_ _ . n n n iiir - r in rx KT I? 1 1 7 C THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS it THURSDAY RKPTKMBKR 8, 1927 TUB SPR lN O F ltgjì NEWS PAOS FOUR Published E very Thum dny a t Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H B. M A X E Y . Editor. atered as second class «natter, February 34, 1903 a t the poetoflice. Springfield, Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One year In Advance ----- I t 75 T hree M onths Six M onths II.IH» Single Copy .... . TRc ..5c ~ T H U R S D A Y S E P T E M B E R 8. 1927 constlpatloa. Used to g el headache» and dlaay «pell« T he (tret does of now Im . gM go deep enough Into the fu rv .ts n o . almost a u u o .e u , v sthle — ’ to - — A d lerlka gave me relief- Now I rest I to get away from «>,„ n d r camp i n u i re f u s s . that th a t Al e over the week end anu la b o r l»ay the tin tin .',»„ they h be . nerm perm ttted itted thus thus to to w waste their architectural Structure that Is more than an ordi- energies’ T h a t to the question upon which we are gdng narv department store— an institution in this part to be called to decide, and th a t shortly of Oregon. And while doing this they have also shall we alt quietly by and see pollution of streams found time to be leaders in the community and p ro hibited ’ And pollution applies to refuse of any kind as welt aa sewerage. T h a t Is X question that w ill have to civic life of Eugene. I be answered at once, for the movement to prohibit p dlu a Your Uncle Sam is glad cold stormy weather Is coming on—which w ill put a stop to these Atlan­ tic and Pacific air hops. - - • as recreatton il refuse of great Industrial plants, or do we want it preserved for Its beauty ? Can we afford to preserve tt for Its beauty? 'Tis said that seeing is believing— which no Landscapes and fro th ing riffles where the sportive doubt accounts for so many men these days who tra c t play hide and seek pay no taxes and provide no think they know ALL about women. • s • payrolls. __ a ____ , _____________ It won’t be hard to jump a board bill when we A m jo rity of the people are not w illin g to provide the have flying restaurant*. Order parachutes now. i money for office buildings, norm al schools and hospitals which the state needs. A re we w illin g to sacrifice a far • • • Women and men are born equal, says a con­ greater am ount than our whole state governm ent costs us In order to satisfy onr love of the graat outdoors, our temporary, but women soon overcome It. • • • a • • September is the month when the saturation point is reached in bathing suits. • • • If you don’t want your boy to sm°ke— don’t let him go around with his sister. Editorial Comment» BE W H IC H S H A L L IT (C o ttM e Grove Sentinel) Lane county can be a recreational county, or It can be an industrial county, or It can have both Industries and re­ creational features, but in the la tte r case recreational features fWVtuW have to be subordinated to Industry. This was brought In a a round round table table discussion discussion at at a a This was brought out out in m eeting of Lane county publishers held her«^S aturday (rem Mra «“•‘»M Woodburn— M r. and »“J 7°““« BOOTH-KELLY MILL HAS ANOTHER BLAZE Dr. Geo. A. Simon SWK* of »aid Section 13 to place of u beginning. 31 n»ivo acre« »•«” more vu m iiiii*. .■* •*■ or I»«« and right« of way aa reserved tn deed to John M ink, all In T p 1» a.. Range 10 W est. W . M w ithin Ihe Slualaw Un)b M c R e n z , e r i v e r w U h t h e exception of electrical F ran k Jenkins, editor Eugene Register, who is a clo. DOWer plants shall be a recreational stream. O n c e s tu d en t and an analytical one. of Lane county conn y affialrs. a d o p t e ( j , let e t UR d h p r e tQ t student, afflalrs, F „ J « , - Jg js’adonted US a adhere to , It. Who had been asked to tell what newspapers of the <'<>“ »»7 j industry and tourists both mean much to US couW do to bring more forcibly to the attention of e w jth fore8jght both can reach high de­ public the recreational advantages of the county. velopment in Oregon. Let's have both. T h e «uggestion was made that more than enough al- I C am el The cigarette you can smoke with real enjoyment If all cigarettes w ere as good as Cam.el you w o u ld n ’t hear an yth in g about special treat­ ments to make cigarettes good for the throat. N oth in g takes the place o f ch oice tobaccos« “ For year« 1 suffered from gas anil TRAINED YOU SUCCEED A Eugene Business Collpge training will give you the foundation on which to build a eucoeerful career. Enroll today and begin with one of the new classes Monday. For full Information about our course», address EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE "It's a Good School" 992 Willamette S t. A. E. ROBERTS, President Eugene, Oregon Telephone 6t>6 ,”¿ ^ 7 L^nd ORIee. "Rossburg. Ore- gon, August 20, 1927. N O T IC E la hereby given that Frea.l Petsold of Eugene. <’ "g i> n . c o Crow We K n o w Our Cand y th „ A c“ „ f M arch 20. 1933. (42 s ,a, to exch ange the Et* NW t*. s w t t , and lx>t 3. Sec. 19. Tp. 17 8 , Range 11 W est. W M . w ith in the 8 l « '« w ¿ • ‘ ^ F W e . ^ u ‘ portion for lnaustrai Industrial P ? rP<>~‘ portion X or streams streams lor purpv»™ . w(jh(n th d>y> from t|w daU of certain ones for recreational purposes. Neither j {h<< flfgt pUbitcst|on of th i* notice, 1. 1937. condition should operate to the exclusion of the beginning hertnnins September M-ntember l. other. , . _ , Non-coal. H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y . Register. There can be not doubt that some industrial 8e 1-8-15-33-® development in the upper Willamette valley, especially paper mill. Is being discouraged at the N O T IC E O F S A L E O N IM P R O V E ­ prospecte of anti-pollution sentiment in regard to M E N T L IE N F O R B C L O S t’ R E ¡Îm rtS ’î î S 1 from Portland ^ S p rin g field shall ................ N O T IC E IS ............ H E R E B Y - O lV E N In - pur A n d , ,e t us 3 a y t h a t th e Eugene N O T IC E FO R P V B L H C A T IO N FORKS T n n M « AN° K tng spots fa r from the nmddtng crowd? Tp g _ Range t l W est. W M . wlth- T h a t Is a question to which we soon must forarulsts »n i„ gaid Sluslaw N ational Forest, answ er and a decisive one. , T»>» purpose of «hU n»tlce I . K. sb B # # low a ll persons claim ing the land selected, o r having bona fide objer- (tons to such application, an opportun LET'S HAVE BOTH . . . tty to file th e ir protest w ith the Regis We would solve this problem by having a state ,„r of ,he y 8. t*nd office a t Rose adopted policy setting aside certain streams or burg Oregon Any such protest or i n d u s t r i a l R trp a m Phone 8f.r> In d unpaM ,,.rt hy ,h„ Town Re, -order and Ice Cream and Soft Drinks too. So do you If you are one of the bunch that makes regular stop« at Hgglmann’a. We've been at this bustne«» a long time. It Isn't any side line with us. To serve and to please with high quality goods is our aim. EGGIMANN’S W a it For Big Circus « ro n ^ .ï of Spring field to the Tow n T reasurer, and fur th c r In pu-suance o of f C Chapter 220 o of »her hapter 329 the General Laws of Oregon for 1927. said list being a * follows: A S S E S S M E N T S A G A IN S T L O T S 1 ; 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ano 10 of Block fit ' of AVashhurne's Subdivision of S p rtn r j filed Investm ent and “ ower Com- j pany's Addition to Snrlngfleld. Oregon, assessed against said lots as a whole. I as follows: M ain street paving assessed by O r­ dinance Num ber 280 to Sprlngfleld i M an u factu rin g and Investm ent Com- pnny. a corporation, on October 24th. 1911. balance due and unpaid Aug’n t I 12th, 1927 On principal. >800.55 fioi- I Interest on same from October, 27th. I 191«. J528.33. M ain afreet grading assessed by Or- i dlnance Num ber 287 to Sprlngfleld I M an u factu rin g and Investm ent Com­ pany. a corporation on Novem ber 20th. 1911. balance due and unpaid August 12th. 1927. On principal. 3228 13. Set- Interest on same from Novem ber 22, 191«. 3149 IS M ain Street curb and gutter as­ sessed bv Ordinance Num ber 288 to Springfield M anufacturing and In ­ vestm ent Company, a corporation on Novem ber 20th. 1911, balance due and unoald August 12th. 1927. On p rinci­ pal. »194 7« «fit Interest on same from I Novem ber 22nd. 191«, 1128.48 M ain street, sidewalk assessed bv i Ordinance Num ber 321 to Sprlngfleld M anufacturing and Investm ent Cam- i pany, a eoreoratlon on September 18th, 191’ balance due and unnsld i August 1 ?th. 1927. On principal. »83 17 «fit- Inte-e-it on same from Septem ber 19th. 191 c 854 89 T o ta l due and tin- 1 paid on above described property, 821«« 47 A S S E S S M E N T S A G A IN S T T.OT 8, Block 1, Extended Survey of Spring field. O reron. as follow ’ : N orth A street paving assessed by O rdinance Num ber 379 to A. J. Per kina and J. W Maehen on Jnnuarv 1914. balance due and unpaid August 12th. 1927. On principal. »220 02. «fit Interest on same from Febrnnrv 5th, 1914. 3171 «2. Fourth street paving assessed bv Ordinance Num ber 38« to A. J. Per kins and J. W Maehen on February 1914, balance due and unpaid I August 12th, 1927, On principal, 8«28 77. «fi?- Interest on same from F ebruary 28th, 191«, 8414.92. Total due I and unpaid on above described proper j ty, 81435 34. I T hat I w ill on the 24th day of Reptem l her. 1927. (Satu rd ay) at. the hours of 1 Ten o'Clock on the forenoon of said In front of the Tow n H a ll In Edonest Bill 3 Rings America’s Best Circus - PEOPLE - ■ 125 100 Horses - Ponies $7 5 ,0 0 0 Worth of Wild Animals 125 ELEPHANTS, LIONS, TIGERS, CAMELS. BEARS. GOATS, DOGS, MONKEYS, LEOPARDS, BUFFALO, ELK, GORILLAS. ZEBRAS. AND OTHERS. SEE TEX, WORLD'S LARGEST ELEPHANT SEE DIAMOND, ONLY SPOTTED ELEPHANT ON EARTH Wire Walkers, Jugglers, Acrobots And Funny Clowns One Day Only—Rain or Shine SEE OPEN CAGES IN PARADE Big Street Parade at 1:00 P. M. AFTERNOON AND NIGHT SPRINGFIELD M onday, Sept. 12 FALL CREEK Tuesday, S e p t. 13