T H « flPRINOrnCM) NKWH THURSDAY BEPTBMBHR 22. 1927 — - ........ "■ PA88ENQER TR A IN SCHEDULE SPRING FIELD S TO P* Cascade Line Northbound (BUYING (ttSCUJ^ H E M S T IT C H IN G —8c and 6c par y*rd. FOR HALE—Lot 6, »look 1, of Valley Mrs. W K Uarntill, phono 105 W. View Addition to Springfield. At 6.1.1 I) street, or leave orders at once, cash only. Make offer. C. M Farmers Rxi hangs atom or Mra. »(terry, 172* Summit Ave., Seattle, Anhamheou'a 8 -8S# Washington. R it All kinds of house painting; Kalso- mining 62 per room and up. Roy Koch, Call 126-J. tf. N O TIC E O F FIL IN G OF FINAL West Coast, to Portland, ... 5 04 A. M Local, No. 92 ___________ 3:11 P. M Southbound Local No. 61 ___________ 8:48 A M West Coast, ____________ 9:31 P. M. Number 91 carries a sleeper, and connects at Black Butts for San Fran­ cisco and Los Angeles. Both West Coast trains stop here on Sag. W tndllng Trains Eastbound mixed, at Springfield, 6:16 A. M. Westbound mixed, nt Springfield PAGE TURKS SUMMONS r o a PUBLICATION Working, the holders of certificate 0( IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Delinquency numlwrod *131. issued In the Circuit Court of the Stats of on the fifteenth day of August, 1926, Oregon for Lane County. C. F. Working and Lulu M Working. Plaintiffs, vs. M a ry 'A . Perry, the Unknown heirs of Mary A. Perry, If deceased; Ira Vernon, Clara Ver­ non. Charles Drake, Jane Doe Drake, Joseph Boyd, Jane Doe Boyd, Stiver» Vernon, Jane Doe Vernon, and all unknown owners of the property described herein, De­ fendants. TO: Mary A. Perry. The Unkonwn heirs of Mary A. Perry, If deceased; Ira Vernon, Clara Vernon, Charles Drake, Jane Doe Drake, Joseph Boyd. Jane Doe Boyd, Stivers Vernon, Jane Doe Vernon, and all unkonwn owners of the property described herein: De­ by the tax collector of the County of Lane, State of Oregon, for the amount of ten and 76-100 Dollars, tbe sam» being the amount then due and dells* quent for taxes for the year 1921, to gether with penalty, interest and costg thereon upon the real property aa- aeeaed to Mary A Perry, of which Mary A. Puny Is the owner of the legal title, aa appears of record, situ­ ated In said county and state, and particularly described as follows, to* w it: * The north half of Lot 10 and tha south half of Lot Eleven, Block 27, la Grose Addition to Eugene, LnhS County. Omsgon. You are hereby further notified that C. F Working and Lulu M Working Notice I* hereb yglven that the un­ large 1:60 P. M. fendants. have paid taxes on said premises tot dersigned Executor of the eatnta of sheets, 26x.lt inches, nullable fur IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE prior and or subsequent yearn, w its Ellas Nlcolle, defeased. has Held bis W A N T E D —Man with car to soil com­ OF O REG O N: You are hereby noti­ the. rate of Interest on aald amount* making tracings The News Office (Inal account with the County Clerk plete line quality Auto Tires and fied that C. F. Working and Lulu M as follows: of la n r County, and that by order of W A N T E U A T railer Must be In Tubes Exclusive Territory., Ex­ the County Court of said County, Sat­ Amount Rate ef Ia t Tag Receipt No. Date Paid Year's Tax «««d coudltloo Inquire at 724 G urday. tbe 8th day of October, 1827. perience' not necessary. Balary 3 9 2á W H A T B T H E USE <)E OOING T O 29224 12 Aug. 16. 1926 1922 Street, Hpring/luld., g 31 at the hour of ten o'clock A. M at the 29235 13 30 12 Aug. 16. 1926 1923 8300 00 per month. Milestone Rub­ EUG ENE W H EN YOU CAN BUY IT County Court room In the Court House 1S779 13.10 12 Aug. 16. 1926 1924 ber Company. East JJverpeol, Ohio« CH EAPER IN YQUR OW N TOW N. 274« 25 84 12 PROPERTY TO T R A D E— Residents In Eugene, Ixine County, Oregon, has Apr 15, 192« 1925 been fixed as tbe time and place of LUBKE SECOND H A ND STORE 1338 23.59 12 Apr. 21, 192« 1926 property In Hood River to trade for anal hearing upon aald final account 11» 6th Street If. NOTICE FOR PUBLIIOATION Springfield property. Inquire News and for the Battlement of said estate You are further notified that C. F. I premises for subsequent years, w it* FOREST EXCH ANG E All persons having objections to Working and Lulu M Working have I the rate of Interest on said amounts Office. 8 16-22 S t P T IC T A N K * No. 017594 said final acount, nr any Item thereof paid municipal assessments upon said 1 aa follows: are hereby notified to present the Osparement of the Interior, United Ready for you to Install We specialise In ewlaa brätlet watch »»me to the County Court on or before Date Paid Total Amt. Int. Rate of Int. Amount States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore­ For family of five _ I I I repairing Hoyt's 321 Main Street, tf the l i m e fixed for Anal hearing herein. July 2«, 1926 313 18 1» gon, August 20, 1927. For family of eight July 26, 1926 62« 354.02 67.02 661 04 12 JESSE J N IC O LI.E, Executor. 40 84 NOTICJC la hereby Riven that Eresd Mar. 27. 1926 67 2» 57.59 9.70 12 at our plant BEAN A ilROOKE, Attorneys. 67.59 Petsold, of Eugeno, Oregon, co Crow NOTICE TO (YINTllACTOIlH Aug. 2,1927 8 8-15-22 29: O 6 12 24 57 Stage, Aled application No. 017694. Sewer Pipe— Drain Tilo Sealed bids will be received by the Aug. 2, 1927 73.78 .56 74 34 12 49 21 under the Act of March 20. 1922. (42 Chlmnsy Blocks City Recorder of Springfield, Oregon, Total 3202.67 Slat.. 4851 fo exchange the E«4 N W ’4. up to 12 o’clock Noon on the 3rd day SUMMONS CUQENK CONCRETI PIPE CO. N E li S W ’». and Ixit 2. Sec. 19. Tp. 17 This summons Is published by order Said Mary A. Perry, as the owner of Ordoher, 1627. for the grading and 1 S , Rang«. 11 West, W M., within the gravsllng of Kelly Boulevard from K IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E Slualaw National Forest, for the tim ­ of the legal title of the above des- of the Honorable C. P. Barnard, Judge clrbed property as the same appears of the County Court of the State of alree, to N afreet, also of M street | S T A T E OF OREGON FOR LANE ber on the N W ’4 NE>4, Section 24. L A T E M O D E L U S E D CARS . . from Kelly Boulevard went to the City ( COUNTY. of record, and each of the other per­ Oregon for tbe County of Lane, for Tp. 18 S . Range 11 West, W M . with Limits, all of said work to I*» done I Mary F. Slaaon. Plaintiff, vs., Emery sons named above are hereby further the reason that Honorable G. F. Skip- A T P R IC E S A N D T E R M S YO U In said Slualaw National Foreat. worth Judge of the Circuit Comi of In accordance with the plana anil ; I). Slaaon. Defendant. The purpose of this notice la to al- notified that C. F. W orking and Lulu said County and State Is absent from CAN H A N D L E M. Working will apply to the Circuit apeclttcatlona of the City Engineer To Emery D. Slaaon, defendant. I low nil persons claiming the land the State, and said order was mads lllda to be opened al special Council I IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE Court of the County and State afore­ other extras. I »elected, or navlng bona Ode objec­ said for a decree foreclosing the lien and dated this 31 day of August. 1927, meeting of Springfield City lia ll at i o p OREGON: You arc hereby re­ tion» to such application, an opportun­ 162(1 Standard Hoick 2 Doer Hedun. 7:30 P. M October 3rd. 192«. quired to appear and anitwer the Com­ ity to Ale their protest with (he Regls- against the propetry above described and the date of the first publication 1935 Standard Itutck Roadster. I M PETERSON, Recorder plaint Died against you In the' above ' ter of the V. S. Land Office at Roae- and mentioned in said certificate. And of this summons Is the 1st day of September, 1927. S 22 28: 1626 Standard ilutck. Coupe. entitled suit within six weeks from ; burg. Oregon Any auch protest or you are hereby summoned to appear the date of the first publication of this objection must be Aled In thia office within sixty days after the first pub­ A ll process and papers In this pro­ 1627 Dodge Coupe, like new. Summons, and If you fa., io answer, within thirty days from the date of lication of this summons, exclusive of ceedings may be served upon tbe un­ NO TIC E F o il PUBLICATIO N, 1624 Essex 4 cylinder Coach. for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ the Arst publication of thia notice, the day of tbe first publication, and dersigned residing within the Stata FOREST EXCHANCE 1623 W illy» Knight Touring defend this action or pay the amount of Oregon at the address hereafter ply to the Court for th relief prayed beginning September 1, 1927. No 017624 due as shown above, together with mentioned. 1624 Btudcbnker light A Coupe. Department of the Interior, United for in the complaint, to-wit: for a dla- Non-coal costs and accrued Interest, and in 1623 ilulck Touring, glass enclosure. H A M IL L A. CANADAY, Register. State Land Office. Roseburg, Ore- solutlon of the marriage contract ex­ 8. M. C A L K IN 8, Attorney for tha case of your failure to do so, a decree isting between you and the plaintiff. Re 1-8-16-22-29: . gon. September 16, 1827. 1623 Ford Sedan, a real buy. w ill be rendered foreclosing the lien Plaintiff. Residence and postofflea This summons ts served by publica­ NOTICE la hereby given that 1620 Ford Coupe, good rubber. of said taxes and costs against the addresa, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. W ulter E Yales, of Browns*” !«. Ore­ tion by order of the Honorable C. P. land and premises above mentioned. Se. 1, 8. 15. 22. 29. Oc. «, 18, 20. 27: Hudson Speedster. NO TIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N gon. filed Application No 017634. un Barnard. Judge of the County Court it'« 1 for t«ane County In the State of Ore- Dtidgr Touring. d«'f the Act of M arih 20 - ' gon. dated (he 17th day of August. Departmsnt of the Interior, U. 8. Land N O TIC E OF F IN A L H EA R IN G HOP PICKERS BOOKS— Printed end 1627'llalck Master Roadster. Slat . 466) to exchange the S'í, N E <4. 1927, directing that It be published Office at Roeeburg, Oregon. Sep­ In stock at ih e News office. 62 psr N>4 HEV,. Sec 22. Tp 16 H . Range 9 tember 10, 1927. 162« Je w d t Coach. i NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G OIVEN: That once a week for six successive weeks W W ill Mer.. containing 1A0 acres In the Springfield News, and the date NO TIC E Is hereby given that Squire , the undersigned, Alta King, admlnis hundred. A call on the telephone w ill bring within the Siuslaw National Forest. of the Arst publication of this sum­ Smith of Eugene, Oregon, who, on t rat or of the estate of J. M. Ritchey, any one of these cam to your door. In exchange for timber from the mons la the 18th day of August, A. D.. August 29. 1922. marie Homestead I deceased, has filed his final account N O TIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N Entry No. 014524, for 8 H NE«4, and In the County Court of Lane County, NW'1, SW Seillon 22. Township 9 1927. FOREST EXCHANG E S . Range A East. W ill M<>< . contain­ Oregon, and that October 22nd. 1927, SB'4 N W ’4. Section 7, and on Novem­ No. 017587 L L. RAY, ALTA KINO. Attorneys Terms and Trades ing 40 scree, within the Santlam at ten o'clock in the forenoon thereof ber 14. 1923, made Additional H. E. Departm ent of the In te rio r, United for Plaintiff Poatoffice address Miner National Forest. at the Court House in Euegne, Lane No. 016276. for the N E ’4 SW<4. Sec. States Lend Office, Rossburg, Or»* Buildlug. Eugene. Oregon F. W . P E T T Y J O H N CO. The purpose of thia notire la to tlon 7, Township 17 8., Range 2 West, County, Oregon, has been fixed by A 18-26: »1-8 j -23 30 gon. September 2, 1927. W illamette Meridian, has filed notice j said Court as the time and place for O P E N E V E N IN G S A N D S U N D A Y S allow all persons claiming the lands NO TIC E Is hereby given that J. F. selected, nr having bona fide objer- of Intention to make three year Proof, hearing said account and settlement Yates, of Corvallis, Oregon, filed ap­ Seventh and Olive SL Eugene tire. Ilona to aurh application an opportun­ NO TIC E O F SALE OF to establish claim to the land above thereof. G O VER N M EN T T IM B E R Phone 1207. ity to file their protest with the Date of first publication September plication No. 017687, under the Act of described .before E. O. Iramel, U . S. March 20, 1922. (42 Stat.. 465) to ex­ Or See Mr. Masters, 534 O Street R«'glat»r of the U. 8. l-and office at General Land Office, W ashington. D. C. Commissioner, at Eugene. Oregon, on 22, 1927. change the 854 of N54- of Section 28, Roseburg. Oregon August 11, 1927. ALTA KING. Administrator. the 26th day of October. 1927. Township 15 8.. Range 9 W est W. M., Springfield, Phone 132 J Anv such protest or objections must S 22-29: O 6-13-20: Notice Is hereby given that subject Claimant names aa witnesses' within the Siuslaw National Forest, be filed In this office within thirty . io (he conditions and limitation» of Archie J. Davis. Ora A. Davis. for the timber on the SE54 NW 5* days from (he date of the Aral pulill Gio act of June 9, 191«, (39 Stat.. 218), Joshua M allatt. W. V. Tallman, all of N E ’4, Section 4, Township 20 9., SUMMONS cation of thia notice, beginning Sep­ and pursuant to department regula­ Mohawk. Oregon. Non-coat. Range 12 West. W M.. within said tember 22. 1927 Non-coat. tions of April 14. 1924 (60 L. D.. 37«), H A M IL L A CANADAY. Register. MAX STOVE WORKS In the C irc u it Court of the State of Siuslaw National Forest. ROBERT E CRAW FORD, Acting the timber on the following lands will 8. 15-22-29: O 6-i3 Oregon for Lane County. The purpose of this notice is to al­ Buya, Sells, Repairs and Register. be sold October 3, 1937, at- 10 o'clock Commercial State bank of Springfield. low all persons claiming the land S 22 28: O 6-13-20: Exchanges A. M. at public suction at the U. 8 a corporation. Plaintiff, -vs- Grant J Mected. or having bona fide obje> SUMMONS lend office at Rossburg, Oregon, to 8tovea. Itangea and Heaters Cowling, Defendant. tlons to such application, an opportun­ tbe highest fldder at not less than the IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E ity to file t.ielr protest with the STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E To Grant J. Cowling, the above named CA LL AN D SEE Dr. N. W. Emery appraised value as shown by this Main near M ill Rt. Register of the U. S. Land Office at defendant: CO UN TY OF LANE. on prices on plates and other work tf. notice, sale to be subject to tbe ap­ In the name of the Stata of Oregon: Roseburg. Oregon. proval of the Secretary of the Inter­ J. A. Williams, Plaintiff, vs. Charles Any such protest of objection must O. Dowell, Nellie W Dowell, Grace You are hereby required and summon­ be filed in this office within th irty ior. The purchase price, with an addl- E Brown ard John Doe Brown, De­ ed to appear and answer the complaint days from the date of the first publica­ I tional sum of one-fifth of one per rent fendants. filed against you in the above entitled tion of this notice, beginning Septem­ I thereof, being conanisslnns allowed. To Charles O. Dowell, Nellie W suit and court, within four weeks from ber 8, 1927. must be deposited at time of sale. Non-coaL , money to be retimed If sale Is not ap- Dowell, Grace E. Brown and John Doe the date of the first publication of H A M IL L A. CANADY, Register. this summons, to-wit: on or before Phone 130 M , proved, otherwise patent will issue Brown. Defendants: S. 8-15-22-29: O 6: ■ for the tlmebr. which must be re­ IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE the 22nd day of September, 1927, and Life, Automobils and Firs moved within 10 years. Bids will be OF OREGON: Yon are hereby re­ you will take notice that If you fall SUMMONS Insurance received from cltixens of tbe United quired to appear and answer the com­ ' to appear and answer said complaint ' States, associations of such cltixens plaint filed against you in the above ' or otherwise plead thereto within said CARL A. WYMAN : and corporations organised under the entitled court and cause, on or before j time, the plaintiff for want thereof, In the Circuit Court of the State of Resident Agent Oregon for Lane County. ! laws of the United States, or any the expiration of the time prescribed will apply to the above entitled court , State, territory or district thereof in Ihe order of Publication, to-wlt: for the relief prayed for in Its said Commercial State Bank of Springfield, 734 D Street, Springfield, Oregon a corporation. Plaintiff, -vs- Grant J. I only. Upon application of a qualified On or before the expiration of four complaint to-wit. Cowling. Defendant. 228 Main St, Residence 125 c St purchaser the timber on any legal sub- weeks from the date of the first pub­ That the plaintiff have Judgment To Grant J. Cowling, the above named I division will b * offered separately he- lication of this summons, and if you «JJ 12 M defendant. ' fore being Included In any offer of a fall to answer, for want thereof, plain­ and recover from defendant the sum Res, Phone 160 Plano Moving Hundred Fifty Dollars ' larger unit. T. 8 8., R 8 W. Sec. 35, tiff will apply to the Court for the re­ o f T w o In the name of the State of Oregoa Full Auto Equipment SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER ’ N E U NE% green and burned yellow lief prayed for in the complaint, (6250.00) together with Interest there­ You are hereby required and summon­ Lady Assistant on at the rate of 8 per cent per an­ ed to appear and answer the complaint WILLI» BERT8CH, Prop. | fir and hemlock 2779 M. appraised to-wlt: num from L ptember 22nd. 1926. until filed against you in the above entitled i value 83898; N W ’4 N E 1* green and O FFICE A T SERVICE GARAGE For a Judgment and decree In favor I burned ysllow fir and hemlock 36S0 M. of plaintiff and against the defen­ paid, for the further sum of Thirty- court within 633 Main Street four weeks f r o m Five Dollars (635 00) reasonable at­ the date of the first publication of appraised value 34528.25; NE>4 N W ’4 Successor to Sutton Transfer 1 green and burned yellow fir and hem­ dants. Charles O. Dowell and Nellie torney’s fees and for plaintiff's oosts this summons, to-wit: on or beforu W Dowell for the sum of 6600.00 with lock 3520 M. appraised value 64046; Interest at the rate of 7<%. per annum and disbursements: for the further the 22nd day of September. 1927. and VASBY BROS. decree that plaintiff’s mortgage de­ NVY14 N W 1', green and burned yellow from August 14. 1925. 660 00 attorney scribed therein Is a first lien upon the you w ill take notice that If you fall fir 2930 M, appraised value 62930• fees, and 664.03 taxes, together with following described real property situ­ to appear and answer said complaint Offllce Phone 4F Res. Phone 2 | »W Li N W U green and burned yellow Painting & Decorating Interest thereon at the rate of 6% per ated In the County of Lane and State or otherwise plead thereto wtthln said fir and hemlock 3650 M. appraised thne, the plaintiff for want thereof, Carl H. Phettsplscs, M. D. annum, and the costs and disburse, of Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at a In all its branches value J4429; and the SBU NWt< ments of this suit: and for a decree point 14 chains east of the southeast w ill take Judgment against you aa General Practice, Special Attention green and burn»,, yellow fir and hem­ demanded In his said comi taint as fol­ 312 Main Street lock 2800 M. appraised value 63488 25, declaring same to be a first mortgtge corner of Lot Nine (9) In Section lows: For the sum of Two Hundred Io Obstetrics and Diseases of chil­ lien upon the following described pro­ Fourteen (14), Township Nineteen none of the timber on these subdivi­ dren. Forty Dollars (6240.00). together with sions to be sold for less than the ap­ perty In Lane County. Oregon, to-wlt: (19) South. Range Three (3) west of Interest thereon at the rate of 8 net First National Bank Building Beginning at the Southeast corner the W illam ette Meridian. Oregon, and praised »Blue stnt«> T. 178.. R. 7 W . cent per annum from January 20th, 8ec 29. NB>4 NEV4 red fir 380 M, red of the Frederick Fisher D. L. C. No. running thence west 21.18 chains to 1920, until paid, the further sum of 8prlngfleld, Oregon DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL cedar 76 M.. SEt« N E U red fir 600 M. 53 In Tp 19 S , R. 2 West of the W il­ the middle of the County Road, thence T h irty Five Dollars (335.00) reason­ SWk, NWV; yellow fir 812 M. red lamette Meridian and running thence following along the said County Road able attorney's fees and for plaintiff’s DENTIST cedar 60 M. NE>4 SE>4 red fir 800 M. South 89’ nnd 45' West 20.00 chains, North 7H degrees East 11.35 chains, costs and disbursements. WM. G. HUGHES red cedar 60 M. NW14 SE»4 red fir on the South line of said D. L. C„ thence East 14.81 chains, thence South Phone 43 T his summons Is published pursu­ 600 M. T »88., R. 7 W , Sec 1, Lot 3. thence North 20.00 chains, thence 2314 degrees East 12.28 chains to the F I R I A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E F irs t N a t’l Bank Bldg., gprlngfleld red fir 1900 M, none oi ihe timber on North 89’ and 45' East 20.00 chains place of beginning, all being situated ant to an order of the Honorable C. P. N O T A R Y P U B L IC Barnard. County Judge of Lane, Coun­ these section» to he sold for less than to the East line of said D. L. C. and In Creswell. I-ane County, Oregon. ty, Oregon, duly made and entered O ffice at $2 per M. T. 2 N.. R. 2 W , Sec. 17. thence South 20.00 ehains to the place And that said mortgage be decreed N E ’4 SW>4 yellow fir 1500 M. red of beginning, containing 40 acres In to be a first lien upon said mortgaged on the 20th day of August, 1J27. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK cedar 170 M. hemlock 40 M, SE*4 Section 18 In said Tpwrtship and premises and that said mortgage be first publication of this summons w ill Springfield, Oregon RW'4 yellow fir 920 M, red cedar 140 Range In Lane County, Oregon; And foreclosed and that said premises be be made on Thursdny. the 25th day of M. T 29 8., R. 11 W . Sec. 24. Ixit 5. for a Judgment and decree for the sold In the manner provided by law August, 1927. ana the last publication port orfnrd cedar 390 M. yellow fir foreclosure of that certain mortgage and that the proceeds from the sale thereof w ill be made on Thursday, the All kinds of gravel for con­ 300 M. rod fir 200 M. white fir 40 M, mentioned In the complaint on file of said mortgaged premises he first ap­ 92nd day of September. 1927, and It DR. N. W. EMERY red cedar 20 M. Ixit 12 port orford herein, and for a sale of said mort­ plied to the satisfaction of this plain­ fill be published four consecutlr* crete or road work. We cedar 600 M. yellow fir 1450 M, red gaged premises to satisfy said Judg­ tiff's Judgment and decree herein, and weeks In the Snrlngfleld News O B N T IB T make a specialty of crushed I. M. PETERSON. Attorney for cedar 20 M, T. 40 8., R 2 E , Sec. 19. ment and decree; and for a further the remainder. If any, be applied aa to rock and rock sand. Bunk* Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J SEt4 SW<4 yellow pine 380 M, sugar decree that whatever right, title, the court may seem meet and equi­ Plaintiff, Postoffice Address. Spring are at foot of Main on Mill pine 50 M. white fir 80 M, lx>t 4 yellow claim, lien or Interest the defendants, table, and that the defendant be fore­ field, Oregon. Residence Phone 183-M Au. 25: Se. 1-8-15-22 pine 500 M. sugar pine 60 M. white Charles O. Dowell, Nellie W. Dowell. closed and barred of any estate, right, street. fir 30 M. red fir 100 M. none of the Grace E. Rrown and John Doq Brown title or Interest In, or Hen. clr-lm or Springfield, Oregon HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. ttmhor on these section» to be »old may have or claim to have In and to demand upon said mortgaged pre­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S for I osr than 61-60 per M for red fir said premises and property Is subject mises, and the whole thereof, save nnd red cedar, 62 per M for the yellow to and Inferior to the rights and claims only snch statutory right of redemp­ Notice Is hereby given that the un­ General Lew Practloe fir, 61 per M for the white fir and hem­ of plaintiff: and for such other and tion as he may have and for such dersigned Amanda May Plnkstaff has lock, 39 per M for the port orford been appointed executrix of the w ill further relief as to the Court may other and further relief as to the court I. M. PETERSON cedar and 65 per M for tne yellow and and estate of Mary J. Landrith, de­ mny seem equitable. sugar pine. T. 8 8., R. 8 W., Sec. 11, seem Just and equitable, and for n ▲ttorney-at-Lew ceased, by the County Court of T-ane JEW ELER This summons Is published pursuant County, Oregon, and all persons hav­ N E ’4 S W U yellow fir 134OM. hem­ deficiency Judgment against defen­ lock 400 M, white fir 600 M. Noble fir dants. Charles O. Dowell and Nellie to an order of the Honorable C. P. Bar­ ing claims against said estate w ill City HeU Building Repairing a Specialty 40 M. N W '4 SW*4 yellow fir 400 M, W. Dowell, to satisfy said Judgment of nard. County Judge of Lane County. present same duly verified as by Springfield, Ore. Springfield, Oregon hemlock 120 M, white fir 500 M, Noble plaintiff in case said mortgaged pre­ Oregon, duly made and entered on the law required at the Law Office of fir 160 M. none of the timber on this mises do not sell for an amount suffi­ 20th day of Aognst, 1927. The first W hitten Swafford, 315 Tiffany Bldg, section to be sold for less than 61-75 cient to satisfy same. publication thereof w ill he made on on or before six months after the This summons Is published by order Thnrsday. the 26th day of August, date of the first publication of th s per M for the yellow fir, 61 »or M for FRANK A. DE PUE M. G. HOGE the white fir and hemlock -,nd 61-25 of the Hon. C. P. Barnaru, Judge of 1927,and It w ill he published four con­ notice. ATTORNEY AT LAW per M for the Noble fir. T. 8 N., R. the County Court of I*ane County. secutive weeks In the Springfield Attorney-at-Law Dated and first published Septem­ 2 W ., 8ec. 3. N B t4 NE14 y e llo w fir 480 Oregon, made September 8. 1927. NOTARY PUBLIC News. ber 16th, 1927. M. note of the timber on this section Date of first publication September Practise U. 8. and State AMADNA M AY P IN K S T A F F , Ex- I. M. PETERSON, Attorney for to be «old tor lee« than 62.86 p er M. 16, 1927. Coui-te Springfield, T H O 8 . C. H A V E L L , A cting Com­ W H. Brooke, attorney for Plaintiff, Plaintiff, Poatoffice Address, Spring- ecutrlx. W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. Attorney. Bugene, Oregon missioner. Aiding 860 W illam ette 8t„ Eugene, Oregon. field. Oregon. W A N T E D — Hear from ownar llanrh for sale. HlatOieaah price, part leg lara. U E. Bush. Mfnanapolta. M inn Ha, 1». FOR M A L E --( arbon iw per ACCOUNT In u. B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRIN6FIELD GRAVEL GO. D. W. Roof Au. 26: Be. 1-S-lS-tt 8. 15-22-26: O 6-18 Au. N : Be. 14-1M3 8. 16-23-39: O 1-13