PAGE T H R ffli PA S S E N G E R T R A IN S C H E D U L E S P R IN G F IE L D STO PS Cascade Lina Northbound W eat Coaat, to Portland. 6:04 A. M I-ocal, No. *3 . . . ________ 3:11 P. M SUMMON« FOR PUBUOATION IN FORBCIXISURE OF TAX LIEN In the C irc u it Court of the State of Oregon for Lana County C. F. W o rking and Lulu M W orking, Plaintiffs, va. M ary A. Perry, the Unknown helm of M ary A. Perry. If deceased, Ira Vernon, C lara V e r non Charles Drake, Jane Doe Drake, Joseph Boyd, Jane Doe Boyd, Stiver» Vernon, Jane Doe Vernon, and* all unknown owners of the property described herein. De­ fendants T O : M ary A. Perry, T he IJnkonwn helm of M ary A. Perry, If deceased; Ira Vernon, C lara Vernon. Charles Drake. Jane Doe Drake. Joseph Boyd. Jane Doe Boyd, Stivers Vernon, Jane Doe Vernon, and all unkonwn owners of the property described herein: De­ fendants. IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E O F O R E G O N : You are hereby noti­ fied that C. F W orking and Lulu M W orking, the holders o f certificate at Delinquency numbered 3131, issued on the fifteenth day of August, l»2g. by the tax collector of the County at I-ane, State of Oregon, for the amount o f ten and 76-100 Dollars, the same being the am ount then due and delin­ quent for taxes for tha year 1*21, te- gether with penalty, interest and costa thereon upon the real property a n »eased to M ary A Perry, of which M ary A Perry Is the owner of tho legal title , as appears of record, situ­ ated In said county and state, and p articu larly described a t follows in. W it: T he north h alf of IxK 10 and tha south hair of Lot Eleven, Block 37. la Gross Addition to Eugene, Lahe County, Owgon You are hereby fu rth e r notified that C. F W o rking and Lulu M W o rking have paid taxes on said premises for prior and or subsequent years, w ith the rate of Interest on said amounts as follows: Southbound L o ral No. »1 .................. « 45 A M Weat Coaat..................... ........ *;3 1 P. M Num ber *1 carries a sleeper, and connects a t Black Butts for Han F ra n ­ cisco and lx>s Angeles Both West HENRI r i rt'H IN G — tc and Sc par yard. | All kinds of hnuae painting. Kalao- Coaat trains atop here on flag Mrs. W K. Harnatl, pbon« 105W. m lnlng 32 per room and up Roy W endllng T ra in s M 3 D »Irani, or laave orders at Koch. Call 125 J. tf. C L O S IN G O U T P a n a rra Eichung« atora or Mr». Rastbound mixed, at Springfield, " N O f l C E D P F IL IN G O F F I N A L ” L IV K S T O C K A NO FA R M *:1 S A. M Arrhambeou'a. S S !I A C C O U N T M A C H IN 1 R Y Westbound mixed, a t Springfield Notice la hereb ygiven th a t tha un­ W A N T E D — H e a r from owner Ranch M arin e traded by farm for Yakima 1:60 ?. M for aala. S ta le raah price, particu­ Valley property, I w ill hold a Closing dersigned Executor o f the estate of Ellas N lrntle, deceased, has field his Cara Collide at Sth and Malo lar» D. F liuah, Mlnnaapolla. Minn Out Sale at Public Auction. final account w ith the County C lerk Tw o cars were slightly damaged In 8» 2» of Lane County, and th a t by order of LOCATION: 10 mile» n o rlh e a a t of a collision at Sth and M ain street» — - j Springfield. Oregon, on the Camo the County Court of eald County, Bal Year's T a x Date Paid T a x Receipt No. Amount Rat» of In t W H A T 'S T U B USB O P O O IN O T O c re e k road P urday, the Sth day o f October, 1*27. M onday during the noon hour, when Aug. 16, 1*26 2*224 1*22 3 S 25 12 at the hour of ten o'clock A M at the P. A. Wooley, m aking a reverse turn E U G E N E W H E N YO U C A N B U Y IT TUESDAY SEPTEM BER Aug 15. 1*25 2*235 1*23 13 30 12 County Court room In the Court Hons« 20 on Main street, »truck the car driven C H E A P E R IN YO U R O W N T O W N . B .g .n nln g at 10 JO A M 1*24 Aug IS. 192« 1177» 13 10 12 Fra» In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, has 274« 1*25 Apr IS. 1*26 25 «4 been fixed as the tim e and place of | *lov A. Htearm er. going eaat on LUBKK BBOOND HAND STORE i Lunch at Neon. 12 l*3 g Apr. 21. 1*2« 133« 23.5» final hearing upon said final account ’ M ain, 13 13* 6th Street tf LIVESTOCK ANO PAIty and for the settlem ent of said estate I You are fu rth e r notified fhat C. F. I premises for subsequent years, w 'ta A ll persons having objections to MACHINBRY S E P T IC T A N K S W o rking an-1 Lulu M W o rking have the rate of Interest on sain amounts N O T IC E FOR P U B L IIC A T IO N said final arounf, or any Item thereof I Jeraey Cow. freah »»on. Durham [mid municipal assessments upon said 'a s follow s: FOREST EX C H A N G E are hereby notified to present the Ready for you to Inatall t'owa. giving m ilk. No 017594 »ame to the County Court on or before Date Paid Rate of In t. Amount Per fam ily of five ....... Amt. Int. Total 131 3 Jeraey lie lfe ra. fresh In Spring. the tim e fixed for final hearing herein D epartm ent of the In te rio r, United 313 14 12 July 26, 192« Por fam ily of eight .............. 124 | M are, weight 1200 lb» 3 Chester JESSE J NICOLLB, Executor States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore- July 2«, 1926 40 «4 12 864.03 37 02 361 04 at our plant non. August 20. 1*27. B E A N A ilR O O K B . Attorneys. M ar 27.1926 white Sow» with plga by aide 12 57 5» 57.59 9 70 «7 i t H 1 16 22 2* O 1 N O T IC E Is hereby given that Fread Sewer Pipe— Orain T II» Aug. 2. 1927 ' I Brood Sow 14 Shoots. 1 Roar 12 24 57 Petxold, of Eugene. Oregon, c o Crow 49.21 12 Aug. 3.1927 73 7« .5« Chim ney Block» 74 34 265 Schropahlre Sheep 4 Bucks Stage, filed application No 017594, T o ta l 3202 67 SUM M O NS under the Act of March 20. 1*22 142 E U G E N E C O N C R E T E PIP E CO. H A Y A N D G R A IN Said M ary A. Perry, as the owner This summons Is published by order tf. 40 Tons of (tats. Cheat and Veatch IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Stat . 485) to exchange the E ’4 N W " , N E ' i S W '-i. and Lot 2. Sec 1». T p 17 of the legal title of the above des- of the Honorable C. P. Barnard. Judge H ay haled STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE 8 . Range 11 West. W M , w ithin the ctrbed property as the name appears of the County Court o f the State of L A TE M O O E L U S E D CARS COUNTY 130 bushela of W heat Sluslaw National Forest, for the lim ­ of record, and each o f the other per­ Oregon for the County of Lane. for j M ary F Sisson. P laintiff, v»., Em ery 500 bushel» Grey Oats. ber on the N W *4 N E *4. Section 24 sons named above are hereby fu rth er the reason th a t Honorable G. F Skip- A T P R IC E S A N D T E R M S YO U D Sisson, Defendant. T p 14 S Range 11 West. W M w ith notified th a t C. F W o rk in g and Lulu worth Judge o f the C irc u it C oart of 70 rrrle a n ed Rye Grass Seed CAN H A N O L E - To Enn-ry D Sisson, defendant, In »aid Sluslaw National Forest M W o rking w ill apply to the C ircu it said County and State is absent from FARM M A C H IN E R Y j IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E T he purpose of this notice Is to a l­ Court of the County and State afore­ the State, and said o rder was made 1*37 Oldamoblle Sedan, trunk, and I Sampson Tractor. low all persons claim ing the land said for a decree foreclosing the lien and dated this 31 day of A u gu st 1*27. j O F O R EG O N : You are hereby re­ other e itra a . quired to appear and answ er the Com selected, or n av ln r bona fide objec­ against the propetry above described and the date of the first publication I O liv e r Disk T ra c to r Plow 1*3* Standard Itu irk 3 Door Sedan. l plaint filed agalnxt you In the above tion» to such application, an opportun- and mentioned In said certificate. And o f this summons Is the 1st day of I O liver gang Stubble Plow 1925 Standard H ulrk Roadster entitled suit w ithin six week» from Ity to flic tbelr protest w ith the Regis­ you are hereby summoned to appear September, 1927. I O liv er 14 In w alking Plow r * i& Standard Itulck Coupe the date of the first publication of this ter of the U. 8. T-ann Office at Rose­ w ith in sixty days a fte r the first pub­ A ll process and papers In this pro­ I John Deere 14 Inch w alking Plow. Any such protest or lication of this summons, exclusive of Summons, and If you fa., io answer, burg. Oregon 1*37 Dodge Coupe, like new for want thereof the p H In tlff w ill ap- objection must be filed In this office the day of the first publication, and ceedings may be served upon the uw- I 7 foot tandom disk del-signed residing w lthtn the S ta t* 1*34 Esaax 4-cyllnder Coach ply to the Court for t h j re lie f prayed w ith in th irty days from the date of defend thia action or pay the amount 1 7 foot Deering Hinder. 1*3.1 W illy» Knight Touring the flm t publication of this n o tic e ,! due as shown above, together w ith o f Oregon a t the address h ereafter I tor In the com plaint, t o w lt mentioned. • f t Kentucky G rain D rill, single , »nlullnn of the m arriage contract ex beginning September 1. 1*27 costa and accrued Interest, and tn 1*34 Stndabaker light < Coupe. disk latlng between you and the plaintiff. Non-coal 8. M. C A L K IN S . A tto rn ey for the case of your failu re to do so. a decree 1*23 Itulck Touring, glaaa enclosure Thia summons Is served by publica­ H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y Register. Residence and postofilca w ill be rendered foreclosing the lien P la in tiff 1 T hree section Harrow . 1*33 Ford Sedan, a real buy tion by order of the Honorable C. P. Se. 1-8-15-23-29 of said taxes and costa against the address, Eugene, Lane County. Oregon. I Deering Hay Rake 1*30 Ford Coupe, good rubber Rarnard, Judge of the County Court land and premtaee above mentioned Se. 1, g, IS. 22, 29: Oc. 6, 12, 2*. 27 I Kndgate G rain Seeder. for Ia n « County In the State of O re­ 1*23 Bulck 4 C ylind er Touring N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N gon. dated the 17th d ay of August. 1 Feed G rinder 1 Farm Wagon. A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O T IC E f N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N Hudson Speedster. 1*27, directing that it be published Departm ent of tha In terio r, U. S. Land N O T IC E 18 H E R E B Y G IV E N , T h a t i 1 H ay Rack 1 G ravel Rack. FOREST EXCHANG E Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Sep­ Dodge Touring once a week for a ll successive wee«» ___ __ the undersigned has by the County No. 017687 1 T w o Hom e Corn Cultivator. tem ber 10, 1927. In the Springfield News, and the data N O T IC E 1» hereby given that Squire J Court of i-ane County, Oregon, been Departm ent of the In te rio r. United A r a il on the telephone arili bring 1 Vaughn Drag Saw. of the first publication of this sum­ duly appointed administrator of the 8tates Land Office. Roseburg, Ore­ mons Is tha tSth day of A u gu st A. D.. Sm ith of Eugene. Oregon, who. on estate of Samuel Davis Calrna. de-1 any one of these rara to your door. 1 Eight foot Float Harrow . August 29. 1922. made Homestead gon. Septem ber 2. 1927. 1*37. 3 Hets W ork Harness and Collars. E n try No. 014524. fo r S H N E % , and ceased, and that all persona having I N O T IC E Is hereby given th a t J. F. L. L RA Y . A L T A K IN O . Attorneys Term s and Trades claims against said estate are hereby 1 Stock Saddle. fo r Plaintiff. Poatofllee address M iner S E ', N W " ,. Sertlon 7. and on N ovem ­ required to present said claims, pro- Yates, of Corvallis. Oregon, filed »(► I Incubator. 1 Brooder. ber 14. 1*23. made A dditional H . E plication No. 017587, under the Act o f Building. Eugene. Oregon P. W . P E T T Y J O H N CO. sin P1K»7« fnr .hn VB-u « w u Iper,y Tertfl«4 of N % , of Section S8. O P E N E V E N IN G S A NO S U N D A Y S 3- 55 Gallon Gas Drum« non 7. Township 17 S Range 2 W esL Benson. Attorney. Room 6, T he F irs t And other W illa m e tte M eridian has filed notice Bank Building Reedaport. Oregon, Tow nship 16 S , Range 9 WeaL W . M , Seventh and N llve St Eugene Ore. articles not mentioned N O T IC E O F S A L E O F of Intention to m ake three year P ro o f., g1x T O Ilt!ls th w tthin the Sluslaw N atio n al Forest, G O V E R N M E N T T IM B E R Phons 13*7. T E R M S :— Sums under *30 00 Cash for the tim b er on the S E H NW <4 to establish claim to the land above I thlg notice N E *4 . Section 4. Tow nship 20 3 , O r See M r Masters. 524 G Street On sum« over »2 0 00 credit o f 1 year Oanaral Land Office. W ashington. O. C. described .before E O. Im m el, U. 8 Dated August 18th, 1*37. August 11. 1*27. Range 12 W est. W M , within said Commissioner, at Eugene. Oregon, on III be given on approved security Sprtngflrld, Phone 131-J ROY O CAIRN8, Administrator of Sluslaw N atio n al Forest. NoUce Is hereby given that subject the 26th day of October. 1927. bearing interest a t 10«’, A discount the Estate of Samnel Darla Calrna, The purpose of this notice Is tn al­ tn the conditions and lim itatio n» of Claim ant names aa witnesses: deceased. of I T , for rash on all sums over »20 00. thi- act o f June *, 1*11, (3 * S ta t, 318), low all persons c laim ing the land Archie J. Davis. Ora A. Davia. Aa. 18-36: Se. 1-8-16: selected, or having bona fide objec­ and pursuant to departm ent regula- Joshua M a lla tt. W V. T allm a n , all of N IC H O L A S M E IE R , Owner. tions to such application, an opportun­ Non-coal. MAX STOVE WORKS C E. K E N Y O N . Com m ercial 8ta te | tlons of April 14, 1924 (5« L D 376». Mohawk. Oregon ity to file th e ir protest w ith the I the tim ber on the follow ing lands w ill H A M IL L A C A N A D A Y . Register. SUM M O NS Rank. Clerk. Buys. Sella. Repairs and j Register of the U. S. I .and Office a t 1 be sold October 3. 1*37. a t 10 o'clock 8 15-22-29: O 6-i3 J. K G it HER. Auctioneer. Exchanges A. M. at public auction at the U. 8 In the C irc u it Court of the State of Roseburg. Oregon Any such protest of objection must land olfice at Roseburg. Oregon, to Oregon fo r Lane County. Stoves. Ranges and Heaters SUM M ONS the hlghent Odder a t not leas than the IN T H E C IR ( U IT C O U R T O F T H E Com m ercial Slate Bank of Springfield, be filed in this office w ith in th ir ty C A L L A N D S E E Dr. N. W Em erv appraised value aa shown by thia M ain near M ill St a corporation. P lain tiff, -V3- G rant J days from the date of the first publica­ S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E tion o f this notice, beginning Septem ­ on prices on plates and other w ork tf. notice. Bale to be subject to the ap­ Cowling, Defendant. CO UNTY OF LANE Non-coaL proval of the Secretary of the Inter- J. A. W illiam s, P lain tiff, vs. Charles To G ran t J. Cowling, the above named ber 4. 1927. H A M IL L A C A N A D Y . Register I lor. The purchase price, w ith an addl- defendant: O. Dow ell. N ellie W Dowell. Grace S. 8 15-22-29: O 6: i tlonal h u b of one-fifth o f one per cent In the name of the State of Oregon: E. Brown a rd John Doe Brown, D e­ j thereof, being comanlaalons allowed. You are hereby required and summon­ fendants. ■ must be deposited at tim e of axle, To Charles O. Dowell. N ellie W ed to appear and answ er the com plaint SUM M O N S i money to be reurned If »ale la not ap- Dowell. Grace E. Brown and John Doe filed against you iu the above entitled l’hon.- ISO M , proved, otherwise patent w ill faaue suit and court, w ith in four weeks from Brown. Defendants: In the Circuit Court of the S ta t: of , for the tlm ebr, which must be re- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the date of the first publication of Life, Automobil» and Fira for Lane County. I moved w ithin to year». Bids w ill be this summons, to-w it: on or before: ~ Oregon ___- i , « ,« O F O R E G O N : Yon are hereby re ­ the 22nd day of September. 1*27. and • Com m ercial State Bank of S p rin g « -Id . Insurance I received from elttaens of the UnitPd quired to appear and answ er the com <« „ yon „„ fa il I w ill take notice th a t If i corporation. P la.n tlff. vs- G rant J. 1 States, associations of sueh d tlxens CARL A. WYMAN plaint • ’ •In s t yow ' n ^ e « to ™ to appear and answer said com plaint Cowling. Defendant. and corposatinna organised under the Resident Agent ! laws of the U nited States, or any th« «xniratinn „r ,hBU( i,iw,n Or o r otherw l8e Pl8al1 thereto w ithin said T o G rant J. Cowling, the above named defendant. thp {or wan' thpreof- . State, te rrito ry or d istrict therpof n theP ^ e , ni P.rhlV^Tl 734 D Street. Springfleld. Oregon Publication, to-w .t: w1„ „ , to thp above e n tlt,ed court only. Upon application of a qualified In the name of the State of Oregon . purchaser the tim b er on any legal suh- 33« M ain 81. Residence 125 C St Yon are hereby required and summon­ , division w ill be offered separately be­ ed to appear and answ er the com plaint licatlon o f this summons, and If you : 1 om plaint to-wit. S 1J <2M fore being Included In any offer of a Re». Phone 1*0 Plano Moving filed against you in the above entitled I larger unit. T. S 8 , R. S W. Sec 36. fa ll to answer, for w ant thereof, plain- j T h a t the p la in tiff have judgm ent court w ithin four weeks f r o si F u ll Auto Equipment tiff w ill apply to the Court for the re- and recover from defendant the sum SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER NE*4 N E h , green and burned yellow Hef prayed fo r in the com plaint, o f Two Hundred F ifty Dollars the date of the first publication of Lady Assistant , W I L L I » B E R T 8 C H . Prop. i fir nnd hemlock 2779 M. appraised j (3250 00) together w ith interest there- this summons, to-w it: on o r befor» lv a lu e *3894; N W 1, N E 1, green and t®’* 1* ' O F F IC E A T S E R V IC E G A R A G E For a lud , green and burned yellow fees, and »64.04 taxes, together w ith > decree th a t plaintiff's mortgage de- low s: F o r the sum of T w o H undred Painting A Deoorating ’ f-r and hemlock 3550 M. appraised Interest thereon at the ra te of 6% per ! scribed therein is a first lien upon the F o rty Dollars (3240.001. together w ith C arl H . P h e tte p ln c e . M. D . ! value i«429; and the SB4* N W , annum, and the costa and disburse, follow ing described real property sltu- Interest thereon at the rate of 8 pee In all Its branches General Practice. Special Attention ! green and burnt-., yellow fir and hem ­ ments of this suit: and for a decree ated In the County of Lane and State cent per annum from January 20th. Beginning at a 312 Main Street to Obstetrics and Diseases of c h il­ lock 2«0f, M. appraised value »3468 25. declaring same to be a first m ortxtge o f Oregon, to-w it: 1920. u n til paid, the fu rth e r sum of ’ none of the tim b er on these subdlvl- lien upon the follow ing described pro­ point 14 chains east of the southeast T h ir ty Five Dollars (835.00) reason­ dren. corner of L ot Nine (9) In Section perty In Lane County. Oregon, to-wtt: ' »Ions Io be »old for less than the ap- able attorney's fees and for plaintiff's F irs t National Bank Building I praised value stated. T. 179., R. 7 W . Beginning at the Shvutheast corner Fourteen (1 4 ). Tow nship Nineteen costs snd disbursements. of the Frederick Fisher D. L. C. No. (1») South. Range T hree (3) west of Springfleld. Oregon i See 29. N B H N E k , red fir 360 M. red DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL T his summons Is published pursu­ | eedar 75 M.. SE«-, NEV< red fir 500 M. 63 In T p 1» 8 , R 2 W est of the W II- the W illa m e tte M eridian. Oregon, and running thence west 21.18 chains to a n t to an order of the Honorable C. P. lamv-tte M eridian and running thence iS W '4 N W V , yellow fir «12 M. red DENTIST B arnard, County Judge of Lane. Coun­ cedar 60 M. N E V , SEt» red Pr «00 M. South 8S’ and 45' W est 20.00 chains, the middle o f the County Road, thence WM. G. HUGHES I red cedar «0 M. N W , S B 1-, red fir on the South line of said D. I,. C„ follow ing along the said County Road ty. Oregon, duly made and entered Phons 43 I 500 M. T ,8 8 .. R 7 W , Sec 1. Lot 3, thence N orth 20.00 chains, thence N o rth 7 H degrees East 11.35 chains, on the 20th day of August, 1J27. The F IR E A N O A U T O IN S U R A N C B F I ret N a t’l Bank Bldg., Springfield ; red fir 1900 M. none oi the tim ber on thence East 14.81 chains, thence South first publication of this summons w ill North 89" and 45' East 20.00 chains N O T A R Y P U B L IC I these section» to be sold for less than to the East line of said D. L. C. and 33*4 degrees East 12.28 chains to the be made on Thursday, the 26th day of place of beginning, all being situated August, 1927. and the last publication O f f ic e a t I »2 per M T 2 N , R 2 W . Sec 17. thence South 20.00 chains to the place In Creswell. Lane County. Oregon thereof w ill he made on Thursday, the | NE<4 S W -i yellow fir 1500 M. red FIRST NATIONAL BANK of beginning, containing 40 acres In And that aald mortgage be decreed 22nd day o f Septem ber. 1927. and It j eedar 170 M. hemlock 40 M. S E ’ L Springfield, Oregon Section 18 In said Tpw nshlp and to be a first Hen upon said mortgaged f ill be published four consecutive ! 9WV4 yellow fir 920 M. red eedar 140 M. T 29 S . R 11 W . Sec 24 Lot 5. Range In Lane County, Oregon; And l premises and th a t said mortgage be weeks In the Springfield News for a Judgment and decree for t h e ! foreclosed and th a t said premises be I. M PETERSON. Attorney fvr I port orford cedar 390 M. yellow fir foreclosure of that certain mortgage sold In the manner provided hv law P lain tiff. Postofllce Address. S p ring All kinds of gravel f o r c o n ­ j 300 M. rod fir 200 M. w hite fir 40 M. DR. N. W. EMERY mentioned In the com plaint on file and that the proceeds from the sale field, Oregon. crete or road work. We I red cedar 20 M. I^ot 12 port orford herein, and fo r a sale of said m o rt­ of said mortgaged premises be first ap­ Au. 25: Se 1-8-15-22 500 M. yellow fir 1460 M. red D E N T IS T make a specialty of crushed j j cedar gaged premises to satisfy said Judg. plied to the satisfaction of this plain cedar 20 M. T 40 S , R 2 E , See. 19. Button Bldg. Phone 20-J rock and rock sand. Bunk­ j RE% SW>4 yellow pine 3S0 M. sugar m ent and decree; and for a fu rth e r tiffs Judgment and decree herein, and decree th a t w hatever rig ht, title , the remainder. If any, he applied as to NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S SALE Residence Phono 15S-M ers at foot of Main on Mill pine 60 M. w hite fir 80 M, Lot 4 yellow I pine 500 M. sugar pine 60 M. w hite claim. Hen or Interest the defendants, the court may seem meet and equi­ T h e Estate of C harlotte E m ily Pengra, street. Charles O. Dow ell, N ellie W Dowell. table. and that the defendant he fore­ 1 fir 30 M, red fir 100 M. none of the Springfield, Oregon deceased. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Grace E Brown and John Doe Brown closed and barred of any estate, right Notice is hereby given that by vir­ ; tim ber on these sections to be sold m ay have or claim to have In and to title or interest In. or Hen. eUtm or tue of an order of the County Court for less than »1 50 per M for red fir said premises nnd property Is subject demand npon said mortgaged pre­ and red cedar. »2 per M for the yellow General Law Practice to and in fe rio r to thp rights and claims mises. and the whole thereof, save of the State of Oregon. In and for fir, »1 per M for the w hite fir and hem ­ of p la in tiff; and for such other and only such statutory right of redemp­ Lane County, entered on the 11th lock. »9 per M for the port orford fu rth e r re lie f as to the Court may tion as he may have and for such day of August 1927, licensing and I. M. PETERSON cedar and »5 per M for tne yellow Rnd directing me aa executor of the last Attorney-et-Lew augar pine. T 8 S . R 4 W . Sec. 11, seem Just and equitable, and for a other and further relief as to the court will and testament of Charlotte «Bally JEWELER mnv seem equitable. N EW S W I4 yellow fir 134OM. hem ­ deflejenejr Judgment agnlnst d efen ­ Pengra, deceased, to sell the real pro­ Tills summons Is published pursuant perty CUy HaU Building lock 400 M. w hite fir 600 M. Noble fir dants. Charles O. Dowell and N ellie Repairing a Specialty hereinafter described, 1 win. ob to an order of the Honorable C. P. Bar­ 40 M. NW>4 S W k, yellow fir 400 M. W Dowell, to satisfy said Judgment of Rprtngfleld, Ore. and after the 24th day of September. Springfield, Oregon hemlock 120 M, w hite fir 600 M. Noble p la in tiff In case said mortgaged pre­ nard. County Judge of I*n e County, 1*27, on the premises, offer for sale fir 160 M. none o f the tim b er on this mises do not sell for an amount suffi­ Oregon, duly made and entered on the and sell at private sale to the party section to be sold for less than 11.79 cient to satisfy same. 20th day of August, 1827 The first offering the most therefor, cash la per M for the yellow fir, 31 per M for FRANK A. DE PUE This summons Is published by order publication thereof will be made on hand, the Lot Number "D" In Stock M. G. HOCE the w hite fir and hemlock and »1.35 of the Hon. C. P. Barnaru. Judge of Thursday, ibe 38th day of AnpusL Number Three of Springfield, Lima ATTORNEY AT LAW per M for the Noble fir. T 3 N , R. the County Court of I-ane County, 1927.and It will he published four con­ County, Oregon, according to the • » Attorn ey-at-Law NOTARY PUBLIC 2 W , Sec I. NE14 NEH yellow fir 480 Oregon, made Septem ber 8. 1927 secutive weeks In the Springfield tended survey thereof, as platted and M, none of the timber on thia section Practise U. 8. and State Date of first publication Septem ber News. of record In said County, snjbect to to be sold for leas than 83 26 per M. 16, 1927. I. M PETERSON. Attorney for the approval of the said Court. Courts (BUYING Qg Auction Sale B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y ] W . F. Walker Funeral Director SPRM6FIE-10 GRAVEL CO. D. W . Roof Springfield, tiding Oregon. Eugene, Oregon THO8 C. HAVELU Acting Com­ missioner An. 35: Se. 18-15-32 W. „ . Brooke, attorney for Plaintiff, Plaintiff. Poatofllee Add roes, Spring- seH in parts. If desired. Willamette S t, Eugene. Oreron field, Oregon A. M. WHMUJBR. Executor S. 15 23-29: O 8-18 A b M : 8 b . 1-6-15-33 Aa. 1 *-» : Be. 1-6-M: 880