Judge a Store by the Advertising It Doe*. THE SPRINGFIELD NEw'5 BPRINOFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREOON, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1S27 TW ENTY-FOURTH YEAR I PEOPLE I I LABOR M I MEET Members of the Lions club, their wives and families were guests of Mayor and Mrs ' O G. Bushman nt Program nt W*ndling of Wood their summer home, al Triangle lake Sport* and Amusement* ia Labor day Although lb« day was Success; Dean Power* of O. rainy, music by the Linns club quartet, consisting of Dallas Murphy. Dr. W A. C. ia Spenker of the Day; C Itebhun. Dr 8. Il Dlppel, and Harry Many Prize* Given. M Stewart, together with a portable phonograph and a -weird novelty drum A program »( recce and sports owned by John Ketels, assisted In »vent*. lopped by nn address by Dean I umualug the crowd Later In the George W Power» of the school ut i evening a radio replenished the pro­ Forestry of Oregon Agricultural Col 1 gram lege and a barbecued lunch enlterialn- I ed u largo croavl at the 4-L ph dlp j Lun< h was served to nearly thirty guasta, the crowd Including President at Wendllng l*•' , and Mr». W. F. Walker. Dr and Mrs afternoon's entertainment win ¡than W R-'bhan, Mlaa Constance doned because of the rain. bu| the Mclihan. Mr. and Mrs lls rry M boxing malchca In the Woodland Puth ■ Stewart. Dr. and Mrs. 8 Ralph Dlppel ampttheatra drew the crowd Inside Mr. and Mrs. Dulia» Murphy, Mrs J C The hose cart race with a prix» <>f , McMurray, Mr and Mrs W. H. Adrian. >6 waa won by Wcndtlng by default, , Dwight Ki-xneyr, Mrs Mary Keasey, since the Hprlngfleld team failed to M r and Mrs J F Ketels, W illiam appear. In the tennis match. Wilson Wright and »on, Harry Wright, Mr. nnd Rnssinussen of Wendllng won i ..nd Mrs II. T Mitchell and Mr. and from It W and E. E. .Martin of the Mrs. Bushman. ItoolhK elly ofllce In Eugene Deitn Abrams of Wendllng won first pine i In the eye-epllce contest. Hoy \ \ allacc i LOCAL CARS DAMAGED and Glen Matthews, both of Wendllng. ! I N FIVE COLLISIONS placing second and third Mr Abram» won the »Jo prise, and Hoy Wallace Five minor accident» were reported received a live gallon can of motor to the police this week. In no case waa anyone Injured, and most of the OIL In the long splice mutest. Cecil damage constated of bent fenders. On Griffin of Hprlngfleld took the >20 Friday I*. M Collier of Portland struck given for Bret prise, Roy Wallace of a truck driven by Oren Gregg at 5tu Wendltag won second prise of >8 and and Main streets. The fender* of the Harold Turner of Hprlngfleld a n d . Collier car were bent. On the same Jerry Lunchford of Wendllng placed day A. P. I^iverscope of Rtarbuck, Washington, hit the mall car driven third and fourth. I by John Nice a* the latter drew across John l*utman won a Bucking saw , aast Maia street to collect mall as a prise for winning the log burking . J. Nelson bent the front fender of a contest, while la-« Brockman too a ta r driven by W illiam Cog. when they pair of shoes aa second prtis. Both had a collision at the corner of 4th nun are from Wendltag The tug o' and Main streets Saturday. Mr. Nelaoa war contest, shifted from the after was driving west on Main street, and noon program, was won by Camp IS i by default. since Cam» 37 did nof pre I Mr Cox wax going south on 4th street. When George Maxwell, -who wax sent a team. turnt'hg on 2nd street from Main hit The pillow tight for boys nndg, stg-j the ear drlren by F. H. Chase, going teen waa won by I«yl» Htnlth H «tach »1 •sat no Main, he turned the Chase Hardesty placing second. The prltea car halfway around, but no further were a fountain p e n and a pocket, damage resulted. The accident oc­ kalfe. - f’ curred Bunday. Mrs. Downing of T^endllng won the The fender of Jim Oorrie a car was 4>ptece dinner set gfvwn lo the win­ slightly Sent Monday when T. J. Abell ner In the ladles nail driving contest. of Wendllng waa driving away from Nora Fisher received a live pound the gas pump at the 8prlngficld box of candy for second prise, and Garage Blinded by the rain on hix Vada Mills placed third. windshield. Mr Abell sideswiped the To mnslc supplied by the I. O. O. F. Gorrle machine. band of Eugene, the crowd assembled for the barbecued sandwiches and MAN B U I L D S coffee, which were presided over by j EUGENE HOME OVERLOOKING CITY B. Roach and O. R. Thatcher. fltartlng the afternoon program. On W illamette Heights overlooking Charles McAbee won the tree topping contest and a rubber cruiser suit. In Hprlngfleld and on a level with the the fifty yard dash for boys Lea wooden reservoir of the Mountain Cralger of Wendllng won the first States Power company n modern, well prlxe a 3.7 hnt, and Roh Zahm won a I approportloned home Is being built by pocket knife for second prlxe. The J. Weaver of Eugene, one of the em­ sack race, open Io all boys, was won j ployees of the Gannet Motor comapny. by Don Knowles and Bob Zahm, the | M r Weaver's home will be furnish­ first and second prises being a flnsn- ed water under pressure by a small llght and a pocket knife. The fifty , motor and pump drawing water frem yard dash for girls was won by Anna , the reset voir since he Is too high to Wagner, who received a fountain pen. use •» pTavlty system. The pump Mr. second place and a live pound box of i Weave* said, would be large enough candy being given to AnnA Rone to accomn\pdate aeveral families since It Is planned to build more houses in Cathawel. The fifty yard dash for men over the near future. J. C. Sweeney of fifty wan won by Oliver Root, J. T. 8prlngfleld plana to erect a home In Adams placing second. The prises this commanding locality also. Plans were a blaxer shirt and a >6 h a t for another are being formulated. A splendid view of the W lllomette Gertrude Sorensen of Wendllng won an electrical waffle Iron for first valley can he obtained from thia van­ place In the fifty yard dash for ladles. tage and at night one la able to see Anna Cathawel won the second prlxe lights of Junction City. It la said, on of a china vase and Hasel Yenne the hottest day there Is a cool breexe plared third, winning a pair of shoes. stirring at this elevation. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver plan to move In the fat ladles rsce. Mrs. M. II. McKinney won the coffee percnlstor to their now home about the middle of and Mrs. besse of Wendllng1 won a the month. set of bath room fixtures. C. W. Cei- lers won a box of cigars given for first prlxe In the fat men's race. A side of bacon, offered as first prlxe for the 100-ysrd dssh open to all was won by Roy Heck. 8. Morgan won second place nnd a box of groceries. Clair I.aMere of Wendllng caught the gTeased pig which waa the prlxe for the eveut. Lyle Smith and Conrnd Raker -won first place, and Roh Zahm and Her- schel Hardesty placed second In the three legged race the winning team received >3. and those placing second received >2. f Only the singles of the horseshoe pitching were played ofT because of the rain. H. C. Cook of Eugene won the championship, with which went a one gallon thermos jug. The baseball game between Cottage Orove and Wendllng wns played In the rain, Cottage Orove winning by a score of 5-4. After the game the crowd retired to the 4-L hall where boxing and wrestling matches took up the rest of the afternoon. In the first, bout between Ike Dorsey snd Johnny Saner 13f> pounders both of Wendllng, Saner waa knocked out in the second round. Melvin Flshev won COUNTY FAIR CLOSES SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITS OF FARM AND FACTORY LIONS ENTERTAINED AT TRIANGLE LAKE BY MR. AND MRS. BUSHMAN Vlait Many Beach Resorts— Mr. and Mrs. M M. Male motored to the coast for a week's vacation over the holi­ days. They went to Newport and then north to Netarts, Neskowin, Can­ non Beach, Oearhart. and Seaside. They also went to Astoria and Port­ land. Miss Male has gone to Seattle to visit for a few days before return­ ing to Portland to begin teaching In the public schools. a decision over Roy Severson after four rounds. They weighed 145 pounds. Elmer Smith took a decision ovor Lloyd Severson after four lively rounds, and George Hall won adeclslon from Lloyd Barnett. In the wrestling mutch, Alex Nlsson downed Max Tatke of Springfield. A free motion picture In the afternoon and danclr.g In the evening completed the rroginm . A nursery for children end»r four years of age wa« ma'ntaln ed In the church for the benefit of the guests. Mr. and Mrs. W. R Donavan pre­ sented the largest fam ily at the cele­ bration. thereby winning a barrel of flour offered by the Springfield Mill j and Grain company. I- dwin r ? 'r c x n ^ P iio ^ t V u ic ^ ilir o c k , Newfoundland, Io London in 23 hoot U D e tro it" around the w o rld in 22 c w ho hopped I rout th eir start to fly the "P rid e „ WOODCRAFT DRILL TEAM WILLIAM PENGRA DIES LEAVES FOR CALIFORNIA A T HOME SUNDAY CONVENTION SATURDAY Fourteen members of the Spring- field Neighbor» of the Woodcraft drill team will leave Saturday morning to attend the national convention In Los Angeles September 13, 14. and 15. Following the convention, they will attend the dedication of the Neighbors of the Woodcraft Home In Riverside on September 17. According to pre­ sent plane, the group -win stop In San Francisco for several days before returning home. The team consists of tea guards, Mrs. Stella Eaton, Mre. Hazel Barnett, Mrs Nellie HlldebranL Mrs. Rachel Thatcher. Mrs. Louise Trotter. Mrs June McPherson. Mrs. Audrey Mc­ Pherson. Mrs. Leota Rodenbsugh. Mrs. Maggie McLagan. M ist Ida Cox. Mies Dorothy Masterson, and Mias Melba Mellos; the banner bearer, Mra. Daisy Clover, and the captain, Mrs. Rhoda Lloyd. A new banner of white satin, with red and green lettering, and bearing the words "Pine Circle No. 45, Neigh­ bor» of the Woodcraft. Springfield, Oregon'* w ill take part In the parado. At the next meeting of the lodge on September 14. a substitute d rill team will be organised to take part In the initiation ceremonies. LEGION TAKES UP NEW ACTIVITIES FOR YEAR Only one and one-half acres of Sun­ nyside addition remain to be sold since Jess Smitson. Springfield chief A report of the state convention of police, sold lots six and seven of held In La Grnnde In July was pre­ block three to B. K. Smith and lots scented to the Springfield post of the eight and nine of the same block ,e American Imglon at Its first fall W. C. Mendell Tuesday. A total of meeting at the Chamber of Commerce 116 lots has been sold in the addition rooms Friday evening In the past few months. A petition A short discussion of plans for the j for grading and graveling in the ad coming year, which will be continued dltlon was filed with City Recorder I n at the next meeting September 18, M. Peterson Tuesday, and will be dis­ followed the repo rt New membership cussed at the city counci, meeting cards for the coming year will be here September 12. The grading snd by the middle of this month, John graveling of Kelly boulevard from K W ill, the commander announced. to M streets, and the graveling of M street from Kelley boulebard to the west city limits la asked. CLUB MEETS AFTER SUMMER HOLIDAYS Peoples Paper- L IV E NEW SPAPER N A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 35 SCHOOLS REMI FOB The Lane County Fair came to a close Friday night with a »mall rain­ storm which cut down the attendance appreciably yet which was not In­ All Teachers Employed a n d strumental in causing a deficit accord­ Buildings Prepared to House ing to the statement of Hugh Karie, 130 More Pupils Than Last secretary of the fair board. The ex­ Year; Teachers are Listed; penditures and the receipts would be First Meeting Soon. “Just about even." »aid Mr. Earle. It was a very successful fair. The W ith the opening of the city school* attendance for Thursday surpasxed Monday. September 12. arrangement* any crowd that had ever paid admis­ sion into the local fair grounds. An 1 have been made to accommodate 13fi attendance of 4983 paid to enter dur­ new pupils, A. J Morgan, principal at ing the afternoon and 2998 in the even­ the high school, and acting city sup« ing. This I» a new high record. ! ertntendent, announced. Wedding Draws Many Two hundred high schbol student* The public wedding Thursday even­ ing wa» a beautiful and dignified are expected this year, while last 1 event. Rev, H. A. Brooks perfornjed year's registration numbered 170. the ceremony which made Velma There will be five new teachers In the Clark and Chester Mason man and high school this year, but all the wife. Eugene Raidators formed an es­ grade school teachers have bea re­ cort for the bridal pair to the plat- tained. .Miss Lydia Osgood of Albany, ' form. The pair were regally enter- and a graduate of W illamette Univer­ ; tatned following the wedding. Mary sity w ill teach Latin and English. i Elizabeth WTiltncy of Springfield ami Grace E. Potter of Eugene, a graduate Elsie Everett of Eugene acted as of the University of Oregon, w ill teach music, and Oscar E. Gladdlsh of waitrepsen at the wedding table. Springfield, also a University of Ore­ M any Beautiful Flowers Some of the winners of the flower gon graduate, w ill have charge of the history, civics, geography and social awards follow; Cut Dahlia»— Peony, six varieties, problems classes. Clara B. Wagner, Mr». R. W. Stone of Cress well, first; of Corvallis, a former student at O. A. Mrs. Fred B. Jacobson, Motor Route C. w ill teach commercial subjects, and B, second; Mrs. W. P. Hamm. 381 Catherine Tlnkhans, a graduate of Park College, Missouri, w ill teach High street, third. Oladioll — Display. R. W Roof, mathematics and physics. W illiam Pengra passed away at hta boms- Sunday at 1 P. M. The deceased was the son of B. J. and Charlotte Pengra and was born near Jasper, Oregon, October 23, 1857. His parent-, came here from Illinois in 1863. On •May 4, 1884 he married Margaret Harlow. To them the following chil­ Springfield, first; Mr«- Fred Montgom­ dren were born: M ra C. P. Allen of ery, Springfield, second; Mrs. Jacob­ Weiser, Idaho; Mrs. Edith Bockee of son, third. Eugene; Paul Pengra of Corvallis; Begopias — Fibrous rooted. Single Arthur H. Pengra of Springfield; Mra. ■lx varieties. Mra. Oeorge D. Heltz- J H. Abshler of Centerville. Washing­ man, first j - HsxH Cabe, Springfield, ton; and Norton Pengra of Chase second; Mre. 0 . Fawver, Junction Gardens. Besides the children four­ City, third. teen grandchildren and three sisters: Boys W in From Old Exhibitors Mra. Ella W alker of 8pringfleld; Mrs. Prentice and Noble Wheeler, two 8. T. Black of Aloha and Mrs. C. M. Four-H youngsters eorrled away three H ill of Berkeley, California, survive. premiums In the poultry exhibit. Th- Mr. Pengra had been ailing for boys live In Goshen. They won sweep some time, however, his condition did stakes on the best pen In the »how. not teem serious until Thursday 'e n the best five male», nnd the best dis It became critical and his children play of W hite Leghorn». were summoned to hts bedside. The funeral was held from Walker's Chapel Tuesday afternoon. Interment AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT at Laurel H ill cemetery. The com­ FATAL TO MARCOLA BOY munity regrets the passing of a respec­ ted man -whose genial manner made I In attemptine- to pass another c r­ friends of all who knew him. on the Mohawk road near Wendllnc MORE LOTS SOLD IN SUNNYSIDE ADDITION TM Other teachers In the high school are Principal Morgan, who a lM teaches manual training, Frances ll, Hodge, Instructor in biology and gen­ eral . science, and dean of girl*; Pauline M iller, who teacher comma*« ity civics an English. Georgian Peter- son. domestic science and art teacher, and L. B Mayfield, coach and physical education instructor. Mr. Mayfield I* a student at the Yrnlverslty of Oregon, and w ill teach one half time. Lawrence C. Mofllt w ill be principal of the Lincoln school. The Junior high school teacher» there Include Kathryn Duncan. Ella Lombard, Jessamin* Nelson. Elizabeth James, and Mary A- Walker. Three grade teachers w ill also be at Lincoln. They are Eliza­ beth Page, who teaches the first grad*, Opal Roberta, second grade and Edna K. Platt, fourth B. Saturday evening the auto containing At . the Brattain school, where M r*. three young men from the W endlin- Ora Hemenway is principal, the fob camp left the -oad and fatally injure lowing grade school teachers w ill b* Clyde Murdoch '9 of Xfneeoln. stationed • Marjorie Lasselle. first grade; Altia Manning, second grad*; ton Hllemsn of M arrola were but Crystal Male, third B; Mary E. Voria, slightly Injured. An ambulance from fourth A; Anna Gorrle, fifth B; Crys­ Eugene hastened the Injured men to tal Bryan, fifth A. the hospital but Murdoch was dead Three new Underwood typew riter* when the auto arrived, authorities at have been purchased for the high the Pacific Christian Hospital de­ school, giving more students a chance clared. to take that course. There are no Hileman who was d rirlng sustained other changes In the schedule, Mr. minor cuts and bruises. Swager was Morgan states. badly cut on the Jaw. Deputy county The first teachers’ meeting will pro­ coroner Simon announced there would bably be held at the teachers' lnstt» be no inquest since the death resulted tute In Eugene today and tomorrow. from an unpremeditated accident, I f sufficient time Is not available tbefi, Murdoch leaves, besides his father it w ill be held Saturday. and mother, a sister, Mrs. Norval Neal of Westfir, and three brothers. Raymond, Thomas and Robert, all of NEW TYPEWRITERS ARE Marrola. LANE COUNTY PIONEER FUNERAL OF ACCIDENT BURIED AT MONMOUTH Reopening the fall season, the Needlerrsft held Its first meeting VICTIM HELD MONDAY after the Rummer holidays at the Funeral earvices for Oliver F. W al­ home of Mrs. John F. Ketels last ler, 71. who passed away at the home Funeral services for Clyde Murdoch, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. W alter of his daughter, Mrs. Elva W. Adams , 1* year old Marcola boy, who was k ill­ Scott and Mrs. Ketels were Joint host­ last Thursday, were held atthe W alker ed Saturday evening when the car In esses. Miss Dorothy Hobson -was a chapel Sunday morning at 10:00. Rev. which he was riding overturned, were guest st the meeting. Earl Childers officiated and interment held Monday afternoon at the M ar­ cola chnrch. Rev. Norman Workman The next meeting of the club will i was made at Monmouth. be at home of Mrs. G. W. Hobson 1 Mr. W aller was born at Eola, Ore­ officiating. Burial was at the Marcola next Thursday afternoon when Mrs. I gon, March 28, 1856. He Is survived cemetery. The boy Is survived by his parents, Hobson and Mrs. Floyd Thompson by two daughters, Mrs. Herman of will be hostesses. Florence and Mrs. Adams of Spring- Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Murdoch, a sister, Those present Thursday were Mrs. field; one son. L. B. W aller of Corval­ Mrs. Norval Neal of W estfir, and Carl Olson, Mrs. W . F. W alker, Mrs. lis; and four sisters. Mrs. Fell of San three brothers. Raymond, Thomas and W illiam Dawson, Mrs. E. E May. Mrs Francisco, Mrs. Rice and Mrs. W in­ Robert, all of Marcola. The accident occurred when Dayton Robert Drury, Mrs. S. Ralph Dlppel, | ters of Portland and Mrs. Hewitt of Mrs. Floyd Thompson, Mrs. W alter Eugene; and one brother, Laurln W. Hileman, also of Marcola, and driver of the car, attempted to pass another Oosler. Mrs. G. W. Hobson and Mrs. W aller of Monmouth. car on the Mohawk road near Wend W. N. Long, all of Springfield;Mrs. ling. When the car upset, Murdoch Floyd Westerfleld and Mrs. D. W. M any Fines Collected received fatal injuries, and Harry Crites of Eugene, snd the hostesses. The city treasury was swelled con­ Swager, another occupant was hurt. siderably by traffic fines Tuesday. On Hileman received bruises and cuts. Partnership Dissolved The partnership of the firm of W that day City Recorder Ira M. Peter­ No inquest was held. N. Ix,ng and J. E. Cross, plumbers, ■ son collected >20 for reckless driving has been dissolved, and Mr. Ixing has , and no driving license from Troy Vlxlt In Portland— Miss Blllte Berg. taken over the entire business. Mr. I Queen, and >10 each from C. E. Gulll- Mrs. Morris Berg and daughter, Juno, Cross, when questioned as to his i ford. La Verne La Porte, and Clare future plans, stated that he was go-' Robertson for speeding. Tom John­ nnd Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pyne motored son paid >2 for driving with four In to Portland Saturday evening where ing fishing. the front seat. G. Maxwell w ill ap­ they visited relatives and friends over the week end. They were ac­ Visit Aunt In Springfield— Rev. and pear later to answer charges for al­ companied on the return trip by Mrs. Vernon Brown with their little leged reckless driving. Herbert Jordan, a brother of Mrs. daughters, Ruth and Ruby, spent Wed­ Going to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Pyne, who w ill visit here. nesday In Springfield visiting Mr. Brown's uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. John Winxenreld left today for Port­ Returning from Europe— Miss M ar­ Mrs. Winxenreld and her Roy Carlton. The Browns are on land. their way to Butte. Montana, where daughter, Mrs. Joe Lemon of Port­ garet Gorrle, who has been visiting they w ill havec harge of a settle­ land, will then go to one of the north relatives In Scotland, and touring ment house and a church. Rer. Brown ern beaches, and Mr. Winxenreld will Europe this summer, sailed for the was formorly a pastor In Fresno, Cali­ return to Springfield Friday or Sat­ United States September 3. She will urday. be home September 28. fornia. BOUGHT FOR SCHOOL Authorisation to purchase three new typewriters and ten chairs for the typ­ ing room wns given A. J. Morgan, principal of the high school at th< monthly meeting of the achool board Tuesday evening. The meeting wa* held a t the Frst National Bank. A report from the state department of labor Indicating that the Inspec­ tion of the boilers of the school fur­ naces was satisfactory was received by the board. HEAD OF SPRINGFIELD COMPANY DIES FRIDAY Thomas Evans Pugh, president of he Cascade Manufacturing company if this c:«y died at the Pacific Chris- ian hospital early Friday morning as . result of a complication of diseases. Mr. Pugh was 74 years of age, and vas born In Wales. He came to the United States when he was 14. He s survived by twin daughters, Mrs. \ R. Clark and Mr». R W. Rundlett, 1>oth of Eugene. Mr. Clark Is the 3oy Scout Executive, and Mr. Run- lle tt Is also Interested in the Cascad* Manufacturing company. Funeral services were held at the Veatch chapel In Eugene Saturday ifternoon with Interment In the new 1. O. O. F cemetery. W ill Attend Conference— Dr. W. H. "Villard has been chosen as a delegata "rom the Springfield church to attend he Methodist laymen's conference at Salem September 21. Mrs. Bernie^- Van Valsali was electea alternato.