,” «he ordered, when (he wordl| of |„ Tltat| on and lhe laugh. over eight hundred dollars but aa be baa live montha to pay he decide« to motor-tramp could come In and Jump Scottdale as a topic of conversation gbp , urned on , hp lnatanti her head high. ,nto the car, swung It swiftly refusrSealman's offer of 11200 and try my claim. He was to keep me off was exhausted "None to tell, he smiled. Every- and wag on , be road she had come, and get final title to hla property— with his gun It wasn't an accident waR confused, resentful, In- Sealman'a offer havltfg led blm to that he wa« talking to Healman on the thing's fine. I'm working at D ave-. dlgnanl He was angry with Nance . I think la very valuable. Hut Ihlnga road that day after I drove him out. nam's." "The long and short of It Is that •‘Don't you think I'm too old a friend Yet gy)f)d , agte kfip, blm from gaytng do not go well. Eddie rirlnka heavily Continued on page five) from aome bootlegger's potions, la for­ Healman wants nvy place. He wants to be kept on the outside, looking In?” , given by Patay, but soon after falla In It badly, hecauae It has a greater „he shot back, with smiling earnest with the aame gang, gets drunk, and value, aomehow, than appears on the : ness that was Impressive "Come wakea up In a freight car In C h ica g o - surface. I wonder what It Is?" He | across, now; tell your name.” many mile« away. Stricken with re­ pondered fruitlessly. "Well. no mat­ CHAPTER XVIII. morse he return« to hl« cabin hut 5 ter. I'll hang on tighter. The reason Patsy Sees will come out.” finds hla wife haa left and In her place "Nothing to tell, really," he reter- are tailors for those desirous of being correctly groomed in Summer advanced Inexorably. The ated. a rtiffaln, who ordera him out. A tight < nauea In which Eddie finally knocks fund In the Long Portage Slate bank "Bunk!" The word was freighted every detail. It has ever been our privilege to serve a dis­ mounted surely, though much too w)(h ,.ontP|d|P You know tinguished clientle. After ejecting the Intruder finding » a g es from Dnv.-nant went Into It. He l m |nlerPg,ed. fv e been inquiring that he aeema Io be In league with j could not possibly, of 111» own efforts. ar()Und You're had trouble over this SeaUlMti, Kildle goes to Ixtng Portage I earn all of the tax money But. he p,ace Th(>re „ a of tax money and aee« Patay. who la working for was reasonably sure that the deficit near)y due You've been putting on New Fashions, and Materials are now in readiness for Klnnane, « lawyer. She announce« would be made up from one of two some bouts with old John W. Barley­ the Fall season. Hint «he will not Join him until he sources. corn and losing spectacularly. And definitely qulfs drinking Determining One source was Davenant. and his Patsy's left out.” to comply, he find« a Job with Dave­ confidence seemed Justified The city "You astonish me,” he said lightly, nant, a rancher, and for aevvral week» man. htg. Incisive and iron-gray, add- though the r««l crept up In his tanned Also a special department for remodeling. Where your ahslalns from the bottle that cheers, tongued In reproof and treasuring his cheeks. Really. It's all In the way you (lut one Sunday, Eddie walks on the words of commendation as though say It. Th°«e things are so—and they past seasons garments are conformed into new fashions. lake trail and encounters a series of they were Jewels, nevertheless showed aren't so. Mr. Barleycorn and I dlife truck smugglers. Among them he re­ that he approved of Eddie. The latter do considerable scrapping and I got cognises his "friends” who shnngh- worked hard and Intelligently. In nlull!,pd But i ve licked him. He's haled him to Chicago—notwithstand­ July Davenenat raised his pay f l v ,,ut f(,r kpeps Thpre tg somp tax ing, Forbes hnlls them In greeting dollars n month. This, from Davenant. Jnonpy due. But I'll haye It before was the essence of eloquence. the redemption period closes. As for After a few preliminaries Eddie la In the unthinkable event that Dave- vour other assertion—well that's quite cnnvlnred of their present good will llllLta Eugene, Ore. 36 - 8th Ave. West. , nant failed him. there was the gov­ wide o f the mark. too. Nance.” and then accepts a bottle of boose W ernor. Miss Encell rose from the lorfg. log. Phone 250 Putting It away, he plunges through Ills months on the ranch had taught idab chair with the ease and grace a dense underbrush, suffering the tor­ him much. His quartersection was of a leopard uncoiling ‘■/(«•«j.ion » Ay ( l OF m a n y ) She strode tures of temptation, which he manful­ Established 1909 not so worthless us he had deemed over to where Eddie was sitting. The S afety — Lubrication scien­ ly overcomes. Arriving back at the It. Hetsling, cltitlvatlng and the pre­ slender hands, with amazing strength ranch house, the battle la won; he tifically correct. N o “ break vention of further furnlng-over by In their fragll-appearlng roundness, has not touched the liquor and he re­ d o w n ,” no hard carbon. The forest fires would build It up. He closed on his shoulders. She all hut modern oil for modern motor can. joice* at hla tortitude. could raise slock upon It, which would i ,in ,.d h|m ,,,a fppt Th„.. support th«m while It enriched the , rontPd pach ottur, hpr hands ttlll on CHAPTER XVII. land. There was more depth to the 1 h)p Ri,Oulders A n O ld S w e e th e a rt. soli than he reallxed All this would [ .Spp hprp jortd’o /’ she said, dec'slve- at Standard O il Service Stations, "Well. Forbes, are you ready to «ell tnke work, and plenty of It, but he i Iv "It won't do. I know what I'm talk­ C o r r r A L u b ric a tio n Specialists, was willing to wnrk and to wait. He ing about. We'li admit boose Is out. thia place yel?” G a ra g e *, and o th e r D ealer». It was Healman who asked the ques­ felt that his future, hla and Patsy Bu( , h„t dopRn't help you much. XTANDAXD OIL COMtANY O f CAUFOXN1A tion on the following Sunday morning Jane's was somehow hound up with i th ere's a lot of money due on your this scrnggly oblong In the wilderness .. ■ "It’s not on the market.” The liquor which the bootlegers Sealmnn combed his sleek beard Capital $30,000. with plump Ungers ns ho leaned had given him remained In his hag against the gwrnge and wntched Eddie It was a trophy of victory, the scalp SPRINGFIELD, OREGON sharpening an ase on the grindstone. of a vanquished enemy. Sometimes he took the bottle out to look at It "I thought perhaps with you working over to Davensnt's and your wife not qulxslcally, to ahnke It until It gurgled sullenly. There was still spells of here— ” He paused significantly. longing. But the "No” of a brnnze- “PH hnng on Just the sam e.” “My last offer was fifteen hundred. hnrd resolution drove the beasts of np- Things are going pretty well with me petlte speedily to their lair again. Thlngh were moving, If not happily 1 might he able to borrow a little more at the hank. Suppose we say two at least with sober satisfaction, the Sunday morning that Nance Encell thousand. Eddie censed operations on the ase drove to the door of the wilderness Io look the sleek one sharply In the cabin. He was squaring the uneven eye. "With the taxes, that'« more wtills of the living room, preparatory than twenty-eight hundred you re to giving them a coat of paint, when NOTHING IS EVER A TROUBLE TO US willing to pay. That’s seventeen dol­ the Imperious blast of a motorhorn THAT IS A SERVICE TO YOU lars an acre. Why Is this worth so called hinv to the door. The girl left her car and advanced much ?" The blue eyes dickered awny. The to m eet him, hand outstretched. combing fingers, sifting through the "Hello, there Eddie!" she called poy- glossy heard, did not change their ously. "Gee, hut It's good Io see you." A Good Bank in a Good Country "Nance!” There was more of stir cadence. "It Isn’t, Forbes. Hut Is ad­ joins my property. I could use It to prise than pleasure In his manner, which she noted with a humorous advantage. •’Why not sell out and buy some grimace. “Where (lid you come from?" •‘Just ae glad to aee me as though where land Is chnper?" C. E. KENYON, Cashier Senlman smiled. "1 might ask you I were the smallpox," aho commented. "Oh, well, once It wasn't I 80. «o. Where the same thing, he replied, and Eddie secretly acknowledged the justice of did I come fromi? Our place on the the thrust. "This Is my home. I have North Fork.” The Encell« had, he recalled, n an affection for It. I don't want to live lodge In the pleasant country due somewhere else.” "I suppose that’« true,” «aid Eddie north o f Long Portage, perhape «lowly. "But I'm not selling; that's twenty miles from where hl» cabin CEDAR SWAMP Miohaal J. Phillip« Moore & Moore THE NEW ZEROLENE Commercial State Bank Here to Help You Save Your Eyes iD i Sftanian Wlfloodv