The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 22, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    PA O » HOC
nine o'rlix-k A. M. and four o'clock
IN T U B C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E P. M of »aid day. to-wlt. a( «ltd
S T A T E o r O R U 1 O N F O R T U E o'cltxîk P M
T en u» ca»b iu hand
T h» Junibo-bm ion Operator» wish
C O U N T Y o r i - a n e
a i m * in , K. R. W E I . I A RcfsrSa
C orre sp o n d en ts
to thank th e ir m any raatoinani who
a 32 39 O « 13 30:
‘¿'’''J.'* ^ 0 T U K 9 P 8 H r R i r r S S A L E ON Psiw »«*«« them thia summer, and
Rodeharer. Bruce Kodeharer, & It
■ X M C U T K W IN F O R E C U IS l'R K
hope to aee them a ll again next year
Danner. and Clyde Rodeharer as the
Notice I» hereby given (hat by vlr- ,
A d m in istrator of the ra ta ls of Alton
H L A C H E N M Y K it
tue o f an execution and order of »ale
Rodeharer, deceased, defendants
V ial torn at the J. R n a h home Sun-
In foreclosure Issued out of the C ir­
day were A. n a h of Salem. M r and
You are hereby required to appear and cuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, on
Mra. How ard Thurm an. M r. and Mr». answ er the com plaint filed again»! you the «1st day o f September. 1937, In a
O. R. n a h . G ilbert n a h . John Lynch in the above entitled autt w ithin four «utt wherein T h e Ihiclllc Suv'nga &
of Springfield. M r. and M r*. H. E week» front the date of the first pub- Loan Association, a W ashington cor
Itcatlon of thi» »utunion» tn the sSjirlng ‘ P'M‘, , l ° n' plnlntlffa. recovered Judg
Bailey and fam
h u n ily
t., of Wendling. M r. ( ^
'" ¡5 . men, ags Inst the defendants Emnta I
and Mrs. S. Potter and M r and M rs. .1937; and you are hereby notified that. ‘ ’ P1**- Hai
arry J Ople, K. D. Lom bard |
u r.
. and u
_ if v
u . f»ii
d C
P a atherine
fa ll to . ...........
appear and answ er said a * n n<>
U m ib ard for the sum
W. Gants of Springfield. M
A. C. Bogaard o f Junction C ity and com plaint w ithin said 4 weeks, your of 316.42 37 and Interest thereon at the
default w ill be entered and the plain rate of 10"» per annum from March '
M R. Bailey of Wendllng.
tiff w ill m ake application to the Court 16. 1337 uni»» paid, and for the furth er
E«1 Bnxx-k has returned from Idaho, tor the follow ing re lie f to-w lt: That »urn of 310 00 iogotn.-r w ith Interest
the mortgage for the sum of 3400 00 thereon at the r a te of 10rt- per annum
where he has been for tom e tim e
M r and Mrs. Fred Cline and daugh­ interest and attorney fees, executed from July 35, 1337. and for the furth er
by A. R odeharer and M ollie A Rode sum of 3300 00 as Attorneys fees, to
ter have moved Into the house form er­ haver to M arth a M Stas, dated Eeb «ether w ith costs of »am suit In the
ly occupied by M r and Mrs. Georgs 35, 1835. and recorded on page 35 of sum of 316 50. which Judgment was en-
P. H arrington, on the I. Cllna ranch. book 54 of the Lane County. Oregon, rolled and docketed In the oftlce of 1
Harringtons are m aking th e ir boms in mortgage records, and covering the the County C lerk of said County on the
follow ing described real estate In 30th day of Septem ber. 1937. snd said
Lane County. Oregon, to-wlt
Begin execution to me directed commanding
C E. Ballsy spent the week-end a t nlng at N W corner of the S k ' k of the row la the name of the State of Ore-
the home of his daughter. Mrs. Ches- SK I« of Sec. s- T - 12 8.. U 3 W . of gon. In order to »attsfy said Judgment.
f C h e s h ir e
H » r w in m a a
the „ W
illa m £ e tte
M eridian,
fees, costs
, o o «
» u
e returned to the
„ rod,
N „ run thence
. w r | „ attorneys
th„ of
fo„ suit
ow .
• y Spacial
Community News
From <me email I troe K B. T in k e r
h an e a te d 313 worth o f crab apples
thia fall.
W in te r apple picking « I I I
begin la about tw o weeka.
Local NMxwta peachea hare been la
demand <hu fa ll as the crop was very
short In Orc«nn
T he few who had
peaches bad th e ir crops sold before
IVicce hare been good, the
better grade aeiitng for 3s 50 a box.
L. D. U ram lro and George Kelaay
and Km eat Scbreak began picking
prnnea Monday of thia week. T here
w ill be a good crop thia year.
T h e Pleasant H ill public school
board held a budget meeting last
week a t t t e homo of L. D. G ram ire
D. G. U n to n . George Kelaay. and E
B T in k e r were naked to serve on the
budget com m ittee along w ith Ernest
Schrenk. K. Y S w ift and L. D Gar-
m ire members of the board Mr» L
D. G ram tre is clerk of the hoard. The
meeting to ro te on the budget w ill
be held Saturday October 3 a t the
school house.
Ernest Olson and bride of Astoria.
Oregon are visiting at the home of
T H U R S D A Y RRPTRMHKK 22. 1#27
M A H C B 1 J J I..................... 60c
Phone 155 J
1137 It Street
Springfield. Ore.
J. H. H s h home Monday.
rods t the place o f beginning. 10
Miss M ariam M ale has accepted » a c re i and also beginning a i a point
position as instructor In the prim ary 5.75 chaîna S. of the N W corner of the
grades at Vaughn. Miss L u c ille M ale •'*" *w ° f the SEV» of See 5. T 17 S .
w ill teach near E lm ira.
! t h e n c e r u n E 1 7 R fl*H rIm a -
Mr«. F ra n k K ln itle y of F all Creek chains- W
17 50 chains N
14 * >
returned to her home. Tuesday a fte r c h a in , to the place of beginning. 15
M r. O lsons father. J. A. Olson, at spending some tim e at the home of
E d enrale Ernest Olson is nursing a her mother. Mrs. C lara Male.
couple of ribs which were broken
Hop picking
a t the
recently when he fell while loading brothers hop yard was finished Friday,
lum ber near Astoria.
i About tw o hundred and tw enty-five
Miss T helm a W heeler
is teaching pickers were employed
School near Cottage Grove this w inter, i report a good crop
, .
. .
Several form er students of ITrlon | M r. and Mrs. Howard Thurm an, who
high school No. 1 are attending have lived in this vic in ity for the past
N orm al this year, among them Gladvs few months, left Sunday afternoon
w s -e -. <
Boise. Idaho, for Sterling. Colorado,
where they w ill reside on th e ir farm
M rs Thurm an is a niece of O. R. Fish
he foreclosed and sold to pay
said mortgage. Interest, and a tto rn e y ,
fees. An order made and dated Sep-
tem ber 21. 1927. by Hon C. P Barnard,
t ounty Judge of Ijin e County. Oregon,
directs that this summons be publish
''d »»<••* each for 4 successive weeks
th* Springfield News and that you at>-
pear and answer said com plaint with
| n a w e e k, from date of first publlca
tton of this summons
R S L A T T E R Y , Attorney for
P. 6
and M innie and Cora Olson.
The Tellafsons have shipped th e ir
b aler to Eastern Oregon and intend
to bale hay there as long as the
w eather permits.
M r and Mrs. Morton Bristow are
building a I r o n m h u n r s lo w o n th e
building a Jroom bungalow on the
W . L. Bristow ranch. P erry W illiam s
Is doing the carpenter work.
M rs W . I» Bristow, who has been
o ffe r in g w ith a sprained ankle for
S 23-29
O 6-13
of Springfield.
| Notice Is hereby given that in pur
M r. and Mrs. Dewey Rav and fam llv »nance to an o rder an-1 d -, ree of til-
returned F riday a f’ er a n e x t e n d e d tr in ‘ T re u it Court of the State of ''rp ro n
in o ,
, P fo r Lane County, made and entered
in the south. T hey spent some tim e ,
, he r , u(le wheretn I j u r , W M k e r
rle ltln g relatives in Alabama.
was p la in tiff and Harold Steinhauor.
Miss Edna Patterson has returned 1 S r • Harold Stelnhauer. Jr . Nelson J
from the Eugene hospital where she Brooks-
underwent an operation fo r goitre K " ; M R d i 3 ' W . l E ^ a b d
two months Is able to work again
without cratches bat finds h er s r k le
very weak.
M r and M rs. C. L. W illiam s hrve
returned from a six weeks auto trip in
the East and South. T hey were ac-
companied by D r and M r» Hahn of
T. F. K a M e r is teaching Junior high
school at A lradore. Mra. K a h le r Is
teaching high school at Dorena. Mrs.
Dunlap is keeping house for the
K ahler
Je rry
Douglas, at Pleasant HID.
sometime ago. Miss Patterson is re- W a lk e r were defendants at a regular
t»rm of said Court on the 20th day of
covering rapidly.
, September. 1927. appointing the un
: dersigned. R. R W ells. Referee with
order to sell the follow ing des-
Notice Is a hereby given that
ertbed real properly belonging to the
undersigned Sarah G lick has filed her p laintiff and defendant» In fee simple
“ co'“ t
«dm «Hn. , Bd „ tenants In common, situated
ha ®’ U t ® of ,L ' i
° * k k : In tJine County. Oregon to-w lt:
O f' B egln nln r st the northeast corner of
h* ’ r , i ,s , l u r ' section 14. In township IS .o u ’ h range
P n af? ™ ™ . 1.5 ,
t . he.»Col*nty 3 w ’*” of thF W illa m e tte M eridian In
10 ° U o c k ln *5« t ° r * - la n e Conntv. Oregon and run thence
„1 E u r ne,e Or1'‘<” n ' “ “ ?e tlm « south 13 chain» nm re or less, to the
estate’ and a il o W e c tto « ?hould“ £ .
t h ^ ’ m id d u “ ^
"led or presented on o r before said M ,„ h, Iml|rtl
Ro '-hslns more t r less
“ 7? , .
. . „ ,
J to a point 4 915 chains north o f the
her l i t h ,n»’
publ ,hed weptem-i north line of the W ashington L. Riggs
S A R A H G L IC K . A d m in istratrix.
' * nd c' ,,,n ,7 “ * ° ;
run sheep on it this year.
W H IT T E N S W A F F O R D . Attorney. ”outh M 33 w e ,t 0»f»Hel to the north
Allen W heeler of Pleasant H ill
* line
1 i m „9
1.1 claim
».1« i se» V
* d 40.
1 k 41
4 1 4
2A chains
» in»
of »»
S. 15-22-29: O 6-13
preached at the Pleasant H ill Chris­
i to the east line of the Southern Paci­
tian church last Sunday in the absence
fic Railroad Company’s rig h t of way.
thence northw esterly along the east
of Rev. W A. Elkins.
oDen» der ^ L l’ÄHxr,,vy <^i^el,
* « « I d ^ h t ^ f ’ way "to thn w w i
Vnion high school No. 1 opens dersigned A lth a E Sellon has been ap-I Unp nt lot th re „ ot M c tlon 14. said
Monday Septem ber 26.
pointed A d m in is tra trix of the estate township and range, thence north on
—------ — — - ■ — — -
' of Ell M Seilon, deceased, by the
west line of said lot to a point 136
! County C o u.t of Lane County. Oregon. feet south o f the northw est corner
1 n v K o i im i
an(1 a„
haTlD< clamll! aKa,niIt
thereof, thence east 600 fe e t thence
. . ,
said estate w ill present same duly north 136 feet to the north line of said
L ittle G loria June W eaver, the in i verified as by law required at the law section 14. thence east on section
fan t daughter of M r. and Mrs. B ert office of W h itte n Swafford. 315 T lf- line to the place of tw rlnn lng . ail
W eaver took seriously ill last F rid a y tany B ld g . Eugene. Oregon, on or he- being In I^rne County. State of Oregon.
.» s
x -v _ ' fore 8lx months from first publica-
1 «rill sell the said land in one b-sly.
and was rushed to the Pacific Chris-1 doB of th ,g notlCe.
o r In lota or parcels of land to suit
tian hospital Where she is im proving
Dated and first published Sept. 22nd. purchasers. In the way to obtain the
under D r Kent's ca»e.
j 1927.
best price a t public auction, at the
Mrs. Silas G ay from Silverton spent l r | j I''T H A E ‘ SELlL<)'s - A d m inistra­ Southwest fro n t door of the .C ourt
House In Eugene, I^ine County. O re ­
t e past week w ith her brothers, the i xt
W H IT T E N S W A F F O R D . A tty.
gon. on Saturday, the 22nd day of
8. 22-29: O. 6-1« 20
October 1927. between t..e hours of
M erl Hanson from Olenada was a ;
caller in Thurston last Sunday.
The Thurston High school started
tat Monday w ith Professor Park as
rinctra! and Miss W h itm ore assist-
rt. T h ere are six freshmen.
W illia m Hansen and John Edmlston
te w orking a t H ill's saw m ill at
zsper. T h e y have previously been
w orking for George W illiam s at Camp
Still faster time to California—now.
30 minutes cut from the running time
Miss Flossie H erring to n , who Is
of the superb CASCADE — only 23
teaching a t Notl spent the weea-end
hours Portland to San Francisco, and
here with friends and relatives.
20 minutes from the popular SHASTA,
Miss Maude Russell, who is teach­
making earlier arrivals in San Francisco.
ing near Cottage Grove, spent the
week-end w ith home folks.
Various changes in Local Main Line
Mrs. Arch Shough from Vida spent
and Red Electric service become effec­
several days this week w ith her
tive same date.
parents. M r. and Mrs. John Price.
Loren Edmlston entered U n iversity
• f Oregon in Eugene last Monday.
Hop picking a t the J W . Seavey
hop yard ended last Tuesday and sev­
Commencing September 20 train ser­
era l fam ilies from here, who were
vice is supplemented by Motor Coaches
camped there, have returned to th eir
of the Southern Pacific Motor Trans­
Miss M ildred Price, who is teaching
port Co. optera ting over principal high­
a t Leaburg, spent the week-end In
ways between Portland and the follow­
Miss N e llie
M athews, w h o
(1) —Salem, Corvallis, Eugene, Rose­
keeping house fo r her sister, M rs.
A lb erta Mathews, a t Leaburg this
burg, Ashland.
w in te r spent the week-end w ith her
(2) —Hillsboro, Forest Grove, McMinn­
parents, M r. and Mrs. A. B. Methews.
Ing described real properly, to-w lt:
T h '’ w*'"t « fly three (53) feet of Ix>t
Six tS) In Block Seven <71 of F a ir
mount, an addition to' the C ity o f Eu-
,e n * ' I-* n” ‘ ’»unty. Oregon.
Iherefore In the name of the
^ ^ “e ie c iZ o n ’ a n ? « r d ” '’«’’ " a ïe * m l
|n ,,r>|,.r to s a tis fy s a id J u d g m e n t. In
t< r M t . „ (irn,.v s fee s, c o s ts o f s u it a n .l
accruing' costs. I » HI on S a lu ris y the
22nd day of »'ctotw r. !927. at the hour
o f one o'cloce in the afternoon of raid
day. nt the Southwest front door of
the County Court House In Eugene,
Lane County. Oregon, offer for s « l••
and sell for cash, at public auction.
a,-h<ec' to re d e m e fo n a» provided bv
law, a ll of the rig ht, title and Interest
o ' the defendants Em m a C Ople nnd
H a rry J. Ople. her husband. K D
tarmhard and C aih e r'n » txunhard. h is ,
w ife. W alters-Bushong Lum ber Com­
pany, a corprntlon. nnd L M T ra v is
Inc., a corporation, and a ll persons
claim ing by. through o r under ’ hem
or any or e ith e r of them in and io :
»»Id premises
F R A N K E T A Y M 1 R . Sheriff of
Ijin e Counly. O r. <on.
Prices on these Hoaters range from $18. to $30.00.
Montag All Cast
$98.50 cash.
Sheet Iron Heaters,
$2.50 to $5.00.
$110 00
A full stock of Andirons, Fire Sets and Screens.
W R IG H T & S O N S
8 22 29: O 5-13 20
M r. and M rs. S. H. Callison have
leased the Otto Morton farm and w ill
Im p o r ta n t Changes
S o u th e rn P a c ific S e rv ic e
S e p te m b e r 2 5 th
N o w M o to r Coaches, too!
Notice is hebflby given that Oranvel
L . Prindel, A d m in istrator of the estate
f H ira m M. Prindel, deceased, has
led his final account and report as
«ch, and the Court has set Saturday
le 24th day o f September 1827, a t the
our o f 10:00 A. M. to h ear objections
) the same, a t the County Court
loom, a t Eugene, in Lane County,
Oregon, and fo r the final settlem ent
of said estate.
O R A N V E L L. P R IN D E L , Admlnls-
tr ator,
W k LLS ft W E I,1.8, Attorneys.
An. «6: 8e. 1-8-15-22
(3) —Newberg, Monmouth, Corvallis.
(4) —Oswego, Cook.
A ll classes o f S outhern Pacific railroad tickets w ill be honored fo r
tra n s p o rtâ trra <xi Southern Pacific S ilver G re y M o to r Coaches
between pointa th ey reach and serve.
Aaft A g e n t f a r e o w eefetf rtase to M a fo ld e r mad
<my fa rth a r w /cirm efinn
S o u t h e r n P a c ific
Phone 65
iai^e this
c le a n m o d ern
E lectric R a n g e
installed in your kitchen
for only
Balance in 18 Months
Liberal allowance for your old range
Only women who have ac­
tually lilted an electric range
can know w hat pleasure It is
to cook with this clean,
strong, even heat; how much
better results are, and how
m uch more uniform. In the
oven of a W estlnghouse auto­
m atic range, foods can be
cooked under a known tem ­
perature and for an exact
period of time, without any
attention. Scientific accuracy
ln the preparation of meals
replaces the guessw ork and
good luck th a t has always
played such a p art In cook­
ing. Results can he dupli­
cated time a fter time under
the sam e conditions: the heat
does not fall nor does It vary
In Intensity.
See us about our special offer on the Key to
Better Cooking