The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 29, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    Community News
By Spacial
Corraspo ndanta
|O. A. Ü. Extension Service)
Power». head of Th» »oll» department
ut th« experliueiil'atatlon
expected when plantings uro
growing steadily ami vltoroMtg
fr«» by writing to Ul« experiment »tu
Kumpean canker of apple and pear
frequently gain» a foothold
through winter Injured bark, reports
8. M Zeller, plant pathologist with
the Oregon experiment atatlon. It
can be aucce'aafully excluded, how
ever. by keeping »uch Injured place«
aud other exposed wood coated with
bordeaitx paint, made by stirring raw
linseed oil Into dry bordeuux mixture
Illg Felt Hal Hal« Friday and Hat-
Hucvessful Oregon farmer« »pray unlay at III» luMxadn Hat Hhop. East
their cane fruit planting» with hor »th »free, Frlvrd fron» *i »• to »6 »*
tlaaux mixture before th» ateady tall
raina aet In. report« the experiment
atatlon A number of troublesome
fungi that work on ra«pb«rrl»» and
Specialty l,re«»niaklng
loganberrlea during th» fall to produce
Bvenlng lire»»«»
Hand Mad«
apur and cane blight* can be control
Flowers — Hals and t'oata
led In thia way.
Cor Main and Second Hlr»»ta.
Phone l«6 W
Application of super phosphate fer­
tilizer to winter growing crop« «uch
a» brocoll aid» the plants In resisting
low temperatures, according Io farm
er» In some aedlm)» of Oregon, who
have tried It. This resistance mav be
MAItCKLLH.................... 60«
brou^it about by hastening mnlurlly.
Phone 168 J
but probably more so by reason of In
«27 H Street
Springfield. tire,
creasing the concentration of the cell
solution of the pinni». «ays Dr W I,
Grain: The market for both wheat
and rye held generally ateady laal
t ’nlon high school No. 1 opened week. Harley and oala tender! upward
Ira Nice ha» purchased the house
and lot from hi« brother. John Nice, Monday September 2« with an enroll­ There wa» no material change lu the
and moved his family here from ment of S2. Several students are ex­ general wheat market situation Move
Springfield • This house was formerly pected to enter during the coming meni to market waa about twice a»
occupied by Mr and Mrs John Travts, few weeks. Several are stilt working heavy aa last year. Mill» were the
who have amvved into the Taylor Need- tn the prune orvhards. The new build principal buyer*.
Substantial pre i
log Is completed with the exception nit unis were paid for high protein
ham cottage.
A home made machine for cleaning
There was a meeting of members of the furnace which is expected to The aupply of high grade «of, winter
of the community hall board last Wed­ grrive soon. Some of the blackboard-* wheat continue» below the demand in spray residue fronti apple« will lie on
nesday evening They voted to have have to be put tn yet and the chairs St. Louis territory and aoft wheat I» display at the Oregon State fair this
the floor of the hall sandpapered The «or the class rooms hare not arrived. being »hipped from Pacific Northwest year as purl of the experiment sta­
This machine wa« -1
flrst dance of the fall season was Registration took place Monday, a s­ territory to auppleuient the »upply tion exhibit
signment of lessons Tuesday, and Reporta of corn weather were mixed » » eel by Hurry Hart i tin. professor
given last Saturday evening
of pomology at the state college Any­
Mrs. Mary McElroy and Clifford Wednesday class-'s began. Many of and prices fluctuated widely. Harley
one Interested In building hia own
Weaver from Salem Spent last week the students have been unable to get and oats tended upward on light re- '
books as the supply of several books ceipta and an active demand. The i.ikchlne may get plans and specifica­
at A. W Weaver's.
tion» for the building of this device
Mr. and Mrs Curtis Price. Perrv has run out in Eugene. The new tlax market weakened by Increased
Price and Jay Grant went to Corvallis school bell which waa presented to domestic receipts and lower foreign
la s, Saturday where they entered O. the school by F. F. Cooper began Its price».
career Monday morning
Wool: Reports Indicate continued
A. C. for the coming year
Bert John and family, who have strength tn the wool situation.
Rev Hoven from Eugene filled the
Butter: The market closed at S a i l
pulpit here both morning and even been living at Trent have moved on
ing last Sunday, he will also preach to the ranch of F F Cooper at Pleas­ Francisco lust Saturday with »2 score
ant Hill. Mr John Is janitor for the bringing *7 cents a pound. Eastern
here next Sunday October 5.
markets advanced on short supplies
Mrs. Marie Spires from Eugone high school this year
Pleasant Hill public school which ; of fancy butter and light receipt« of
visited her parents here last week-end
Mrs William Rennie spent the past wt s to have opened Monday Septem- ■ all butter. Movement out of storage
two weeks visiting relatives in Salem. ber 26 will not start until Monday ' wag larger than lust year and 0 'ceni-1
Mr. and Mrs W H Adrian from October S. The opening was post­ I tier future' options at Chicago were
Springfield and Mrs Adrian's sister poned to allow the ¿hlldren to gather advanced one cent. I*astures are
I short and concentrates higher than
from California spent last Sunday the prune crop.
The recent rains have done much last year but there Is an abundance ci
i hay and ailage In prospect In eastern
Erdine Caruther. who Is teaching damage to the prunes, many of them
dairy districts.
at Santa Clara spent the w eekend are rotting on the ground.
Livestock: latmh prices advanced
Joe Helgel is attending high school
with her parents. Mr. anfi Mrs. Sam
last week on 'moderate receipt» and
in Eugene.
good demand. Cattle marketa were
Within the last week Taylor Circle
Mr. Moore left for Gardiner last
slightly unsettled but strong. Eastern
Wednesday on a business trip.
hog markets were lower on heavy
The Pleasant Hill Sunday school
Little Gloria June Weaver infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Bert Weaver held an election last Sunday. The fol­
Feeds: The feed market was gen
who has been seriously til has re­ lowing officers were elected. Mrs. T
erally firm with demand more active,
covered enough to be removed from F. Kabler. superintendent. Belle Olson, but wheat feeds went lower. Alfalfa
secretary-treasurer. Mary
the hospital.
meal continued qui,« firm with an ex­
Members of the Threshing Machine organist. Bruce Wheel
cellent demand at Kansas City where
The Christian Endeavor society choice meal was quoted *2.00 above
company have decided to build a shed
on W alter Edmlstou's place to store held an election Sunday evening Sep­ number one »hit h was worth *23.SO.
the machinery in ant have placed an tember 25 and elected the following:
order with George W iliam on Camp President Hazel Wheeler; vice-presi­
dent. Bert Fregles; Secretary-treasur­
Creek for the lumber
Ber, and Clifford W eaver motored er. Emma Olson-, Chorister. Lawrence
to Fall Creek on a deer hunt last Wheeler: pianist, B»lle Olson.
A swccesslon of shrubs line Oregon
Several former high school students
Charles Grant was successful In are attending high school elsewhere lanes and highways throughout tbo
bagging a twe point buck a few days this year. Maurice Bendshcdler Is go-, entire year and contribute largely to
ing to the Eugene high school. Darling the attractiveness of the landscapes
Mr and Mrs. Ray Baugh and family Hall Is in Corvallis. Bernard Saga- A number of the more popular of these
shrubs beginning with the rhododen­
and Harvey Calvert motored to berd Is on the coast.
Liberty lest Sunday and spent the day
Miss Verna W iley and Miss Shirley dron and red currant have been listed
with Mr. and Mrs. John Calvert.
Wiley, sisters of Mrs E. E. Kilpatrick, by the botanist of the agricultural
Grade school started last Monday are attending are high school at college. The list has been given out
by Dr. Helen M. Gilkey of the botany
with Miss Dorothy Travis teaching Pleasant Hill.
the the firs, fourt grades and Mrs.
Henry Dtekmann formerly of Cali­ departm ent
Montgomery from Springfield teach fornia has entered as a freshman at
Ine the upper rades.
the high school.
The grain certification work of Ore­
Miss Veda Gray started teaching at
Mrs. Myrtle Flemming and her gon farmers in cooperation with speci­
EJenvale last Monday.
daughter? Louise. former residents .of alists of the Agricultural college for
Mr. and Mrs William Barnett left Pleasant Hill, have opened a rooming the last nine years has resulted In a
las, Monday for Salem to attend the house at 12thFand High streets In distinct Improvement In the type of
state fair.
grain grown, the experiment station
The public school at Enterprise reports. Any farmer Interested In
opened Monday Sep,«rober 26 with an producing maximum yields of good
enrollment of 7 pupils. Mrs. Petty Is quality grain is Interested either In
V— Don ' bs tied io your
i teacher again thia year.
the production or use of certified seed.
■— XrtcHfr Leave I N
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brattain and
Mrs. Rose Beaver ha» been very
1“ clock -nd (hennosta»
daughter and son-in law. Mr and Mrs. sick the last few days with pleurasv.
to du the w s lc h in g
The bacterial nature of western fil­
Ophir Brown of Gardner. Oregon, visit­ Dr. Rodabaugh of Goshen was called
tor you
ed with Mr« Brattaln's sister. Mrs. Saturday.
Clara Male. Monday. They were re­
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beaver and chil­ years ago. It was found tjiat In the
turning from an auto trip to Eastern
dren have moved back to the Beaver winter the bacteria are In the eld
home so the children can attend cankers on twigs or stem». In some
Mr. and M r Henry Neal and Miss
school. They have been living at way, probably by Insects, they gain
Lum of Corvallis visited at the G. H.
entrance In some of the buds which
the Beaver mill during the summer.
Neal home last week. Henry Neal is
are often completely killed. They
a nephew of G. H. Neal.
may also be transferred In pruning as
Mrs. Edith. Bockes and son. Junior,
Literal Len
all young and tender parts ae suscep.
are making thetr home with Mrs.
"I'm striking a happy medium.” said tible.
Brockes' mother. Mmi. W J. Pengra.
They drive to Eugene every day the detective as he hit the fake spirit­
Gowth and bearing of young filbert
where Mrs. Brockes conducts a milli­ ualist over the head.
In Oregon are encouraging fea­
nery store and Junior attends school.
The clock will Air»
tures of the filbert Industry as report­
Mr. and Mrs. H E. Bailey and family
They Are Like That
on the -urren, at (usl
ed from the expelment station. Many
the n„'ht tim»- You
and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bailey and
may he mile» »w»y.
When Dumbdora heard that Hetty fou and five year old filbert groves
family, Mr». O. R Pattee and children,
on bu« cess or pleas­
all of W’endling were Sunday guests swore she’d never been kissed, she bore good crops of fine muts. While
ure. Enjoy yourself
said. If she had never been kissed, by no means great profits producers,
without worry «bout
of the G R. Fish family.
the dinner
they are indications ofw hat may b<-
Mr and Mrs W H. Anderson drove she’d swear, too!
D oublcA ctm g
Ba king Powder
always pure
and always
Price» on these Heaters range from $18. to $30.00.
Montag All Cast
$98.50 cash,
Sheet Iron Heaters,
$2.50 to $5.00.
A full stock of Andirons, Fire Sets and Screens.
cibile your Dinner
to Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Ander­
son accompanied by her mother. Mrs.
8. A. Jones, and grandson, Robert
R’tter, and Mr«. George Leach and
daughter, Minnie, left via the Colum­
bia highway for Caldwell and Boise,
Idaho. They returned here by way of
Redmond. Oregon, and the McKenzie
Pass Monday. Mrs. Jones and Robert
remained for a week’s visit with Mrs.
Anderson. Mrs. Leach and daughter
returned to Portland.
Harold Chase and Elmo Chase made
a business trip to Portland Wednes­
day returning 8c,urday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fish made a
business trip to Junction City Wed­
Word was received here that Ernest
Hnkrlede of California, who formerly
resided here was in a critical condi­
tion and wns no, expected to recover
as a result of an automobile collision.
Peraonally Preacribed
The druggist was becom ing dis­
gusted. He had been explaining and
pricing dozens of artlces to the shop,
per who really didn't want to buy
anything at all.
Finally she picked up a bottle.
‘‘Is this Pest Exetrmlnatnr guaran­
teed?” »he asked. "How Is It applied*”
“Tou take a teaapoonful every halt
hour, m a’anl.“
The thermo»!», will
»um the corren, orí
• t Just »h» right tem­
perature. and th«
cooking i» continued
on store-: heut. Eco­
nomical, clean, con­
i ¡I
Just Received
To enjoy the conveniences and advantages
that only a Westinghouse Range can bring.
50 Down
Balance in 18 M onths-----and a Liberal Allowanoa
for Your Old Range
The ttpeclal prices which we are offering on
W estinghouse Electric Ranges this month
are the lowest we have ever set.
The W estinghouse Grey
Automatic Console ...
The W estinghouse Coal
Electric Combination
New Shipment of Fall Millinery
These are the prices of the ranges Installed
In your kitchen. No additional charges.
With small and extra
large head sizes.
The Westinghouse Electric Range is the Key to
Better Cooking.
We also have a nice selection
of rain coats, in the
Special on "Lindy” Rain
Coats .... ............................... $
A rc h a m b e a u ’s W om ens Shop
Cor. Second and Main Streets
Phone 166-W
Install one now
while it’s so easy to
do to.
I t Will ba ready to
H f» » w h tn ,y o u rw-
•urn - perfectlyeooh-
edms Westinghouse
Automatic Electric
M o unta in
P ower C o m pa n y