TUUIWOAV HKrrKMHKH 21», 1B27 PACK SEVEN T H S BFIUNOrOBLD NEWS □assi dAds (BUYING 02 SET RESULTS) • L IG H T L Y U fitO ------ USED CARS SEE T H ESE VALUES M-Iix o( our usu«l car. h»v* the bust miles of tbalr IIvas «Biting for rot. Th-y ha*» been used hi rurally aervlcs. largely on paved sti*«t», by iHu.pli. wtfo buy new car« every two or three year», and luae. The »election la esc rpilooully good ju,t now because of the large number of fanillloa who have bought new l»2h Bulcks Il paya you to buy your u»~l car from a Bulck dealer. a better »election He offer» you 1926 Htandard Uulck Coupe. 1926 Htandard Balck Coach. 1*27 Balck Master Hoadster. 1924 Kaaea 4 Coach. 1924 Htudebaker Coupe. 1925 Standard Bulck Koadater. 1*27 Dodge Coupe. 1*20 Jewett Coach. Cheaper car» $60.00 up. We value your continued good will. F. W. P E T T Y J O H N ‘'h and Olive Street» CO . Eugene, OregVitv Phone 1207 PASSENGER T R A IN SCHEDULE SPR IN G FIELD STOPS Caeoade Line Northbound Weet Coaat, to Portland. Local, No. * 2 _________ 6:04 A. M 2:11 P. M. Southbound Local No. SI Went CoasL .. 2:46 A. M 9:11 P. M Number *1 carries a sleeper, and connect» at Black Butte for Ban Fran­ cisco and Los Angeles. Both West Coast trains stop here on flag. Wandllng Trains Eaatbound mixed, at Springfield. • :16 A. M Westbound mixed, at Springfield 1:50 P M. WANTED—Man with car to sell com­ plete line quality Auto Tires and Tubes. Exclusive Territory. Ex­ perience not necessary. Salary *300.00 per month. Milestone Rub­ ber Company. East Liverpool, Ohio Working, the holders of certificate of SUMMON* FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Delinquency numbered 2121, issued In the Circuit Court of the Stats of on the fifteenth day of August, 1121, by the tax collector of the County of Oregon for Lane County. I-ane, State of Oregon, for the amount C. F. Working snd Lulu M Working. of ten and 75-100 Dollars, the nama Plaintiffs, vs Mary A. Perry, the being tbs amount then due and delta- Unknown heirs of Mary A. Perry, quent for taxes for the year 1921, to If deceased; Ira Vernon. Clara Ver­ gether with penalty, Interest and costs non. Charles Drake, Jane Doe thereon upon the real property as- Drake, Joseph Boyd. Jane Doe cessed to Mary A Perry, of which Boyd. Stiver» Vernon, Jane Doe Mary A. Perry Is the owner of the Vernon, and all unknown owners of legal title, as appears of record, situ­ the property described herein. De­ ated in said county snd state, and fendants. particularly described as follows, to­ TO: Mary A. Perry, The Unkonwn ed t: The north half of Lot 10 and the helra of Mary A. Perry, If deceased; Ira Vernon, Clara Vernon, Charles south half of Lot Eleven. Block 27, In Drake, Jane Doe Drake, Joseph Boyd, Gross Addition to Eugene, La he Jane Doe Boyd, Stivers Vernon, Jane County, Oa-gon. You are hereby further notified that Doe Vernon, and all unkonwn owners of the property described herein: De­ C. F. Working and Lulu M Working have paid taxes on said premises for fendants. • IN THE NAME OF THE STATE prior and or subsequent years, wltn the rate of Interest on said amounts OF OREGON: You are hereby notl- as follows: Rate of Int Amount Tax Receipt No Date Paid Year’» Tax 12 $ 9 25 29224 Aug. 15, 1925 1922 12 13 30 29235 Aug. 15, 1925 1923 12 13.10 16779 Aug. 15. 1926 1924 12 26 84 2746 Apr. 15, 1926 1925 12 23.59 1338 Apr. 21, 1926 1926 years, with for subsequent • premises You are further notified that C. F Working and Lulu M Worktng have I the rate of interest on sala amounts paid municipal assessment» upon said a« follows: Total Amt. Int. Date Paid Rate of Int. Amount July 26. 1926 12 $13.18 $61 04 $54 02 $7.02 July 26, 1926 12 40 84 67.29 Mar. 27.1928 57.59 9.70 12 67.59 Aug 2. 1927 12 24.57 74.34 73.78 .56 Aug. 2. 1927 12 49 21 $202.67 Total ..... — NOTICE FOR PUBLnCATION FOREST EXCHANGE IIEMHTITCIIINO— — 4c and Be per yard. LOST- Friday Septiember 23rd be­ ! WHAT'S THE U8E OF OOING TO No 017594 ' EUGENE WHEN YOU CAN BUY IT Mra. W. K. Uarnell, phone 1061V, tween 5th and 11 street» and Lin­ D epartm ent of the In te rio r, United BBS IJ street, or leave orderi at coln school or on school premises, CHEAPER IN YOUR OWN TOWN. States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ Parmer» Exchange »tore or Mr» gon, August 20, 1927. pair of shell rim glasses, not In . LUBKE SECOND HAND STORE 12» Bth Street tf. NOTICE Is hereby given that Fread Arehambeou'a. R-H29 case. Finder please leave at News Petxold, of Eugene. Oregon, c o Crow Olli Ice. k 2*. WANTED— Hear from owner llauch Stage, filed application No 017594. SU M M O N S under the Act of March 20, 1*22. (42 for aalo, State caah price, parttcu* II e A h TITCHINU- - Six cents per yard IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE S ta t, 485» to exchange the E% NW%. lare. 1) F. Iluah. Minneapolla, Minn This summons Is published by order STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE NEW SWW. and Ix>t 2. Sec 19. Tp 17 at 1480 Pearl Si. Eugene. Oregon. Said Mary A. Perry, as the owner Be. 2*. 8 . Range 11 West, W M.. within the of the legal title of the above des- of the Honorable C. P. Barnard. Judge COUNTY. H 2» ( I 6 L i 2u J7 Mary F. Sisson, Plaintiff, vs., Emery Sluslaw National Forest, for the tim­ clrbed property as the same appears of the County Court of the State of All kind» of bouse painting; Knlao ber on the N'W’4 NEW. Section 24. of record, and each of the other per­ Oregon for the County of Lane, for D Slason. Defendant. mining 12 per room and up Itoy Folt HALE—Carbon paper In large Tp IR S. Range 11 West. W M . with­ sons named above are hereby further the reason that Honorable G. F. Skip- »heats, 28x3* Inches, nullable for To Emery D. Sisson, defendant. Koch. Call 135-J. tf. in* «aid Sluslaw National Forest. notified that C. F. Working and Lulu worth Judge of the Circuit Court nt IN THE NAME OF THE STATE making tracings. The News Office. The purpose of this notice Is to al­ said County and State Is absent from S E P T IC T A N K S OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ low all persons claiming the land M. Working will apply to the Circuit the State, and said order was made Court of the County and State afore­ quired to appear and answer the Com­ I. or Having bona fide objec­ lleady for you to lnatall and dated this 31 day of August 1927, We specialise In swls» braclet watch plaint filed against you In the above said for a decree foreclosing the lien tions to such application, an opportun­ and the date of the first publication For family of five _ repairing Hoyt's 321 Main Street, tf entitled suit within six weeks from ity to file their protest with the Regis­ against the propetry above described of this summons is the 1st day of For fluiily of eight _ the date of the first publication of this ter of the U. S. Land Office at Rose­ and mentioned In said certificate. And September, 1927. you are hereby summoned to appear Summons, snd If you fa., io answer, at our plant burg. Oregon. Any such protest or All process and papers In this pro­ Blank IToniiaaory notes and re for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ objection must be filed In this office within sixty days after the first pub­ Sawer lip a — Drain Tile celpta printed and la stock at ths ply to the Court for th relief prayed within thirty days from the date of lication of this summons, exclusive pf ceedings may be served upon the un­ Chimney Block» for In the complaint, to-wlt: for a dis­ the first publication of this notice, the day of the first publication, and dersigned residing within the State News office. defend this action or pay the amount of Oregon at the address hereafter solution of the marriage contract ex­ beginning September 1, 1927. EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. due as shown above, together with mentioned. isting between you and the plaintiff. Non coal. tt coats and accrued Interest, and In Thia summons la served by publica­ HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. S. M. CALKINS, Attorney for the CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery tion by order of the Honorable C. P. cose of your failure to do so, a decree NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL Se. 1-8-16-22-29: on prices on plate» and other work. tf. Barnard, Judge of the County Court will be rendered foreclosing the lien Plaintiff. Residence and postofflce ACCOUNT of said taxes and costs against the address, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. for la n e County In the State of Ore­ Notice la hareb ygtven that the un Se. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29: Oc. 8. 13. 20. 27: land and premises above mentioned. gon. dated the 17th day of August. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION dnr»lgx»«1 Ex.x-utor of the ealale of TYPEWRITER RIBBONS— Assorted 1*27, directing that It be published ent of the In terio r, U. 8. Land Kila» Nicolle. deceased. ha» Held hla And Ditto NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING make« In black »nJ blue la stock at once a week tor six successive weexs Departm Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Sep­ Anal account with the Countv Clerk In the Springfield News, and the dale He—Do you think men are made of t i t News office. For the convent tem ber 10, 1927. of I .an* County, and that by order of NOTICE IS HEREBY GOIVEN. That of the first publication of this sum­ ence of customers who have hither­ mon» la the )8tb day of August, A. D.. i NOTICE Is hereby given that Squire the undersigned, Alta King, adminis dust? th. OfiBBtJ C ourt of mild C ounty. Sat l Smith of Eugene, Oregon, who, on trator of the estate of J. M Ritchey, ‘ She (emphatically)—No. If they urday. the Bth day of October, 1*27. to not been able to get rlbbqss In 1*27. at the hour of ten o'clock A M at the L. L. RAY. ALTA KING. Attorneys ' August 29, 1922. made Homestead deceased, has filed his final account 1 were, I imagine you’d dry up once in a Springfield »«* have started this County Court room In the Court Hou»« Plaintiff Postofflce address Miner Entry No. 014524, for 9 4 N E 4 . and In the County Court of Lane County, ' while. new line of ribbons for Underwoods for In Eugene, I .an* County. Oregon, haa SE*4 N W 4. Section 7. and on Novem­ Oregon, and that October 22nd. 1927, Building. Eugene, Oregon Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Smlta, been fixed an the time and place of ber 14. 1923. made Additional H E. at ten o'clock in the forenoon thereof A 18-25: 81-,« j -23-30 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION final hearing upon aald final account and other makes. No. 015276. for the N E 4 S W 4, Sec. at the Court House in Euegne. Lane tf and for the aettlement of aald eatate FOREST EXCHANGE County, Oregon, has been fixed by tion 7. Township 17 S , Range 2 West, F IN A L N O TIC E All persona having objections to No. 017587 Willamette Meridian, has filed notice said Court as the time and place for Notice Is hereby given that the of Intention to make three year Proof, hearing said account and settlement Departm ent of the In te rio r U n b *fi said final arount, or any Item thereof NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS undersigned Sarah Glick haa filed her to establish claim to the land above ' thereof. are hereby notified to present the States Land Offica. Rosel*«-, p, O re­ Sealed bids will he received by the final report and account as adminis­ described .before E. O. ImmeL U . S. same In the County Court on or befor.t Date of first publication September gon. September i, the time fixed for final henring herein. City Reoorder of Springfield. Oregon, tratrix of the estate of L. J Glick, Commissioner, at Eugene. Oregon, on '22. 1927. NOTICE 1« be- iveu that J. F. up to 12 o'clock Noon on the 3rd day deceased, and the County Court of JESSE J NICOI.1.1' Executor. I ALTA KING. Administrator. Yates, o’ > rvaliis, Oregon, filed ap­ 26th day of October. 1927. of October. 1*27. for the grading und Ioine County. Oregon, has set Satur­ the Claimant BEAN A iiKOOKK. Attorney». S 22-29: O 6-13-20. plication No. 017587. under the Act of names as witnesses: graveling of Kelly Boulevard from K day October 16th, 1927, at the County S. 1116 22 2* O 8 Archie J. Davis. Ora A. Davis. March 20. 1922. (42 Stat.. 465) to ex­ street Io N street, also of M afreet Court room at 10 O'clock In the fore- Joshua W. V. Tallman, all of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE change the S*4 of NJJ. of Section 28, from Kelly Boulevard west to the City i noon at Eugene. Oregon, as the time M ohaw k. Mallatt, STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Oregon Non-coal. Township 15 S.. Range 9 W est W. M, Limits, all of aald work to he done and place for final hearing In »aid COUNTY OF LANE HAMILL A CANADAY, Register. within the Siuslaw National Forest, MAX STOVE WORKS In accordance with the plans nn-l ; estate and all objections should be S 15-22 29: O 6-«3 j Katy Beers. Plalfitlff, vs. Frank J. for the timber on the SE% NW 14 specifications of the City Engineer filed or presented on or before said Buy*, Sella. Repairs and N E 4 . Section 4. Township 20 9„ Beers, Defendant. , Bids Io he opened at special Council time. Exchange» Range 12 West. W. M.. within saitt SUM M ONS Dated and first published Septem­ meeting of Springfield City Hall at ■ SUM M O N S Siuslaw National Forest. Stove», Hange» and Healers ber 15th. 1927 IN THE CIRt PIT COURT OF THE 7:30 P M October 3rd. 1927 To Frank J. Beers, the above named The purpose of this notice ts to al­ SARAH GLICK. Administratrix. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Defendant: I. M PETERSON, Recorder. ' low all persons claiming the lani Main near Mill St. WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney. COUNTY OF LANE S 22 29 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE selected, or, having bona fide objec­ S. 15 22 29: O 6 13 J. A. Williams, Plaintiff, vs. Charles OREGON, you are hereby requ:red tions to such application, an opoortnu- O. Dowell. Nellie W Dowell. Grare , OF appear and answer the coa. plain: itv to flip taeir protest with the NOTICE TO CREDITORS E Brown ard John Doe Brown. De­ to tiled against you in the above entitled Register of the V. S. I>and Office at fendants. and cau.-e on or before the 10th Roseburg. Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that the un­ To Charles O. Dowell. Nellie W. Court such protest of objection must dersigned Allha E. Sellon has been ap- Dowell. Grace E Brown and John Doe day of November. 1927. said date be­ be Anv filed |n this office within thirty ing more than six weeks from the date | pointed Administratrix of the estate I Brown. Defendants: I'hone ISO M of the first publication of this sum­ days from the date of the fii'st publica­ I of Ell M. Sellon, deceased, by the IN THE NAME OF THE STATE mons and herein entered of record tion of this notice, beginning Septem­ Life, Automobile and Fire ' County Cfiu.t of Lane County. Oregon, 1 OF OREGON: You are hereby re- and Non-coat you fail so to appear and answer ber 8. 1927. i and ail persons having ctamls against | qulred to appear and answer the com for if went Insurance HAMILL A. C ' NADY. Register. thereof the plalntifl will ' said estate will present same duly plaint filed against you in the above l apply to the Court for the relief in S. 8-15-22-29: O 6: CARL A. WYMAN 1 verified r.s by law required at the law entitled court and cause, on or before her complaint demanded and prayed Reside!** Agent office o’ Whitten Swafford, 315 Tlf- the explkntion of the time prescribed , ! fany Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon, on or be­ In the order of Publication, to-wlt: for to-wit: i ringfield, Oregon For judgment and Decree of IN THE ■CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 734 D Street, fore six months from first publlca- i On or before the expiration of four STAT1“ OREGON F IR THE Divorce, dissolving the bonds of matri­ 238 Main 8L Residence 125 C 81 - tlon of this notice. weeks from the dale of the first pub. mony now and heretofore existing be­ COUNTY ox* LANE Dated and first published Sept. 22nd. Ilcation of this summons, and If you 62 J 62 M tween the rlaintiff, Katy Beers and : 1927. fall to answer, for want thereof, plain­ the defendant Frank J. Beers on the The First National Bank of Spring- Rea. Phone 160 Plano Moving field. Oregon, Plaintiff, vs.. W. H. ALTHA E. SELIA1N. Admlnistra tiff will apnly to the Court for the re­ Full Auto Equipment grounds of cruel and inhuman treat­ Clark and ......... Clark, his wife, , trlx. SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER lief prayed for In the complaint, ment and that the Plaintiff be award­ latdy Assistant L. Timmons and R. F. Timmons, WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Atty. to-wit • WILLIS BERTBCH, Prop. ed the care and custody of the minor her husband, Sam Sorenson and IL. S 22 29 0 . 6-1J-20 For a Judgment and decree In favor OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE > child Olivelle Beers and for such M. Travis, Inc., a corporation, De­ i of plaintiff and against the defen- other relief as to the Court shall 533 Main Street fendants. 1 dants. Charles O. Dowell and Nellie seem meet. Successor to Sutton Transfer SU M M O N S N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S W Oowcll for the sum of B600.00 with That this summons is served upon Notice Is hereby given that the un i interest at the rate of "oj. per annum : you To W H? Clark and _____ Clark by publication thereof in the VASBY BROS. derslgned Amanda May Ptnkstaff has i from August 14. 1925, $60.0(1 attorney News pursuant to an order the above named defendants: been appointed executrix of the will ‘ fees, nnd $64.08 taxes, together with Springfield IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the Honorable C. P. Barnard Judge Offllce Phono 43 Res. Phone 3 Painting & Decorating i nnd estate of Mary J. Landrlth. de Interest thereon at the rate of 6% per ; of of the County Court of the State of OF OREGON, you are hereby required ceased, ny the C -ecy Court of I^ine annum, and the costs and disburse, Oregon for the County of Lane duly- to appear and answer the complaint Cari H. Photteplace, M. D. in all Its branches County. Oregon, nnd all persons hsv ments of this suit: and for a decree 1 made and entered of reeora on the filed against you in the above entitled General Practlce, Spedai Attentlon Ing claims against said estate will declaring same to be a first mortgtge 312 Main Street day of September, 1927. ordering Court and cause on or before the 10th to Obstetrlcs and Dlseasos of chll- present same duly verified as by I lien upon the following described pro­ 24th this summons to be published once day of November. 1927, said date be­ law required at the I.aw Office of perty In Lane County. Oregon, to-wlt: each week for six consecutive weeks ing more than six weeks from the date dreta Whitten Swafford. 315 Tiffany Bldg Beginning at the Southeast corner in the Springfield News and that the of the first publication of this sum­ First National Bank Building I on or before six months after the I of the Frederick Fisher D. L. C. No. date of the first publication, will be mons and herein entered of record DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL Springfield, Oregon ! date of the first publication of th s 53 in Tp. 19 S.. R. 2 West of the W'l- on the 29th day x- I Charles O. Dowell, Nellie W. Dowell. 1 March 20. 1922 (42 Stat., 465» to ex­ the proceeds of the sale be applied | change »lie SE1, . Sec. 9. Tp 16 S.. Grace E. Brown nnd John Doe Brown ch an ge the S’Lj of N 4 , Section 10, Tp. in satisfaction of said Judgment and Springfield, Oregon HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. I Rang 9 West, W. M.. within the Slus- may have or claim to have in and to 15 S . Range 9 West. W. M.. contain­ for anv deficiency which may remain ; law National Forest, in exchange for snld premises and property Is subject ing 160 acres within the Siuslaw that, the plaintiff have Judgment 'timber f r o m approximately 10.50 to nnd Inferior to the rights and claims National Forest In exchange for tim­ against the defendant W. H. Clark. General Law Practica That this summons is served upon ‘acres within the NW*4 8W U, Section of plaintiff: and for such other nnd ber from the SW 'i S W 'c Sec. 21. I 22, Township 9 S.. Range 6 East. W. further relief as to the Court may Tp. 9 S., Range 6 East, Will Mer., vou by publication thereof In the I. M. PETERSON J M„ within the Santlatn National seem Just nnd equitable, and for a within the Santlam National Forest, Springfield News pursuant to an order Attorney-at-Law of the Honorable C. P. Barnard Judge Forest, Oregon. Oregon. JEWELER The purpose of this notice Is to of the County Court of the State of I The purposeof this notice is io deficiency Judgment aimlnst defen­ dants, Charles O, Dowell and Nellie allow all persons claiming the lands Oregon for the County of I.ane duly R epairing a Specialty City Hall Building allow all persons claiming the lands W. Dowell, to sntlsfy said Judgment of selected, or having hona fide objec­ made and entered of record on the Springfield, Oregon selected, or having hona fide objec­ plnlnflff Springfield, Ore. case snld mortgaged pre­ to such application an oppor­ 2tth day of September. - j 27. ordering tions to such application an oppor­ mises do In not sell for an amount suffl tions tunity to tile their protest with the clcm to satisfy tunity to file their protest with the this summons to be published once samp. Register of the U. S. Land Office at Register of the U. 8. Land Office at each week for six consecutive weeks This summons is published by order Roseburg. in the Springfield News and that the FRANK A. DE PUE Roseburg. Oregon. Oregon. M. G. HOGE pf the Hon. C. P. Barnaru, Judge of Any such protests or objections the County Coi.rt of Lane County, Any such protests or objections date of hie first publication will be A TTO R N EY A T LAW Attorney-at-Law must bo on file In this office within must be on file in this office within Septemhei 29fh. 1927. and the date of made September 8. 1927. NO TARY PUBLIC ] thirty days from the date of the first Oregon, thirty days from the date of the first the last publication will be the 10th Date of first publication September Practise U. S. and Stale publication of tbia Button, baginalng 16, 1927. publication of this notice, beginning day of November. 1927. Courts FRANK A. DE PUE. Attorney for S e p te m b e r. 29, 1937. non-coal. non-coal. •prlngflsld, W II. Brooke, attorney for Plaintiff, September. 29. 1927. Mutton ROBERT E. CRAWFORD, Acting 860 Willamette St.. Eugene, Oregon. ROBERT E. CRAWFORD, Acting Plaintiff. Residence, Springfield, Oro- Eugene, Oregon Oregon. Building gon J Register. Register. S. 16-22 29: O 6-13 S. 29: 0. 6, 13, 20, 27: N. 3, 10: S 29: O 6-13-20 27: S 29: O 6 13-20-27: B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W. Roof