PAOB FOUR THIS SPRINOFŒLD NEWS TirURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1927 NGTIUK OF SH ER IFFS SALE ON | February ttth . 1914. »414 11. Total due marriage contract now existing b e­ EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE and unpaid on abore described proper tw e e n plaintiff and defendant an>t for an absolute divorce from defendant. Published Every Thursday at Notice Is hereby given Ihst by vir­ ty. »1435 34. This su tu mon s Is published once tue of an execution and order of sale That I will on the 14th day of Rnplem 8prlngfl«ld. Lane County, Oregon, by In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ her, 1*3?, (Saturday) at tha hours of each week for four consecutive weeks cuit Court of la n e County. Oregon, on Ten o'clock on the forenoon of said in Hi, Springfield News, a weekly T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS the »Hi day of September. 1927. In s day. In front of the Town Hall In newspaper published at Springfield. H. K M AXEY. Editor. suit wherein on the 1th day of Sep - Springfield, la n e County. Oregon, sell Lane County, Oregon, by order of (he teniber. 1937, In said court Thaker Dev the above described properly to the lion C I’ Barnard, County Judge, «tered aa second class matter, February >4. 1*03 at the Sharman. recovered judgment against J bidder for rash who offers Io pay the maile on (he Uilh day of September. poelofflce. Springfield. Oregon the defendants John D. llagley and assessm ents, costa. Interest and ne­ 1937 A PEACH OF A PUZZLE Dale of first publication September Mary Bagley for (he sum of »151601 ri uelng coats and Interest thereon, M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE 33nd. 1937. (Sunset Magaxinel together with Interest thereon at the and take a certificata of sale therefor Ona year In Advance-------51.75 Three Months .....— 75c It you want to do aomethlug tor your country and your rate of six per cent per nnnum from as by law provided DONALD R HUBBAND. Attorney Dated this August 13th. 1»37 Six M o n th s........... .................11.H Single Copy — — ......Sc health, eat more canned peachee. eat more prunes; eat July 1. 1934 and the further sum of for plaintiff. N40 Willamette Ht, Eu J. SMITtiON. Town Marshall of the gene. Oregon more canned or dried apricots; eat more apples; eat more »36 00 attorneys fees, together with Town of Springfield TH U R SD A Y SEPTEM BER S3. 1927 S 33 3»: O 4 13 10; pears; eat more almonds; eat more grapes, make more costs and disbursements herein In the AU »5; Se l-t-15-11 sum of »15.40. which judgment was ■rape juice; eat more grapefruit Of all these commodl enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's A SMALL CITY PARK ties there Is aa overauppiy. Despite persistent and Intelli­ office of said County on (he Sth day of SUMMON» Springfield should have a city park consisting gent efforts to stimulate your jaded appetite, despite cut­ September. 1»37. and said execution TIIE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of one or two blocks and located close in. It ting price« to the bone, the market won't absorb all the to me directed commanding me In (he IN STATE OREOON FOR THE should have trees, grass, flowers and shrubbery offering«. And the Individual grower can no more control name of the Stale of Oregon. In order COUNTY OF OF LANE i to satisfy said judgment. Interest, at­ and be similar to parks in other cities. It might the total output than he can change the direction of the Frank E Maxey. 1'lalntlff. vs. Marjorie torneys fees, coats of suit and accru­ Neale Maxey. Defendant. be a resting place for people on hot days of sum­ wtnd. ing costs to sell the following d es­ To Marjorie Neal Maxey. Defendant; Speclellilng In Tonsils mer or the scene of outdoor gatherings. The Far Weatern producer of fruits, nuts and crapes cribed real property, to-wit: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Now is the time to start thinking about a park Is still paying for the war While Europe and Asia were All of the lot numbered 34 In Col­ OREGON: You are hereby re­ Bite. Let’s pick out the land this winter and make disorganised after the Armistice, prices went sky high, lege Crest Addition to Eugene, being OF quired Io appear and answer the com- plans for financing a park. Then when spring fruit-growing became very profitable. Aa a result every­ about live and live-eighth acres, situs plaint filed against you In (he above Over Penney’s Stör« • entitled suit on nr before four weeks comes we can start out in earnest developing a body planted fruit trees and vines. Now the world out­ ted In Lane County. Oregon Now. therefore In the name of «he from the date of first publication of beauty spot within our city. put exceeds the a w h l demand In a normal season—and S ta te'o f Oregon. In compliance with this summons, nr for want thereof, • • • said execution and order of anle and In the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the grower holds the bag. Eugene Phone 366 CHAMPIONS— CREDIT—HlKh'Kit order to satisfy said judgment Inter­ the relief prayed for In the complaint, est. attorneys fees, costs of suit and to-wlt: Fur a decree dissolving the In Iowa a farmhand recently won a corn-husk- accruing costs. I will on Saturday the ing championship, husking more than twenty- 15th day of October. 1927. at the hour eight bushels of corn in eighty minutes, beating of one o'clock In the afternoon of said his nearest competitor by more than two bushels. ■ day. at the Southwest front door of , the County Court House In Eugene. At Eureka. Kansas. Joe Loebel was declared 1 Lane County. Oregon, offer for «ale champion mail distributor, making a record of A Eugene Business College training will give you the I and sell for cssu. at public auction. 99.8 in a possible 100. Mr. Leobel "threw 502 i ' subject to redemption an provided bv foundation on which to build a successful career. Enroll pounds’’ of mail, making but one mistake. And j : law. all of the right, title and Interest today and begin with one of the new classes Monday. RIGHT INHERITANCE EASY TO GIVE I of said defendants. John D. Bagley the mistake w as due to bad writing. For full Information about our courses, address and Marv Bagley, and nil But you will never interest the public In labor Most normal men and women live for their i t ^ ? championships as you do in prize fighting, base­ Children. any or either of them In and to said THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS The United States uses 40 tuns of postage stamps a week. People should pay their bills more promptly. • • • It's the same in all countries—a kiss is nothing divided by two. Editorial Comment/ Dr. Get, OB. FUNK CRANE S il TRAINED YOU SUCCEED ball and running championships. Athletic achl- evement is in the blood of the race, inherited from our ancestors through hundreds of thousands of years. We run and hunt because we like to. We husk corn, distribute letters, dig ditches because we must. There is a big difference. Beyond getting what satisfaction thev can out premises of their ‘ ‘ own “ lives, they want to see their children FRANK E TAYLOR. Sheriff of get satisfaction out of theirs, they want to see Lane Cnutny. Oregon. Bv BEULAH BR1NNIUK. Deputy. they have a better chance and more advantages S. 15 22 3# O 4 13 than they themselves had. Just how to accomplish this requires much NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION thought and calls for all our intelligent planning. FOREST EXCHANGE Entirely too many peddlers operate in Spring- It is pretty well established that leaving your No. 0175»» Held. They pay no taxes, leave no money in the children a lot of money d<«*a no good. More community and usually sell an inferior article wrecks have been caused, more lives ruined and Department of the Interior, United which the buyer cannot take back as is done when more characters undermined by having things ~Z!**Beptember<2; i#2°7**bUr#’ ° r* he buys something not satisfactory at the local made too easy for children, by giving them too Notice is hereby given that the store. If we are to build up Springfield in a bust- many unearned advantages than by anything else. ' Wasters Oregon Securities co., by !„• ness way and increase the valuation of our pro­ It may be safely concluded that if any m a iiil“n<1 s Johneon, Preeideat, Box 523. perty. pay for our schools and other public insti­ has a grudge against his children and wants them Eugene. Oregon, filed application No. under the Act of March 20. tutions then we should hang out the sign “No to be failures the surest way is to leave them a lot 0175»». 1922. (42 Slat . 445) to exchange the Peddlers Allowed.” of money. N W \,. Sec 24; NWk* NW *4. Sec. 24; e e e Thinking people know that other things, such Btt’H S B U . an,t SW lg. Sec. 13. Reports from France on prices at the Paris as character and the like, count more than except the following Beginning at N W corner of 8W -, SW 'j. Sec. 13. Tp Legion convention Indicate that the delegates will money. 15 9 . R 10 West. W M . thence 8. So be able to liquidate that countries war debts. Just how to leave our dear ones what they re­ rods on W. line ot said 8ec. 13. thence Many of the delegates have spent all their money quire is rather difficult. E 40 rods, thence N. 10 rods, thence the first week and the convention is yet to be In the first place, we ought to do what we can E 10 rods, thence N. 10 rods, thence held. Prices were found to be much higher than , to bequeath to them an orderly and law-abiding E. 10 rods, thence N. 10 rods, thenee rods, thence N. 10 rods, thence those of the home town and the boys and their society, a state in which the laws . are respected E E 40 40 rods, thence N. 10 rods to N. E money were soon parted. and obeyed. People, therefore, that countenance corner of BE'. sw>., of said Section • • • bootlegging and other illicit acts which happen to IJ; and thence w through center ot The supreme court has just held that a politi­ be popular, are working for a state of society ot ",ld 8*c,lon *s to pi»r,> cian cannot hold a newspaper responsible for which will be inimicable to the coming genera. £ ^rSSurf w a , «re.X 'X i Z & S what it says about him when he is taking part in (o John Mink, all In Tp. 1» a.. Range a campaign. If it doesn’t like the company he The second thing is character. It is our duty to 10 West. W M . within the Sluslaw keep or if it thinks him crooked, even though it our children to give them a good bioigical inheri- I National Forest, for the timber on the has not the evidence, the newspaper is privileged tance. This we can do by living clean lives our- nwm n l -«. section 4. Tp 20 s . to say so. So long as this rule holds good the selves and, in the final analysis, most of the good a,“ " T * rnrili w,thln ' American people will have a weapon to combat we do other people depends on how well we take ‘ Th.- purpose of this notice Is to >1 those who cleverly cover up their misdeeds or are care of ourselves. low all persons claiming the land | fceing protected by officers of the law. If the children are healthy and strong and nor­ selected, or having bona fide objec­ • • • tions to such application, an oppnr mal physically the next thing they need is moral tunltv to file their protest w'th th" J After the income tax collectors get through character. ■ Register of ;he IT. 8. Ijind Office at | with «he Dempsey-Tunney fight then Coolidge unfortunately, this is a more difficult thing t o ' Roseburg, i.regon should be in position to go ahead with his tax come at. Out of many a family with the highest j Anv ‘,,,rh protest or objection mo t I reduction program. ideals and the most blameless practices can come *?* ln. ,hJ" within ihirtv • • • a descendant who is absolutely lacking In moral tlon fh1„ notlrF. After all France has received the Second A. E. stamina. About all we can do is to give as good her i. i»27 Non-coat F. or American Legion, with open arms like it did an example as possible and good teaching. The HAMILL A. T4NADY. Register 8 8-15-22-29: O 4: In 1917 when the first expeditionary force arrived, result then is in the lap of the gods. We can’t And, the hospitality of France is not surpassed help it and we are not to blame if the young scion to the world. turns out crooked. It is lamentable, but It is in- i NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE • • • evitable. MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE It is said there is nothing in Chicago to shock Another thing we can leave our children is I . i friendship and association with the right_ kind of ' 0 ? ^ ; anybody—from Sing Sing. • a s people. This we can only do by associating with ment Bans Ann and unpaid, transmit-1 Some folks never had a chance because thev the right kind ourselves. i tad bv tha Town Recorder of Snrlng- wouldn’t take it. The best that can be done, in a nut shell, is to i fle|d *° ,h* Tnwn Treaanrer. and fur-1 • a s know our children, be companions with them and No man can serve two masters—so why be a influence them by our own character as much as i „aid Hat haing aa follows: bigamist? possible. ASSESSMENTS AOAINST LOTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. 7. 9 9. and 10 of Block «1 M1PJ OOFT. N o w t T o i I S e CATE.M ' T I L L . MtAUT im t . -rjeLTP n&j 6 tT of Waahhurna's Subdivision of Spring- filed Invastmont and Powar Com- pany'a Addition to Snrlngflald. Dragon, aasassad agalnat said lota aa a whola, aa follow«: Main alraat nav1n«r aasassad by Or- d'nanoa N'lmhar 210 to Snrlngflald Manufacturing and Inv atment Com- nnnv, a corporation, on Octohar 24t,h. 1911, halanca dua sod i.nos'd August 12th. 1927 On nrlncloal 4OO R5 ««4 Interest on same from Octohar, 27th. 191«. »521.33 M ain atraat gra d '" " a a sa ssa d hv Or­ dinance Number ’ »7 to S o rln g fleld I Manufacturing an* Invn»tm«-nt Com- I n an r, a corporation on November 20th. i 1911, h a la n ca dua A. Simoi and u n n n 'd August ! 12th. 1927. On nr'nc'nsi 922«'9 «<*- Interest on same from Nnyomber 22. 191«. »149 1«. Main Street curb and gutter an- sensed hv Ordinance Number 299 Io Snrlngfleld Manufacturing and In­ vestment Company, a corporation on November 20th. 1911, balance due and unpaid August 12th. 1927. On prlncl- nal. »194 7« «24 Internal on same from November 22nd. 191«. »129.49. Main street sidewalk assessed hv Ordinance Number 321 to Sprlnvfleld Manufacturing and Inveatment Com panv, a corporation on September 19th. 1912. balance due and nnnald August 12th, 1927. On nrlncloal. »13 17 «24 Interest ry> «amo from Bentemher 19th, 1916, »54 19. Total due and un­ paid on ahove described property, »21«5 47 ASSESSMENTS AOATNST LOT 1. Rlock 1. Extended Survey of Spring- field. Oregon as follows; North A street paving assessed by Ordinance Number 379 to A. J. P^r- kins snd J. W Machen on January 24th, 1914. balance due and nnnald August. 12th. 1927, On principal, «220.03. «24 Interest on same from February Sth. 1914. »171.«2 Fourth afreet paving assessed hv Ordinance Number 31« to A J Per­ kins and J. W Machen on February 21st, 1»14. balance due and unpaid August. 12th, 1927, On principal, MtS.77. 4% Interest on same from EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE “It's a Rood School” A. E ROBERTS, President 992 Willamette St. Telephone 666 Eugene, Oregon “and HE said U n ie girls- and grownups too they are all alike, when "HE" says come with me to Kggimanns' fountain, the smile that won't come off Just naturally is amongst those present. This should l>e a tip to those men who like to spread a bit o’ cheer, and gain a heap of popularity en route. Our Ice cre»m, sodas, sundaes and candies always hit the right ' spot -which is near enough to the heart for direct com ­ munication.- So bring HER in—on« day this week. sundaes. They’re great. Try our fresh EGGIMANN’S W A IT FOR THE NEW » t THE U N I V t R S A l C A I SPEED! DURABILITY! LOW COST! Bsautiful, low, smart lines! Lightning pick-up— Comfort! • Those are some of the fea­ tures of the new Ford car. You’ll know it’s a truly modern car the minute you see it. E. R. Danner Motor Co. Fifth at A Street Authorized Ford 8«rvlce snd Ssl«s