THURSDAY SEPTEMBER THK SPRINUPUBLD NJCW8 PAG« FOUR H»X7 had continued to progress In th. past Blasting by contractors on th* LUMBER WORKERS IN six months despite uncertain rondi Rooaevait highway aaar Wlnchoator south work ling er Ilona that have affected the Industry bay last weok dlsturbod th* water main« laadlng front Clear lake and t'oeur d'Alene. Idaho. Bept. 31— generally. No change was made la pts*(i-al TWO GIRL QUESTIO NS— TWO ANSWERS shat off the Reedsport water supply \8pe» all)-—The lumber Industry of the . — — Dear Misa F lo ;-— •very grown mau and woman would 7 7 7 h 'a 7 l tha’l 7 7 .7 h e 7 7 .7 ta ' of the minimum wage scales of Ibd oegaai tor a day I read your recent article abeut hus­ like to Pavo In hla memory gallery? United Blates which are now wurktna I »alio“ Brief Resume of Happenings of Governor Patterson has Issued a let Kitaustoa of wood use«, 41. group bands and wtvee who are continually Ahd isn't It aa ideal that every mother nlue and ten hours per shift should ter urging observance of “American quarreling, and It reminded me ao and father should leave to (heir chil­ in- uratue. 41. mutual beneAl ••«.». la- the Week Collected for be placed on a parity with the sight Indian day." which falls on (he last much of my own homo life that I dren T* hour lumber Industry of ihs Pacific tloaai and the recent tendenev of sev­ Friday In September. The letter was Our Readers. wanted to w rite to you about It. It • < qorlhweat. according to s resolution eral non member sawmills to opernts Issued at the request of the American tocme to me that you neglected to D<1(. M |M g |o - _ passed by uuanimous vote of the 4L more thau eight bouts per shift camo Indian assoelatlda. m ention the moat vital point In the In for discussion Th« *lgbl hour 41» Thv »chodl at R on » Rlv«r ha» been I am a g irl eighteen, and have been district boardi of the western pine Registration on tho day of m a tter— and that, is the effect such a cusalon brought out the resolution doted on account of Infantile par- going around quite a bit w ith fellows producing districts, In session here I Albany college's 40 th year Indicates horns life has on the children. .1 am asking the governing board of the 4L •lyela my own age o r Juat a little older. yesterday. The boarda are composed a freshman class of about 60 mem­ The Metoline market road In Des­ bers. the largest in the institution's a girl of twenty-on«, and my whole Recently, however, I met a man who of equal numbers of employes and to aork for eight hour legislation for chutes county la no if complete It history, and an increased enrollment Ilfs has boon full of blttom oaa that says ha lovas m t but who is twice my 1 cqtployera. Eighty-four were present th« entlr« Industry The governing has bean caueed by tho constant body of the 4L. the hoard of directors, extends front Sisters to the Jefferson age. Do you th in k I could be happy at yesterday's meeting in the three upper classes. w rangling, abuse and disrespect of my will hold Ils eighteenth semi -annual county line. w ith him? B O. Discussion of the resolution brought Blister rust, which blights and kills parents. . . I .w ou ldn 't dare bring a e s c » ! out the facts that the lumber Industry meeting November 14 In Portland. C. L. Starr of Portland was reap- white pine trees, has crossed the Co­ friend home w ith me for fear of betray The n u t district meeting, that of the pointed by Governor Patterson a mem­ It seldom works out successfully, of the Pacific northwest ts operated lumbia river into white pine territory Ing thia terrib le state of affairs. I Puget Bound country, will be held in ber of the board of regents of state I in Oregon, defeating the restrictions, w onder If parents wouldn't stop their B. D. You wnuktn't have the atuno i with higher standards and shorter Tacoma, October II normal schools. Interests as the older man. and after hours than obtain In the south, and quarantines and embargoes of the . constant bickering If they could be Cottage Grove la developing into a j United States forest service. the glamour has worn off you'll be 1 that the south la competing with the , made to re a lis t the grave Injustice Visit from North—Ubarle» Jonlaii ■hipping point for pears. A larger glad to have younger friends- who j northwest In the same market« The Salem public schools opened they do th o lr children when they cre­ of Portland, a brother of Mra. E E. 1 Mayor Nat wick welcomed the visi part of the pears are brought from eujoy the same things you do. Any­ j last week with a registration of 4064 ate an atmosphere of this kind? Pyne. Is vlslllng at her home. He will Lorane. 10 miles, by truck. A. W. way. you shouldn't think of love for tivr» In the naute of the city and ti Id return north Burnley evening Mr ami I The enrollment on the opening day se veral years y e t- you have plenty of of the close Industrial harmony tn.l The Gilliam county fair »as held last year was 3973. School officials • • • e Mrs Uorwood Thompson of Gladstone last week at Condon, with a record at said the enrollment tor 1929 would There ts no doubt about It—parren* time for that in later year«—«fter you good conditions that have prevail'4 will I m i weekend visitor» at the l*yne have had your share of the good W. U Ituegnlts. Portland. 4L presi tendance and good exhibits. The exceed 4500 before October 1. tai quarrels strike at the root of a things that belong to youth dent, reported that the orcan'ratlon home town was decorated for the occasion. At the special congressional election child’s happiness as nothing else ever — The prune harvest is now under full to be held In Multnomah county Oeto- does, and the children are the real ■wing in Polk county. The orchards i her IS. this year. 92,589 qualified vot­ victims in these family lights. For ■re very spotted, some running to a ers will be permitted to vote, accord­ it is they who stumble from the full crop and others to practically ing to the compilation of duly regis­ domestic scene of battle with shatter­ ed nerves, bitter disillusions, lost nothing. tered voters prepared recently Ideals, and cyndical opinions of life The First State Bank of Seaside Experiments on the east side places failed to open Ita doors for business of Mrs. Friday and son and W. E. Sher in general. All of us have known children who last Thursday, a notice being posted man at Hood River have demonstrated . , have taken to the streets almost as that the banking house is closed for that codling moth may . be controlled __ . , .. . ._aoon as they could walk to escape reorganisation. with dust spray and that the fruit The four-day annual Wallowa coun­ may be packed and shipped without homes that were full of bickering and ty fair was held last week, the only the necessity of hydrochloric add ! discord. If you make inquiry of tho officers that come In contact with run­ county fair now held In eastern Ore­ baths. away boys and girls they will tell you gon. with other counties, particularly A German cannon and a breastplate that family quarrels are responsible Union, participating. armor hare been presented to the Wil­ In the greatest number of cases for A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. lamette university museum at Salem wayward girls and hoodlum boys. Elmer Rue of Silverton has been by Charles J. Lisle, ton of the curator. They found life at home too thorough Christened Lindnllna. She was born The cannon was captured at Mont- ly unpleasant to stick It out. One of at the moment Lindbergh was circling fancon during the war. The breast­ the worst features of the quarreling pver Silverton recently. plate armor is one of the only two of parents Is the belittling of themselves For the first time in many years its kind In the state. in the eyes of the young. It results Jackson county will have no displays Oregon's 66th annual fair, which In a complete loss of pride In and at the state fair at Salem, because opened ita gates tor a full week at respect for the parents, and you do the county court failed this year to Salem Monday, saw the greatest exhi­ the child the moat Incalculable damage ■sake the usual appropriation. bition of the state's agricultural that ran be done. For no greater Newt Downs, 65. a pioneer resident wealth and potentialities ever dis­ Influence for good comes within a S. G. MOSHIER, S. S. Superin­ ■f the Powwatka district near Wallo­ played. according to Mra. Ella Schultz child's scope than the miftual reape -t tendent. wa, was killed instantly when struck Wilson, secretary of the fair board of mflther and father And If It Isn't pn the head by a falling limb while and general manager of the event. present when the child Is at Its most Morning Theme 11:00 A. M. gutting timber on Bear creek. With scores of prospectors in the I Impressionable age. one of the great- "Story of M ark Carmel" hills and hundreds of quartz claim ' eat beauties of life Is lost forever, A contract for the construction of Evening Theme ....*7:30 P. M. the highway bridge over Deer creek, notices scattered through thousand« ' One of the finest tributes to parents "Decitive Momepta" in Roseburg, was let recently by the of acres of timber, central Oregon's fell from the lipa of the daughter of City council to the firm of Samuel A greatest mining excitement In over a a great statesman. "I never heard a S. EARL C H ILD ER S quarter of a century has resulted in I raised voice in nty home." she said Neff of Salem, for IJ7.239.47. Gusty wind storms which prevailed the nucleus of a new town coming in Doesn't that conjure up a picture that ever mid-Columbia orchard districts to existence in the past few days at tost week took a heavy toll of winter Windy Point, on the McKenxie Pass pears. In some instances the wind highway, west of Sisters. Judge George W. Riddle. 87, com­ felled 30 per cent of the fruit. Five hundred North Bend citixens mandant at the Oregon State Soldiers’ are petitioning the Coos county court home at Roseburg, died unexpectedly to continue night ferry service across from a heart attack last week. Judge Coos bay on the Roosevelt highway Riddle, formerly county Judge of Douglas county and who represented between North Bend ahd Glasgow. his county in three legislative ses­ Killing a big black bear and wound­ sions. was an Indian war veteran and ing. probably fatally, a huge cougar, a pioneer of 1851. The town of Riddh were thrills reported by a party of was named for his family. archers who have returned from a Establishment of a state analytics, bunting trip in the north Umpqua dis­ laboratory for determining and con trict. trolling the purjty of drugs was an I The Berry Growers Packing com­ We will start our annual cl'*an-up Lumber Sale a t our Springfield mill on .Monday, October 3rd. nounced in Corvallis by representa pany at GreshaAi is making arrange­ tives of the Oregon board of pharma ments for the canning of 100 to 150 Get your list ready and come early If you expect io get In on the real bargain». Many of theae Item» offered will he cy. The laboratory is now being [ tons of prunes, gays the weekly bulle­ tin of Seymour Jones, state market housed in the pharmacy building to cleaned up during the firm few day« but there will be plenty of good building m aterial left for any ordinary uae. enable the director to have the advan •gent. tage.of scientific-libraries and equip­ With many of the departments en ment belonging to the college. larged and several Dew ones added, The Indian spectacle at the Pendle Per M. the 16th annual exhibition of the Per M. ton Round-Up this year surpassed any Coos and Curry County Fair associa­ thing in former years, think many old 15,000 ft. %x3 F. G. Flooring tion was held at Myrtle Point last 40,000 ft. 2x4 R L Sized & timers. Actual count showed thai week. there were 1540 Indians camped on 10,000 ft. %x6 Rustic, Stained 40,000 ft. 1x8 Shiplap .—---- ------------- ---- - ................. The ’Western Lumber company of the grounds. This number included 3,000 ft. %x3 Celling Marshfield, manufacturing white ce­ members of the three reservation 10,000 ft. 1x10 and 1x12 S h ip la p ...........................- .... dar veneer and other products, an­ tribes there, Cayuse, Umatilla and 1,500/ t . B. N. Base and Caning 5,000 ft. 1x4 Common S IS ........ ..................- .............. -- nounced that it would enlarge by 50 Walla Walla, and Nex Perce and Yaki­ per cent Ita operations and manufac­ ma and Toppenish area Indians. 3,000 ft. %x4 Com. Bev. R u stic .......... 10,000 ft. 1x6 ” ” i- turing. Five thousand male deer were killed 2,000 ft. %x6 V. Rustic ............ . 10,000 ft. 1x8 A lion, belonging to the Honest Bill in Oregon during the first 10 days of Circus, which showed at Port Orford the 1927 deer hunting season, accord­ 10000 ft. 1x4 F. G. Flooring K. D. 8,000 ft. 1x12 tost week, bit oft the left arm of Oris ing to carefully considered estimates ; 30,000 ft. 1x4 and 1x6 Rustic ....... 10,000 ft. 4x6-12’ Fromm, 12. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert made at the state game commission Fromm of Brushes Creek, near Port office. It was said that this almost 30,000 ft. % and •% Clg. 10,000 ft. 2x6 R. L. Orford. certainly Is the largest number of deer 1,500 ft. 1x3 F. G. Fig. Old Std........ Portland set a new low record for ever killed in the state during that I 5,000 ft. 2x8, ’’ fire losses since November, 1921, when length of time. This Is the best deer 2,000 ft. l ’/ jx4 V. G. Fig. Old Std. 2,000 ft. 2x10 ” the losses for August were $7879.17, hunting season Oregon has had in despite the tact that the month set a many years. 20,000 L. ft. Short O. G. R a tte n s .......... 10,000 ft. 2x12 ’’ record of Its own In continuous hot There were five fatalities due to .......... 10.00 20,000 Stained I«ath...................... 30/8)0 ft. 1x6 Com. weather. industrial accidents In Oregon during A report Is current In Marshfield the week ending September 22, ac­ ” .... .......................... ______ 10.00 5,000 ft. 4x4, 4x6 and 6x6 C e d a r...... 20,000 ft. 1x8 ” that announcement of extension of cording to the report of the state In­ * » ............ ........................................ 11.00 10,000 ft. 4x4 Fir S4S .......................... The the Hill lines Into Coos bay from Eu­ dustrial accident commission. 10 000 ft. 1x12 ” gene will be made shortly. The In­ victims were Frank Spaetlg, Mohler, 5,000 ft. 2x4, 2x6 and 2x8 4 ft......... Shiplap .............................- ............. 10.00 10,000 ft. 1x8 formation says the work will be start­ chalnman; Horace I. Lapham, Carlton. I ed In the spring, and circulators de­ wood cutter; Orville H. Gaines, Pori- I 5,000 ft. 1x8-4. 6 and 8’ Com. SIS ” .............................................. 10.00 5,000 ft. 1x10 clare the word comes from authentic land, meterman; Frank B. Sagaberd, 3,000 ft. Short Fig., Clg and R rst....... .......... 25.00' 5,000 ft. 2x6 T. & G. Silo S to c k .... ........................... •ources. According to the gossip, the Marshfield, boat operator, and How­ road will come into the Coos bay area ard Clark, Coquille, wood cutter. In j and other Items in sm aller lots a t proportionate prices. 10,000 ft. 2x6 Decking T. & G.......................................... 15-00 from the northeast, down Coos river all 911 accidents were reported to the commission during the week. and cross the bay at Marshfield. The first prune drier fire In Doug I The commercial fishing season at These are all real bargains, m any of them below cost and all a t a big reduction from our regular retail prices. Waldport began Tuesday, and, Judg­ las county this season occurred when ' Come and see what we have to offer. If you cannot get all you need from our bargain list we can fit you out ing from the enormous catches the big nine-tunnel structure on the from our very complete stock of OLD GROWTH DURABLE DOUGLAS F ill LUMBER which we are selling at very low brought in, the run of sllversides and J. H. Booth farm, near Myrtle Creek ' prices. Chinooks, as well as steelheads, will was burned to the ground last week. | far exceed last year and several years The drier was full of fruit. The loss j If you haven't the cash It will pay you to borrow since this opportunity comes but once a year. previous. will be about 37000. A horticultural freak was discovered Prices are for cash a t our Springfield mill. Sale will continue for two weeks. Ranchers In the Coquille valley who by N. S. Bennett of Medford on the harvest purple vetch this fall are In j 8. A. Nye ranch at Talent, consisting some cases realizing the equivalent of ! of several “sport" Bartlett pears of a $120 an acre, ft In common to find | rich golden russet. All the russets an acre running 1500 pounds. The ! By M anager, Retail Dept. were found on the one branch of the vetch raisers are pooling their crop, ' tree only. v.-hich is expected to be about 30 tons OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST fn Confidence By FLO COME AND RALLY With Us Sunday, October 2nd, at 9:45 Rally Day and Homecoming A t the Christian Church, Springfield 9 Special Music for Sunday School and Church Services Church Services Booth-Kelly Lumber Company ANNUAL SALE We are Offering the Following: 4 THE BOOTH-KELLY LUMBER COMPANY * ,