Judge * Store by the Advertising It Does. THE SPRINGFIELD N E „ TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR SCHOOL BUDGET IS STARTED Bi BOARD ’Th« People's Paper" « A NUMBER 38 SPRINGFIELD. LANK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29. 1927 SCHOOL CARNIVAL TO BE HELD AT BRATTAIN BUILDING ON OCT. 7 Check Swindler is Visitor Here Twice ¿ Ííis j cAmerxea^. 1927 EXECUTIVE BOARD PLANS COURT OF HONOR TO BE CONDUCTED OCTOBER 24 L lV C NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N S. P, WILL OPPOSE 07839975 Plana for a court of honor to be A colorful ramlval Including seven Frank Parker Caehe« Worthle»» , conducted October 24 when B oy. attractions la to hold forth at the Traveler*« Check« In ' Scout« of both local troops will ne ' llrattaln achool Friday afternoon Thia District « ail van ceil were outlined at a meeting Springfield’s Official Interest in Special Meeting to be Held Fri­ October 7 from I 30 to 4 o’clock The of the Springfield Boy Scout execu­ Tuesday’s Hearing Become« affair la to Im held under the auspices f day Night; Citizen«' Commit­ Gone but not forgotten 1« Frank ’ tive board at the Phriattan church ut the tJprtngtteld I*. T. A., and the That of Interested Outsider; tee Will Help Director«; No gymnasium Tuesday night, perfoiviia>ra will lie ttprtnglleld kiddle« Parker, ullua F O Pattlaon. who paid Bridge Financial Aid Seem« Cut Likely With Increased Mr«. (Ira Real Hemenway I. direct- ‘hl* : 1927 She has long brown tresses trict, was reappointed. shown in an answer to the state high* ether building« Van Valxuh huve charge of Ihe ticket 1 Lank on which It was drawn. Instead and fair complexion. way commission's petition for tho Actual work on the budget Itself sale at thw-enlrance. | of the Denver Institution. It named a crossing closing. The answer was re­ HIGH SCHOOL CLUBS 1« certain to get atarted at Monday , bank In Topeka. Kansas. The check DEAL IS UNDER WAY night’« meeting Aa ewin an the mm* NAME YEAR OFFICERS ceived at Attorney Peterson's offics j waa algned by F. G. Pattison, the this week. MAIL SERVICE HERE IS FOR SALE OF LOCAL tnlttec la ready to /eport. the budget I sum« handwriting. Jurisdiction of the state public ser­ Officers for the year were named will be publlHhed, and u special tax­ LAUNDRY TO RENTFRO SPEEDED UP BY TRAINS j Like its predecessor, the check was vice commission over Second street yesterday by Springfield high school! payer« meeting called to vote on the I returned. It had been given to a is doubted by the Southern Pacific Uncompleted negotiations are under glee clubs. New Southern Pacific train ache- Springfield garage employe by Patti- .proposed achedule dule» have made poibtlble a general way for the sale of the Springfield , The girls elected Melba Mellon | attorneys, Ben C. Dey and F. Farrens, i son or Parker, when he came In to buy »pending up of Springfield mail ser­ an Inner tub«* about 8 o’clock In the laundry to M. F Rentfro, who hAs I president; Lena Frizxell, secretary- in the answer. They declare that HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL vice. the moat noteworthy elMinge bo- ! moved here with his family for the treasurer, and Dorene Larimer, raan- Second street is purely a city street, under the Jurisdiction of. Springfield, TEAM TO MEET ALMUN! Ing In the moaning, when mull 1» now | morning. Attempts to trace Parker purpose of establishing a laundry H. ager. have been fruitless. and despite the fact that It now car­ distributed by tt o’clock. W. Hanson, present proprletpr, stated 1 Officers for the boys club are: Paul Spring-field football (ana will aee today that the deal has not been : Potter, president; Read Hemenway, i ries McKenzie highway traffic it is in A southbound train drop« mall at 1 their drat game of Ihe aenaon tomor­ Ihe tlopot here at 6.46 o'clock In the I MAYOR BUSHMAN LEAVES no way maintained or controlled by closed as y e t secretary-treasurer; Thayer McMur­ the highway commission. Thus, the row when Ihe local high achool eleven morning, making It poaatble to begin j FOR VISIT I N KANSAS Mr. Rentfro. since coming here, has ! ray, manager. wilt ta<-kle the alumni what promlaea dlHtrlbutlun at an early hour. The I public service commission has ne been engaged In a search for a new The clubs will sing fo the first time right to close the street, it Is argued, to be a grimy etruggle. There 1« mud rural carrier« thua are able to gel Mayor and Mra. G. O. Bushman left location for the laundry, and it is in public at assembly tomorrow. galore on the Rratlaln field, and tt away by 8 o’clock, an hour earlier Tueaday night for Hillsborough, Kan- while the town of Springfield, which understood that he has agreed to will be well atlrred In the tuaale to­ than In the pant. Village delivery »aa, where they will spend «oro» time , has Jurisdiction over the thoroughfare, purchase If a suitable situation Is morrow. GEORGE GODFREY WILL has withdrawn its approval to the In visiting with relatives and old found. also «tarts at that hour. » Coach Leonard Mayfield haa been closing. The change« also have speeded up ; friends. Hillsborough Is the old home j Mr. Rentfro la a laundryman of 28 ADDRESS LIONS CLUB putting hla proteges through some i afternon mail, although not to such a , of Mayor Bushman, and he carried The railroad attorneys also assert years experience. He came here new trick« thia week They tried a great exten t. back with him a packet of gprlngfleol directly from Reedsport, but formerly Professor George H. Godfrey of the . that to allow pedestrians to use the acrlmmage for Ihe drat time Tueaday Parcel post, coming in by the early i literature to distribute among hla ac- operated a laundry at Aberdeen, University of Oregon school of jour­ crossing, but closing it to vehicles, night, and anipe real talent allowed morntng -tsiaail, is alao distributed at : qualntances there, Washington, and other places. He nalism will address the Springfield j does not constitute a bona fide closing up. On the other hand, aevernl of the the local poatofflce by 8 o'clock. ! Returning weat, Mayor and Mrs. brought a large amount of equipment Lions club at tomorrow noon's lunch­ of the crossing. They also declare men upon which Mayfield haa built Previously, the morning mall wa» Ruahman will go directly north, cross with him. and will move it into the eon meeting, according to announce­ that it is not sufficiently shown In hopes went through a flxxllng out pro- brought here after a change at Spring } Ihe Great Lakea. and come back by ment by W. G. Hughes of the enter any way how the grade crossing elimi­ new place If one is found. ccaa during the acrlmmage. nation can be brought to apply on the field Junction. That train has now way of Panada. They expect to be He has Investigated the possibilities^ tainment committee. ' On the whole, the men will be In been discontinued. away about five weeks. Professor Godfrey will discuss the amount of money which it is allege! of several locations. condition They don’t know a lot attractions of Hawaii. where he spent the Southern Pacific should contribute about football yet. hut their expert- WOODCRAFT LODGE HAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO two years as a newspaper man before toward the bridge. BIG BARN GOING UP < need npponenta will huve (he handi­ At any rate. Springfield's official at­ returning to the University of Oregon LARGE NIGHT MEETING HAVE SOCIAL FRIDAY cap of poor ’ condition. The reault, ON L. C. ABLES FARM to become a member of the journalism ( titude at the hearing next Tuesday according to Mayfield. 1« that Spring- probably will be that of an interested Fifty-six membera end 20 visitors Members and friends of the Chris­ A huge barn, said to be the largest j faculty. The speaker is well-known outsider. This city no longer is « field fana can look for aome interest­ were present at the meeting of the In Springfield, as he obtained some of i ing football If (hey visit Rrattaln field Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge held tian church have been Invited to at­ In this section, is being completed on ’ his first newspaper experience cover-. pary to the hearing. tend a social to be given at the church the L. C. Ables ranch east of Spring- tomorrow afternoon. ing'this place for Eugene newspapers. | last night. Hooded by Mrs. A. S. parlors Friday night of this week as a field. The great structure will be used A good attendance at the meeting 4-L ELECTION TO BE McMurphey, a score of persons were preliminary Io rally day events Sun­ for hay and sheep, and will have capa-! was urged. FIRE AT GOSSLER HOUSE here from Eugene, and Creswell also day. The affair starts at 7:30 o’clock. CONDUCTED TONIGHT city for an Immense tonnage of hay. ‘ QUICKLY EXTINGUISHED was represented by the visitors. A program has been arranged, It is situated well bark from the Initiation of Mrs. Pearl Schantol wlhch Includes a duet by Agatha Beals The annual election of the Loyal road, near the oil/ and smeller house , ORDERS ARE TAKEN FOR Fire which broke out early yester­ was held. Applications for two new and Wlnlfrid Tyson; reading by Mrs. LAST CAR OF PYROTOL Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, on the Ables place. day morning In a clothes closet at inemliers were received and will be Nettleton; music by Miss Beals; ad­ Springfield local, will be conducted ti> The Hobson family who have rent­ the Kenneth Ooaaler home on Mill voted upon at the next meeting. dress by Rev. 8. E. Childers; girls Orders for the last car of pyrotol, night The election meeting won ed the place for some Ume, are mov and I atreeta waa quickly extinguish­ Refreshments were served at 10:30 quartet selections, and stunt by D. B. the government war explos've. to be postponed from last Monday night ing out. ed without even Ihe need of water. o'clock In honor of (he local drill team, Murphy family. Games will follow. made up for thl« county are now be­ The session Is scheduled to start at The local fire department waa called Just returned from a successful trip Separate entertainment Is planned ing taken by County Agent O. S. 7:30 o’clock at the W. O. W. tydl. Of­ WALTERVILLE FARM IS and made a quick run to the place, to the national convention at Los for the children. Refreshments will Fletcher. An allotment oi 21,850 INVOLVED IN EXCHANGE poundB Is all that can be gotten by ficers, directors, and a delegate to the hut arrived after the blase waa vir­ Angeles and Rlveralde, California. be served. district meeting will be named. tually out. this district and no orders on the In a deal completed yesterday by What caused the blase is a mystery. TRESTLE REINFORCED BIG SISTERS HELP GIRLS government supply can be taken after SPRINGFIELD STUDENT W. W. Walker, local real estate man, It began on a shelf In the clothes the present shipment. BY ESPEE COMPANY ENTERING UNIVERSITY the A. K. Jennings farm of 80 acres, closet, burning up Into one corner of ON O. A. C. HONOR ROLL Out of thiif allotment 4000 pounds two and a half miles east of Walter- the celling. The West Springfield trestle of the University of Oregon, Eugene, Sept.' ville, was transferred to J. J. Prlo for already have been signed for by Lane Oregon Agricultural College, Corval­ county farmers. Orders will be taken Southern Pacific underwent reinforce­ 29— (Special)—When freshmen girls property In Dallas, Eugvne and Cot- LUM ANDERSON SELLS until October 15, or until the allot- j lis, September 29—Curtis Price Spring- ment this week. arrive on the campus of the Univer­ trge Grove. Following an examination of the sity of Oregon each one Is met at the 1 ment is depleted. All farmers want-1 field, sophomore in forestry. Is placed EUGENE GAS STATION Mr. Jennings as a result of the i trestle by engineers, a crew of men 1 train by a “big sister,” or upper class 1 Ing pyrotol should get In touch Im­ on the Hat of straight “A" student« Lum Anderson of Springfield has Installed new timbers at various. girl, who serves as the advisor of tht ' trade acquired a 5-room modern house I mediately with the county agent’s aa the result of maintaining a perfect average for the last school term. sold the gns and service statino at places and other methods of strength- 1 newcomer for the opening weeks ot In Eugene, a 5-acre prune ranch in office, Mr. Fletcher said. ’ This Is Price’s first time to win th« Thirteenth avenue east and High enlng the bridge extension were car­ school, and gives her any desired aid , Dallas, and a Broom house and acre of Fourth Street Improved street, Eugene, to Rd Rogers of ried out. Much of the wor|t centered throughout the year. This system has ' land at Cottage Grove. The Walter­ Under the direction of City Street coveted honor. Only 29 other students were honor­ Springfield and Joe Spurlock of Eu­ about' the place where the trestle proved popular, both foi* the new vllle farm Is well improved and equip­ Commissioner George Valller, Park ped, and will be taken over by Mr. gene, It was announced today. crosses the Pacific highway. street and extension of Fourth street ed on the list, several having been oa girls, who in this way feel more a t . Prlo Immediately. The new owners already have taken In the Willamette Heights district tho list before, Mildred Busknum ot home during the first two weeks, and ; possession. Mr. Anderson, who form­ Frisco People Hera— Mr. and Mrs. for the ’’big sisters” themselves, who Is being graveled this week. The Portland haa made straight “A" foe W. C. T. U. Elect« erly operated n service station hero, Floyd McCracken of Snn Francisco thus mmkr frlendR with their fellow j Improvements extend for 4 blocks and 6 terms and heads the list. Ranked The Springfield W. C. T. U. re-elect­ stated today that he Is not ready Io were here this week visiting at the students. will give a passable road to Willam­ according to classes the sophomores ed It« official staff at a meeting held announce further plans, but that they homo of Mr. and Mrs. William Hoden- The "big slstere" are divided Into Tuenday at the home of Mrs. A. E. ette heights resident« In that section lead with 13, seniors 6, freshmen I, Juniors 4 and special one. The achool are shaping. He will continue to baugh. teams, each with a captain and sev­ Bacheldor, who was re-named presi­ this winter. of home economics leads with 8 and make Springfield his home. eral lieutenants. Miss Maurlne Lom­ dent Others named were: Mrs. commerce and agricultural tied for bard of Springfield Is a lieutenant on ' LOCAL BOYS ATTEND Portland People Visit—Mr. and Mra. Llixle Rice, vice-president first; Mrs. second with 6 each. The total number Social Evening Planned Theo Rnthrhlld of Portland «pent tho one of the teams. Albina Hastings, second; Mrs. Minnie CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL of perfect grade« last term was two The Baptist chttrch choir will hold i week-end In the McKenxIe country. Harris, secretary, and Mrs. Bert short of the number of the previous a social evening nt the home of Marriage Licenses Issued They «topped for a few hour« to visit Three Springfield boys, Donald and Mustoe, treasurer. Arthur Pengra tomorrow evening. A term. friends In Springfield, their former Hobart Wilson and Paul Frese, are at­ Mnrrlage license« have been Issued number of plans for a pleasant even­ tending the University high school home. during the past week to the follbwlng; Baby Boy Born—A baby boy «as Man Is Injured ing have hen shaped. by County Clork W. B. Dillard: Fred I born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. In Eugene. M. Renfro, who Is employed by the Frese this week was made a mem Muster Night Thursday Here From Portland—Mr. and Mrs Jennings, Parrydale, Rose Hawley.! Frank Finch, Mohawk. The newcomer her of the high school glee club, and Fischer Uimber company at Marcole, Tonight la quarterly muster night Guy Lester of Portland were here over McCoy; William Doll, and Neva Crow, weighs 6H pounds. also obtained a place in the male was injured yesterday when a choker for the Springfield company, OTegwn the week-end. They brought their both of Dexter; Russell Gibbon, Cleve­ swung and struck him on the thigh. Go To Fair—-Mr. and Mr«. N. L. quartet aa bass. His teacher has National Guard. Attendance of all «on, Dwight,, with them and were alao land, and Dorothy Brnbhnm, Junction Contusion resultfri which will canee praised his voice highly. He expects to members of the troop la expected by accompanlefl by Norman Liberty of City; Clifford Sumer« and Irene Pollard left for the state fair at Salem, go out for basketball. him to lose about three weeks work. today. Brown, both of Eugene. Portland. company officer«. I