THE SPRINOEIEIJ) NEWS PAGE SIX THURSDAY SKITWMHKK 29. 1927 Greatest News Offer Ever Made In Springfield World and Local News Yours at a Saving by a Club of J f t u n t i tu r ¿ U t but. » AND THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS OFFER IS GOOD ONLY DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER for MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ONLY MORNING OREGONIAN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS $6.00 , - - $1.75 - TOTAL $7.75 I BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $5.50 Save $2.25 I DAILY & SUNDAY OREGONIAN - $8.00 ) THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS - TOTAL - $1.75 $9.75 ) BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $7.30 Save $2.45 This is the first time The Springfield News has clubbed with any newspaper and in doing so it has selected the greatest newspaper in Oregon, THE OREGONIAN THIS IS A REAL OPPORTUNITY—DO NOT LET IT PASS Remember this Great Bargain Offer is Good Only During The Month of October Come in. Subscribe now. If your subscription to either newspaper has not yet expired have it extended a year. «•