The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 15, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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The firs! cranberries of the season
i coma from the T 8. Small bog at
By Special
* Hauser In Coos county.
They are
1 well colored, of good flavor and are
retailing at 30 cents a pound.
U’heu registration* closed recently
Brief Resume of Happenings of in Portland's to schools, with a total
Mrs. J A I’helpa. «ho » ill te a c h 1 Mr and Mrs Laurence Halley and
the Week Collected for
creases were shown in high schools the primary grades at Pleasant Hill
Our Readers.
This years' first day total figure was public school. K. E. Kilpatrick, prlnel- j family of Shannon, auil M K Halley
375 greater than that of the first day pal of Union High school No. 1. Mrs of Wendling. were visitors al the J.
II Fish home Sunday.
Deeplie threatening weather Haraey la 193*. when 44.333 enrolled
F. F. Cooper, teacher In the hlsh
Mr and Mrs. Howard Thurman a s ­
Vernon Longville. 15. sawmill work school, and Mr and Mrs. T F. Kabler
county's annual Round up at Burna
pect Io leave next week for Colorado
drew a gratifying attendance.
ar of North Powder, was decapitated ¡ te.n.J,~t teachers’ institute last week
where they intend Io make their
Mrs. T. F. Kabler left last week for home
Total re<1 at ration In Pendleton high by a drum cable last week The boy.
school Is 34« This ia the largeat en employed In the Jacobs sawmill, (ell Dorena where she will leach this year
Mr ami Mrs. T J Maxwell ami
Mr. and Mrs. E. Y Swift and daugh­ sons. James und Richard, motored to
rollment In the history of the aehool on the cable drum and the cable trap­
ped him. catting off tha upper half of ter. Mildred, who have been touring
Portland Monday. James Maxwell
Oregon’s building operations In- his head and breaking both lege
In California, returned to Pleasant Hill took the boat for Sun Francisco, he
greased 3.2 per cent during the first
On display in the .Medford chamber last week. They report a very enjoy­ »III attend college lu California dur
•even mouths of thia year, according
of commerce are two immense water­ able trip having met some old friends Ing the coming year
to a recent report.
melons grown by W. Hatton without who formerly lived at Pleasant Hill
Mr and Mrs J. O. Holton and fain
Efforts are being made for the build- irrigation in the foothills near the
In the absence of Rev W. A. Elkina, ily. who formerly lived in thia vici­
tog of an armory in Oregon City. WIUow Springs road, five miles west who accompanied by Mrs. Elkina la on
nity have returned from Loa Angeles
Guardsmen are drilling In a hall la of Central Point
One weighs 47 \ his way to France to attend the Am where htey spent the summer
West lane. hat this la no longer avail­ pounds and the other 45‘x pounds.
erican Legion convention. Rev Harry
Hop picking at the J R Fish yard
Lawrence Noel of Reedsport and Benton filled the pulpit Sunday Sep- wa, finished Tuesday morning
The three months’ dry spell at two other young men were forced to lember 4 and Mrs Grant Lattln on
Sehool tn district , grt wl„ r(„ n
Grants Pass was broken last Monday' *»|m ashore from their fishing boat, Sunday September It.
mence Monday morning Mr and Mra
aight by a 34 inch fall of rain, the j (j,, cracker Box. which struck a sand
Mrs. Alice English and daughter. «eorge Harrington will leach In the
first rain the city has experienced I gpit gear the entrance to Coon bay Margaret, former residents of Pteas- district this year
this season.
! The boat broke away from a dock and ant Hill spent Sunday at P leasant, j Frank
r run* Oates
cuties has
nas returned from
The new Catholic church at R ock-' drifted onto the spit while the men HUI.
Lewiston. Idaho, where he has been
The Twllafson brothers returned on business for several weeks.
away was formally dedicated last Stt,n were sleeping.
day by Rev. Father Abbot Bernard
Stenographers In the employ of the from eastern Oregon last Friday hav­
Prune growers expert to start pick­
Murphy of Mt. Angel and named S t < secretary of slate entered upon the ing gone over to investlrnte the pos ing next w -ek They report consider
: task of sending out the motor vehicle slblllty of taking their baling outfit able damage done by the rain
Fire from an undetermined source I license applications for the year 1928 to that »»«»•< of ‘he
<•" baling
The new hunvnlnw which Merle
daatroved a large barn «< the attte I
The secretary of state am I They reported plenty of wind hut no Chase |s building Is nearing comple­
training aehool (or boys east of Salem Uuiated that approx.mutely 250.000 of ’ " 2 * ‘n_ crossing the pass
Trent Poultry club under the
Miss Eva Hailey haa relurned to
The barn was valued at (35o0 and its U»e»e applications would he mailed by
tom ents at 31500
| bi* doP»rtment before December 1.
leadership of Ernest W heeler have her home In Wendling after spending
Nearly twice as many merit badges |
,he,r pro> r' ’ »"*’ 'urI”"'
the hop picking season with her aunt.
The state flax plant, which Is oper
were awarded at the court of honor' ,he
r’,P°r,g and achievement Mrs. Jay Fish
atec in connection with the Oregon
of the Portland council of Boy S co u ts'
have been applied for
Miss Frances Travis accompanied
penitentiary, received an order for 100
■ from the state club department at Cor- by Miss Chloe Wooley of Springfield,
tons of long spinning tow from Belfast. ot America last week as have ever
The members are Juatin
been awarded at any previous Boy ' vallls
motored to Pendleton Monday, they
Ireland, laat week
Scout court of honor in Portland. The ; Keever. Lester. Wheeler. Prentice expect to returnd next Monday.
A storm tasting two hours and cov
nuniber was 3*3 and the badges were
Visitors al the G. H Neal home
anng the ground with 11 inches of
awarded to 13* scouts, most of whom W heeler and Lin'd Wheeler.
last week were. N. Gilmore and daugh­
snow and Ice Is reported at Three
earned the badges *1 summer camps
Creek lakes la the Cascade mountains.
! Union high school district No 1 'he ter and Mrs. Johnson and children
all of Portland
A number of tea guilt have taken
» 5 m iles from Kngene.
| budget as prepared by the school
up rwaideoce on tl - McKay lake res­
Indefinite postponement ot the open-
board was accented an-' th • lma-d vps
ervoir and are It to taeir lik­
tog of both the grade and high schools
given permission to borrow enough snd Power Company’s Addition be­
ing. and refuse to return to the briny
tween E and F streets front 9th street I
sf Klamath Falls was ordered by the
money to finish the new high school to 10th street, at the cost of the pro- 1
Pacific, It was asserted la Pendleton
school board last week because of the
building Install a steam heating plant, perty abutting thereon, and
by C. L. Tice, superintendent of the
Infantile paralysis epidemic.
equip the building and library and re- j WHEREAS. The Common Council
reservoir, following the taking of a
has ascertained and does hereby de-
A walking rare between Astoria and 1 census of the waterfowl on the lake, shingle the gymnasium.
Mr and Mrs. C. F. H v d e former 1 clare the cost of said sewer to be as
Seaside, 1 (5 miles, will feature the has been made into a federal
residents of Pleasant Hill are > m n ! fol|ows: The sum of Three Hundred
annual fall opening celebration to be game refuge.
Eighty Fire Dollars (3385 00*
In Eugene.
staged ia Astoria by Astoria mer
It Is further found and declared
J. K. Kelley of Murphy, near Oranta
Joe Helgwl. who has been spending that the property liable for the cost
chants September 15 and It.
P sss claims the southern Oregon
, omin(.r „
Ca„ foraU . re. of said sewer, snd the proportionate
Funeral services for Samuel 3. Leo championship for killing rattlesnakes. |
WAek an(, ».■are due from each lot or part of
ox. sole Immediate survivor of the He killed 19 of the reptiles la o n . den ( # w c b l , o entPr „ „ „ , ph„0, , h „
lot abutting thereon. Is as hereafter
set out.
family by that name which arrived in one morning on his ranch. The small­
Several people are having slight at­
It Is further ordered that the pro
Oregon with the Applegate wagon est U> this dan carried six rattles snd
tacks of the flu.
portlnnate amount of the costa of said
tram la 1(43, was held in Gaston last a button and the largest shook ten
Several farmers of the Upper Wll- eewer as hereafter set out. be and the
rattles with the button missing. Kel­ lam ette district won prises on tbefr
are hereby assessed and levied
.» r .» a
p .ia Tkn ! “pon the Prol>er‘y shutting upon and
Plodding over rain-wet and slippery ley has killed 3* rattlesnakes on his evbthi».
exhibits at Lane County Fair The benefltted by the Improvement.
pavements. Paul A. Smith, "hiking I ranch this summer and has not beeu Wheeler brothers won many poultry,
Th„ d^.-rtpHon of the property
miner" of Gates, won the Salem-Port struck as yet.
prises The Jacoby boys took 1st and 1 assessed snd the amount 01 the as-
land Labor day hike in the record time
Forest tires of the mid-Columbia, 2nd on their potatoes. Mrs. Tinker 1 ’«»»ement Is as follows:
of 9 hours 15 minutes minutes and 43 according to reports both from the won 7 prize» on her Jersey Giant e x -! John D. Bagley. Lot 2. Block 8*.
”¿ 0 «
- Columbia national forest around the Mbit andMra. O. H. Wangel.n won |
The Sherwood Telephone company southwest base of Mount Adams ano orst on her tatting piece,
pany'a Addition, (24.71.
at Sherwood In southeastern Wash the Oregon national forest, which
John D. Bagley, I<ot 3. Block 8«.
legion county has passed into the takes in Mount Hood and base coun
of said Washburne’s Subdivision.
(21 09.
bands of the Oregon Telephone com-1 try. are all extinguished. Heavy rains
Notice is hereby given thet the un­
Anna O. Baker, Lot 4, Block 8*
gamy. The exchange serves »bout j the past week have soaked the wood
dersigned Amanda May Ptnkstafl has of said Wanhburne'a Subdivision,
25v<t people.
I lands. The (ires this summer have been appointed executrix of the will (21 0»
. An even 1« rescue, from the surf! be* ° comparatively few. and none and estate of Mary J. Landritb. de­
Charles G Vreeland. txu 5, Block 8*
ceased, by the County Court of Lane of said Washburne's Subdivision,
at Seaside without the loss of a life “* * • b e-B d e,lru ctlve.
County. Oregon, and all persons hav- j (21 09.
or even serious trouble, is the record
The heavy rains of the past week Ing claim s against said estate will
Charles V Vreeland. Lot fi. Block 8«
of Seaside's life guards. Emit Vod-' supplied all that was needed to give present same duly rerifled as by | of said Washburne's Subdivision,
Jenski and G. R. Cunningham, for the the Oregon and Washington cranberry law required at the Law Office o f i * 2 1 ®9
R R snd Alice L. Clink. Lot 7, Block
district at the mouth of the Columbia Whitten Swafford. 315 Tiffany Bldg
sure mer season
on or before six months after the I
Washburne's Subdivision
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Klippel, 87. died
date of the first publication of th s |
K R and Alice L. Clink. Lot 8. Block
at her home in Medford
She had tory. according to leading growers notice.
Dated and first published Septem 88
!,al<* Washburne’s Subdivision
been a resident of Jackson county fot The rains will serve to swell tile ber­
' (21 09
74 years She crossed the plains io ries just before the final ripening, put ber 15th. 1927
T. J McCracken, Ixit 9. Block 88
AM9NDA. MAT PINKSTAFF. Ex- of said Washburne's Subdivision,
an ox wagon, her parents settling first tin« lhe
,n lbe h” 1 oi »ite “n,i
at Salem in 1852.
T. J. McCracken, f.ot 10. Block 98
! light, the outlook for ^Jregoo am.
Senator McNary and members ot
S. 15-22-29: O S-13
of said Washburne’s Subdivision,
Washington cranberries ia exception
(21 09.
th. state highway commission recent
ally good
Geo. L. Oodman. Lot 11. Block 88
ly received Invitations to attend the
said Washburne's Subdivision,
Dry weather In August retarded the
An Ordinance to Regulate Parking of
dedication of the Ben Jones bridge oo
of M otor Vehicles in the Town of (21 09.
the Roosevelt highway north of New of food tor bears in Oregon, conse , »Pfingfleld. providing a penalty there­
Geo. L. Oodman, Lot 12. Block 86
of said Washburne’s Subdivision,
port, September 17.
fo r and Declaring an Emergency.
quently. the bears were ban tempered
The Tow n of Springfield does O r­ (21.09.
What Is claimed to be the oldest
Willard A. Grout. Ixit 13. Block 86
and became dangerous to such an ex­ dain as follows:
and largest bearing black walnut tree
Washburne’s Subdivision,
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for of said
tent it was necessary to kill 11, accord
in OregoD stands on the old Amos
ing to report of Stanley G. Jewett, Inches from the curb of the street la
Willard A Grout. Lot 14. Block 86
Harvey donation claim at Bethel, neai
of said Washburne's Subdivision,
i leader of predatory animal control for the Town of Springfield.
McCoy. Polk county. The tree was
Section 2. It shall he unlawful for (21 09
i the United Status biological survey
»lac ted by Harvey In 1847.
Chas. L. Scott. Trustee and Emory
in Oregon. Jewett reported his men motor vehicles to be parked In an G. Metcalf. !x>t 1* Block 88, of said
Columbia county Pomona grange had killed 383 coyotes, 52 bobcats aDd alley unattended In the Town of
Washburne's Subdivision. (21 09
was organized at Clatskanie just 25 caught 245 badgers, 208 porcupines Springfield.
Section 3. The penalty for a viola­
('has. L. Scott, Trustee and Emory
years ago with *3 charter members and 17 skunks during the month.
tion of the provisions of this ordin­ G Metcalf, Ixit 15. Block 88 of said
seven -of whom are still members In
ance shall be a fine In the Recorder's Washburne's Subdivision. (21 09
Grants Pass and Josephine county Court, to be assessed at the discre­
Chas. L. Scott Trustee and Emory
good standing A celebration will be
are offering the world free admission tion of the Recorder, but not in any I O. Metcalf, West Half o f Lot 17. Block
held at Deer Island next Sunday.
to the 12th annual Josephine county case to exceed Twenty Five Dollars. 86 of said Washburne's Subdivision,
Ministers of the Methodist Episco fair and free transportation to the
Section 4 Inasmuch as there is (10.54
pai church in Oregon closed their fair grounds over OrantH Pass' own j frequent double parking on the stree't ' Lane County, Oregon. East Half
the Town of Springfield and this 1* of Lot 17, Block 86 of Raid Wash-
year's work last week, preparatory tc] rai|roafl| In celebration of the open of
dangerous to the traveling public, and burne's Subdivision, (10.54.
attending the annual conference tc Ing the city has given over the use ot It Is necessary for the same to be | Lane County, Oregon, Lot 18, Block
open September 21 at the First Moth its railroad, making regular trips to eliminated at once, therefore an em | 8«, of said Washburne's Suodlvlslon,
ergency Is declared to exist and this (21 09
odist Episcopal church in Salem.
the fair grounds, two miles out. Grants ordinance shall become effective from
t-an<- County, Oregon, Lot 19. Block
The various departments of the Pass is the smallest city In the coun­ and after Ita paaeage by the council 86. of said Washburne's Subdivision,
Multnomah county government have try owning Its own railroad and op­ and approval by the mayor.
(24 71
Paased the Common Council this
Total for aald sewer, (385 00
requested budget appropriations ag erating it at a profit through hauling
12th day of September, 1927.
Section 2. The Recorder Is hereby
»regating (4.225.824.25 for next year of lumber, cement and farm produce
Approved by the Mayor this 12th directed to enter the foregoing as­
according to a statement Issued re from the Applegate valley, 60 miles day of September. 1927
sessm ents In the Docket of Town
cently by the county commissioners distant.
Liens and to give due notice thereof
A ttest:
United States Mall to the owners
Central Oregon Irrigation district
A municipality in Oregon which per­
of said property.
has signed a contract with the stats mits a fire to burn uncontrolled upon
Section 3. Inasmuch as It Is e s­
of Oregon for 3500 additional acres ol Its land Is responsible therefor and
sential to the peace, welfare and hap­
Carey act land. This land still b< j liable td the payment of any expenses
An Ordinance Declaring the Coat ot piness of the Inhablntanta ofl the
of Springfield that said as­
available (or exchange for lands oe lncured In fighting the Mine This Is the Sew er T hru Block 84 of Wash- Town
sessm ents become effective at once,
which the water right is now undei the doctrine laid down by the supreme burns’» Subdivision Between E and F an emergency is therefore declared to
Streets from 9th to 10th Streets, In
control of the district
court tn affirming tha decree of Cir­ the Town of 8pringfleld, Oregon; exist and this ordinance shall become
The grandstand at the Clackamas cuit Judge John C. Kendall In award­ Levying an A ssessm ent for the Pay-, effective from .. and . after Ite . . paesage
council and approval by the
county fair grounds In Canby, that ing to the state a judgment of (1231.43 ment thereof: Directing the e n tr y , bY
haa stood for over 20 years, was rased against the city of Marshfield as ex thereof In the Docket of Town Llene
Passed thè Common Councll this
and Declaring an Emergency.
last Saturday afternoon to make room penses Incurred in combating a fire
T h e Tow n of Springfield does O r­ 12th day of Septemher, 1927.
tor the new stand, which will he la burning uncontrolled on forest land dain as Follows:
Approved be’ thè Mayor tbla 12th
WHEREAS, The Town of Spring- day of Septemher, 1927.
readiness for the 21st annual county owned by the city on September 9,
(Sir, opening September 20.
be built thru Block 86 of Washburne’s
Subdivision of 8prlngfleld Investment
Community News
Good thing* tn »«at have a I way* boon our policy und It
In upon thia plutfornt that we continue to aerve our cus­
tomer*. Here you will alwaya find freah, ap|n>tlxliiK and
tempting foodatuffa and at prlcea conalatent n Uh ubaolutc-
ly fresh groceriea.
Last Peaches by the Bushel
For Canning are Here
Fine grade Ashland Muirs.
la s t $2.50 per bushel.
your« now. while they
12 Bar» W hite Wonder
2 Bar» Double Refined.
1 Package of Wonder Foam
T o tal $1.10
All for 89c
56 S T O R E S
Eugene, Or».__________ _____________ 609 Willamette
Just go ithopping. Intent on »avtng money and receiving
high grade merchandise.
Make your own comparisons.
prices and quality.
BLANKETS. 6 8 x 8 0 , Fancy
hound. Part Wool
You will appreciate our
S ilk
W s J n a fd
LADIES' O U TIN G GOWNS, Very Neat Style, f f i « * f -
Medtam Weight
vp 1 . 1 O
n n
¿zO C
C H ID L R E N 'S UNDERW EAR. Heavy Cotton.
or Part Wool. All Sixes............................
SCHOOL SHOES that wear. Hi-Cuts up to
$4.50 Values
BOYS' SHOES. Tan and {Hack, Wide Toe
Style«, Sixes up to 6. ........ ...........................
BOYS’ UNDERW EAR. W inter Weight Cotton.
Regular $1.00 Value.
n /v
O a /C
C H IL D R E N 'S HOSE. Tan. Black or Brown.
The Best For Wear
LEA TH ER VESTS. Black or Brown.
Stock, Horsehlde Lined ..........
FLA N N EL S H IR T S . Plaids and Khaki.
Full Cut, $4.00 Value.................. .
f x /v
.5 /U
to o
rf» o
« b Z a ljO
Prices on these Heaters range from $18. to $30.00.
Montag All Cast
$98.50 cash.
Sheet Iron Heaters, $2.50 to $5.00.
A full stock of Andirons, Fire Sets and Screens.