hUdren are a t the Seavey hop y»rda IN i a w v i v b . vrr iiV A **•.»*- in the C lre u lt C ourt af the State af Oregon lo r Lane County, c . F W orkin* and Lulu M W orking. Plaintiffs, »». Mary A. Furry, the Unknow n heirs of M ary A Furry. I f dec-eased. Ira Vernon, C lara V e r­ non. Charlea D rake. Jane Doe Drake. Joaeph Boyd. Jane Doe Boyd. SU rers Vernon. Jane Doe Veenon. and all uuknown owner» of the property described herein. De ieodanU . T O : M ary A Perry. T he Unkonwn helm ot M ary A. Perry. If deceased. Ir a Vernon. C la ra Vernon. Charles D rake. Jane Doc Drake. Joseph Boyd, y.-.oe Dos Boy«!. Stivers Vernon. Jane le e Vernon, and all unkonwn owners of the property described herein: Do tendants. IN T H K N A M K O F T H E S T A T E O F O R B O O N : You are hereby nod­ ded th a t C F. W o rking and Lulu M Year's T ax 1932 1933 1934 1925 19« Date Paid A u a 15. 1925 Aug 15. 1925 Aug 15. 1926 Apr 15. 1 9 « Apr Î L 1 W w S S J T J rS i W - S Amount 513.18 40 84 57 59 34 57 4931 How ard M errtan has been busy the Mrs Issila Kwhanks. who ha» been last week working on the display for »pending the aumnier vacation In the Announcement was made recently the Goshen Grange a l (he County Fair. northwest left for Lemoore. C a llln rn la , that a corn and fru it show w ill be held Many of the residents of the Upper- In Roseburg during (ha la tte r part of W illa m e tte have taken e ih lb lts to the Iasi week. October, sponsored by the Roseburg county fair. Now lh a l threshing, balling and the Chickens, garden pro­ Rotary club This show w ill take the duct». flowers, fancy w ork and fru it heavier summer work 1« over the place of (he land products fair, which w ill be exhibited thoughts of the young folks have tu rn ­ was abundnned (or thia year ed Io the opening of school Fleaaant W o rk on the cut off through the Six freight cars were derailed In the H ill public school and Union high W’ooten ranch la advancing, much Soul hern Pacific yards at Roseburg school No. I w ill be open Septem ber »hen some person handling the train blasting having been dona the past 36. T he high school building Is near- endeavored Io crosrti 75 cars on a 59- w e e *. T he grade has been complete»! , Ing com pletloln and plans being madn csr tract,. misjudging the capacity of M rs 8 H . Caltlson recently p u r i (o f 0(, u,p,„g It the tra c k . An »urn derail switch at- chased a Aock . e l . a » * m shaOe» la a s rlk a k t*» l i l t I lag t* of w hite leghorn pullets T h e early peach crop has been h ar­ low>d the cars to go over a bank. from Eil M ille r of Fleaaant l l l l l vested H a rlle lte pears are now ripen­ Oregon’s b irth rate decreased sligh t T ha M r and M rs W’ A E lklu a leava , ing (aa! ad ready for canning ty last year, while the state's death Thursday for an extended trip abroad Early Uraw ford peach Is ready lo rate remained stationary, according to T h e y will be In Paris five daye Lon pick and the Elberta» w ill be ripe In an annual summary (or the birth reg don three daye and visit other points 10 daye or two weeks 1st rat ion area Issue»! by the depart of Interest. They expect to be gone ment of commerce. The bright »pot two months M r. Elkins Is pastor of In the summary wa» reserved for Fort the C hristian church at Fleassnt H ill ! land, which reported the lowest rata of infant m o rtality for 1926 of any L ittle V ad ette Curts I» again at ‘ city 37.2 for each 100 births The In home a fte r having b»>»»n at the hospital MISS IWI.1JK HERO fsnt m o rtality rale (or (he «.hole stale In Eugene for several weeks. She M A R U E L 1 .8 ..................... 60® of Oregon was 51 6 a thousand births, may have to undergo another opera­ Phone lf»6 J but that was the lowest figure given tion. 637 B Street Springfield. Ore. for any state among thi- 23 from which on the fifteenth day of August. 1937, by the tax collector o f the County of Lane. State of Oregon. for the «mount o f ten and 75-100 Dollars, the same being the amount «hen due and deltn quent for taxes for the year 1931. to- gether w ith penalty. Interest «ml costs thereon upon the re a l property as seesed to M ary A. Perry, of which M a r r A. I’urry Is the owner o f the legal title , as sppeara of record, situ­ ated In said county and state, and p articu larly described aa follows, to- University of Oregon. Eugene. Sep­ tem ber— Dr. C la ra W illa rd Sm erten­ ko. form er head ot the English de­ partm ent a t Skidmore College and previous to that head of the Greek departm ent at U rtn m ell, has been ad­ ded to the faculty o f the U n iversity ol Oregon. In the L atin and U reek de­ partm ent. It was announced today by T he north h alf of L ot 10 and the Dr. James G ilb e rt, dean of the college south h alf of Lot Eleeen. Block »7. In ot liberal arts and tclencea. dross Addition to Eugene, lathe Dr. Sm ertenko Is not only an educa­ County. C g g o n . You are nurehy fu rth e r nottfled that tor of national note, hut la well known C F W orking and Lulu M W orking aa a w rite r and contributor to ninny Stare paid taxes on said premises for journals in the U nited States. She prior and or subsequent year», with te also the author of an au th o ritative the rate of Interest on said »mounts book in her field, entitled "On th»> In ­ as f o l l o w s : terpretation of Empedoclea.’’ . Dr. Amount T a x Receipt No. Sm ertenko w ill take the place of » 9 35 29234 Stanley Yates who wua forced to re­ 1330 39235 linquish hla post on account of til 13.10 16779 85.84 health. 17« 33.59 1338 During the late w ar. Dr. Sm ertenko tth was In the V. M. C. A. hospital service •• and saw service in France w ith the F irs t Division. A E. F T o ta l lot. Am t. Date Paid John S tark Evans, o f the school of July 2 6 .1 9 « music a t the U n iversity, was a m ajor »61 04 »7 03 »54 02 July 26.1926 67 29 In Dr. Sm ertenko'» departm ent a* complete return» were obtainable. 9.70 57.59 M ar. 37. 1926 Aug. 2. 1927 74.34 .56 73.78 Aug. 2.1927 »202 67 Total Said M ary A. Perry, as the owner of the legal title of the above des- cirbed property as the same appears of record, and each of the other per- sons named above are hereby fu rth er notified th a t C F. W orking and Lulu M. W o rking w ill apply to the C ircu it Court of the County and State afore­ said for a decree fbrecloalng the lien «gaiest the propetry above described and mentioned In said certificate And you are hereby summoned to appear w ith in alxty day» a fte r the first pub­ lication of this summons, exclusive of the day of the flrat publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as shown above, together with coats and accrued interest, and in case of your failu re to do so. a decree w ill be rendered foreclosing the lien o f said taxes and coats against the land and premises shove mentioned This summons is published by order o f the Honorable C. P Barnard. Judge of the County Court of the Stale of Orfegon for the County of I-ane. for the reason that Honorable G. F Skip- worth Judge of the C ircu it C o in of said County and State Is absent from the State, and said order was made and dated this 31 day of August. 1927. and the date of the first publication of thia summons la the 1st day of September. 1937. A ll process and papers In this pro­ ceedings may be served upon the un­ dersigned residing w ith in the State o f Oregon at the addreas hereafter mentioned. S. M C A L K IN » . A ttorney for the Plaintiff. Residence and poatofllce address, Eugene. Lane County, Oregon Se. 1. 8. 15, S3. 29 Oc 6. 13. 2d. 27 marcelling Y ^ ^ S f E E T ^ ^ C O N F ID E NCJE Eugens's Most Prog rs stive Store Eugene's Newest Departm ent •to rs Good Morning! W s Lead in Style and Q uality In All Pries Clsaaea Q uality Merchandise Reasonably Priced Here’s Today’s News From Laraway’• Dept. Store SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY SUSY JANE FROCKS IF YOU SEE ONE—YOU’LL WANT TWO Susy Jane Frock» are without doubt the best value» we have »een anywhere. They have every­ thing—style, workmanship and excellent quality material». So reasonable, too— Just think! * ONLY 942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. ¡ 2 5 * A n n iv e r s a r y ! They Are Here! New Hats That Girl* W ill Say A re Prettier Than Ever EACH So many different shapes! Up in the front— or up in the back— and colors for blondes or brunettes. Felt* and Velvet*— Many Color* 98c to 2.98 The prices are so low that moth­ ers will be delighted— and girls are sure to find several shapes that will please them. Put On That New Roof & FOR STREET WEAR FOR SCHOOL WEAR i This assortment has been selected to Include models which are especially appropriate for school. Informal yet expressing the dash and style so necessary to the modern school miss. With their gay prints and crisp organdy collars and Inserts they answer every demand. Juniors 15, 17, 19. ', r >1 , f f l These frocks are beautiful and fine enough for daytime street wear as well as for Informal home UHe. Fashioned of the newest English prints which we guarantee to be tub fast. The latest floral and geometrical patterns and trimmed In a tasty man ner. Regular Sizes 1 to 4. i Com pletely Sold Out. Qlve Second Choice, Phawa Ordern Acaaptod But Ws Urga That Yen *aa tha Oarmsnt. Mall Orders Pillad If Received before Or L S W I Before the Wet Weather Comes OUR STOCK IS C OM PLETE— Smooth Roofing $1.50, $1.90, $2.60 and $2.90 per roll. Mineral Surface Roofing $2.90 and $3.25 per roll. Mineral Surface Shingles $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00 per square. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR ROOFING WRIGHT & SON Thread 4c spool; 45c doz. I OPPOSITE REX THEATRE j Come in and see our Fall showing of Ladles' Coats. Clarks 0. N. T. All colors and sizes. Rag Rugs 98c to $1.98 A real bargain. Come In and look them over. New Fall Coats $39.75 to $79 50 Fall Frock* $19.75 to $39.75 Lsuruway Building ***-9 6 * W illam ette Street i 2233 WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE Advance showing of Indies* Fall Frocks ready for your Inspection.