THURSDAY WHPTHMHHR 1. 0X 1 PAOB REVEN NOBS T R A IN 6CHKDUJ.K •F R IN B F IK L D «TO P» Cascade Line (BUYING (ttS n jj^ CtT RESULTS) Northbound West Coast, to Portland, .. 6:04 A. M I."« al. N-, 92 .......... 8:11 P. M Southbound Ixtcal No. 91 ...................... 8:6* A. M West Coast......................... .. 9:81 P. M Number *1 carries a sleeper, and connects at Block Butts for San Fran cisco and Loa Angeles. Both West Coast trains stop hers on flag. Wsndllng Trains F.astbound mixed, at Springfield, • 16 A. M Westbound mixed, nt Rprtngfleld 1:60 P. M. west 1M feet to ths place of begin that uooe of the defendants have any right, title, or Interest therein or thereto whatsoever; and that the de­ fendants and each of them be forever barred and enjoined from asserting any claim thereto. This summons Is served upon you by publication In accordance with an order mate at Eugene, Oregon. by the Hon. O F. Sklpw.-it*. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, on the l*th day of Jnly. 1*27, requir­ ing that this summons be served by publication thereof at least once a week for six consecutive weeks In the Springfield News, or that la lieu there of yon be served with sum m oni outside < f the State of Oregon Date of flrst publication the 21st day of July, 1*27. DONALD TOUNO. Attorney for plaintiff. 880 W illamette Street, Ba gene, Oregon. Jl 2128: A 6-11-18-86; S 1: 1KJOHTH GRADE EXAMINATIONS The regular unlfo grad. state examinations will be given h districts where pupils have with the legal requirements and ap­ plication has been made for ques­ tions? on Thursday and Friday, Sep­ tember 1, 2. 1*27. A limited number can be taken care of In my office. E. J. MOORE, County School SupL An. 86; 8e. 1: Blank Promissory n o w . and re­ ceipts printed and la stock at the News office. WII \T 'S THE U8K OF GOING TO I4)HT—Between Ith and E and 6lh I IIEMSTITCHINO—dc and »c per yard. »UÜKNE WHEN YOU CAN BUY IT and K Friday evening August 7» Mrs. W. K. Uarnell, phone 106W, CIIKAI'EH IN YOUR OWN TOWN. 8 UM M O N 8 String of pearla. Treaaured as gift. 6*3 D street, or leare orders at In ths Circuit Court of ths State of LUBKK'H BKOOND HAND STORE Return to News Office. Farmers Exchange store or Mrs. Oregon to- Lane County. It* 6th «treat tf. Commercial State Bank of Springfield. Arrhambeou's. K «29. TYPEWRITER RIBBON»— Assorted a corporation. Plaintiff, -vs- Grant J. SEPTIC TANKS Cowling. Defendant. makes In black and blus In stock at FOR BALE—Steel Kitchen Range for Ready tor you to Install To Grant J. Cowling, the above named Bale Good condition. Reservoir and Its News o n ce. For the oonrsal- defendant: For family of f l y « ........ ...... ........... * n colls. Bee range at 41* E Bt. H. P. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE eaee of customers who h ers hither­ In the name of ths Stats of Oregon: For family of eight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..... *26 Batchelder. 81. Yon are hereby required and summon­ to not been able to get rlbbqpa In STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE at our plant ed to appear and answer the complaint COUNTY. Springfield ws have started this filed against yon In the above eatltled WANTED—Hear from owner Ranch Sewer Pipe— Drain Tile hew line of ribbons for Underwoods, O A Serfllng plaintiff, v. George O. suit and court, orlthin four weeks from for sale. State cash price, particu­ Chlmaey Blocke Yoran. F ran ces Yoran and Laelle NOTICE OF FINAL BETiLBM BNT the date of the first publication of Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Smith, lars. D F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. Toran, hla wife, Ada Yoran Hale Notice Is beheby given that Granval thia summons, to-wit: on or before KUOKNS CONCRKTR F IPS CO. and other make*. tf. Be. 2». a n d ----- --- Hale, her husband» Fred L. Prlndel. Administrator of the estate the 22nd day of September. 1*27. and ________ U of Hiram kt Prlndel, deceased, has yon will take notice that If you fall 8 Dunn and Anna Dunr hla wife. CALL AND HER Dr. N. W. Kmerr F o il 8AIJ6—«lightly used Burroughs Watch repairing does Edna Higgles and ____ _ Higgles. filed his final account and report as to appear and answer said complajnt on prions on plates sad other work tf. her husband, Lavlnla Belknap »uch, and the Court has set Saturday or otherwise plead thereto within said Work la today O s t tomorrow Adding Machine. Perfect condition. Christian. Catharine Christian Bar­ the 24th day of September 1*27. at the ttave. the plaintiff for want thereof, M l Mala at. Cash or terms. Inquire at Spring- rett. and Clinton Barrett her hus­ hour o f 10:0* A. M. to hear objections will apply to the above entitled court Fact and Fancy fled Post office. band. Alonso Patterson and Mabel to the same, at the County Court for the relief prayed tor In Its said Patterson, his wife, Kester Dudley Room, at Biuoene in Ian» County, complaint to-wit. "The worst -winter I remember was NOTICR OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON Christian. Lonls Belknap Christian, Oregon, and for the final settlem ent That the plaintiff have Judgment All kinds of house pointing; Kalso- when we were beaelged," said the old Ira Summer Christian, Zulu Kupetx. "f said estate EXECUTION IN FOKHCLoHUKM recover from defendant the earn mlnlng (2 per room and np. Roy and Joseph Kupetx, her husband, ORANVEL L. PRINDKL. Admlnis o and soldier. "We had only one bile a day Koch. Call 125-J. f T w o Hundred Fifty Dollar* tf. Notice la hereby given that by vir­ Eugene Christian and Olive Chris- j trator. for two weeks, and that was horse (8850 001 together with Interest there- tue of an elocution and order of sals tian his wife Roy Christian. Blva WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. i on at the rate of 8 per cent per an­ Christian Moore, Ethel C. Smith Au. 26: Se 1-8-16-28 In fnrrcloeure Issued out of the Cir­ flesh?* num from L ptember 22nd. 192*. until SUM M O NS "I remember living for a monlii on and Clement Smith, her husband. 1 ■ ■—1 cuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, on paid, for the farther sum of Thirty- the 1st day of August, 1*17, In a suit one bite, and that was out of my own IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Frank Christian, Ehno ^Christian, H o p pickers BOOKS— Printed and Five Dollars (*35.00) reasonable at­ Mllllnder Alkeson and George L. wherein on the Z9lh day of July. 1RI7, leg," aald O'Brien, hla companion. in stock at The News office. *2 per torney's fees and for plaintiff's cost* 8TATE OP OREGON FOR LANK In said court. The Pacific Savings and Atkeson, her husband, or the un­ and disbursements; for the further COUNTY. "You don't expect tne to believe you hundred. known heirs of Mllllnder Atkeson, Loan Association, a Washington Cor­ decree that plaintiff’s mortgage de­ Msry F Bisson. Plaintiff, vs., Emery If deceasdfi, ........... Erickson, wife poration plaintiff, recovered Judgment turned cannibal, do youT" roared the scribed therein is a first Hen upon th* D Bisson, Defendant. of Charles E r ic k so n ._____ York. NOTICE TO CREDlrORS against the defendants W 11. Jsmce soldier. following described real property »It»- To Emery D. Bisson, defendant. wife of James York, L_____Humph­ Estate of Andrew J. Price. Deceased. and Bertha James. hla wife, for the sum sted In the County of Lane and State “It's true, believe la or not." said IN THE NAME OF TUB STATE rey, wife of Ralph Humphrey, .... .. Notice Is hereby given that Walter of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a of *1790 *6 and Intereat thereon at the O'Brien calmly. "A dog look a bite out OF OREGON: Yon are hereby re­ Corblt, wife of Henry 8. Cor­ Price has been by the County Court point 14 chains east of the southeast rate of 10 per cent pci -lunuiu from to appear and answer the Com­ blt, _Corblt. hnsband of Sarah of the State of Oregon, In and tor Lane corner of Lot Nine (9) In Sectloa February L 1987, antlt paid, and for of my leg and the Insurance kept me quired plaint filed against you In the above Francis Corblt, the unknown hetra County, appointed executor of the last Fonrteen (14), Township Nineteen the further sum 'of *200 00 aa Attor­ like a lord for four weeks." entitled suit within six weeks from of Norris Humphrey, deceased,___ will and testament of Andrew J. Price, (19) South. Range Three (3) west of neys fees, together with coats In the (he date of the first publication of this Bowman, husband of Wilma deceased. the W illamette Meridian, Oregon, and sum of *17 00. which Judgment was eo- Summons, and If yon fa., io answer, Right Back At Hint Bowman. Irene C Marks a n d _____ All persons having claims against running thence west 21.18 chains to rolled end docketed In th<< Clerks for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ Marks, her husband, Ix-na C. Wing ___ ________ ______ ____ __ _ ___ said estate are hereby notified to pre- the middle of the County Road, thence office of said Court In said C >unty on Two old Hcotchmen who hadn't met ply to the Court for the relief prayed .. J Vln5' her h“ ban^, sent the same, duly stated and vert following along the said County Road the 89th day of July. 1*27, and said for In ths complaint, to-wit: for a dis­ since they were boys at home, wore Mabie Veatch and '’eat^}1' fled, at the law office of A. a Wheeler North 7H degrees East 11.35 chains, agecutlon to me dlrectnd commanding solution of (he marriage contract ex­ her husband. Margaret Klnsella , )n jjajpune Oregon, within six months thence East 14.81 chains, thence South me In the name o f the rttate of Ore­ renewing ths acquaintance as they eat isting between you and the plaintiff. and ----- Klns«lla, her husband, thls llth dar ot August. 1*27. 23*4 degrees East 12.23 chains 'to the gon. In order Io Satiety said Judaism < on the porch of the rummer hotel. One This summons Is served by publica­ Ralph W Calllson and _____ Calli place of beginning, all being situated Interest, attorneys fees, costa of suit W ALTER PRICE. Executor tion by order of the Honorable C. P. in Creswell. Lane County, Oregon. aon. his wife, James O. Calllson and sad accruing costa to sell the follow had lost an eye and was very sensitive Barnard, Judge of the County Court A. E WHHEI.ER. Attorney. And that sail} mortgage be decreed Calllson. bis wife, Rufus G. ln< described real property, lo w lt: about It. Finally the other, seaming for Lane County In the State of Ore­ A. 11-18-25: S. 1-8: to be a flrst Uen upon said mortgaged The East one hundred and ten (1101 to notice It for the first time said: gon. dated the 17th day of August Calllson. Jr. and _____ _ Calllson premises and that said mortgage be feet of lx>l one (1) In Block three (Si his wife. Emery E. Calllson and 1**7. directing that It be publlshe-l ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB foreclosed and that said premises be of Mountain View Park Addition to "Whaur's ye Ither e'e, Bandy?" ..._ Calllson, bis wife. Martha once a week for six successive WMks In the County Court of the State of sold In the manner orovlded by law Olanclng at hla companion’s shiny in the Springfield News, sod the date KMgeri" In la n e County Orwgnn Wallace and .... ...... Wallace, hla Oregon in ind ,or th# County of and that the proceeds from the sale Now therefore In the name of the pate. Sandy retorted. "Hoot. Mont It's sf the flrst publication of this sum­ wife. Henry E. Calllson a n d ___— In Probate. of said mortgaged premises he first ap­ State of Oregon. In compliance with Calllson. hts wife, and also all other In Lane mons Is the 18th day of August. A. D.. re Estate of Eugene W. Bowdcr. plied to the satisfaction of this plain­ said execution and order of sale and sirs' lookin' fer ya air." persons nr parties unknown claim­ 1*27 deceased. tiff’s Judgment and decree herein, and In order to satisfy eald Judgment In ing any righ t title, estate. Ilea or L. U RAY, ALTA KING. Attorneys Notice Is hereby given that by the tcrwaL attorneys fees, coats of suit interest in te r e s i In in the m e real re a l estate e s ta t e described u rw cn o eu terms of an order duly given ana man » ­ the remainder. If any. be applied a* to for Plaintiff Postofflce address Miner ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE and accruing coats. I w ill on Saturday ta the complaint herein, defendants. on JuJy 25 19J7 the aboTP entitled the court may seem m eet and equi­ Building. Eugene. Oregon the Srd day of Septntnber. 1927 at (be NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN. Thai table, and that the defendant be fore­ A 18 26: 91 » .> 23 30 Court appointed, me, Ralph C. Bowder. closed and barred of any estate, righ t the undersigned has by the County SU M M O N S hour of one o ’clock In the afternoon administrator of the above entitled of said day. at the Southwest front Court of lame County, Oregon, been title or Interest In. or lien, claim or To Frances Yoran and Lucile NOTICE OF SALE OF door of the County Court House. In duly appointed administrator of ths Yoran. hla orlfe, Ada Voran Hale and estate; that all persona having claims demand upon said mortgaged pre­ GOVERNMENT TIMBER against the said estate shall present mises. and the whole thereof, save Eugene. la n e County. Oregon offer estate of Samuel Davis Calms, de- ..... Hale, her husband. Edna Dlg- for sale and sell for cash, at public ceased, and that all persona having General Land Office, W ashington, O. C. gleg and ............Higgles, her hnsband. the same to me with vouchers attach­ only such statutory right of redemp­ section, subject to redemption aa pro claims against said estate are hereby August 11, 1*87. I Lavlnla Belknap Christian, Alonso ed at the law office of my attorney. H tion as he may have and for such vfded by law. all of the right, title required to present said claims, pro­ Notice Is hereby given that subject 1 Patterson and Mabel Patterson, bis E Slattery. 717 W illamette Street. Eu­ other and further relief as to the court perly verified as required by law, to and Interest of said defendants W H. to the conditions and limitations of I wife, Catharine Christian Barrett and gene. Oregon, within six months from mav seem cou'table. James and Bertha James hla wife. ths undersigned at the office or W G. the act of June t, 1*18, <3* Stat., 218), Clinton Barrett, her husbnd, Keater This summons is published pursuant _____ , the date of the flrst publication of Hthel M Mahany and C. Arthur Ms- Benson. Attorney. Room 6, The First and pursuant to department régula- j Dudley Christian. Louts Belknap i this notice In The 8prtngfleld News. te an order of the Honorable C. P. Bar­ haay. her husband, and all persons Bank Building. Reedsport. Oregon, tlons of April 14. 1024 (50 L. D , 376). j Christian, Ira Summer Christian. Eu- which is August 11. 1*27; and that all claiming by. through or under them within six months from the date o f' the timber on the following lands will ( gene Christian and Olive Christian, persons oerlng the said estate shall nard. County Judge of Lane County, Oregon, duly made and entered on the nr any or either of them In and to said this notice be sold October 3. 1*27, at 10 o’clock ’ h)a EIva Christian Moore. Ethel pay the obligations to me. 20th day of August. 1927. The first Dated August l*th, 1*27. RALPH C. BOWDER. Administra­ A • M " at public auction at the ü . S >c Smllh and clem ent Smith, her hus- ’ " ’ gltANK E TAYLOR, Sheriff of publication thereof will be made on ROY O. CAIRNS, Administrator of land office at Roseburg. Oregon, to band. Frank Christian. Elmo Chris­ tor. Thursday, ihe 25th day of August, Issue County, Oregon. the Estate of Samuel Davis Calms, the highest fidder at not less than the tian, Mllllnder Atkeson. and George H. E. Slattery. Attorney for Admlnis 1927and it will be published four con­ By BEULAH BRINN1CK Deputy. deceased. appraised value as shown by this L. Atkeson. her husband; or the un­ trator. secutive weeks in the Springfield Au 4-11-18 26: 8 1: Au. 18-36: Be. 18-16: A. 11-18-26: S 1-8: notice, sale to be subject to the ap­ known heirs ot Mllllnder Atkeson. if N ews proval of the Secretary of the Inter­ I. M PETERSON, Attorney for ior. The purchase price, with an addi­ deceased............... Erickson, wife of NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN­ Plaintiff. Postofflce Address. Spring- tional sum of one-flftb of one per cent Charles Erickson___ ____ York, wife MENT TIMBER field. Oregon. thereof, being comm issions allowed, of James Y ork,_____ Humphrey, wife General Land Office. W ashington, D. Au. 25: Se. 1-8-16-22 of Ralph Humphrey................ Corbit. must be deposited at time of sale, of Henry 8. Corbitt---------- Cor- j C-. July 18, 1927. money to be reurned If Bale Is not ap­ wife KI» „V Q.roh uv«nni« Cnrhit ! Notice is hereby given that subject SUM M O NS conditions and limitations of proved. otherwise patent will lasue bit, husband of Sarah Francis Corbit, {o a Phone ISOM for the tlmebr. which must be re- the unknown Heirs of Norris Humph thp act Qf June g J916 (39 3 tat j ig , In the Circuit Court of the State of moved within 10 years. Bids Blds will b.< be i I rey. deceased........ .... Bowman, bus- #nd purguant departmental regula- • Oregon for Lane County. Life, Automobile and Fire recclved from cltixens of the United band of Wilma Bowman. Irene C. t(on(| of ^ p n l 14. 1924 (50 L. D. 3761. Commercial State Bank of Springfield, Insurance States, associations of . such citizens a corporation. Plaintiff, -vs- Grant J. ...... . ... . “ «r’tsI “n d ” a.rkg' the timber on the following lands.will Wing ! be sold at ten o'clock a. m. Sept. 14. and corporations organized under the band. Lena C. W’ing. and CARL A. WYMAN Cowling. D efendant laws of the United Slates, or any her husband. Mabie Veatch and ........... 1927 at public auction at the U. S. land To Grant J. Cowling, the above named Resident Agent Veatch. her husband, Margaret Kin-1 State, territory or district thereof defendant office at Lakeview. Oregon, to the 784 D Street, Springfield. Oregon h u s-, i highest bidder at not less than the ap- only. Upon application — -------- of a _ qualified sella and ........... Klnsella. her . In the name of the State of Oregon purchaser the limber on any legal suh- band. Rufus G. t alllson. Jr. and praised value as shown by this notice, 228 Main St. Residence 126 C Bt division will be offered separately be- Calllson. hts wife. Emery E Calllson. ‘ . bp sub.ect to thp approval of Yo« are hereby required and summon- e a : 1 I . . . I . .J 1 OF * _ _ _ . 6 vw «a P T \Z I « «• a va ZV n P a TV- O V- f n O OVA YY1 Ykl I Yl Y 62 J 62 M fore being Included In nny offer of a and Calllson. uis wife. Martha ! the Secretary of the Interior. The appear and a®’ * * r Res, Phone 160 Plano Moving larger unit. T. 8 8.. R. 8 W. Sec. 35. Wallce and Wallace, her husband, purchase^prlce with an additional sum ^ / ^ I n four weeks f r o m Full Auto Equipment NE% N E’4 green and burned yellow SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER Henry E Calllson and Calllson. .^nw ed the date of the first publication of fir and hemlock 2779 M. appraise 1 Lady Assistant WILLIS BERTSCH, Prop. being commissions allowed, must be his wife, and also all other persons deposited at time of sale, money to be . ‘his ‘P-’ ‘ ° nr °1r#_ f . value *3898; NW>4 iN E ti green and OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE burned yellow fir and hemlock 3680 M. or patles unknown claiming any right, returned if sale is not approved other­ the 22nd day of September. 1927, and 633 Main Street title, estate. Hen or interest In the you will take not'ce that if you fail appraised value *4528.25; NEU NW(4 wise patent will Issue for the timber, Successor to Button Transfer green and burned yellow fir and hem­ real estate described in the complaint which must be removed orithin 10 to appear and anew« r said complaint lock 3520 M. appraised value *4045:» herein, defendants; years. BKs will be received from or otherwise plead thereto within said NW'4 NW 1» green and burned yellow IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF citizens of the United States, associa­ time, the plaintiff for want thereof, VASBY BROS. "r 2930 M, appraised value *2930' OREGON, you are hereby require*! to tions of such citizens and corpora­ wtilf take Judgment against you as Offllce Phone 43 Res. Phone 3 8W U N1V14 green and burned yellow appear and answer the plaintiff's com- tion". organized under the laws of the den-ended in his said comnla'nt as fol­ Painting & Decorating fcr and hemlock 3660 M. appraised plalnst filed against you in the above United States, or any State, territory lows: For the sum of Two Hundred Carl H. Phfitteplace, M. D. value *4429; and the SE% NW',» entitled suit within six weeks from or district thereof only. Upon applica­ Foriv Dollars (»240 9 0 ). together with In all Its branches Interest thereon at the rate of 8 oer General Practice, Special Attention green and . iiriieu yellow fir and hem the date of the flrst publication of lock 2800 M. appraised value *3468.25, this summons, and if you fail to so tion of a qualified purchaser the tim ­ cent per annum from January 20th. 312 Main Street to Obstetrics and Diseases ot chil­ none of tne limber on these subdivi­ appear and answer, for want thereof ber on any legal subdivision will be 1920. until paid, the further sum of dren. sions to be sold for less than the ap­ the plaintiff will apply to the Court offered separately before being includ­ Thirty Five Dollars (335.00) reason­ First National Bank Building praised value stated. T 17S-, R. 7 W , for the relief prayed for In the com­ ed In any offer of a larger unit. T. 41 able attorney's fees and for plaintiff's See. 29. NE’« N EU red fir 360 M. red plaint herein, to-wtt: that the plain­ S„ R. 7 E.. Ser. 9. NE14 SWKJ yellow costs and disbursements Springfield, Oregon DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL This summons is published pursu­ ced ar 75 M„ SB U N BU red fir 500 M. tiff be decreed to he the sole and pine 400 M, SEH 9W>4 yellow pine S \ V , N W 'i yellow fir 612 M, red absolute owner In fee simple of the 400 M. none of the timber on this ant to an order of the Honor"ble C. P, DENTIST cedar 60 M. NE'4 SE14 red fir 800 M. , following described real property: section to be sold for less than $4.00 Barnard. Counts’ Judge of T.ane Coun­ ty, Oregon, duly made and enterefi red cedar 60 M. N W 'i SE»» red fir Beginning at the southwest corner , per M. WM. G. HUGHES Phone 43 500 M. T. v8S„ R 7 W., Sec. ... 1. .............. Lot 3, i of a tract of land' conveyed by Wimam ....................................................... THOS. C. HAVELL, Acting Com on the 20’h das’ of ' ugust. 1.427. The FIRK AND AUTO INSURANCE First Nat’l Bank Bldg. Springfield (he timber on ! 1 Sloan and wife to Norris Humphrey, j mlssioner. red fir 1900 M. none oi ihe flrst nnbiieation of this summons wifi NOTARY PUBLIC A. 4-11-18-25: S. 1: these sections to he sold for less than ] b y deed recorded In Book H, page 240 be made on Thursda'’, the 25th day of o f t h e l4,ne County. Oregon. Deed *2 per M. T. 2 N .. R. 3 W.. Sec. 17. 1 O ffic e a t August, 1927, ann the Inst publication N E1, SW»4 yellow fir 1500 M, red . Records, said point being In the east IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE thereof will be made on Thn-sday. the FIRST NATIONAL BANK cedar 170 M. hemlock 40 M, SE ’ » lin e o f W llamette Street. In dCugene. 22nd day o f September, 1927, and it STATE OF OREGON FOR Springfield, Oregon SW 1. vellow Or 920 M. red cedar 140 Lane County. Oregon, running thence fill be pubj'shed four consecutive LANE COUNTY M, T 29 S . It 11 W . Sec. 24. Ix>t 5. north on the east side of W illamette weeks in. the Springfield News. » __11__ I Cl,-.,ot 176 Y TC feet F * * I CAIlTn 11 Tl f» O W. J. Seaver, Plaintiff, vs., W. F. port t erford cedar nnst 390 M, yellow _ fir I Street, to * the south line of T I. M PETERSON. Attorney for 300 M. d Hr 200 M. white fir 10 M. 14th Ave. east, thence ear, on the Simpson, D efendant All kinds of grnvel for con­ Plaintiff. Postofflce Address, Spring DR. N. W. EMERY red cedi r 20 M. Lot 12 port orforil south line of 14th Ave. east 110 feet. To the above named de'-endant, W. F field. Oregon. crete or road work. We cedar 5 0 M. yelfow fir 1450 M. red thence south 62, feet, thence east 50 Simpson: Au. 25: Se 1-8-15-22 DENTIST make a specialty of crushed cednr 20 V. T. 40 S.. It. 2 E., Sec. 1». i feet, thence south 114 feet, thence i„ the name of the State or Oregon, rock and rock sand. Bunk­ Button Bldg. Phons 20 J S E ’ i S W , yellow pine 3S0 M, sugar I w est 100 feet to the pla-e of begin- you are hereby summoned to answer NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S S ALE the complaint filed against you in the ers at foot of Main on Mill pine 50 M. white fir 80 M. Lot 4 yehow ning; also Rssldsncs, Phon* 153 M The Estate of Charlotte Elnlly Pengra, Beginning nt a point in the north above entitled cause and court within pine 500 M, sugar pine 60 M. white street. deceased. fir 30 M. red fir 100 M, none ot the line of 14th Ave. east which is 67 feet j (our weeks from the first publication Sprlngflsld, Oregon HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Notice is hereby given that by vir­ timber on these sections to be sold east and 240 feet north of the south- of this summons nnd if you fail so to tue of an order of the County Court for less than *1.60 per M for red fir west corner of ft tract of land con- answer Judgment will be taken against and red cedar $2 per M for the yellow veywf by William Sloan and wife to qou for the sum of *140.25 with inter­ o f I the State of Oregon, in and for (tenersi Law Practloa fir. $1 per M for the white fir and hem­ Norris Humphrey, by deed recorded est thereon at legal rate from August Lan ne County, entered on the llth lock, *9 per M for the port orford in Book H, page 240. Lane County, 1, 1927, with the costs and disburse­ day of August, 1927, licensing and I. M. PETERSON cedar mid $5 per M for toe yellow and Oregon. Deed Records. In Eugene, ments of this action. This summons directing me as executor of the last Attornev-at-Law sugar pine. T 8 8.. R. 8 W . Sec, It. N ine County. Oregon, running thence Is served upon you by publication by will aud testam ent of Charlotte Emily JEW ELER NE»i SW'4 yellow fir 1340M. hem­ east on the north line of 14th Ave. 93 virtue of an order of C. P. Barnard, Pengra, decsaacd, to sell the real pro­ lock 400 M. white fir 500 M. Noble fir feet thenee north 45 feet, thence west County Judge of Lane County. Oregon, perty hereinafter described, 1 will, on City Hall Building R epairing a S pecialty 40 M. N W 'i SW'A yellow fir 40» M, 93 feet, thence south 46 feet to the made and filed August 10, 1927, direct­ and after the 24th day of September, Springfield, Ore. Springfield, Oregon ing that service of summons he made 1927, on the premises, offer for sale hemlock 120 M, white fir 500 M, Nobio place of beginning; also Beginning at a point 346 feet north upon you by publishing the same for and sell at private sale to the [tarty fir 160 M, none of tho timber on this section to be sold for less than $1.75 of the southwest corner of a tract of four successive weeks in the Spring- offering the most th -refor. cash In per M for tho yellow fir, $1 per M for land conveyed by William Sloan and field News, and requiring you to hand, the Lot Number "D” In Block FRANK A. DE PUE M. G. HOGE the white fir and hemlock nnd *1.25 wife to Norris Humphrey by deed answer the same within four weeks Number Three of Springfield. Lane A TTO R N EV A T i »« ««cording to foe ex­ per M for the Noble fir. T. 3 N., R. recorded Ir. Book 11. page 240. Lane from the flrst publication thereof. This Conntv c- -- A tlorn ey-at L an 2 W., See 3. NE»4 NE»4 yellow fir 48o County, Oregon, Deed Records, In the summons Is so flrst published August tended purvey thereof, as platted and NO TARY PUBLIC of record in said County, sujbect to M, none of the timber on this section east line o i W illamette S treet In Eu­ 18. 1*27. P ractise U. S. and S ta te 8. D. ALLEN, Attorney for Plain­ the approval of the said Court. W ill gene. la n e County, Oregon, running to be s lid for leto than *2.25 per M C ourts Sprlngflsld, Button THOS. C. HAVELL, Acting Com thence north on the east side of Wil­ tiff. Office, Hovey Building, Eugene, sell In parts. If desired. A. E. WHEELER. Executor. lamette Street 58 feet, thence east Oregon. mlssioner. E u gen e, Oregon Oregon. Building Au 18-25: Se. 1-8-16: Au. 18-26: Be. 1-» i 160 feet thence south 68 fe e t thence Au. 25: Se. 1-8-16-22 B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO, D. W . R oof a o a a i a