tf. ot O. Library Judge a Store by the Advertising It Does, THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-FOUKTII YEAH SPHIKBFIELO SPIN II) BE REPLANKED Repairs May Start This Week, It Is Announced By Commis­ sioner Clinton Hurd; Steel Strip Plan Said Inadvisable Because Of Floor Condition. SPRINGFIELD. LANK COUNTY. OREGON. THUR8DAŸ OCTOBER,«, 1927 30 YEARS OF WEDDED LIFE CELEBRATED BY MR. AND MRS. GODDARD An event of especial Interest late lust week was the golden wedding an nlveraury of Mr and Mra. H M God­ dard of Hprlngfleld, when 42 children and grandchildren guihsred io make merry over the occasion. It was at Blunt. Tennessee, 60 years previously In the hour, that Mr. and Mrs, Goddard were married He was 23 years of age, and she 17. Rhortly after their marriage, the Goddards moved to Oregon, settling first on ('amp Creek, where they re­ sided 20 years They lived for a while at a little farm near Spencer's Butte, and It years ago moved to Spring field • All hut two of the nine children were able to attend the anniversary. The families represented were as fol­ low«: Kate Goddard. Eugene; Bus sell Goddard. Hprlngfleld; Frank God­ dard. Cottage Grove; Ethel Johnson. Springfield; Veda Chetwood, Spring- Held; Maggie Parks and Tom God dard, Cottage Grove. Included among those present were 26 grand- children and one great grandchild County C om m issioner Clinton Hurd gave assurance ihl* morning that work will In’ »Inrli’d Initntsllalely on robulldlug the Hour nt the Hprlngfleld brlil«« ever the Willamette river. Be said that crew» working on other project« will aoott be free, and that they will be shifted kunneJIately to ¡Qiringfleld tfl carry out what lie termed much-needed repair« on th« local «pan floor It la poaalblo. he aatd. that the work will actuully »tart thia week Th" county court realise« the condition of the old bridge, and 1« determined to make BOOM »ort of repair» for the b. nefit of traffic thia winter, according to Mr llunl. It la probable that the bridge will be re-planked For »ome time lb« M c K e n zie salm o n egg county court has been conducting an TAKE DECLARED RECORD In vratlgatlon to determine what method io puiaue In making tempor­ The greatest spring Chinook salmon ary repairs on the old span Mr Hurd egg take on record In the west was aatd that the prenent floor la ao worn that It would make a poor baae for achieved this season by the McKensle the, ateel atrip« proposed «owe thne river hatchery, according to Hugh C. ago. mid that representatives of the Mitchell, director of hatcheries. Eg«« company selling the steel «trip» have obtained at the McKensle plant totaled , 25.000,000 _ _ _ advised «gainst It« u«e. Results achieved thus far ln“TT!e If hope« of the state highway oom- mission materialise, (he bridge will I#37 egg taking season have been sat­ carry heavier traffic than usually for isfactory. despite the high waters. A a winter thia year through the fact total of 36,000.000 eggs have been that the McKensle highway will be taken from salmon that came Into Ore­ kept open, Hnowplows are alresdv gon river«. busy working against the affects of winter In the pa»« country, and It 1» SAM RICHMOND NAMED understood a determined effort will be 4-L LOCAL CHAIRMAN made Io keep the pa«s open Sam Richmond was elected chair­ man of the Springfield local, Ixiyal RED CROSS ROLL CALL TO BE CONDUCTED SOON I^igtnn of Loggers and Lumbermen, at the meeting held Monday night. Carl Bosseminn was named vice- Due Io the fact that the Red Cross persldent and Ed Kester, treasurer, will become a part of the Eugene and John King, aecretary. Roy Carl­ community chest, the organisation ton was elected trustee. will depend more than ever thia year The lumber workers named A. J. on other communltlea In making the annual roll call a success, according to Cowart aa representative of the Mr« Bernice Van Valtah. local Red Springfield local at the district con ventlon to tie held on October 20 at Cron« worker. St. Helens. On the entertainment Tha roll call will he held shortly. committee were named Earl Dillard Plan» for It were made at a meeting E. May and J. Parker. of the lied Croaa commission, held In Eugene Monday night, which Mr». PASTIME POOL HALL Van Valsah al (ended. IS SOLD TO HICKMAN SPRINGFIELD WOMEN The l*astlme Pool hall has been sold JOIN EUGENE CHORUS by Dick Sharnmn to Roy lllchmun. it Several Sprlnrfleld women became members of the Eugene Oratorio society at a meeting held In Eugene Monday night. Those who attended and Joined the gToup were Mrs. Sherman Potter. Mrs. N. W. Emery. Mrs Bsrnell. Mrs. Ella Iximhard, Mrs. Bernlee Van Vulzah and Miss Francis Hodge. Paul Potter, also of this City. Joined the chorus. WOODCRAFT CIRCLE INVITED TO GROVE The Springfield circle. Neighbor« of Woodcraft, has been Invited by the Cottage Grove circle Io take charge of a Mg anniversary meeting to be held at the neighboring city next Mon­ day evening. Officers and drill team of the local lodge will put on all the work at the Oottage Grove meeting. This will be the first anniversary of the Grove society, and an Initiation of sever tl new members will he a feature of the event. The local lodge has accepted the Invitation. waa announced thia week. The est­ ablishment will move across the street Into the old Fisher building, which Is being remodeled for the purpose. The building Is being painted and otherwise rennomted. Mr Hlchkman will operate a pool hall and sell light lunches. The paint Shop quarters will be moved to the rear of the building. C. A. WALLACE. JASPER. IS MORTALLY INJURED C. A. Wallace, well known resident •of Jasper, died at Salhm Sunday as the result of Injuries sustained Friday when he fell from a scaffold while working for a contractor on a build­ ing. Mr. Wallace had a large number of relatives at Jasper. Funeral serrlcea were held at the Walker undertaking parlors here Tuesday. Burial was In the Wallace cemetery. SPRINGFIELD MEN CO HUNTING ON SIUSLAW A party of five Springfield men left Tuesday for a 10-day hunting trip on O. F. ANDERSON MOVES the Sluslaw river. All experienced TO HOME IN NEWPORT hunters, the, men were expected by their friends here to return with con­ Forced to toko a complete rest os a siderable game. result of Injuries received here some In the group were M. M. Peery, H. time ago, O. F Anderson, president of M. Peery, Welby Stevens, Jess the Cascade hfnatjfnctnrlng company, Seavey and A. L. Roberts. has moved to Newport and la making his home there for the time being. Rally Day Successful Mrs. Anderson hns Joined him there. Rally day at the Christian church Mr. Anderson was struck by a fly­ last Hundny proved a great success. ing piece of emery wheel while work­ One of the largest attendances In the ing at the local plant. He recently history of the church wns recorded, went to Salem for another operation more than 200 being present for Sun­ on the wound, nnd waa then told to day school. The social held on the take a complete raat. prnvlous Friday night also proved a sucoess. Moved to Eugene—O. W. Hobson, Little Boy Injured—-The small son formorly manager of the L. C. Ahlea farm near Springfield, haa moved his of Mr. and Mrs. John Nico of Spring- » family Io 771 Sixteenth Avenue Boat. field broke his arm while playing here Tuesday. Eugene. Ready For W orld Series Fray G EHKILi ■C HUCr ■ »