Judge a Store by the Advertising It Doe*. TWKNTY-KOURT» YEAR THE SPRINGFIELD NE WS SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. 4-L TO HOLD ANNUAL ELECTION AT MCETING NEXT MONDAY NIGHT » Tbo moat Important business meat Ing of the year for tha local Loyal I action of Ixtggera and Lntnbernien unit will be next Monday night when officers are elected and u delegate ■elected to attend the district <- n- vonllon according to announcement by John King, secretary. The meeting wilt be held at tha Woodmen of the World ball The officers whose terms expire *r- K May. chairman; Ram Richmond, vice- chairman. Kd Kester, traaaurer, and Theron Coglll. conference hoard mein her. Mr. King's term of office ho da over. N ” The deleates to the district oouren (Ion will go to Kt. Helena. October 20. Kxpenaea of the Springfield repreaen tativa will be paid. Other Important/ business la ache- doled to come up at this aeaafon. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2«. 1927 Mission Societies TVc/.on H en E n d A n n u a l Meets Up 3 - Year Record ‘ ‘ * A rne Feopie-s paper- L IV I N C W S P A P IR IN A L I V I TOW N NUMBER 37 „ to open new program The entire "overhead" of scouting In Springfield will meet In nn Import­ ant session nt the chamber of com­ merce at 7 o’clock on Tuesday, Sep­ Withdraws as Party to Pstition Congestion Relieved by Schoel tember 37, It waa announced today for Closing Second Street; Board Action; High School by C. R. Clark, county Boy 8cout ex­ Election of offievra closed the an- Railroad Attorneys Attempt With unexcelled marketing faclltj ecutive. Students Plan Little News« l.ual sessions of the southern district j ties both local and through Portland, to Saddle Cost on City by Pier The court of honor and executive paper; Recaption is Frida/ foreign missionary societies at the and climatic and other conditions! Deed Acceptance. board comnvltteea will discuss at Night. Kprlagfleld Methodist church yeater- advantageous. there is every reason ' length the coming scouting program. day afternoon. Mra. M. C. VanLuven for the development of the poultry In-, Tbe Iprlngflrld city council, wtilch A regular court of honor aeaalon will Faced wMh the problem of a grow- of Grants Paaa being given the preal-. duatry In thia district Into one of t h - ' went on record Jnty 13 »« favoring the be conducted, with the buijness meet­ lag enrollment, the Springfield school deacy of the organisation. moat prosperous and successful In the closing of Second Klreet when the ,board met early this week and elected Other officers named by the 73 dele-1 w«,t. the opinion of Robert Nelson ing following. new bridge we* built, reeclnded Ita Those scheduled to he present are another teacher (or the elementary gates present during 9t>« aeaalona prominent Springfield poultry-man. former action at a geetlna laat Friday G. G. Bushman. F. B. Hamlin, H. E. schools. Miss Doris I. Bratt on 4 iMy were: Mrs. M E ComjBon, Cottage Those familiar with the poultry In­ evening A reeolgiion waa paaaad Grova, first vl^e president; Mra. W. P. dustry here say that Mr. Nelson haa Magey, W. G. Hughes, J. F. Ketela. Dr. ton, Orgon, was named and began making void the pravloua action when Wahl. Halaeyi'second vke-prealdent; demonstrated the truth of thia opin- W. C. Rebhan, Rev. G. Sykes, Dr. E. began her work here this morning the council voted to ba a nurty with Will, Levi Neet. C. A. as teacher of the 6th B grade. Mra. Kiley It Hansen, l&dford. third Ion In the au. cea.ful operation of his i Kester. John Tygon & F R the atale and county In a la tltlon be- More than 31 are In this grade, and vice-president; Mra. T. Temple, Med­ yards east of town. The Springfield | x Cm and Walt„ fofefun- the public eervlce cotninl»- an effort was being made to handle ford. receding secretary; Mrs M . J. 1 poullryman has taken several first ali|n aaklng that Second 'Street ba The first meeting of the Lions club the work without the addition of as* Isham. Grants Paaa, treasurer; Mrs. I prises at the International Livestock cldsed d. scout troop will be held at the Chris­ other to the staff. Due to housing H. H. Howe. Creswell, mg.- box a« re Exposition at Portland, and his birds tw o roaaona for the neliön In re i tian church next Monday evening. plans, this was Impossible, and the tary; Mrs. W. H. Collar Springfield, at present marking up records to ulun- POSSIBILITIES GOOD ng Itself wer» given bx the cdt veralng board decided to relieve the difficulty young people's seerctar Mrs. Laur- I be envied by the beat hens in the objei tlpn of the ell! One waa the objection with the appointment of Miss Bratt. FINES FOR VIOLATION FOR “ LITTLE WEEPAH". eace Coder, Ashland, nlor work; I United States. prbperty owner» to the eloa italng and The new teacher has had Severn! THINKS LOCAL MINER MrH.J.t H. fRlanibera, O tage Grove, ' One of jjr. Nelson's white leghorn OF AUTO RULES JUMP the other waa that the South« Ihern Paci- ye^rs of experience at other places extenalou secretary; M O. E. Os- [ hens on Monday of this week had lie company la nftcniptlng tj paaa pi onto It la altogether poaalble that gold burn, Medford, tllhlng gglretary. Springfield traffic laws enforcement and comes well recommended. produced 703 oggs in three years. Thia t ir i city the claim the alalie highway ore hus actually been d isco.ured at Activities of Interest Resolutions thanking Springfield Is an unusually high record, and her tightened notlcably -this week, when departm ent la making for 9 6.000 from Point. Oregon's "Little wiKin-n for the entertainment given laying season Is not yet over. It Is tinea for violations Jumped following Work of the schools continued to Ilia railroad company to li elp In the Windy Weepah." In the opinion o» George during the two-day sessions were pass­ possible that she will make an even an effort on the part of officers to progress steadily, activities Interest* coSatructlou of the new br dge. Cox. president of the Rowt-na Mining ed at the dual meeting yesterday. higher mark before finishing the sea­ check up closely on motorists using 'n*- the high school students along Gift waa Not a Gl t with regular studies. When the council accep ml a deed Company anil veteran miner of Spring- The chief event of the last sssion was son. There are several bens at the the city's streets. field. Traffic Officer Moore and Police a talk on India by Miss I-aura Heist, One of the most Interesting activl* Nelson yards which have records of to the old atreet car pierà n the Wil­ "While I have never prospected In mlaalonary to that land who de­ over 600 eggs In three years, and Chief Jess Smitson turned in the ty plans developed this week w«s lamette river laat summer It thought it waa receiving a gift from the South that exact vicinity." aald Mr. Cox. "I clared that "what India needs Is help, others, younger, have produced more names ot 12 men over the last week­ the decision of the Junior Ensl -h than 600 eggs in two years. In an­ end. and all paid fines onMonday, class, No^ 6, te put out a mince- erg Parine company for courtesies am sure that the whole Cascade -re­ not bosses." "The people of India are not In­ other year these may outdo the re­ ranging from )2 to almost 916. graphed "newspaper" this year, rim shewn the company In giving a frae gion In thia section haa good possibi­ More rigid enforcement of the traf­ paper will appear every two weeks. but franchise. Ilut d overli concealed lities for producing precious metals, ferior," said Miss Heist. "They are cord of the 703-egg hen. The demand for baby chicks Is fic rules Is a new thing in Springfield, The staff of the paper was named ye«» In the deed and unnoticed le the coun- people will laugh at such thing« aa awakening, and asking, as we do in .lie on the | m,,"n 'h*' ,h"r’' '• ■oM to h" *"»«*<*• to them for." She explained at length Already he h*. arrangements of dis cently that a more liberal policy might a (fuuae that attempts to After several Ing editor, Okria Mooney; associate unUI b e advantageous. the city any expense lb Southern ________ ' P” ’»1’ l«UKhv<1 at Klondike. I think the work of the mission schools with I p o.m , o( baby chlck pro4 uct|ou until l-sclflr may have assessed against It ! ,h" ‘U “ le Weepah' will bear watch- which she Is connected. April 20. 1928. The Nelson yards months ot trying this out, -It waa editor, Laverne Walker* Jokes, Latk I Ing It may develop, and It may not With but one-half per cent of India's probably will produce more than 16,- found that Infractions of the law were . rence Roof; society, Lucille RicB* closing Second street wh.fi (he new * But It Is certainly not Impossible that , population Christian, Christians for 000 baby chicks In that time. The growing, and It was decided to tighten I mond; sports. Don Palmer. the most part are outcasts with the seasonal capacity of the plant la about the ropes. bridge Is built. In other ' words the it will." The annual freshmen reception will Mr Cox's own mining business la cast system prevailing, she aaaerted. 26.000 or 30,000 baby chicks a year. Here are the results of this process ’ be held at the gymnasium tomerro* city council has given lbs Southern The Rowena Mrs. W. P. Miller of Dallas called Mr. Nelson is enthusiastic over the over the last week-end: Pacific company a free bus franchise,: continuing steadily. evening. This Is an annua' social Milton Bristol, passing on wrong event given by the student body to the and gotten In return the old piers company, which Is made up of Spring- the meeting to order yesterday morn­ marketing advantages of the Spring­ which are not to he used and on top field men. Is slowly developing Its ing. Speakers of the day Included field-Eugene territory. Eugene, he side. 93. incoming students. K. Hulse, parking near hydrant, 92. ot that the attorneys for the Southern i properties In the Blue River section, Mrs. 8. B. Chaney of Eagene. Mrs. L. Ba|,j forms the hub for distribution The sophomore class thia week at- Herman DelMando, speeding. 913. p ^ m g camps throughout a big Pacific say that they expect Spring- , and may do considerable work this R. Coder of Ashland. Musical num- nounced the election of Miss Grace O. B. Parter, speeding, 912. bers were given by Mrs. T. H. Temple (|nibei, areB which consume thous- •eld to pay 936.000 toward' the brldi »i winter. Poster as class advisor. J. H. Hmkman. parking near hyd­ ot Medford. , and, of eggs yearly. The demand In If the c.mapany Is so assessed by the Glee club try-onts are now under rant. 92. \ The kirelgn missionary meetings tbe c,ty ,U e,f ,g h„ary wh),e aur. W INIFRID TYSON WILL public service commission. way, and results will be announced O. F. Thoim>son. four In coupe, 92 soon. were preceded by sessions of the roun(]inw country supplied through The council has rescinded Its action \ > TEACH JUNIOR MUSIC home missionary group, earlier In the ,, Btlu further Guy Mathevm, double parking, 92. whereby It Is a party to closing Dan R. Boshart. double parking, 92. Second street and has advised the Miss Wlnlfrld Tysoa, daughter of week. Mrs. J. R. McCracken was 1 marketing possibilities to the Lane WELBY STEVENS AND M. M. Bull, speeding, 97. Southern Pacific that It will resist any Mr. and Mrs Percy Tyson of this city. named prrsldeut of the home group, county poultrymen. and the following other officers »-ere Fletcher Cake, speeding. 97. MRS.’ ROBERTS WED claim the company m*y make on It has been named assistant to Reuben In addition, shipping facilities are 8. Mnskep, speeding. 914.96. • for reliuburamcnt as s result of part t'harlyle Goffrelre. music teacher of elected: such that It Is easy to sell through the The marriage, of Mrs. Grace RobrtS B. Hensen, double parking. $2 Vice-president, Mrs. 8. H. Chaney, markets of Portland, and of the bridge being assessed agwlnat Eugene, for the coming winter. Her The speeding fines vary according «nd Welby Stevens of Springfield, at the railroad ronfpwny. work, under Mr. Goffrelere's supervi­ Eugene; corresponding secretary. Mrs J thug fgr, her away ga,d Mr NeIgon Bellingham. Washington. August 31. tbe advanUlgeB of marketing to the speed. The hearing of the public service sion. will he concentrated entirely on Ralph Billings, Ashland; recording was announced here this week. Tha commission nn the closing of Second the smaller children, with whom she secretary, Mra. A. E. L y tn a n, ! #( PortIand Mr. Nelson declared that newly-weds will make Springfield treasurer Mrs. L u l u 1 he can dispose of every egg his hens street will be held October 4 at the ! already has proved herself successful Medford CHAMBER OF COMMERCE their home. c-h 11- j produce locally and get virtually as A sh la n d ; court house In Eugene. I In addition to the regular work, a H o w a r d , OPENS SEASON FRIDAY '"lir. Stevens Is a prominent business M ay Lay Steel On Bridge l club will be organised with the pur­ dren's work. Mrs. L. D. Corbett, i good a price as he can by shipping man of this city. He is engaged In ex* The county court Is considering lay­ pose of giving Miss Tyson's pupils an Grants Pass; young people's work, them to Oregon's metropolis. With the winter's activities to plan, tensive agricultural activities. Is an ing steel plates over the flooring on opportunity to play and compare their Mrs. F. L. Miller. Ashland, mite box. the chamber of commerce will hold officer of the Commercial State bank, the old Willamette river bridge. The work with other pupllsi as well as Mrs. J. W. Chaney, Marshfield; sup­ Its first fall meeting at the Commer­ plies. Mrs. Carrie Norris, Eugene; and has taken a prominent part la bridge has deteriorated so fast this affording social opportunities. WOODCRAFT TEAM BACK cial bank building quarters tomorrow conference membership, Mrtt. Hold- civic activities here for years. summer that It will not last out an FORM CALIFORNIA TRIP night, according to announcement by rtdge.e Talent thank offering. Mrs. W. other season. Four strips of steel THOROUGH RENNOVATION the president H. J. Cox. W Walker, Medford; missionary for tracks of vehicles will l>q laid ac­ Members of the Neighbors of Wood­ Several matter which have gone un­ THEORY OF LOST MEN IS GIVEN SPONG HOTEL education. Mrs. B. F. Kuinler. Browns­ cording to plans. craft drill team will all be back from attended during the summer will he ------- » NOT ACCEPTIBLE HERK ville; evangelism. Miss Helen Carltac, Due to the delay In the inlbllc ser­ Decided Improving the appearance Central Point; temperance, Mrs. California by tonight. It is expected. taken up at the session, according vice com mission hearing on t ie bridge The theory that Guy Ferry and of that igtrneri the 8pong hotel at Bachelor. Springfield; stewardship; Several, Including Roda Lloyd, cap­ to Mr. Cox. Programs for the winter It will be Impossible to finish the new tain, already have returned. months will be discussed at length. Henry Cramer fell th a cravaose la Third and Main streets Is being given Mrs. O. Eubanks. Ashland. structure this year even If a start The showing of the team at River­ Due to the fact that this is the Renfro glacier when they were caught a thorough rennovatlng thia week un­ Is made. side during the dedication of 600 first fall meeting and therefore an Im­ in a storm on the Middle Sister Sept* der the new management of Jack MORGANS ENTERTAIN TEACHERS AND BOARD members was entirely satisfactory, portant one. Mr. Cox urged that all ember 6 Is not shared by W. C. Mo- Sherman. Vasby brothers are painting the ex­ Principal and Mrs. Alfred J. Morgan according to Mrs. Lloyd. The grand members of the civic organisation be Lagan and Harry Wright, who climb* CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO ed the mountain a month ago with tha HAVE RALLY OCTOBER 2 terior of the building and numerous entertained members of the local guardian. Mrs. Minnie Helner, In in­ present Springfield Boy scout party. Both Improvements are being made on the board of education and teachers of troducing the team, said that P*nc The annual rally day of the Chris­ Interior. men say they saw no large cravasse la tbe elementary and high school at circle lodge of Springfield deserved TWO ARE INJURED IN tian church will be held Bunday, the glacier and were not compelled their home last Friday evening. The more credit than any because of the ACCIDENTS REPORTED to go around or cross ove« any large October 2. and a goal of 600 attend­ Boys to Return house was tastefully decorated with hard work done, the smallness of the team and lodge, and the fact that tilt ance haa been set for that day. Home- cracks In the snow. There were five Three local youths, Oral Neet. gladioli, and games and music furnish­ Dick Sherman, of the Springfield coming will be combined with the Edgar I-ouk and Joe Thompson, are ed diversion for the evening. Assist­ mprobers were younger than those of boys besides the two men In the scout hotel, gashed two fingers of one hand any other team. rally day, and a renewal of acquain­ scheduled to return shortly from ing the hosts was Mildred Morgan. climb. on a butcher knife Tuesday evening, tances with many who have moved Hotchkiss, Colorado, where they have There are fewer cravasses in any ot Those present included: necessitating several stitches which awsy frorat here but will return for been employed during the summer. the glaciers this year than for a long Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hughes. Mr. and INDEPENDENT MARKET were taken by a local physician. Mr. the program la planned For a time the hoys planned to remain Mrs. Roy Carlton, Mrs. E. J. Beals. EXPANDS OPERATIONS Sherman was cutting meat when the while. This Is due to the heavysnotr On the Friday previous, a social will at the Colorado town, due to the work Miss Frances Hodge, Miss Pauline last year that filled the cravasses and The Springfield Independent Meat accident occurred. he held at the church to plan for the obtained there, but they have now de­ Miller. Mrs. I. M. Peterson, Miss Clara market announced the expansion uf did not melt out due to the short sea­ Struck by the edge of a wood sled rnlly day program. Next »unday Is cided to return to their Springfield Wagner, Miss Catherine Tlnkham. operations this week with the estab­ son. However, there are many promotion day. with a program In homes, »cording to letters received Mias Grace Potter, Leonard Mayfield. lishment of a new sausage kitchen In when It crashed Into post, Shirley cravasses on Collier glacier that man Warner, 9, was Injured while netplng charge of Mrs. D. H. Remple by their parents. All are members of could fall in and sink out of sight. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Moffitt, Mrs. the rear of the quarters occupied by her father haul wood on their farm scheduled. the local troop of the National Guard, Kathryn Duncan, Miss Lois Spencer, the rompany at Fourth and Main on Fall Creek. The little girl's leg Especially could this mishap have be­ fallen the lost men since it has snow* and their return will make It unneces­ Miss Jessamine Nelson, Mrs. Ella streets. was broken between the knee and the NOW ENJOYS EATING, sary to appoint new members for the Lombard. Mias Elisabeth James. Mr. Their own meats of sausage variety ankle, and one ankle Joint was Injured, ed three feet or more on the mountain since they were lost. and Mrs. W. W. Walker, Mr. and Mr«. —minced hams, welners, sausage and »he was brought here for treatment THANKS HIS WIFE company. If the two are lost In the glacier L. K. Page, Mrs. Arthur Roberts, Mrs. bologna—will be manufactured by the their bodies may not he recovered Ivan Male. Montgomerys At Ashland company In this kitchen. An new "For years I suffered with stomach Needlscraft Meets for years as they are not likely to Mias Edna Platt, Miss Anna Gorrle, Scout electric meat slicer has been Mr. and Mrs. Al Montgomery have trouble. Then, my wife got me to take come to the- surface ot the glacier Mr. and Mrs. Elton I-asselle. Miss Alta Installed this week also. gone to Ashland, where they will re­ Adlerika. Today I feel fine and eat The Needlecraft club met last until some long hot season when the main for eonip time while Mr. Mont­ Manning. Miss Mary Vorls, Miss Crys­ what I like."—Wm. Opp. Thursday at the home of Mrs. George glaclere melt sway more than usual. Adlerika relieves stomach gas and gomery attempts to regain his health tal Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hemen- REV. SYKES’ RETURN Hobson. An enjoyable afternoon was wny, R, W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. sourness In TEN minutes. Acting on At noon Saturday Mrs. Montgomery APPARENTLY ASSURED spent In work and conversation, and BOTH upper and lower bowel, It re­ was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Morgan and Mildred Morgan. Return of Rev. Gabriel Sykes to the delicious refreshments were served SEARCH FOR LOST BOYS Egglmann, and In the afternoon she moves old waste matter you never Springfield Methodist church for an­ by the hostess. CHURCH’S ANNUAL MEET DEFINITELY ABANDONED thought was in your system. Let Ad­ and Mrs. Eggimann motored to Lea- other year appears certain. Members present were Mre. Dan TO BE ON OCTOBER 9TH lerika give your stomach and bowels burg. where they visited old acquaint­ Rev. Sykes has the recommenda­ Crites, Mrs. S. R. Pippel, Mrs. W. The annual meeting of the Spring- The search for Henry Cramer and a REAL cleansing and see how much ances. field Baptist church will be held on tion of the local church for his return, Dawson, Mrs. E. May, Mrs, C. Olson, Guy Ferry In the Three Sisters region better you will feel. It will surprise October 9. and the rally day, previous­ and this will be presented at the state Mrs. C. Phetteplace, Mrs. L. Wright, has been definitely given up, following you! Flanery's Drug Store. Rebhan Has Luck ly planned for the 2nd. haa been post­ conference In Salem thia week. Rev. Mrs. Will Long, Mrs. Walter Gossler, an unsuccessful resumption of the Dr. W. C. Rebhan proved his hunt­ poned until that riat4, It was announ­ Sykes Is attending, while the lay dele­ Mra. W. J. Scott and Mrs. Hobeon. hunt the last week-end. Sylvester Goss (e Waltervllls— ing prowess the last week-end when ced today. gate la Mrs. Bernice Van Valsah. Queets were Miss Reed Galller of A note left on the summit of one ot Charles flylreater, formerly In besi­ he made a successful sortie up the Reports of the year's work, election Bandon and Mrs. Patil Baaford of Sleters gave a momentary hope to the eges here but more recently of Canary, river Into the wild game districts of church officers, and other matters Vleltra from Fall Creek—Mrs. Clyde Springfield. searchers, but It la now believed that has returned to this district. He there. of business wilt feature the annual Warner and daughter, Shirley, of Fall The next meeting will be conducted the boys lost their way, were Injured, visited here early this week, and re­ The local physician returned with session. Heavy attendance at Sun­ Creek, accompanied by Mrs. Hamid at the Eugene hone of Mre. Dan or killed In a fall Into a glacier ported that he Is going Into business two deer and two bear, the limit In day school and church la expected »or Stuart were In town yesterday call­ Crites on the first Thursday of crevasse, and their bodies blanketed at Waltervllle. both. He hunted alone. the rally day exercises. ing on Dr. Mortensen. October. with snow. Mr«. VanLuvan of Grants Pass Poultry industry Here Should Named Head a« Delegata« Be Best In West, Say« Adjourn Local Producer