THUR8DAY HKITMMUBK 1, 1927 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAG K SIX remain sllsncad. Sooner or later they worst, and for once Mark Twain was will Blip Ihe gag and go at It again, upset by the rolling and pitching of Ihe ship He leaned over the la* rail hammer and tonga. and clung deaparntaly Hut If you cannot movw away, tall WANTS TO KNOW "Mr. Clemens. can't I gat you som e­ your family most emphatically that thing?*' asked a «toward, aolirltoualy. woman la hla wife or mother. you will never again listen to a word ••Yea," Mark drawled, earnestly, Finding fault with their In laws •» of criticism of your wife—and If they often the chief Indoor sport of many criticise her to her sons you will have “Yes, I d like a little Island " a man s family* -and they usually do to atop them from vlsltiug U ntil It Hurt it without any thought of the damage A mother Io law can be either a they do and the chances they are tak '"You seem pretty proud since you benediction or firebrand and (hey do tng on wrecklug the homo of the man gave twenty-five centa to the Red not often chauge their natures. they love and whom they really do Cross fund ” not Intend to Injure. "Ysassh." »»Id Kraatua. "talk about Ssrvlea Please They never think of how unhappy doin' yoh bit Ah done mah two bits." Mark Twain was a good sailor, and he will be If they make his dbsatto he often spent happy weeks cruising fled with his wife by pointing out to Bounds Reasonable with his friend II II. Roger* In his him all of her faults and weaknesses Itottent— "What to the beat method steam yacht Once they were caught children. They find fau lt w ith her One wonders that they never think south of Cuba In a heavy sea, the af­ to prevent the disease caused by bit* housekeeping, and say the likes to go of what a cruel position they put him fect of a long drawn and violent gale Ing Insect»*' out toe much, that she spends too In when he must take sides, either The Carrlbbean was heaving at Ita Medico- '»top biting them." much money, and th a t she Isn’t a with them or with his wife, when lie good mother. Now. 1 love my w ife Is literally torn but ween the to. both and the pleases me just as ths la and of whom ne loess and to both of s-hote ■ I am wondering w hat I should d a S h ill I move away a t my wnf» wants ne would like to be loyal. We will all admit that It Is ha d me to, or Just tell them where to get for the mother who h •» watched her off I N. B. boy grow and develop under her care e e e e Vndoubtedly in-laws cause more to the perfect flower of manhood take tears and discord ami misery than another woman on his arm and walk anything else in the world—If we are down the rosy path of the future- to Judge from the numerous stories ^nd If the mother has been accus­ that are written about and around the tomed to a great deal of her son's problem, and It to a fact, that Innum companionship, it becomes even more erable young women have bad the difficult Mothers who lose daughters happiness of their youth and marriage by n: -.rrlage may have heartbreak too. wrecked by the Injustice of their In but It 1» a different kind of heart­ laws, and that Innumerable men are break She never loses a daughter as ma hp , |r>i|thtene”“ ! Flanery's Drug Store, happened, was happening. He was In a -white rage that, prevented clear thought. He was lumn'nv against this hard-faced man everything that had happened in recent days, and fighting for revenge for those happenings Their scuffling feet pushed the rifle partially under a hunk. Neither dared stoop for it. They fought with their flats. A wave of savage Wows on hla face and body, but he did not fowl their hurt. He was knocked down, and rose to grip the other man and hurl him against the walla. O ptom etrist Another blow sent Eddie on his Successor to the head and shoulders The stranger, Watts Optical Co. with a grimace of triumph, tried to at No. 14 8th Ave. West, leap upon him. A frantic footthrust Eugene, Oregon. stopped the motor-tramp. The boot- When you are in that city and heel caught him fairly, so that blood In need of Optical Work she will flew from his smashed nose. be glad to serve you. It was soon after that the stranger Eye S tra in -N e rv e Strain stooped to the fireplace for a blud­ Eye strain means nerv« strain geon. It was a sizable stick that had —correct glasses improve vision burned In two. leaving one piece more and nerves. *Our methods as­ than a foot (n length and pyramidal sure accurate examinations. In form. He caught It hy the smaller The Selsnce of Optomatry end, as If hy a handle. His face -was Skill and experience In the contorted Into the snarl of a mad­ profession of optometry cannot dened huskte-dog as he threw It with be acquired in a month or a all his mltdit at Eddie’s head. year. Modern optometry to the Eddie dodged Jnst In time. The result of long and exhaustive m issile grazed hts temple, struck the study. Such experience Is our logs and rebounded In front of him bid for your patronage and good ao that It was alm ost nnder his feet. will. The throw left the stranger off bal- Dr, Ella C. Meade By FLO SPRINGFIELD SERVICE STATION ASSOCIATED OIL PRODUCTS You and Your Friends Are Cordially Invited To Attend Opening of the Beautiful New McMorran and Washburne Department Store Eugene, Oregon Friday, September 2nd, 3 to 10 p. m. OPEN HOUSE TO ALL OUR FRIENDS Ona of the Northweat’a Beat and Moat Complete Stores. Thoroughly Modern in Equipment. Stocked with the Newest Merchandise. No Merchandise Will Be Sold Friday.