t A u RSDAY B K IT K M U E R 8, 1827 PA G E FTV» T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W 8 beat main. Rev. G abriel Sykes per- Local Couple M arried V isiting B rother Hare— Mlaa Jane — formed the ceremony The young Cog of Portland arrived Monday »o Os Vaoatlon— W . P. Tyson of tha Mlaa Lucille S tew art became the couple apent several daya at Newport, v la lt her brother. H e rb e rt Cos. She I Booth-Kelly m ill la taking his vaca­ bride of Ben W eber at the home of Mnil now home on A street w ill stay here several months. tion thia week. between 8th and »tb Returned from Portland— Miss Ann her parents on East M ain street Sat V is it Yeehate— M r and Mra. B. O. O c-rlo . accompanied b y Jeanlne urday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Miss H O P P IC K E R S BOOKS— Printed and Htnllh spent Sunday and Labor Day S tew art -was her alster's i W ithers and M arvin O orrle, returned Bessie In stock at *1 be News office. *2 por at Yachata. bridesmaid and W a lte r W eber was I Wednesday from a visit In Portland. hundred. Raturna from N o rt Bend— Hyrdone Cum m ing* left Bunday for her hum« I In N orth Bend, a fte r visiting for thru« ' months with M r. and Mru. C. F. Kg it I I tnann. l«ibur Day holidays a t W aldport. TOWN AND VICINITY Mra. Leplsy IB— Mr». L. J. I