The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 29, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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rolled and docketed in the office of lame County, Oregon, and run thence
the County Clerk of »aid County on the south 13 chains n o re or less, to the
2(lth day of September, 1927. and »aid middle of Berkshire slough, thence
elocution to me directed commanding southwesterly along the middle of
me in the name of the State of Ore­ said slough 6 50 chains more or less,
gon. In order to satisfy »aid Judgment, to a point 4 916 chains north of the
Interest, attorneyi feea, coats of suit north line of the Washington L Rlgge
and accruing costs, to sell the follow­ donation land claim No. 40. thence
ing deacrlbed real property, tie wit:
south 69* 33' west parallel to the north
The weal fifty-three (62) feet of Lot tine of said claim No. 40. 41.66 chains
Six (6t In Block Seven (71 of Fair- to the east line of the Southern Paci­
mount, an addition to Qie C|ty of Eu­ fic Railroad Company's right of way,
thence northwesterly along the east
NOTICE OE HHBRIFF'H HALB O l gene, Lane County, Oregon.
Now therefore In the name of the line of »aid right of way to the we»t
M ic h a e l
J. P h i l l i p e
line of lot three of section 14. »aid
I'nder and by vlrtue'of an Order of State of Oregon. In compliance with township and range, thence north on
I l l i u t - a t l o i o ljy H e n r y J a y L o
Sale and Decree of Forecloaure Issued eald execution and order of »ale and west line of said* lot to- a point 13»
OepyetcbA M ls k u l V. P k ilU y s
out of U l» C ir c u it c . , u r t o f UM S t a t e , In
— order
------- to »atlafy »aid Judgment, In feet south of the northwest corner
of Oregon and County of l<ane on tereat. attom ey« fees, costs of «ult an.l thereof, thence east snO feet, thence
“ -*1Tf~1 thruPuMlahera A u toou ter Servio»
September 27th, 1 #27, in a null wfeere- accrultrg coatR, I will on Saturday the north 136 feet to the north line of said
In Commercial Stale Bank of Spring- 22nd day of October. 1927, at the hour nectlon 14. thence east on section
field, as plaintiff, recovered a Judg­ of one o'clock In the afternoon of said line to the place of beginning, all
against (Irani J Cowling In the day, at the Southwest front door of
T H E L E A D IN G C H A R A C T E R S — In place» the trunk» were five deep in Ihe hottie lietween his feet and bring sum of »250.00 and Interest thereon the County Court House In Eugene, being 4n I-ane County. State of Oregon,
I will sell the said land In one body,
Edlaon For baa, a young realduut of Inextricable tangle». Here And there It »urfacewurd.
at the rate of 8'Z, per annum from Lane County, Oregon, offer for »ale or In lots or parcels of land to suit
September 22. 1920 until paid; the and »»-II for cash, at public auction, purchasers. In the way to obtain the
S> olldale with an Inherent cravlug was long and brilliant green ttvasi.
tor liquor, la held for the death of a hut he knew there was 0« »olid footing lie could not climb hack ou the log further «urn of >35.00 attorney fee»; subject to redemption as provided bv best price at public auction, at the
the further sum of »303 35 and the law, all of the right, title and Interest Southwest front door of the Court
It s » s a without the uhl of hla feet, lie re- »urn of »24.32 coats of »aid suit, and a of
wuuain who hua been killed by a boot where aurh tufta grew
the defendants Emma C Ople and House In Eugene. Lane County, Ore­
legging truck.
v. Iriuiusluntlul evi­ cunning trap to snare the trusting A leased u hand to reach downward (or decree of foreeloaure against the »aid Harry J Ople, her husband. E. O. gon. on Saturday, the 22nd day of
dence p o l i t i c to Forte-» utul rullier foot upon such u tuft meant Instant the bottle. It eluded him, and sunk defendant, which »aid decree was en­ lamibard and Catherine Iximbard, his October 1927, between t..e hours of
than tell the truth of the eptaodu deacent Into aucklng hluek ooze , again. Aa be lunged for It. the other rolled and docketed In the office of wife, Walters-Bushong Lumber Com nine o'clock A. M. and fonr o'clock
the County Clerk of »aid County on pany, a corpratlon. and L. M. Travis p M of »aid day, to wlt. at one
which would d ear hlin bul coat an 1 Crow» cawed dismally on some of the huml »Upped und he went under.
September 27th, 1827. and an exeeu- Inc., a corporation, and all persons o’clock P M Terms cash In hand.
other friend tu a had light, lie alanda ‘
R. R WELLS Referee
tino Issued thereon by the Clerk of ,.ia vrnlng by, through or under them
O 6-13-20:
said Court on September 27th. 1927. I 1 or any or either of them in and to --------- -- S 22-29: -----------------------
trial and la sentenced to a long term 1
The dead water ami the treacherous am commanded to »ell the following said premises.
A Victory
In prlaon. The governor of the atate,
Home From Hospital — M e l b a
FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of
It wua tinpoHRlble to determine (he molasses like muck filled him with described real property, to-wit:
an old frlm d of Eddie's father, be
Beginning at the Northwest corner Lane County. Oregon.
Masters has returned to her home
llevea aim Innocent und purdona Inin
of the following deacrlbed tract In
8 22 29: O 6-13-20:
here from the Pacific Christian icspB
shortly after hi» arrival al (he Jail. : tile trunks melted away against a line took u full breath and thrust himself Cregwell, iJtne County, Oregon, tow lt:
tai. where she underwent an opera­
Scoote Llbbsy, a worthies» eh a roe of blue hills on (he horlaon. Not far
tion recently.
and waa absorbed In It. yet hl» fingers of the Southeast corner of Lot Nine
ter, who has sinashnil hla machine In­
Notice Is hereby given that In pur
fell no bottle. His shoulders, the top (9) In Section Fourteen (14) Town­
ship Nineteen 1191 South. Range ■ »uance to an order and decree of the
to another ear, killing 11« lone ocvtt-
of hla head wi re In the ooze, yet the Three (3| West of the W illamette C ircu it Court of the State of Oregon NOW ENJOYS EATING,
pant, a wenian. For boa' companl n the black water ami wua crow dial
desperate fingers closed only on slime. Meridian. Oregon, and running thence for Lane County, made and entered
gnu Libbey quit the scene hurrldly. with vigorous trees. It was perhups
W est 21 IS chains to the middle of the I in the Cause wherein Laura Walker
leaving the former alone to teen a ail acre In extent There waa a hreexe Closing hl» eye» he rammed down­ County Road, thence following along was plaintiff and Harold Stelnhauer,
ward uulll the muck was In his the said County Road North 7% Sr., Harold Stelnhauer. Jr., ^felson J.
"For years I suffered with atrmacb
const <t bio who rcaaona that Eddie over there, the tree» swayed.
degree» East 11.35 chains, thence East Brooks, Elizabeth Brooks,' Alfred trouble. Then, my wife got me to taka
"Thia aeeniM to be a aort of—well, nostrils.
with (he acent of whlakey about him
It drew hint, sucked him Insidlusly 14.81 chains, thence South 23% Walker,
Grace Adlerika Today I feel fine and teat
n.iiat bn connected In soma wuy with a symbol," be thought. "It's Infernully
Into Ila grip. Panic that made his derees East 12.28 chain» to the place Walker, Mildred Walker and Donald what I like."— Wm. Opp.
the accident. Accordingly, Forbes la
For a beginning point Walker were defendants at a regular
Adlerika relieves stomach gas and
know* how far aero»». It would be eye» pop and hla heart race possessed the trait hereby Intended to be con­ term of said Court on the 20th day of
But something elemental ami veyed, thence East 212 feet, thence September, 1927, appointing the tin sourness in TEN 'm inutes. Acting on
Patsy Jane, Eddie's pretty wife,
fundamental would not permit hint ’o South 420 feet, thence W est 271 feet derslgned, R. R W ells, Referee with BOTH upper and lower bowel. It re­
agrees ’ti ll public aeullineiit run» loo But If* In my path. It block» the wuy
Both arm» worked In a to the center of said County Road, an order to sell the following des- moves old waste matter you never
high against him, Accordingly they I'm going Why should 1 let a cedar
Ills lung» cried for air. thence Northerly along the center of cr)i„.q real property belonging to the thought was in your system. Let Ad-
migrate up m rth to sumo land that »»tulip buffalo me? I wonder If thia
said County Road 425 feet, more or pialntlfT and defendants In fee simple
cracked. He waa un­ less, to the place of beginning.
and aR tenants in common, situated 1« rika give your stomach and bowels
has been In the fumlly for years, house question wouldn't have been
dergoing all the agonies of drowning
a REAL cleansing and see how muck
Notice Is hereby given that on Sat- | n [,ane County, Oregon, to-wlt:
Settled In their log cabin
Beginning at the northeast corner of better you will feel. It will surprise
At last! A fingertip touched It. He arday. the 29th day of October. 1927.
laaih Sealmsn, a shifty neighbor who stead of sidestepping? o f course worked lower, grasped the bottle firm­ at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said Rert|nn 14, In township 18 south range
day. at the front door of the Lane 3 west of the W illam ette Meridian in j you! Flaeery's Drug Store.
la anxious to buy their land. Eddie there Isn’t any answer for that. But
ly. and splashed frantically upward County Courthouse In Eugene, Oregon,
It urn» that the hark laxca nrtnodnl to I know I couldn't think so ninth of
The mud clung tb him. It was reluc- I will. In obedience to Mid prder of
over eight hundred dollars but, as ho myself hereafter If 1 ducked this So I
ll,Tn , o - But 8 »»Lmerged sale and decree of foreclosure, sell at
bus five inonlha to pay he decidua to
hm with a firm footing public auction, the above described
Before nianv yards had been covered r*
refust Healmun’a offer of »1200 ami try
real property, or so much thereof as
,.1 1 ,1 1 1 ,.
,i,„ He heaved waist high above the sur- may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff's !
and get final title to hla property— he regretted his decision to cross the .
fool- '
how as opaque as a puddle of ins Judgment witlu interest thelreon and
Sealmau'e offer having led him to swamp. Il seemed useless and
He breathed deeply and thankfully. costs to the highest and best bidder
think la very valuable, llut things
Willie he dangled with one hand he for cash In Gold Coin of tb» United
States, said sale being subject to re­
do not go well. Eddie drink» heavily erous area. The labor was appalling
Inserted the bottle Into one of his demption as by law provided.
He crawled on hands and 1
from sonic hoot logger's potions, Is for­ ly hard
shoea. which were tied together and
FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of
given by l“ata ), but soon alter fall» In knees alniig the slanting log«, their swung ai-ross the log. His reserve of
Lane County. Oregon.
with the same gang, gela •Wuilk. und spikes bruising him and tearing the .
S 29: O 6-13-2027:
strength d as all hut drained before h«
wakca up In a freight car lu C h ica g o - skin
was on hie uneasy log again, his shoes
Sometimes he sllp|>ed on the trunks ,
many miles away. Stricken with re­
on his feet, the bottle buttoned within
moras he returns to hla cabin but which had gathered moss that made '
his shirt.
Notice Is hereby given that by vir­
finds hl* Wife has left and In her place them as smooth a* Ice. Then he
of an execution and order of sale
a ruffaln, who orders him out. A fight handy escaped dropping Intq w ells of > Sunset was at hand before he won tue
In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­
< nsues In which Eddie finally knocks black water, paved far below with the shore, to find another corduroy cuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, on
Free deli vene» to either
hla opponent stone cold.
j tuwek In solution. He knew the mix- road opening out conveniently In front the 21st day of September. 1927, in a
suit wherein The Pacific Savings &
After ejecting the intruder finding lure had the clinging power of quick-
Eugene or Springfield
weakness. The bottle was at his Isian Association, a Washington cor
that he seem s lo be In league with Hand, The sun beat down viciously.
Sealnmn, Eddie goes to Long Portage | At last he won the oasis and flung lips. . . . .
ment against the defendants Emma C.
und sees Palsy, who Is working for , himself down lo rest In tlie shade o f , Patsy Jane's face came up before Ople. Harry J. Ople. E D. Lombard
Klnnane, a luwyer
She announces u good Mixed tree. Ills chest heaved ¡him, her eyes swimming In tears as and Catherine Lombard for the sum
that she will not Join him until he He closed bis eyes and fought U i she raised them to him In Lawyer of jigg2 37 and Interest thereon at the
........ ...... ........... .. There was that fond rate of 10% per annum from March
West Springfield Florist*
definitely quits drinking Determining vivid outline of an at lion which his ' Klnnane's office
appetite painted over and over on hltt ■ tremulous smile of her lips Somehow
'ipVno^Voge'tne/'wIlh' Interest
to comply, he finds a Job with Dave-
Phone: Springfield 124-M
wonder of her. the priceless boon , hereon at the rate of 10% per annum
luttit. a rancher, and for several weeks brain.
abstains from the bottle that cheers
In this action he saw him self with
had before. She wns the most precl- sum of »200.00 as Attorneys fees, to-
But one Sunday, Eddie walks on the drawing the hottie from his shirt, re­
»Tether with costs of said suit In the
lake trail and encounters a series of moving tile cork and tilting his head ous thing In the world.
sum of >16.50. which Judgment was en-
He Jnmmed the cork home again, |
truck smugglers. Among them he re­ I so that the fiery liquid might run
cognises his "friends" who shnngh- down his throat. He could sniff the the liquor untasted. and thrust the
haled hint lo Chicago—notwithstand­ , beguiling bequest of the raw liquor bottle hack Into his wet shirt. He
ing, For I«-» halls them In greeting. 1 and feel the filliped nerves tingle to ' strode buoyantly m y . laughing with
' the ends of his fingers and totr The i Joy and relief The enemy was de- i
He drove steadily eastward, bolding counterfeit sensations caused him 5 feated.
the appetite nt bay by physical exer­ fairly to shudder wlh a longing to
Though not entirely routed. There 1
tion. Not for a moment did he forget make them authentic.
were other waves of clamor, though :
It, like a tiger It lay In wnlt, ready lo
He raised himself on his elbow to their strength was notlcahle less. The '
spring. The gurgle gurgle against his look out over the waste wtilch Inter­ craving died down as darkness thick-1
aide was Its hunting-cry.
vened lietween the Island and the fur­ ened. The liquor became unlmport-1
He had started on a faint trail, but ther shore. It was not so distant as ant until he no longer thought of It.
this bud lunge since disappeared. The It had seemed, but It was greater than
It was late when he struck a road |
silence was profouutl, except for the the first lap. He shook hls head No | leading In the direction of the ranch, i
subdued twitter of birds and hla own boose until that’s behind me. Too It was nearly midnight when he I
aflnt footsteps. A crash In the under­ dangerous. I need everything 1 have trudged wenrlly rlnto the log bunk-
growth ahead startled him. A magnl to make IL”
house which he shared with the other
fleent buck crossed a little* clearing
He took up the Journey again. Now- hands. He eould hear their snores
and loomed like an airplane over the progress was slower. He was tired through the thin hoard partitions. He
top oi a fallen tree. Two docs follow The tangle seemed worse, the water lighted hls oil Isfhp. and stood for a !
ed, tlklng the same prodigious leap deeper and blacker. Once he slipped time aurveylng the liquor
With a j
In graceful fashion.
and was Immersed hip deep In the little ahake he addresaed It.
Thtre was no breath of air stlrriag. tepid water. He hastily crawled back
“Oldtlmer. you did your best But 1
He wiped the sweat from hla face to the grudging surface of a slender It wasn't good enough You're licked, j
with hla sleeve. At a rlvelet which stick.
and licked for keepa. And If you I
was one of the headwater streams r»f
As he crawled one wide pool on a don't believe It. I'm going to make you
Porti<e creek he stopped to drl'* < cedar whose far end was insecurely prlaoner. sort of keep you around, to
deeply. The cold water was gratefully anchored, so that the trunk rocked
prove It.”
refrethlng. He plunged straight bear­ with hls weight, the bottle slipped
(T O BE C O N T IN U E D )
ing a little to the south.
from hls shirt and plopped Into the
Somehow he did not dare sit down wnter. He straddler the log to con­
to res: lie was afraid of the bottle. sider.
It was getting late. The shadows
If he dnild only keep going he hail i>
chance to win. A blister formed on were long over this fiends' playground.
University of Oregon. Eugene, Sept [
his right heel and hla shoo rasped But he could noi leave without the
former students of the Uni­
painfully at every step. Hla clothing
was qu.te wet. An unnoted black­ with renewed Insistence. Appetite versity of Oregon have been selected
berry briar had drawn Itself across boat upon him. He had to have that s s Instructors In the Springfield high
his f»ce leaving a red trail that smart­ liquor. Yet he knewi that the clamor school. It Is announced by officials of
was fictitious, and that there was a the appointment bureau. They are
ed aid slung.
reason of repossessing him self Orare E. Potter of Eugene and Bertha
Nton came and passed. He was
w alling automatically now. obsessed of the flask If he went on without O. Bodine of Newport.
Miss Potter, who will teach music
w ill one Idea only—to keep going on IL he wns cravenly avoiding the pos­
Springfield, displayed
and on and on. The earth became sible knockout. It would be a drawn at
sogty. His feet stumbled on allppery, battle which he would have to fight ability In this field while In the Uni­
regularly recurring humps, and he again. The whiskey might be the versity. She won the distinction of
bludgeon of defeat, hut Is might also election to Mtt Phi Eplslon during her
"he underbrush has hocomo very be the symbol of vlitory. He might sophomore year and was also a mem­
thfck and high. He was following a lose to It, hut he could never win by ber of Orehesls, honorary dancing
fraternity. She received her practice
gren tunnel through It. The bumps running away from It.
Ho removed hls enhvas leggings, teaching training In the Eugene public
tinier foot Were the remains of a cor-
dtroy road, built to faclllate the tak- hls shoes and socks, as he perched schools..
Miss Bodine, who will he an In­
Inf out of logs years ago. He follow­ perilously on the uneasy trunk. Ha
ed the road. Within a little time It let him self down Into the pool. Hls structor In typing and bookkeeping
cried on the edge of a cedar swamp. toes encountered the muck. Hls nrnis received her practice teaching train­
V devil’s cradle was ahead of him wipre extended their full length before ing while at the U niversity of Engene
Dad cedars with white trunks and hls toes encountered the bottle In the Bible University. During the sum­
141?, 1,1. gsviMtila T ste«.
shrt, spiky branches lay, stood and sooty depths. It was a task requiring mers she gslned considerable experi­
x n ix n i f , Winuan-SslsB. N . C,
limed In the stagnant black water. muscular strain and dexterity, to grip ence having worked at the Western
State Hank one sumtntir end at tb«
Bank of Newport during two Rummer
While attending Albany
college ahe worked part time at the
Albany State bank, She won the
distinction of election to Alpha
Lambda, honorary literary aoclety and
was a holder of an American Fled
Croat Life Saving certificate.
Cut Flowers
Potted Plants
Funeral Work
Oldham and Schantol
The most popular cigarette
in the United States
Quality put it there—quality keeps
it there.
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and need not be concerned w ith
anything but the pleasure of smoking.