THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Publish*»! Evary Thursday at Springfield. Lana C o m ty , Ora«oa. by T H * W IL L A M B T T K F R X S S H THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 15. 1927 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE POUR K MAXEY, Editor ■tarad aa second ctaa» mattar. February 3«. 1*41 pOatoBce, Springfield. Oragon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Ona year In Advance 11.75 T h ree Months Six M o n th s .............. »1« Single Copy T H U R S D AY S K P T K M B K R IS. 1937 . V V*l'Ti1N OV RFI IE F W O R K E R S A NATION Or K U 4 M O l i i u \ r . i u Scores of ships and thousands of men have > - 'i« ‘I»<«i I„ th . .< .« " » '» - or anlt and •<« ru right to escape and use any means even to vio- nlav u thus giving agriculture the federal i„x « „ i, m »ell the following d«a lenee to accomplish an escape. Kelley it is said aid'so long sought. However, there has been an cribed real proper! «.io-w it was committed to prison on being found guilty other federal factor at work since 1914. when the * ' \ ^ h; a,5‘|^ ^ r; i ar“ , ' ,‘bi aa of the violation of a law which has since been Smith-I^ever act went through from will« h wear.- about five and five-eighth nv,. eighth acre». «ere». »ttua attun held unconstitutional and void. Therefore it is ^ ,g t n o w beginning to obtain results. ted In totna County. Oragon said that he had a right to escape from prison jn other words it made possible our boy and Now. tharafora In tha name of tha It this theory is true then any man arrested a s , demonstration of the Bible truism, "a little child State of Oregon. In compliance with said execution and order of sole and In a suspect of law violation has a right to defy the ahaU iead them." The Smith-Lever act gave order to anttafv said Judgment Inter sheriff because he is innocent In the eyes of the l>ower to the Department of agriculture to put eat. nttorneva fee», coats of » lilt and law until . . proven <.rruln< _______ .. - „ guilty . and if he Is not guilty lnto into effect effect extension extension work worn In ... agriculture » * . « and - . n ,,n,rilln< , wt„ „„ s «i»r. of of o ,.lober. October. u»J7. u>37. at the hour hour Such a theory it would seem to the layman i ^tate Agriculture colleges. of one o'clock. tn the afternoon of said is absurd and is merely a loop hole In existing In o, her worda_ | t made possible out boy ami <»£- »« «*; Smuhwert Oont d.^r^or law instead of a sound doctorine Surely an tn- farni cj„i>a This year there are 610.3a» ( ane l ,,llllt> ,,r,.Kl,h. „ger for at. nocent man should be able to appeal to the courts voung p,.Opip enrolled In federally controlled farm an(, s, n for . ¡.an. »t public auction and get out of jail in an orderly manner instead | - . . work it is needless to state here how those subject to .demption .-»» provided t»v of by violence, if he has been wrongfully con- dub nu,,nbprs func„ On. We all know of the pig Uw.^.u « U b j j i g h t . » • £ „ • “« victed. cow. poultry, garden, forestry, rooking, sanltn- an<1 Mar% .,„,i ,,u i»-i»oa» • • • tlon and health club members and their activities claim ing, b» through ..r under them -r LET'S RAISE MORE NO. 1 PRUNES Wp g„ know that our boys and girls can enter any or e ith er of them in and to »«id Before the harvest of the present crop started jthis chib work and competition only under th- . there were no number one prunes to be had here direction of trained local federal agents. We ( , „utny. Oregon or elsewhere in the country yet there were plenty ^now that they are taught to do all things agri- f By b BKl'UAH k i l a h bri HRINNICK Ib-putv of prunes left over from last year to keep th prl. -* culturally by newest and most scientific methods, 8 1&-22 28: O *13 down this year. The success of the Oregon prune limitations for fann club entry is 10 to IS Industry depends on raising better prunes and ypars Therefore, every year now a new class is NOTICE FOR PII BUCA TEON FOREST EXCHANGE advertising them. graduating Into active scientific work and the No. 01759* Canned Hawaiian pineapple can be bought in atandard of our agriculture effort becomes higher everv grocery store in America and most other and hlg|ier within the lapse of 10 years our D e p a rtm e n t ot tha In te r io r , U n it a i parts of the world. Why can not Oregon pruue-. agT,Culturai leaders will mostlv be graduates of S ta te s Land Ottica, Roseburg. O r e ­ gon. S ep tem b er 2. 1927. ot th(s intensive vocational tr a i l l> e e purchased likewise? The answer is lack of vocat________ Notice t* taereoy given that the Thev dvertising. e r n s in g . The 1 ne growers g r o w e r s of Ul Hawaiian lia ^ a n a u pineapples y m e a p y ie - wiU iji hgve h a v e " -learned lea m etl by OV doing. a o tn g . u ir ? will w ill know MU..- - growers of Oregon prunes . fo will ,u un n Pr“.ldrnt^ t - o businessmen. hnsinpKK men. — The c------------------ ♦ rw fl?nrp fiartirn costs/ g*rkr»nuv tllllllll ______ Oregon. _____ »■...>___w.. ire just prune growers. Until As it it K should Bl«d application No. money Au idverttee and create a demand for their product have been through all the years. 01*59*. under the Act of March 3«. 1921. («3 Slat . 4«5t to exchange tb»- Jiey will be facing the same problem as they . , , , . NW«4. Bee. 3*; NWi* NW1», See. 3*: ire now. An elephant may be a gentle looking beast 8Wl, s e »*. and ait swv«. Hoc. is. • • • chained to a stake in a circus but we will assure except the totiowtn« Beginning s t N the general public that he looks different w hen * ° f B W ^ W H . B ec.^ k Tp YOUR WEIGHT—FACTS— BEWARE one meets him on the highw ay on top of the ou w Une of , Bld‘ rfet. u , ,hrBc« Beware of the tables of "normal weight,” says at night. Such a setting is all wrong E. *0 -.».i- M 1A rods, *ikdkn«vA thence N. 10 mria rods, Ihnncs thence Dr. Leonard Williams of New York. Those tables Cascades for a few minutes when one Is not expecting an : E 10 rods, thence N 10 rods, thence tell you that a man of a certain height weighs | B. 10 rods, thence N. 10 rod*, thence normally 147 pounds at twenty-flve. and at fifty. elephant closer than Africa. K. 40 rods, thence N 10 rods, thence i E 40 rods, thence N. 10 rods to N. E. 162 pounds. It is a dangerous falsehood A man 'corner of 8E1* SWV», of said Section should always weigh less at fifty than at twenty- I 13; and thence W. through center of five. If does not, he will die sooner than he said SWH of said Section IS to place FLIGHT OF LUMBERMEN might die. of beginning. 31 acre» more or tea». One pound or two pounds added to the weight Washington. D. C ,—The lumber Industry In the Pact ' and rights of way as reserved In deed on a horse's back will make him lose a race. fle Northwest Is sick. Lumbering Is Its basic Industry. to John Mink, alt tn Tp lo *.. Range Imagine the handicap put on an old heart, old Slxty-flve cent* of each industrial payroll dollar come» 10 West, W M . within the Sluslaw National Forest, for the timber on th-- lungs and old kidneys, by adding twenty or o f rati and 80 per cent of WV, NWVj NE-«*, Section 4. Tp 30 S . twenty-five pounds of fat at fifty. Dr. Williams out of lumbering, and «5 per cent from lumbering activities Range 12 Wpst. W M . within said ivs 'find "normal ~ ter b”r"e, ",re'*nh,t ,7e^tv flv7^«tmo^r 'yearly 7 f new siu'siaw'National Fore.t savs find out what your so-called “nortnal eight" it. Three hundred and twenty fl r . Thp The purp„»e purpose of thia this nr notice Is to al­ eignt is is m then e n reduce reuuce twenty I u iy pounds below _______ mnnBV and . a|| pPI-»ons claiming the land -----------------jow moner enters eniera the m e state seme of vi Washington. Unwise Veight Is fat, displacing muscle, which connects burdensome taxation which has resulted in forcing more • »elected, or having bona (Id* objec | »n the heart as well as the abdomen. WIIH,» 1«,1U U’ - BlOVMr,, market lions .... . to < - such ................................ and more lumber on an unw lfing and ove-atocked application, an oppor Men old in years and great intellectual power, . .. « ____ . . . t o . ______ tunltv to file their protest with th» f» « . — w i . t h t h e s e facts the 'Oltaire Pope PoDcbeo liv- » * the