The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 01, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Briel Resume of Happenings ol
the Week Collected tor
Our Readers.
Thu Columbia H lv .r M ini G ro w .r*'
•■on. ii . uii liclil II* a n tiu .l ph tilt on
>* uk *'I lalaud Inal Saturday.
(iua M ltrb a ll o f Scot I a bur a rth-d laat
work In tba Dnuglaa rowwiy buapltal la
R uanliuri al Iba age
lo l yaara
Ft ft »an hundred library boohs ara
b a ln g dlatrlbulxil amoag Iba Waahlag
houae the union high and grade
arbnola, haa been completed aad « III
lie fnrnlabed In tim e for Iba opening
o f e rh o o l S e p te m b e r ft
Milton Baker o f Arlington, a apeclal
guard placed at the John Hay railroad
bridge |o prevent possible taleilage by
Narco Vanaettt sympathise™. «aa k ill
ed instantly last week «hen he vaa
•truck by an eaalbound train.
M ie M ary Ann Gault and Mra. Ham
Webb, both plonaera of the W aldport
•action and each more than KO years
"Id. died Iasi Wednesday at their
h o m e s of old age
A doable funeral
was held at the Presbyterian church.
The premium llat for the Muddy
Creek fair, which has Jnat been leaned,
o ffer* prises of |R00 la cash and more
than ftieoo la mczcbaadlau for a long
Hal of e ib lb lts . Including all kind* of
Hveatock, fra il, vegetables, grain*,
cooking, sawing and apeclal exhibits.
The fa ir w ill be held September 7 and
a al the Moddy Creek ecboolhoose. *
noj| puu un
p |o l jo aeuiiutm b I
»■narua puu uinu|)«|d jo no) aqi tpgt
oi Ml ">O4J jo /«suu au ui pelinä»»
3 'V O 1« lueutuudep la |U |ta *q i Xq
papnpaoa ajo aqi jo ísei v
p t»ia|p
la iu im aqi jo i»«»q »qi oju| X|jas»|p
pue| oi p|«u f , »Xp»| »q x
||U»l pu«|
q«O »qi
UMoUq «, )« q a ao p |J |* |p
SB[O|tu uiaiaqiqj »qi jo up|s Xilinos
s«|*no<] aqi t n o jj pouodu» s| uioa|i«|d
X|»g»u| uq O) p»a«||sq »aodup y
•J|J aqi (M u u li axuq oj paa»,|»q
sv« J»||nq « uiojj qjsda y
u jo a Xuuduioa »aqaraq X ||« x q i<K*il
»qi Xq pouao «»oXaxaoa »o|pao|JU3
o m i puu paXo»iaap X ||«,u «d •» « « « ||u a
puu joo» »q x
puqaaqa »ua n ajojaq
0O0SI ia p u i»ui|ia* »Vuniup p|p p|»U
•n |J d y i» Xuudino.) » » a o j a»l«iH "1*1
a n o n »qi jo p»qa |anj «qi a| a » U
puaj aqj u s a * Su|d(uq
aju a tio |i«i|uvS jo » a q io Tl »oj luatn
■dinbe lu,su qj»nd »»« puu X )P » q i tu o »j
Bavaral bund rad phyalrlana « III ba
punoxg jo )o|d »S»U| « peuinqo aauq
la tor lha roavaollun of Iba
au»|<auo|>u| » q x
ao|g»q uua|»*uiy
Oragne Slats Madlcal aoclaly Haptrm
Taod p»ojp»K oi »np 'uooa punu»JXa,d
bar I . I aad 1
Pei II Iona are being circulated la Sea­
psddptb» X|»i*|dm<x> u aauq |||a '«io|
Ktbnl (’b am b .ra waa aluclad quae a side and G earhart la which the alga- lo u js» oi »o a a a « | [ootpu ao uoiiuuxo
of ifco P ra irie C ity Hound.Up In a lira- era aaka tba at ate highway com mie a» puu o> p o jjo j u * jp |iq j p»ojp»N
ly rootaal and « I I I ralgn during Iba ■Ina to designate a a e « state highway
from Port lead through Purest Grove
Ibrao day« of Iba Hound Up.
and weal up Galea creek Into the Na­ u»wqi»oa «qi jo iaep|a»»d *ppn|| qd|wj^
Mndford parking houaaa ara now
ha lorn valley, running west from a jo ao|U|do * q | u| pool »aeditv ggg|
Working rap acity craw a and « lir a
[mini near Jewell oa the south side of 0| X|»u* S ||« j qiauieiM o)U| aii|«J|
lass» ablfla aa Iba peak of Iba llart-
Saddle mountain aad reaching the jo ao|i«»»do »qi »iqiaaod Suisam jo
la tl paar aaaaon la now a l band.
puu iinataoq;) ju au|| j|j|3«cf ujaqinog
coast and Seaside.
»qi q i|a p u*u ukuj p«o»||«j u»*qpofs[
F1nraarn Waggoner. lha 4 yaar-old
penitentiary "dog
daughter of M r and Mra Hoy Wag houae" which for many years haa been l«w»O »qi jo »uq uo I x j u |«»|u»3
gooar of Kaadaporl. waa drownrd la the mecra of convicts while at leisure, a»o »qi dn k a ip o u u o j jo ai->»d«u»j .
u*ui»aq>|j »qi Xq p*»»a||ep a a q > m |»
Iba 8cbofl«ld river Inal week.
haa been torn down to make room
I ’ p to August 11 a total of 14.MM an for expansion of the atate lime plant, -u|j iuo|l»Jxa q i|a Xupa»nqx ia«| ooou
lomobllaa and 4k M3& vlallora had aa- which la conducted In connection with ib pasop uorstia £ jg j »q x s»|0«duioo
Xuiqaud uotu|aa puu aquuq «pioiay
tarcd C rata r I-ake park, an larraaaa the prison
SuiXdnjoo B| q »»a i««| uoauua qoui|«s
of 14 par cam o vrr any prarloua year.
The Weal Coast Hydroelectric cor-
»qi jo »«ojo aqi lu |a o ||u j u*m »*qa,j
T ha annual flow er ahow given by poralloo completed Ita light and power
»ea|» «|(|tun|o3 »e«o| Huotu» 000 000
lha I .a Granda Neighborhood club « III Hue ihto W aldport from Toledo the
-‘tl X|»uau Su|)nq|»i»|p jo q»oa »q x
ba bald Friday. Heptrm ber 9. and Iba
S»u|| uo>a»o »qi jo ia»pu»i
dlaplay promlaaa to aurpaaa all pre­
first tim e In Ita history W aldport la •u|»»dna k u |j[ q 3 Xq iu»m »junoa
vious shows.
•au 01 Saipxoaas 'Xuudtuos »IJptM
enjoying a 14 hour service.
Julian (J Gwynne, raa rb a r living I I
njsqinoti »qt Xq poxpoqtau a*»q ivnf
miles naat of Waaoo. waa fa ta lly la-
If local plane are accepted and car­ ■uq au»Xn3 u| |uu|tn»»i aqi 1« seanoq
Inrad Inal F riday «hen a truck load ried out. Medford w ill have one of the «joja puu a»nn iJ«j q ju »i pruomppu
of «beat ba « • • taking to Klondike beet aviation fields on the coast, and doqa »oiqaum « jo uoiiao»« »qi U| pop
overturned on him.
w ill be on Ibe line that w ill be lighted T 9 Z l X|eiutuixo»ddu jo »»niipuadsa
Miaa Leab Oravae waa ulactud ae from Ixm Angeles lo Seattle, enabling
H«q qaund a a n aqi jo go|
Mlaa Halnaonbarry. queen, and preald- Gylng al night as well aa la the day -oudo aqi puu 'q j» n q * jq o q iu j usuiou
ad at tha Nehalem bay fa ir at Wheat. time.
a a a aqi jo uo|i«3|pap aqi q u a a o |p » u
ar. laat weak
Mlaa Graves la a Ne­
A meeting waa held In tbe Union -noo oi g i » a q o p o aoasnft u| lenbaoq
halem high school girl.
achool bouse la M ilw aukie, attended Xup snqam|O3 |anaaa <11 p|oq 01 uo |1
T h ree hundred palra of Chlneae by berry growers of Clackamas county -«1l*a| au p»|d»33« tuq anq u in p a jo
pbeaeanla ware releaaed at varloua and others Interested to try to form BiqS|U3 « q i jo ipunoa aiuja aqi i« q i
polula Imlwaan M aygar and Hrappooee some sort of organised movement to Xupajnqx apu ui »ua inam ajon oo uy
In Columbia county laat week by Dap protect tbe growers on production and
Xpaaja» ma[«g u, [«jauag
Uty Game W arden Hill Brown.
-Xaa»oiiu aqi Xq paxudajd no|U|do uu 01
loo county •• bool d is tric t* for uaa of
lb« aludanla
SOB n v a
C all for,a special election to be held
Tha largeat crowd ever at Silverton
at one tim e attended tha airplane c ir­ la Multnomah county Tuesday, Octo­
cus Sunday «h e n the American Uegloa ber 1(. for tbe purpose of electing a
d ed icat'd Ita new landing field. More successor to the late M aurice K Crum-
than IOOOO persons were on the field. packer, representative In congress
fla t Hoaa. private aacretary to Gov­ from the third congressional district,
ernor 1‘etleraon. haa bean appointed waa Issued by Governor Patterson last
by the departm ent of ju a tlra a mem­ weuk.
M arriage License* fo r Wook
Son Bern— A son « a a bora to Mr.
and Mrs. Chiu'las McDonald of Mas-
cola, August 29 at th e ir horn«.
Go to B u rn t— M r. and Mra. Oeorge
McMahon of Main street have gone
to Burna fo r a week or ten days trip.
Jurmtlen C ity M a n H uru W a lte r
Llpea of Junction City spent Sunday
In Springfield.
Haa Thum b Split— E E Potter of
W a lte rv llle cut his thumb severely
Tuesday « b I c h required several
stitches, la a local physician's office.
Vlult In W ashington— M r and Mra.
H. A. Looaoy of Springfield drove
W ashington
B atU 'd aj.
They returned the follow ing day.
T e n tila Removed— M ildred Tuhey,
daughter o f M rs. Anna T uh ey had her
tonsils removed at the office of a local
physician thia week.
Visiters fro m T llla m eo k — M r. aad
Mra Fred Rouebury of T illam oo k are
here v la ltiiM at the L D . I j r l t n e r
Pow or Man la Transferred — Jeas
Yeager «as transferred to Albany laat
week. He w ill be engaged In the ser­
vice departm ent o f the power com­
pany there.
V is ito r R e tu rn * to Portland— Mra.
EL W F in dley of Portland, wbo haa
been v laltln g w ith here mother Mra.
Paul B ra tta ia of Springfield returned
to her home early In the week
During the pant week m arriage lic­
ense* have been isaued to tbe follow­
ing coaplea by tbe county c le rk :
Oacar Woodard. Cottage Grove, aad
Isabelle Irish , M a r cola; H a rry Symone
and Iyena Tem pleton both of J a n e tta *
C ity ; John Foster and Oracle T h u r­
man, both of N o t); B e rt Thompson
aad H ild a W ilm ot, both of Crosw ell;
(Terence Foggy. Albany and Ix>ttle
Mae Bendahadlor, Bageae; A im T w a
bee T u rn e r and Florence Ingalla, both
of Eugene; Charles L a rk y aad Edith
H artzell, both of Cottage G rove;
Ralph D rr and M argaret Hopklna,
both o f Eugene; W illia m F uller, and
Ethel Peery, both of Junction C ity ;
Thomas H a ll aad H elen Igou, both of
Eugene; Delbert Brccam and Jeasle
K n ig h t both of Cottage Grove; Lloyd
H eiser and L a u re tta Zahm, both of
W e a d lla g ; H e n ry K is e r and V irg ie
Crow, both of
Convalescent Returns— Fred Bauer
returned to Reserve Monday a fter
a three weeks period o f nursing an
Injured foot.
O p e ra ta la Fam ily H e re — F B. H a ll
aad fam ily fro m Drain. Oregon, have
taken up th e ir reeldence upstairs St
the 8 P Passenger station
then invest
Haa T o n ali* Removed— M ary T ro t­
ter. daughter of M r. and Mrs. D. C.
T ro tte r of W a lte rv llle , had her ton­
sils removed laat Thursday.
The lure of sudden wealth that is promised
by many of the doubtful schemes and stock
propositions is hard to resist. Expert writers
and clever salesmen prepare a story that is
so convincing that many millions have been
taken from those who are not familiar with
the way such things are manipulated.
Slaters V is it Sunday— M rs. M arte
Braseal and Mrs. Josephine Johns of
Garden W a y visited th e ir slater, Mrs.
Alm a Cowden of Sprlngield. Sunday.
And there are many propositions offered that
are as safe as a government bond. How can
you tell the good from the fakes?
Before you sign that order blank or subscrip­
tion list come to this bank—you cannot well
afford to buy what a banker will not buy, and
our investments must stand tbe acid test of
safety and assured profit.
Drive tu Jefferson— M r. and Mrs. 9.
Elton Laaaelle of Springfield drove
north Sunday and visited relatives In
Fishing Good— L. E Scott who v ltb
a party of three spent Sunday la the
Vicinity of O ardner reporte a catch of
26 bass.
T he party urns In charge
of T . A. Richmonds.
Sprains W ris t— Mrs. Alm a Cowden
sprained her w is t, w hile moving her
household effects last Saturday.
’ haven't very much to move," she said
1 "yet enough to lame my w ris t con­
guipjooou '» « p d ja iu a [upjam m os aiux
-pd B| pevn aq 01 ai »ia aqi jo suma»ia
a ,q « l|» » a aqi tno jj uaqvi |aa«»> pu»
potra 'gao» ao Xi[«Xoj jo ao|iae||O3 aqi
e » |» a 01 a « | aqi »apua Xi|»oqtn» on
»uq a o la » o jo pjuoq po»[ « i» ia a q x
q n p X j« l
-on gjnqasoif aqi Xq qaaa l»»| S»nq
Sculptured by tbe action of streams -eaon 1« paaodo»d »ua ljn q a *o )j jo
ber ■>/ the board of parole* for federal
prieouera In Iba Oregoo atata peniten­ o f molten rock, a n e « group of cav­ Itu » p»o» »nbdm n qpojq aqi jo non
erns of tbe Lava riv e r type have been -a|dmoo aqi aaodjnd ajoa t it ■» ax»q
A S llltrh ro c k , world famous au­ found la tbe Glass Butte country, be­ 01 po» tq n p 3 |* p jo aeA|i«iaaaa»daj
jo dn ap»m aq 01 *DO|i»poa«« puo»
tho rity <>n graaaea. » •> in Salem re- tween Band and Burns. It « a s esti­
»nbdm n qi»0N 11 ai»a»3 01 u»|d y
caently egamlng Ihe herbarium at W il­
lie carrloa the a e « group of caves la more than throe
lam ette u n lv o y
mo|»8 u| Suiia.itn « iu pjvoq aqi Xq
title of agroalnlogiat tor the United ml lea.
The wholesale value of the salmon paqjua» uoppiap a 01 k u ip jo ja s '»qunq
State» government.
on Ihe Columbia riv e r for the jo íuapuaiupadns - « i» ia aqi ajojaq
T he North Pacific Nut Growers’ as-
auo|» lou pu» 'pjrtoq guiquuq ai»i» aqi
•oclatloa w ill bold Ita annual conven­ 1927 summer aeaaon. which ended last
a»ojeq amo.v »»ijnajaq ||| « ai»is aqi
tion In Salem December 17 and Ik.
Xq nollailta»» pu» uo|i»»i8|U|Uip» qu»q
according to a derlalon reached at a by those fam ilia r « Ith the Industry.
meeting of lha weatarn walnut grow­ The pack estim ate is 353.Olio cases, or
about a 10 per cent Increase over the
e r* in Salem recently.
Go to Monrue— M r. and Mrs. C. F.
1926 pack.
Egglmaan went to Monroe Wednes-1
Wnaton's new fkn.OOO achool build­
A ll Im portant m atters pertaining to
ing. erected on Norm al height* to
It is another way we serve you.
Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm Syst«
Visited Wiaconain— M r. and Mrs.
M ike O riel of M otor Ronte B. have
Just returned from an extended trip
through the middle west. T h e y went
east by ra il but returned In th e ir new
Chrysler car « h ic h they purchaaed
i *■
w hile there.
Commercial State Bank
Bankrupt Sale
Will End Saturday Night At The
N ew
F ord
Odd Fellows Building
4th and Main Sts.
soon be able
to show you tbe
beautiful new Ford
car. It’s better than
you ever hoped it
would be--the smart­
est, speediest, most
economical low price
car you’ve ever
E. R. Danner Motor
Sth an d A Street»
Friday and Saturday will be tbe last days to share in
these great savings in Men’s Clothing, Shoes,
Blankets, etc.