' THURSDAY SKITKMBKR 8, 1927 THC s p R iN o r n n j) r a w s PAGE TWO EDATL ‘ SWAMP Choice Meats Meat makes the meal. It is appetizing, nourishing, healthful. Meat should be an important part of your daily- menu. Serve it every day. Whether you come into our shop, or phone us you are sure to get exactly the kind of meat you want. a We have a large variety of choice cuts. M ic h a e l J. I llu s tr a tio n « P h illip s ljy H e n r y J^y U s a Oopyriaht MUkael V. F hiU ivS id thru Puhi Ubar* AuUwxster Servtca B. C. STU A R T 4th and Main Sts. P R A T T HOLVERSON Phone 63 for Delivery 5« S T O R E S . IN T H E W E S T 609 Willamette Eugene. Ore. BOY’S WEAR Any mother, who is try’ng to save, will not miss seeing our stock first and profit by the real values offered. $2.39 BOY’S SHOES Wide toe styles in tan and black. All sizes UNION SUITS, heavy cotton,__________________ 89 C SHIRTS, Fine grade blue Chambray.... --------------- 59c ------------ 25c HOSE, The best on the market f o r .... OVERALLS 8 to 15 years _____________________ 79c WOOL BLAZERS, 12% to 14% ________ ___ __ $ 2 .9 8 SWEATERS, heavy wool___________________ $2*49 ... $2.4 5 $1.98. 2 to 5 $2.25 LONCIES, Grey, tan and blue worsted RUBBBER BOOTS, u p to l% Wait for the New THE UJHYi.R.9AX CAB 'J ’HE new Ford is more than just a good-look­ ing car—it has more speed, quicker pick-up and great­ er stamina than you’ve ever hoped for in a low price car E. R. Danner Motor Fifth at A Street Authorized Ford Service and Salee Co. Ion- m u of (he Itaveiiant much "Hop In." Invited Hull, stopping Oddis surveyed lanky Hull with shrewd glances was freshly shaven, and a necktie (< 'on 11 ii lied on Page ill car alongside. THE INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. I town It was a lung walk. If he could ' get nu ride, hut he had to find Palsy 1 Jane, He must rouvlnce her that i this lime Ills resolution was complete and sincere, that be would never drink again T ile thought of her working In bniui Portage m ale hint writhe All thia little a m id. ns all their former world of Scottdale, must consider him u drunken failure. 11» «us surprised 1» note that this eventful day was but half »(lent. Th» sun was owrbeud when he took to the road. Ils had not walked far when lie was overtaken by Milo Bull. L E A D IN G C H A R A C T E R S — fellow to the counly Jail. If he had Edison Forbes, a young resident of been hired to hold the cabin against Scottdale with an inherent craving Its rightful owner, he wus merely tor liquor. Is held tor the death ot a acting for someone else. He would votanu who has been hilled by a boot­ not kuow that other's motives. It -»as legging truck. circum stantial evi­ possible, too, that he was telling the dence points to Forbes and rather truth; (hat he was a wanderer who than tell the truth ot the episode had stayed in the cabin before. which would clear hint but cast an­ "All right,” agreed Eddie, I'll let you other triend in a bad light, he stands go. But you must get out of this trial and is sentenced to a long term country and stay out. First, clean up in prison. The governor ot the state, this place and put all my stuff back an old triend ot E ddies father. be­ where you found It. If you try unv fingernails lieves him Innocent and pardons him funny business—" I l l s shortly after his arrival at the Jail. clicked significantly on the stock of Scoots Libbey, a worthless charcc- the rifle. The man rose unsteadily. He wash ter, who has smashed his machine in to another car, kilting its lone occu­ ed the blood from his face at the pant, a woman. Forbes' companl a pump and took a long drluk of water ' snd Libbey quit the scene hurrtdly, He ran the ruaty car out of the leaving the former alone to face a garage, loaded It with his belongings constable who reasons that Eddie, and tied them In place with pieces with the scent of whiskey about him o f wire and rope. Piece by piece, he must be connected in some way with restored » I d le s furniture and bid | the accldenL Accordingly, Forbes is ding, after sweeping snd scrubbing arrested. the floors and burning the litter In ths Patsy Jane, Eddie's pretty wife, fireplace. agrees (hat public sentiment runs too When he left, his rifle accompanied high against him. Accordingly (hey him. But Eddie had taken the pains migrate up nerth to some land that to remove all hit cartridges. The has been in the family for years. victor washed bis own hurts. He was Settled in their log cabtn relieved to find that the scalp wound Isaih Sealman. a shitty neighbor who was not serious He trembled wllh is anxious to buy their land. Eddie weakness as be cooked and ate the learns that the back taxes armount to first scatlsfying meal In days. over eight hundred dollars but as he His strength flowed back after he has Ove months to pay he decides to had eaten. He prepared to set out for refuseSealman's otter of $1200 and try and get final title to his property— Sealman'» offer having led him to think is very valuable. But things do not go well. Eddie drluks heavily | from some bootlegger's potions, is for­ given by Patsy, but soon after fails in with the same gang, gets drunk, and wakes up in a freight car in C h ica g o - many miles away. Stricken with re­ morse he returns to his cabin but finds his wife has left and in her place a ruffaln. who orders him out. A fight ensues in which Eddie finally knocks his opponent stone cold. CHAPTER XIII. Patsy Declares H erself Ihe Ihe He was Headquarters for School Supplies The boy» and girl» are trooping hack to uchool again, which call» for book», pencil», tablet» and Ink. We want to remind you that the ltexall Store 1» pre­ pared to give you the be»t value In achool »uppile» for your money. Regarding the new foundation pen for your boy or girl, we offer you your choice of the two well known pen», Parker and Conklin. LET US SERVE YOU THE REXALL STORE FLANERY’S DRUG STORE Children’s Sturdy Footwear Eddie backed until he possessed him self of the rifle. It was loaded, he found. He straightened the unconsci­ ous man. throst the table aside, and permitted the other to slide to the floor. He sat huddled against the logs by the fireplace. Rifle in hand, and with frequent glances at the blood­ stained figure. Eddie looked about the cabin. All his belongings had not been thrown out. His suitcase under one of the bunks had not been disturbed Nothing of Patsy Jane's was to be found. She had taken the other bag and left the cabin before the usurper | arrived. But It wasn't like Pat to go without a word She had left a m es­ sage. It should be here. If the motor- —Human dynamos! Where healthy youngsters get their» tramp had not destroyed it. HI" supply of energy sometimes passes all understanding. And glance turned to the fin place. There how they do "go through" a pair of shoes! were ashes and blackened embers, a ! erumbled newspaper, and , yes, par­ tially under the backlog, a little ball —Hut, maybe the shoes are largely to blame. There's of white paper. something wrong when seams rip, leather breaks or shoes He smoothed It ont. It was in pen ! go flopping before your pocketbook has recovered from Its d i in Patsy's firm, thoroughbred writ­ ing, the letters pointed and well­ latest trip to the shoe store, it’s the scurry of their active shaped. "They has Just told me In feet that hurries up the shoe bill. Long Portage." he read, ‘‘that you ' passed through town on a truck yes- i —However, here are shoes that are shoes (at Brill's). See terday, drunk. So I cannot stay any i longer. There is no use. You would ; what a difference there can be in shoes. We have them for ruin both of our lives. I know you can active feet! New arrivals to select from as well. conquer this habit If you wish Show , that you care enough about me to Io j —Experienced shoe fitters at your service. It. I am going to town to work ” He looked up. The eyes of his late — Misses' (la n m etal Ulioes W ith Oak —College Kicks For Growing G irls— adversary, from a face that was a Tops And Rubber Heels, The Pair A t .... Smort Lliard Trim Creations With W slt smear, were fixed upon him. Eddie Holes. Ask to Bee Number 2843 ...... ....... laughed grimly, drew a chair forward —Growing Girls' Black le a th e r Oxfords, and sat down, confronting the motor- Ounmstal T in a , W elt Holes And Rubber —Growing Girls Natty Oxfords In Llsard tramp. The rifle was across his knees. Heels. A Smart Nam her A t ......... — ... Effect, Contrasting Trim, Welt Bboes, "Found out who owns the house?" he asked. Low Rubber Heels. No. 2847. Pr.............. "Tee," responded the man In a sno- —Children's Patent lea th er Ijace Shoes dued tone. “You do. Can I have W ith Good Heavy Boles. Pair ...... ....... —Children's And Misses' 8chool Foot- some water?” v. ear In Black Or Tan Kid leath er. While "After ww’ve talked. Who sent you Lot Lasts, Choice, Per Pair ............. .......... — Boys* Tan l-ace Oxfords Of Good here?*' Quality Bide lea th e r. The 1‘i l r At------ "Nobody. I came along and found - Growing Girls' College Kicks, No. 9848. School Days Mean Comfortable Ones Such As Those That May Be Obtained at Brill’s $4.98 $2.95 $4-98 $4.85 $2.85 $3.25 $1.69 It— ” “You knew I was coming back. Why did you try to drive me out with » gun.” The man did not apeak. "Well," went on Eddie, "there's a law astalnst trespass. Guess I'll turn you over to the sheriff." The motor tramp looked up. "Don t do thaL mister," he pleaded. "I'll go away from here. I won’t bother you again, honest I won’t! Let me go.” Eddie considered Nothing particu­ lar eonld be gained by sending the (Tile Tan Llsard Oxfords, Alligator Rm- banishment, W alt Boles, Nsmber 8848..... — Misses' Patent Blocher Oxfords With Cumfy Bound Toa. Per Pair A t ......... —Mioses' Tan Blocher Oxfords W ith W elt Boles. Priced Per Pair A L .......... — Misses' Tan Blueher Oxfords With Composition Boles, At Only, I ’alr ___ $4.98 $2.95 $2.95 $1.79 — Boys' »tardy Tea I A re Bhoea In Bal C u t A Wonderful Naml»or For School And F all Wear. The Pair At ---------------- —Boys' Nobby Oxfords Of Holtd le a th e r In Bright Taa Shade. These Ahe New Arrivals And iTioed At Pair ---- ----------- — Boys* oxfords Of Bide In Comfortable Blueher Oat. Composition Boles That W ill Outwear Two Leather Sole«. A Pair $3.25 $3.95 $3.75