T IW SPIUNUFULD NBWB PAGE TWO - j ----------------- a j— T H U R S D A Y B K IT IC M B K R 16. l®27 _— . ............................ ................... — I----------------------------- FINAL NOTICE aa they Jolted by. Another two mllee O. A. C. B A S K E T B A L L v e . . . V A .. >u > o r « a e l Notice la hereby given that the and ha came on a fifth truck la (hr T E A M T O P LA Y IN E A S T uuderalgtied Keiuli (Jllck haa filed her bottom of a little valley. The crew 1 I final report and account aa adutlaia- of three changiog a tire H it hand« Oregon Agrl< ulturel College, C’or tratrlx of the estate of E. J (lllck. clear , hrU(m„ , a, . llon Thl, , rl„. alni pimp for Dual hearing In as 1-1 «stai«' unii all objections should be whiskey and lacked him la the car considered one of the most e x t.u s n . 01. ........ .. „„ ,,r before „ . g bound for Chicago. made by any college learn In lb»- »«-s’. tin.. CEDAR. r SWAMP There »aa no retreating, for Culluy ( takes Ihe place of Ihe annual Intasou ' Haled and first published ttoptea. I had looked up anil the re. -ignition was of the Orangemen Into California ber h,'r lllth. ,&,h- IM7 ,M7 KAHAII GLICK. Administratrix. mutual. He aa« ihe guard's lumd go Ten players, accompanied by H II WHITTEN HWAFFORD. Altorio-y I Uva» « r a t t a ate H * m y J^y L a a swiftly to bis hip vocket. He saw linger. Coach, -will make the trip K If- S3 S» O « 13 OeRjnHaU M u k e 4 V. FbiUi- him »peak cautiously out of the corner Here Is Ihe schedule fi Reese« am »»«M U M .■ At At»l.x?w»ter of hla mouth. Whereat lhe other two tie«. I*. Brigham Vouug at Provo. I This Way Out HW.U straightened and stood In uu at­ Utah I s s plain as the uoae on your titude of watting, ready to snatch out Dec SI. Creighton, si Omaha. Neb said the tallies« Idiot an he (ace,* a «»spoil if the necessity arose. » raaka to explain something lo h la attitude noh her expression had not the cabin unusually early. He was j Ha decided on a course of action, Dei S3. Creighton, at Omaha. Neb­ triad •w ee tie. changed. -It must have been tough, replacing a broken board In the floor I anj throttled the rage that possessed raska that night alone in the house not I when he heard the ponderous throb ' btm. He brought a smile to his face Dec. Sk. Kt Louis, at Kt Ixmla, Mis­ HOP 1’ICKERH KOOKS— Printed I I I souri. knowing where I was or what had be blng of an automotive engine He "Hello, there, sports! ' he called gaily, In stock at 3 he New» office IS per come of m e!” Concern and contritlou looked out curiously. A big truck. Ils - i f , , long time ,j BCa | )ou fa,. Dec 30. Lombard, at Oubsliurg. II! i hundred. Mia. overspread his face. I'm a beast. Fat; load closely watched. i» u n g dowu I |ow. Where have you b e e n f Jan 3. Wisconsin at Madison Wis­ a selfish beast. But It's the last time ' from the north. It made the turn ‘n (TO BE CONTINUED) Where you staying y consin. front of his door and went on toward "With Mr. and Mrs. Kinnan- bong Portage. Within half an hour . . Jim .1. Chicago. at Chlcaco. Illinois __ Theyrv nice old people ' ! there was another, and Inside a alml-1 N^ T,C* OF F,NAL SET.LEM KNT Jan t. Marquette, at Mllwnuk- Wls • Well, we 11 forget all th l. and .tort Ur laspe. another . toI, '5 ‘ m U rT : ‘ cousin. await sow» fife-m a « . Mil ton .. **• « A <1W IO»»tTMlUr Ol tU* out on the right foot, ID ae Mr Kin -'Must be a liquor ship In at the i of Hiram M Prlndel. deceased, has Jan. 7. Montuna Htute, at Boo man. nane and explain—“ landing.'' he thought putting away 1 filed bis final account and report as Mon i ana “No." The word stopped him in big tools. "Guess I'll go up and see *h» lo rt has S t HOC . . . . s o l. « to - • S S . T . n . l u W X set . ’S Saturday W i: M ic h a e l J. P h illip « Xx THE LEADING CHARACTERS — • Edieen Forbes. a young resident of Scottdale with aa Inherent craving for liquor, la held for the death of a wesson who ha» been hilled by a boot legging truck. o lrcuaaataalial evi­ dence points to Forbes and rather than tell the truth of the episode which would clear him but cant an ether friend In a bad lig h t he stands trial and la sentenced to a long term in prison The governor of the state, an old friend of Eddie a father, be­ lieves mm innocent and pardons h.ro shortly after his arrival nt the Jail. Scoots L.hbey, a worthless charoe Thia has not been an Impulse Pre ' Curiosity was not the only motive - to the same, at the County Court tar. who has smashed hla trachine ia- thought it all out. I don't dare go on f° r k°lng He had not conquered th>- Room, at Eugene. In Lane County. a“d. ,or Bual **Wl*®*“ t to asotaer car, hilling its lone occu­ any longer. [Winking Is a habit with craving for liquor. At times the ap- B*1 <■ i s i s MM. « eoi fc> PM» ,»e, S m . Settled in their log cabin he there to help me fight IL" He had begten the wave so far, be hs«M» » «■*•» •! » «•* oSw^e V leaib he a I «non, a shifty neighbor who i - so » . t M a a «M u«. »• She smiled sadly. T v e been with cause them was no liquor available rt« I « la anxious to buy their land Eddie you before when the craving came and when the appetite rolled the highest. M — ; --------------------- . -------- IS. tS«7 •>* kea> < I « . | l . u ito» sai» Ike reta le a n s that the back taxes a m ou n t to It didn't make nay difference." she There was cone ou the Duv-aant ••a W J‘| « , « .t 1 « , e — ..fi u « m . m S«. ever eight hundred dollars hut as he « reminded him. "You're mistaken. Rd ranch, principally because Davenant H»" WM «XV k. MOM I« «sua««-» M m > hog five months to pay he decides to [ die. The fight Isn't over. You c a n 't! hated it. and would not have on the 1.1««« sa :-l»M, l a . e « , « , is -« « g 4 5 refuse8»alman s offer of 312fi<> and try I win It with cratches. You must win It place a man who drank. So victory S'»»« - _ «• s • • « .« . ia issr I» » a W ia a .u w U » « « a IS O h a t and get final title to his property— , alone." of a sort rested with Eddie. « « . » « l a u a . » a l lxUn. Laul'e»MX Banltasn'a offer having led him t o 1 "But I can't -win It without you!“ When the rravlng subsided. It left •a « -, I* u i fcot-a. m u « , adl r«wn. >i I ______ _______ think la very valuable. But things "You can't win It with me. That's him. some times, sullen and resentful IS» now el « a -» e , l U - L 1». a .C a -.-a l - , ■ u M.« li, ts.7. to S» ■ bmrVA do not go well. Eddie drinks heavily been proven." toward Patsy. He would tell hlmsef t e v - : le m u k t o lr » s» » « « « to . H u ito n nt k M a a e O al. L am « ( ' « o e r i M l from some bootlegger's potions, is for- It »-as a wretched hour that folio that she was deserving of no consl- U «M« •W y f « r • I m m I mH wakes up in a freight chr In Chicago— j able personality. It grew harder and ' doned him In time of need. This nn- b h « r I g flm h t M r I M à «i«««Uaa M f fc« Mtk*««»m.i h«se» gnsn y miles away. Stricken with re- harder to hold out against him. but r«asonable mood soon passed, how- ni morse he return» to his cabin but j somehow Patay Jane did. "No." »be ever. Then he would acknowledge she ta««*« «rugai m i ...... •< fg««. SECOND LIBERTY LOAN C PER CENT BONDS Dr. Elli C. M iid i Optom^triat S u c c o M o r to th « W a tts O p tic a l Co. a t N o . 14 8th A re . W est, Eugene, O regon. When you are |a that city and in need of Optical Work she will be glad to m-rve yon. M finds his wife has left and In her place • ruffaln. who orders him o u t A fight ensues in which Eddie finally knocks his opponent stone cold. A W . «i M «Ito ELLO N T,««. r» i wu>uw». D. C lattrtarj . would say. "I don't dare. If I give In now, Eddie, you'll never win. I know IL You'll always be a drunkard, If poisonous liquor doesn't kill you before your time Please don't ask was right. Love welled up anew, and J he resolved to make the fight for her sake. If he did win. It would be for her. But on this Sunday bis heart beat A short distance from town they recklessly as he left the house and saw two motor cars ahead of them !n save over a( flas-t, his face went along the lonesome rodd to tb<-i the road. One. was bulging like a sullenly clouded "Well, when are you north. His eyes were slight, hl« step; fat man carrying many packages, Ed- back?” he asked, more un- j buoyant There was In his air som die recognlxed It os the properly of kindness in his tone than he had e v e r , thing of the fearful exhilaration that the rtamp hwhen their car came displayed toward her before, 'When men exhibit as they go into battle. into view the other one. beaded to- ’^is cure be complete?” Soon be passed a fourth truck. ward them, was started and tbe con- ' don’t know—I don’t know." There ««ere two men on the »-¡-t m ferecce erhlch hod been going on was replied drearily. "There hasn't front, a third perched on the rear of broken up. The eastbound automobile a single month since our merrl- the load. All eyed him »uspiciouslv Edd.e coted as It passed them, was oc- aFe that you haven't had liquor; that copied by Sealman. , -vou haven't been drunk. Maybe six He went first to Long Portage's raon,hs or a year He *choe<' her wor‘,<' wl,h »W 7 , largest garage- His car was there. "Why don't you a a * • —* w »-xo. » Zw «a get < the attendant told him readily, giant- I. incredulity. EUGENE a ¡divorce and be done with It?" he de-1 leg curiously at his disfigured face tbe manded "j think that's what you're while. The missis had brought It in aiming a t!” g week or so ago. She said he'd call He slammed the door violently as for it "9he's working In Mr. Klnnane's Office,'' he added, watching Eddie to he went out. But remorse overtook tee how the Informbtion would he re­ him before he reached the car. He S P E C IA L IS T went back, to find Patsy bowed in ceived. tears over the typewriter. in Internal Medicine for the "Thank you." returned Eddie, non- "I'm a beast, Pat," he said, remorse- past fifteen years. eomm’ttalJy, and drew back to cover the charges. He drove two blocks up 1 fully. I'm not worth crying over. !t the -free» to the one-story frame build­ j wasn't true, that nasty thing I said. DOES NOT OPERATE 1 You're right. It will hav to he fought ing which served I.awver Kinnane a« , out. And 1 suppose I must do It alone. gc office. Will be at Mr. Kinnane was In court. Patsy I can see you som etim es?” She nodded and smiled through her Osborne Hotel. Saturday October let. Jane was alone In the »un«h'ny main } tears. room when he entered The color Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. H. P. Davenant decided to left her face and her hand flew to her • through with hi« ambitious nch< me« throat when she saw his disfigure­ ONE DAY ONLY ment. "Eddie!" she breathed, "you're j for the ranch, and Eddie wan hired as | one of his farmhands for the summer. hurt!” But she kept the tall pine, No Charge for Consultation railing between them and recoiled wa**" Davenant paid -were above when he attempted to take her in hia j the usual scale. But he demanded superior service. There was plowing arms. Dr. Mellenthln lw a regular graduate "Not much," he replied, with a rue­ and planting in the older fields; tbe In medicine %nd surgery and Is lie. ful smile at the repulse. “A tramp breaking up of new tracts with a ensed by the Btate of Oregon. He does had our bouse and didn't want to tractor; and. when the planting was not operate for chronic appendicitis, done and before the need of cultivat­ leave. But I got him out, finally.” gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils ing the removal of great pine stumps She surveyed him- anxiously. or adenoids. As Eddie worked hiR mind engaged "Don't you want to hear about It He has to bis credit wonderful re­ — where I've been?” he went on. eager j In endless calculations. Even If he to Justify himself, and restless under ! *a v *d eT’‘ry cent' so1'1 the