THURSDAY ri KT T KM BER 2», U itî PAGE PIVE THE SPKiNOFIKLü NEW B T ry T M » Bay* prrntr "jrfr: =» Hand Bitten By Dog— Ada C a rr of and wife, were takes alek at Kltsou Hprlngfleld waa attacked by a vicious Springs last week. A ll live la Port­ l l l m » » - W h a t »hap« la a kiss? I'a rc lra l— W ill you plaaaa marry dog last Friday, the anim al biting her land. A srrs— G lvs n»» one and w »'ll ra il tna? • {I *'**(* **'*’ * ■ * hand. She called a t a local phyal squars. Halon-—Ob, Para, thia la so auddan. Undergoes O peratiea— M rs, Howard clan's office for treatm ent. « W hy? Mellaon. form erly M abie Duryee ot Mra. Groyt Home— M rs. W . A. Visita Corvallis Ham a— W a rs Peter- I l l s F a it H a t M ala F r id a y and M at Parrlvab—W all. I'll lot you Id oc a Undergoes Operation — Mrs. Lou Springfield, now living a t W endlm g, Grout and baby a re home from the son spent tha wt-eksnd w ith her aunt. urday a t t h * l«a«K ade H a t H b n p E a s t aarrat, I want to taka you boma My K ester o f Portland underw ent an underw ent a m ajor operation a t the Paalflc Christian hospital. Mrs. W illia m Darling ot Corvallis. » lb M t r r a t F r lo a d f n « n j | l »1 to |5 »J mothar hasn't had a laugh In yaara. operation a t the Pacific Christian hoe- Pacific C hristian hospital Monday. ■ay Has Chicken Poa— Andrew Return from Coquille — M r. and p’ta l yesterday morning. e Here from New Orleans — M rs. Gott,, non of Mrs Mabie Gott, la con- Mra. W . M. O derklrk are b ark from Dr. Van Valxah Here— Dr. Gerald Izandla, sister o f M ortim er M unger ot lined to hla home w ith chicken pox Coquille, where they spent the sum­ iv i h i ln iscoun iamps Van Valxab has been at the home of this city, arrived with her daughter mer. H ara From W andllnp— Mrs. A. E. his mother, Mrs. Bernice Van Valxah, yesterday for a vlelt here. She caine I Meyers of W cndllug was a Haturday Here From Dexter— Among out-of- thia week suffering from Illness. Dr. from New Orleans, but plans to locato town visitors here Saturday waa G. H visitor In Mprlngflrld. Van Valxah. and hla brother. Robert, In the weet. Sm ith or Ds-xter and Mrs. D, W. Shultz Is V isitor— John H h ulf: of Glaspey ot F all Creek. F all Creek waa a Springtide! visitor Gossler Ends Vacation — W a lter Haturday. •Gossler has returned to his duties at Hsra from Maloola— M rs M argaret the postofflce follow ing a 15-day vaca­ Kearns of Murcola was a Springfield tion. visitor Monday. G irl Injures Leg— Angel Hockley Jasper Msn Here— W. It Aldrich o f severely gashed h er leg when she fell Jasper spent a part of Monday tran- out of a swing at the Cedar Flats Itrugs may be pure mid yet not Kiire. They may siu llng buslneaa In Springfield. school Friday. A local physician be genuine and yet lacking In activity. When Ill­ H ere from Goshen— Mrs. J. C. John- closed the abrasion w ith t h r e e ness comes It must he combatted with dependable | son of Goshen was a Springfield vial- stitches. drugs If it requires a remedy of certain strength . z Brutally Frank TOWN AND VICINITY VÏL G C i S D I Drugs T h at Are P u re and Sure to stop a fever, or stimulate the heart, or to defeat any disease u weaker remedy may be no better than none at all. We think of these things nnd make certain that our drugs are both pure and sure. We buy the « J t finest drugs obtainable and wc test them when Ä J they come to us. iT All Important preparations, syrups, tinctures, etc., are mude In our laboratory by gruduate phar­ macists. and they have the finest materials In the world to work with. Moore & Moore tor Monday. Here from Jasper— C Il F ran klin of Jasper was a visitor In Springfield Tuesday. S W alterv tlle Man In— O. L Stacy of W altervills- spent a par» of Tuesday transacting business In Springfield. Drive to H atchery— Mr. and Mrs. C. K Kenyon drove to the fish hatchery are tailor» for those desirous of being correctly groomed In every detail. It has ever been our privilege to serve a dis­ tinguished ^lientle. New Fashions, and Materials are now in readiness for the Fall season. on the M cKenzie riv e r Sunday. Let Us Be Your Family Druggists. Returns From C alifornia — Mrs. w ..||,a M ille r has returned from a visit with her fath er at Salina, California. K etek ’ Drug Store Attend Business College — Krna W eber and Pearl Nelson are at- i tending buslneaa college In Eugene. 4^ Return from British C o lu m b ia - British Columbia Is an Ideal place to vtislt, according to John Bushman, who has recently returned from the north' on a honeymoon trip . M r. and Mrs. Bushman (C lover Burlingam e) j are making th e ir home in Eugene. He ' retains his connections w ith the ■ Springfield M ill and G rain company. j Also a special department for remodeling. Where your past seasons garments are conformed into new fashions. Tonsils Are Removed— G. H. Snyder ; underw ent a tonsil operation a t a ! local physician's office Tuesday. Eugene, Ore. 36 - 8th Ave. West. H ere From CreaWell— L. Caatleman 1 of C resw ell »-as a Springfield visitor Phone 250 this week. Established 190» In From Lorane— John Bailey of Lorane spent a part of Tneaday in I Springfield. 942 Willamette St., Bug ene, Oregon. [25th A n n iv e r s a r y ] New Coats Are Arriving For Small Tot« and Larger Girls Cunning styles (or the very » m ill miss— snd her t itt e r in school F u r trim m ings of heaverelte and mandel Sizes 2 to 6 3.98 to 9.90 Sizes 7 to 10 4.98 to 14.75 Sizes 11 to 16 5.90 to 19.75 T he m aterials Include tuede bolivias, new m ix tu re ! and chinchilla. Be ture to see them early. every man can be a V is it st » d w e ll Home— Mr. ami Mrs. Ix*o Sldwell and two sons of j Coburg were Sunday visitors at the I home of M r und Mrs. Robert Sldw ell of Springfield Are W a lte rv ills V isitor»— M r. and Mrs. Edgar T ro tte r and fam ily were Sunday visitors at the home of his father, C. D. T ro tte r of W a lte rv llle . Visitors from Country— Among visi­ tors In Eugety Monday from M otor Haute B. Eugene, were Mrs. Josie Lee | and Charles Wilson V isit at Blue River— M r and Mrs. ; T. A. Ituthhun and son. H a rry , «pent the week end visiting relatives at Blue River. Flanery’s Drug Store Goes to Portland— Mrs. C lark Wttea 1 ton went to Portland Saturday liigjit to attend to business ifc connect Idn with the grand lodge of the Am aranth lodge. The fo n a ti « » •T had stomach trouble 9 years, and gas made me restless and nervous. Adterika helped so I can cat and sleep good."— Mrs. E. Touchstone. Just O N E spoonful Adlerlku relieves gas and that bloated feeling so that you can cat and sleep welt. Acts on B O T H upper and lower bowel and removes old waste thatler you never thought was there. No m atter w hat you have tried for your stomach and bowVIs, A dlerlka w ill surprise you. Flanery's Drug Store. Commercial State Bank SPR IN G FIELD We are pleased to announce that W. M. Oderkirk, form­ erly of Springfield, has taken eharge of our shoe depart­ ment. He will be glad to meet his friends and neighbors from Springfield at any time in our store. We carry the famous Endicott-Johnson Shoes. They are leaders for style, comfort and service at a price you can afford to pay. $3.85, $4.85 and $5.88. It will pay you to look over our line. Dr. Mellenthin S P E C IA L IS T J. MATT JOHNSON, Inc. 30 East Broadway Eugene, Oregon in In te rn a l Medicine fo r the past fifteen years. DO ES N O T O P E R A T E W ill be at Osborne Hotel, Saturday O ctober 1st. Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. O NE DAY O N LY No Charge for Conaultatioil |V. D r M ellen th ln is a regular graduate I r, Ella C. Meade O ptom etrist in medicine and surgery and is lic ­ ensed by the state of Oregon. H e does not operate for chronic a p p e n d ic itis ,’ ! gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils) or adenoids. Ho has to hls cred it w onderful re-1 suits in diseses of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nevres, heart, kid ­ ney, bladder, bed w etting, catarrh, weak lungs rheum atism sciatica, leg | Successor to the Watts Optical Co. at No. 14 8th Ave. West, Eugene, Oregon. ulcers, and rectal ailm ents. W hen you are In th a t city and In noed of Optical W o rk she w ill be glad to serve you. JSye strain menus nerve strain — correct glasses Improve vision and nervas. O ur methods as­ sure accurate examinations A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Announcement— EUG ENE ’ Below are the names of a few of his 1 many satisfied patients in Oregon who : have been treated for one of the above uamed causes: Eye S tra in -N e rv e Strain Protected by Electric Burglarly A la rm Syatefn Store Coming to FOR 9 YEARS CAS RUINED HER SLEEP CAPITALIST You do not have to be rich to be a capitalist. Every man with a few dollars is savings ac­ count, every owner of Liberty Bonds, or the holder or real estate Is a capitalist. Webster says a capitalist Is one who has capital or who has valuable property. Every man and boy can get Into that class by means of a savings account. Some of the richest men In the country started with a few dollars and put them to work. We will put your few dollars to work al 3',' Interest, and the more you can add each month the more work—for you- will be done. Be a capitalist! Prescriptions Sometime a life depends on the prompt and accur­ ate compounding of a pre­ scription. Yon can have a whole­ hearted confidence in your Ite x a ll 8to re to use only the finest drugs, accurate­ ly dispensed w ith prompt service. You are always safe at your Rexall Store and our prescription charges save you money. The Science of Optom etry S k ill and experience In the profession of optom etry cannot be acquired In a month or n year. Modern optom etry is the result of long and exhaustive study. Such experience Is our hid for your patronage and good B will. i Elm er Booker. Condon. Chas. Beach, i Portland. D. O. Horn, Bonanza. Fred i Shields, K lam ath Falls. Daniel Stelnon, Allegany. R. E. N eal, C entral j Point. Joe Sheoships, Gibbon. Remember above date, th a t consul I tatlon on this trip w ill be free and that 1 his treatm ent is different. M arried women must be accom­ panied by th e ir husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bids., Los Angeles, California. 1/ » Good lights are an essential in every home. They do not only make the house bright and cheerful but they reduce the eye strain. When you sit down to read the evening paper or the children are studying their lessons for the morrow it makes a difference whether you have poor lights or WJ5STTNGKOUSE M AZDA LAM PS They cost no more, burn less electricity- give a better light and prolong the eyesight. You can’t get anofher pair of eyes so its shortsightedness to ruin the ones you have. WESTINGHOUSE HAS LAMPS FOR EVERY PURPOSE. Whether it is a 50 watt or a 500 watt light we have it in stock ready for you. HENDERER ELECTRIC Ketels Drug Store Bldg. Fifth and Main St. Springfield i