THURSDAY 8BPTHMBKR 8. 1927 FO R HALID—On« llnitiew lck I'boiio- graph. one W taokaetar R ifle , »61 Automatic. Cao ba bought at one- third price before Saturday night. D. B. Grlnriell, 9th and H alraata. IA1HT—Leather Container with aer­ erai keya In Springfield. Haturday night. Kinder return to New« Reward If returned at onca. K t. WIIAT'H TH E U M OK (¡(UNO TO EUGENE WHEN YOU CAN BUY IT CHEAPER IN YOUR OWN TOWN. LUBKK*H »BOOND HAND STORE 129 6th Street tf. 8 C P T IC T A N K S Ready for you to Install For family of Are __ _________ For family of eight at our plant Hewer Pipe—Drain Tile Chimney Illocke I ll »2« PIP E CO. EU G EN E CO NCRETE u. Watch repairing done correctly Work In today—Out tomorrow. Hoyt M l Main at. tt AFTER F A IR W E E K S P E C IA L S BEST BUYS IN THE VALLEY 1937 Dodge Coupe, like new. 1927 Master Hulck Sport Roadster. 1914 Standard Hulck. 2-door Sedan ISM Bulck Touring. 4-cyltnder. 1(23 Bulck Touring. (Haas Inctoeur«. 1(38 Standard Bnl< k Hoadatar. 1(34 Ford 4-door Seda a 1(14 Htudehaker light 4 Coupe. 1(23 Esarx 4-cyltnder Coach. Dodge Touring, license, good rubber. »80 Ford Coupe, $ U ( Hudson Speedeter. 4 good tires, lic­ ense. »17». IM j Wlllye Knight Touring IMS Standard Bulck Coupe. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. OPEN EVENING* ANO SUNOAYB Seventh and Olive St Btnrene Ore. Phone 11(7 Or See Mr. Masters. 614 O Street Springfield, Phone 131 -J MAX STOVE WORKS Buys, Selb, Repairs and ■exchanges Stoves, Ranges and Heaters Main near Mill Bt Phone 130M Life, Automobils and Firs In suran ce CARL A,. WYMAN Resident Agent 734 D Street, Rprlngfleld. Oregon Res. Phone 180 Plano Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILLIS BERT8CH. Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAOE 633 Main Street 8ucceeaor to Sutton Transfer Oflllce Phone 43 Rea. Phone 2 Carl H. Phettaplace, M. D. General Practice. Special Attention to Obstetrics and D iseases of chil­ dren. First National Bank Building Springfield, Oregon WM. G. HUGHES FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCI NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIBT Phons 20-J Sutton Bldg. R sal dene« Phone 153 M Springfield, Oregon General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attornay-at-Law City HaU Building Springfield, Ora. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Butts n Building Springfield, TUB BPRINOFTCLD NEWS Auction Sale CLOSING OUT LIVESTOCK AND FARM MACHINERY Having tradud by farm for Yakima Valley property, I will bold a Closing Out Sal« at Public Auetlon. MXIATIGN: 10 mllee north-east of Springfield. Oregon, on the Camp Creek road. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER to Beginning at 10: »0 A. M.. Free Lunch at Noon. LIVESTOCK AND FARM MACHINERY 1 Jersey Cow. fr-sh soon Durham Cows, giving milk. 2 Jersey Helfers, fresh In Spring 1 Mare, weight 1200 lbs. 3 Chester white Rows with pigs by side 1 Brood How. 14 Shoots. I Boar 216 Hi-hropshlre Sheep 4 Bucks. It WWHTITi TIINO--gc and 8c per yarn. Mrs. W K. Uarnell. phone 106W, 633 D street, or leave orders at Farmere Exchange store or Mrs. Archambeou's. 8-S39. FOR SALK—Steel Kitchen Range for sale. Good condition Reservoir an4 NW1* answer Judgment will be taken against following described real property situ­ Forty Dollars ($240.00). together with ' green and huriit-u yellow fir and hem- qou for the sum of $140.25 with Inter­ ated In the County of I-ane and State Interest thereon at the rate of 8 par Beginning at a 312 Main Street lock 2800 M. appraised value $3468 25, est thereon at legal rate from August of Oregon, to-wit: cent per annum from January 20th, , none of tne timber on these subdivi­ 1. 1927. with the costs and disburse­ point 14 chains east of the southeast 1920, until paid, the further sum of sions to be sold for less than the ap- ments of this action. Thia summons corner of Lot Nine (9) In Section Thirty Five Dollars (835 00) reason­ I praised (slu e stated. T. 17S„ R. 7 W , Is served upon you by publication by Fourteen (14), Township N ineteen able attorney's fees and for plaintiff’s Sec 29. NB14 NE14 red fir 360 M. red virtue of an order of C. P. Barnard. (19) South. Range Three (3) w est of costs and disbursements DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL I cedar 76 M„ SEH NE<4 red fir 600 M. County Judge of I-ane County, Oregon, the W illamette Meridian. Oregon, and This summons Is published pursu­ SW*4 NWV, yellow fir 612 M, red made and filed August 10, 1927, direct­ running thence west 21.18 chains to ant to an order of the Honorable C. P. DENTIST cedar 60 M. NE»4 SE>4 red Hr 800 M. ing that service of summons be made the middle of the County Road, thence Barnard, County Judge of Lane. Coun­ red cedar' 80 M. N W ti SE>4 red fir upon you by publishing the same for following along the said County Road ty, Oregon, duly made and entered Phone 43 1 500 M. T. ,8S.. R. 7 W , Sec. 1, Lot 3, four successive weeks In the Spring- North 7t4 degrees East 11.36 chains, First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield red fir 1900 M. none 01 the limber on field News, and requiring you to thence East 14.81 chains, thence South on the 20th day of August. 1327. The these sections to be sold for less than answer the same within four weeks 23*4 degrees East 12.28 chains to the first publication of this summons will $2 per M T. 2 N , R 2 W . Sec. 17. from the first publication thereof. This place of beginning, nil being situated be made on Thursday, the 25th day of August. 1927, and the last publication i NE% 8W% yellow fir 1500 M, red summons is so first published August In Creswell, Lane County, Oregon And that said mortgage be decreed thereof will be made on Thursday, the cedar 170 M, hemlock 40 M, S E ’4 18. 1627. to he a first lien upon said mortgaged ?2nd day of September. 1927. and It 1 SW% yellow fir 920 M. red cedar 140 S D ALLEN. Attorney for Plain­ M. T. 29 8., R 11 W . Sec. 24. Ixit 5. tiff, Office, Hovey Building, Eugene, premises and that said mortgage be fill be published four consecutive foreclosed and that said premises be w eeks In the Snrlngfleld News. 1 port orford cedar 390 M, yellow fir Oregon. I. M PETERSON. Attorney for Rold In the manner provided by law All kinds of gravel for con­ 300 M, red fir 200 M. white fir 40 M. An. 18-25: Se. I f f nnd thnt the proceeds from the sale Plaintiff, Postofflce Address, Spring crete or road work. We red cedar 20 M. Ix)t 12 port orford of said mortgaged premises be first ap­ field, Oregon. make a specialty of crushed I cedar 500 M. yellow fir 1450 M. red plied to the satisfaction of this plain Au. 25: Se 1-8-15-22 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE cedar 20 M, T 40 S , R. 2 E., Sec. 19. rock and rock sand. Bunk­ I SH% SW% yellow pine 380 M, sugar In the County Court of the State of tiff's Judgment and decree herein, and ers at foot of Main on Mill NOTICE OF EXECUTOR’S SALE pine 50 M. white fir 80 M, Lot 4 yellow Oregon In and for the County of the remainder. If any, be applied as to the court may seem m eet and equl The Estate of Charlotte Emily Pengra, pine 500 M. sugar pine 60 M, white etreet. Lane In Probate. table, and that the defendant be fore­ fir 30 M. red fir 100 M, none of the In re Estate of Eugene W. Bowder, deceased. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. closed and harred of any estate, right, 1 timber on these sections to be sold deceased. Notice Is hereby given that by vlfs title or Interest In, or lien, claim or Notice Is hereby given that by the for less than $1.50 per M for red fir tue of an order of the County Court demand upon Raid mortgaged' pre­ | nnd red cedar. $2 per M for the yellow terms of an order duly given and made of the State of Oregon, in and for fir, $1 per M for the white fir and hem- on July 25. 1927, the above entitled mises. nnd the whole thereof, save Lane County, entered on the 11th only such ststutory right of redemp­ Court appointed, me. Ralph C. Bowder. 1 lock, $9 per M for the port orford day of August, 1927, licensing and cedar nnd $5 per M for tne yellow and administrator of the above entitled tion as he may have and for such directing me as executor of the last sugar pine T. 8 8.. R. 8 W.. See. 11. estate; that all persons having claims other and further relief as to the court will and testament of Charlotte Emily JEWELER NE<4 SW U yellow fir 1340M, hem­ against the said estate shall present may seem equitable. This summons Is published pursuant Pengra, deceased, to tell the real pro­ lock 400 M. white fir 500 M, Noble fir the same to me with vouchers attach­ Repairing a Specialty perty hereinafter described, I will, on to an order of the Honorable C. P. Bar­ and after the 24th day of September, 40 M, N W ti SWU yellow fir 400 M. ed at the law office of my attorney. H. Springfield, Oregon hemlock 120 M. white fir 500 M. Noble E. Slattery, 717 Willamette Street. Eu­ nard. County Judge of Itane County. 1927, on the premises, offer for sale fir 180 M, none of the timber on this gene, Oregon, within six months from Oregon, duly made and entered on the and sell at private sale to the party section to be sold for less than $1.75 the date of the first publication of 20th day of August, 1927. The first offering the most therefor, cash la per M for the yellow fir. $1 per M for this notice In The Springfield News, publication thereof will be made on hand, the Lot Number “D” In Block M. G. HOGE the white fir and hemlock and $1.25 which Is August 11, 1927; snd that all Thursday, the 25th day of August. Number Three of Springfield, Lane per M for the Noble fir. T. 8 N., R. persons 0(w1ng the said estate shall 1927.and It will be published four con­ County, Oregon, according to the e»- Attorn ey-at-Law 2 W . Sec. 3. NEU N BU yellow fir 480 pay the obligations to me. secutive weeks In the Springfield tended survey thereof, as platted and 1 M, none of thd timber on this section Practise U. S. and State RALPH C. BOWDER, Administra­ Nears. of record In said County, sujbect to to be slid for less than $2.26 per M. tor. I. M. PETERSON. Attorney for the approval of the said Court WU1 Courts TITOS. 0. HAVELL, Acting Cotn- H. E. Slattery, Attorney for Adminis­ Plaintiff, Postofflce Address, Spring- sell In parts, if desired. Eugene, Oregon ! mlaslonor trator, A. B. WHEBI-ER. Executor. field, Oregon. I Au. 25; Se. 1-8-15-22 A. 11-18-25: 8. 1-8: Au. lfflfi: 8«. 1 -fflli Au. JB: Se. 1-8-16-81 W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W . Roof