The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 15, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    > (£
W A N T BIX Man with car to M il co«-
p l.t« Ila * quality Auto Tlroe and
K u lm lv « Territory. Ka
p»rl»n<a not Mc«««ary. Salary
|104.04 por month
Mllxatuna Rub
b»r (unipany. Kaat«-r(MKil, Ohio
W . »p«-l«llz» In awl«« bradai watch
rrpairlng lloyl'a 121 Main Hlraat. tf
I'R dP K R T Y TO TRAOB— Raaldroe«
pro party la llood River to trade tor
Springfield property. Inquire New»
8 15 22
t 2) *A.
D iscount S tamps i I
O r I v a a t o Vancouver — Georg a
Eckert drove to Vancouver, Washing­
ton, and back Bunday.
Hospital— Mra.
E. Morrla returned to her home from
the Pacific boapltal Saturday.
Particular Prescriptionists
The Htientlflc Hide of pharmacy hah always re­
ceived special attention at our store.
Out ITescrlptlon Department Is modern In every
detail. It is provided with the finest drugs und
equipped with the modern apparatus which may
b e required In the most Intricate compounding.
We always have the rare Ingredients which physl- i?
clans often call for and never find It necessary
to substitute. All compounding is done under a
system which positively Insures accuracy.
Prices are reasonable and alike to all.
Let us fill you next prescription.
We solicit the prescription business
of rural residents. Prompt Service.
Ketels’ Drug Store
12 5 * A n n w c r s a r y |
Insure ’Gainst Cold Weather I
Buy Blankets Now
economical — and I»»»
trouble— Io buy blanket« bow .
ktIo r« you need them
yoa ■ daughter going to college
who need« o at. loo?
Single cotton plaid blank­
et to uae with other,
Plaid pattern« are pretty m oor
wool-mixed blanket
The all wool plaid blanket,
• lie 66x*0 ia a ♦ ’T Q r t
good buy for
« • JV J
£ £ » tl
Baby OIK Born— A 9 tt pound baby
girl waa born to Mr and Mr«. Herbert
I Mc Farland at their home at Mb and
i K streets Monday evening.
Injured at Work —Jam«« Deardorff
waa Injured as he waa pushing a
; truck of lumber at the Loud Manti-
’ farturlng plant.
O Boy— A Fart One . »-»i r
' Joy your meals and sleep better. No
>0- 3' ’ O
matter what you have tried for your
COMES TO UNIVERSITY . stomach and bowel«, Adlerlka -will sur­ "1 love to go riding in Tpmmi-'a ’ ¡•I
Rolla Royce."
University of Oregon, Eugene, Spet 1$ prise you. Flanery’s Drug Store.
“Yea, I understand it'« necehsarr* "1
___________________ : i I .
— (Special)— Elmer L. Shlrrell, newly
s a i l <in
elected dean of men, has taken over
Blank Promissory notea and re-
The best unbreakable watch cryi
bis duties at the University of Oregon,
I In stock at the
and already Is making preparations tala. Any shape or slxe. Hoyt’s Store celpta printed
tf. Neva office.
to asstat In directing the work of new 312 Main Street.
students during "Freshman Week"
which opens here September 10 Mr.
Shlrrell will address the students at
the opening assembly September 20
and will nerve as advisor for registra­
tion and other problems that may
la composed of the states of California,
Arizona and Nevada. This work took
him Into contact with all classes of
men In educational fields.
During the war Mr. Shlrrell served
as a sergeant In 364th Infantry of
Salam Man Visit— H. W. Scott and the 9tst division, and saw consider­
1 Charles Parent of Salem spent Sunday able sen Ice oierseas.
He was la
I evening at the W. H. Adrian home. several engagements, and waa one
They proceeded to Roseburg Monday, of the three sergeants out of 15 In
where Mr. Scott w ill open a branch his group who survived. Of this 15.
itorcyclu «hop.
eight were killed, and four others -were
Lea Angelas Viaiter Hara— Mias i severely wounded. Just before em­
barking for Europe Mr. Shlrrell re­
Elisabeth Scott of Loa Angeles «pent
fused an opportunity for a commis­
Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mr«.
sion In order to remain with hie com­
W. H . Adrian. Mina Scott is return­
pany which had been promised ser­
ing home after a trip to Alaska.
vice In France. Hie experlnca as an
Cuest of Aunt— Mr. and Mr« Fred enlisted man. particularly since he
Huggtna arrived Tuesday from their saw considerable action, has been ex­
home at Arcade to visit their aunt. tremely valuable, especially In his
Mr«. Frank Merrifield, who Uvea on work with the veteran's bureau, he
declares, and he has never regretted
the Mohawk road.
hts decision not to accept a commis­
Finger Broken— Sandy Petersen, an sion that would have meant remain­
employee of the Fisher Lumber Com­ ing in the United States during the
pany bad a finger fractured Monday war.
when the dog bar slipped and struck | The new dean holds a master of
kis band.
arts and a bachelor of arts degree
from the University of California. He
Week-end at Bandon— Mr. and Mra. Is a member of Phi Delta Kappa, edu­
Edward Meacham and daughter Ed- cation fraternity. He is also a mem­
vrlna and Mr. and Mra. N. A. Rowe ber of the American Ix*gion, and the
«pent Saturday and Sunday at Random Masonic lodge.
They reported very enjoyable weather.
Mr. Shlrrell Is taking the place of
Dean H. W alker, who la now on leave
Batum to Olympia— Mr. and Mrs.
of absence to study at Columbia Uni­
Harvey Collins left Monday for their
home In Olympia. Watthlngton .after a
visit with Mr. Collins' father and
Heartless Blaze
mother. Mr. and Mrs Ed Collins.
First Gal— That guy Is so wealthy
Here For Vialt and Hunt— Mr. end I he has money to burn.
Mr«. Robert Van Valxuh of Portland j Second Gal— W ell.I must say I never
ar« guests of the former's mother. suffered from heat while 1 w%s out
Mrs U A. Van Valaah. Mr. and Mrs. with him.
Batum Fram Portland— Mrs. J. F.
Nadvornlk. accompanied by her aon
and daughter. Chari«« and Hattie, re-
' turned Thur«day evening from a two
' day trip to Portland.
Out of Town Visitors— Among tin
people from nearby totfcns who visited •
M A R C E L L S ....................60c
Springfield Monday were Julius Peer-
Phone 155-J
son and Paul Radtke of Jasper. Mrs. I 627 B Street
Springfield. Ore.
E. F. Roberts of Creswell. G. R <
Snyder of Oukiidge and Norton War-1
ner of Fall Creek
after the
How much will there be left? How much
must go for food, clothes, fuel, and other
necessities? When you figure it all out, re­
serve a few dollars for your savings account.
Then be sure to bring It here, where It will be
ready for the emergency day wheu you
might not have enough for the rent. Such
things sometimes happen, and it is better to
be safe than to wish you had.
And remember every dollar you save draws
Commercial State Bank
We Are Not Moving Out, but occupy the
««me old location at 878 Willamette S t ,
ground floor, next door to First National
We Are Not Selling Out, Hit are perman­
ently located. Not here today with ex«
gerated claims and gone tomorrow eitn
misleading promises.
W t Are Not Retiring, bnt are making our
service bigger and better. Not by the
< «1 «hakv guesswork methods of 29 or 30
years ago, bnt by modern, highly exact
scientific method« «nd the finest rig h t
tenting equipment.
During the Past Seven Years in Eugene,
we have proven that we can give yon
better optical service— better virion and
more comfort with your eyce. Going on
7000 satisfied patient« in 7 je e rs .
Our success has been due to honest, cour­
teous treatment of every man, woman
and child honestly seeking our services.
We stand absolutely back of a ll our w o rk
on a money back guarantee^ at reason­
able charges.
If your eyes need attention, don’t hesitate.
Delav means danger! W hat ia worse than
blindness f W hy take a chance f Be safe.
Have clear, healthy eyesight. H ave yonr
eyes examined now.
Dr. Roijdl Qtek
Wait for
the NEW
W ith Danner Sales Force— W. H.
Horne, former resident of Springfield,
has returned to this city to enter the
snloa force of the Danner Motor Com­
Here For Funeral — Mrs. Hattie
Pirtle arrived In Springfield Tuesday
from her home In Montana to attend
! tho funeral of her father, F. W.Bar-
8cout Troop to Meet— The first fall
meeting of the Boy Scouts of troop 12
will be held at the Chamber of Com­
merce room* next Monday evening,
W alter Oossler, scoutmaster of the
troop announced.
Leplon W ill Meet— W inter activi­
ties of the American Legion w ill be
discussed at a meeting at the Cham­
ber of Commerce rooms Friday even-
Ingat e'ght o'clock. John W ill, confi-
mander, asks all members to attend.
W ill Handle Hats— Mrs. Dona Arch-
nmbeau returned to Sprtnfleld Sun­
day from a trip to Portland, where
she made arrangements to install a
new line of women's millinery a t her
Women’s W ear Shop.
Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm System
Throwtng Is Good -i .-
Drive to Salam— Mr. ano Mra. C. O.
' Wllaon, accompanied by their aon.
Mr. Shlrrell, who comes here after
Hobart, drove to Salem and baok Wed
completing residence work for a de­
. neaday.
gree of doctor of philosophy a t Stan­
Baby Has Operation— The two-year ford University, has extensive train­
1 old aon of W R. Aldrich underwent ing and experience that fits him tor
: an operation for appendicitis at Paci­ the place at Oregon. Just before tak­
fic Christian hospital Wednesday ing up his work In Stanford last Feb­
ruary, be had served for two years as
; morning.
, dean of men at the University of
Oles Hunting—O. H Turner l e f t , xrixonu. and while there also taught
Sunday for Indian Springs, about i (wo c<iurfwn
poiit tcal Science.
sixty miles from Medford, where he
From 1910 to 1924 Mr. Shlrrell was
rill go deer hunting. He will be head of the United States Veteran
goue a week.
bureau for the Twelfth district, which
Van Valxuh also Intend to hunt deer
and visit the springs on the upper
A forty-ton track loaded With dve
thousand Imported eggs recently over­
* i had gaa ao bad I bad to get op turned. Probably the track» was just'
At Eugene Hospital— Finn Male la
al the Eugene boapltal where he la be­ night« ua account of the pressure on throwing off the foreign yolfr
my heart. I naed Adlerlka and have
ing treated for rheumatism.
been entirely relieved."— R. F. Krue­
"I advise women to use tohg cigar­
Has Major Operation— Mra. John ger.
holders,” declared Farmer Snlkla.
Grlffen of Camp Creek underwent a
Even the FIR ST spoonful of Adler-
major operation at the Eugene boapl­ I Ika relieves gaa and often removes woffle, "for that will tend ito-i keep
tal last Thursday.
'aMonlahlng amount of old waste mat- them away from tobacco." I«.«. «.
1 ■ ■ ■
«al gid -v
. ter from the system. Makes you en-
Drlva T e McCready Springe— Ur.
and Mra. W. II. Pollard motored to
Viali at Larana— M r
and Mr*. McCready aprlnga and back Friday.
Frank I'arrleh «pent (he week and ut
Working With Bakery— Arthur Pot­
ter la now working at the Hprlngflel'l
Beturn from Vacation— M r
Mrs. L. E. Scott returned to Spring-
field Tuesday from a vacation motor
trip. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Intended to
visit Yellowstone Park, but after go­
ing part of the way they discovered
that snow would mnko the trip Im­
possible. They then drove to British
Columbia to complete their trip.
You never
fail with s
Crescent -
the Double
OU’LL save many
dollars by waiting
for th e n ew F ord.
Beautiful new model
brings you many fea­
tures never before in­
cluded in a low
price car
E. R. Danner Motoc Co.
F ifth a t A Street
Authorized Ford Service and Sales