THURSDAY flKPTKMBKR 1. 1927 PAO» FOUR Community News CARDEN WAY Mr and Mrs. How ard Thurm an •pen: Sunday with M r and M rs Mel- Sta Paulson M r. and Mrs. Paulson (s ave next w e e k for M ontana where |Rey wtU make th eir heme. Miss A lm a Fish returned from W en di ng Sunday a fte r a few day Visit w ith relatives there. a week In Thurston. Alex K aiser a m erchant from Junc­ tion C ity was In T bsrstou last Sat­ urday. Mr. and M rs. Irv in Richard and fam ily fro m Uelfountaln. M r and Mrs. Arnold T ra c e r and fam ily from Junc­ tion City and M r. and Mrs John Ed- m ialon anJ fam ily motored to the Sum m it last Sunday. C A L L A N D S K I D r N. W » m -iy H O P I ’ll'K E R M BtKJKB— Printed A Sure Bl«n lag atroaffer oa desirable killers and In »took at i ba New» o fil ce Si on priées oa piala and other «orh. U w eaker on pigs la eastern market« ..H a lr ie s k Combe— Too bad K ata hundred. F at lambs were ateady In local m a r­ «rine didn't w rite yon t«4sy " k e t ' but went sharply lower In the W hatoon— "W ho aald K alh e rta e 1-50 per bushel or recleaned seed In Kentucky, 31-25 in M issouri and 31-20 in V irg in ia Livestock: Good k ille r and feeder catUe were firm but poorer kinds scarcely steady in most m arkets. Hogs were unsteady w ith prices tend- THURSTON M r and Mrs A. W . W eaver spent ja v e ra l days a t Alsea last - ww «4 l M r and M rs Laurence Gossler aad Mr and Mrs. F ran k Cam pbell motor- pd to South Fork on M cK eaxle last fu n d a y and spent the n ig h t M r. and Mrs. Ray Baugh and fam ily (Rent Sunday at E lm ira w ith M r. and M rs Jim M axw ell. M r. and Mrs John Price and M r gad M rs Fred G ray and fam ily attend­ ed the Sunday school group gathering S t the fish hatchery last Sunday. M rs. Fred G ray and daughters, Veda gad Elva, and M rs. John Price re­ tarned last F riday from M cK enzie bridge where they had been on an M itin g for several days. Loyd Ryan returned to his home Is Eugene last Saturday a fte r spend- (O . A. C. Extension Service I PERFUME Rhe- "How munv cigars do amok» In a d a r f “ H e — “Oh. any given num ber “ F A IR B IS T W IC K BUY! IN S P E C IA L S T H I VALLEY 1937 Dodge ('»ups. like new 1937 M aster Bulck Sport Roadster 1934 Standard Rulck 4-door Rttdun 1934 Standard Hoick. 3-door Sedan 1913 Bulck Touring, «-cylinder. 1933 Bulck Touring, Ulaas Inrloeure 1938 Standard Bulck Roadster 1934 Standard Bulck Coup« 1934 Ftord 4-door Sedas. 1934 Studebaker light 4 Coup« L934 M aster Bulck 4-door Sedan. 1923 Essex 4-cyllnder Coach 1933 Ford Coupe. Dodge Touring. Ilcesae, good rubber. tion of Milady's Personality. tJdors. like colors, must be select«*! with care Whut Is especially becoming to one, Is not. to another. If you are not quite sure what odor harmonises with your itersonallly. come In and test the var­ ious exquisite perfumes In our stock. There Is one among them that will innke an esp«*clal ap­ peal to you. Our line luclud«*s all the choicest product# of the worlds leading perfumers. Black Tulip is a new favorite Try It you’ll like It, 3M. Ford Coupe. >114. Hudson Speedster. 4 good tires, lic­ ense, 3175. Ketels’ Drug Store F. W . R IT T Y J O M N CO. O R IN IV IN IN O g AND SUNDAYS Seventh and O liv» 8 t. Eugene Ore Fhoas 1347. O r See M r M asters, 524 t th Street Springfield. Phone 13S-J T h e charm and sim plicity o f the little girl's dress offered this week should appeal especially to the mother who sews. C arried out in any soft crepe or silk m aterial in a pretty shade of rose, blue, cream or tan color,—th is style would he suitable for any “dreaa-up" 'Occa­ sion. A dainty, yet simple trim m in g it supplied by the tw o rows o f n ar­ row satin ribbon. In either the same o r d arker color, which is stitched on the collar, sleeves and hem of the dress. A black satin or velvet bow at the neck finishes it off w ith an attractive touch. M ay be obtained in sizes 1 to 6. Size 4 requires 234 yards < I «ft in< li m aterial Pattern« w ill be <1- l.e re d to any address upon receipt 23c in cash o r U . S. Postage, .-i -.s-.iys mention size wanted. Add:«»«. Practical Pattern D e p a rtm -n t, 17 W est 28th Street, N ew Y o rk •City, and always mention this newspa­ per. HERE IT acfe IS W Westinghouse Automatic Electric Range *----- IN T H E W E S T Eugene. Ore. Store 11 Never Before Have You Been Presented with such an Ideal Oppotunity 609 Willamette FOOTWEAR W EEK Rl ''S JY * footwear for all the family in spite of sharp advances In market prices. A MIA /T tl ” JLZ NOW before prices get higher SAVE DRESS PUM PS In the, Exclu­ sive modes. Patent and Coloured Kid. Over 50 clever styles to choose from. Boys, Girls, Misses SHOES, OXFORDS, SLIPPERS for school, dress and play. Every need is anticipated here. SHOES, O X FO R D S Plaine styles too, at a Snappy styles for young nen and the neatest In very low price. DON'T MISS THIS SAVING ARCH SUPPORTS Snapp patent with featherrt» light support. Kid Oxfords'^ and Fancy Straps. _ j * GYM SHOES ’ Correct for Athletics. Varl- I ous styles and weights. ■ OxfordH and Pb'- s I > f The opportunity to have placed In your home the very latest type de luxe full enameled auto­ matic Westlnghouse Electric Itangc at so excep­ tionally low cost. 18 Months to pay the Balance A Very Generous Allowance for your old range regardless of age, type or con­ dition; and the LOWEST price yet placed by us on a full enam­ eled automatic electric range makes this an outstanding offer and one which you should im­ mediately investigate. No longer need you fret about your fuel prob­ lems— with this new electric range In you kitchen, we will furnish an unfailing supply of electricity in whatever amount you require. In place of un­ sightly and, perhaps unhealthy, fuel bins, you will now be able to have that long-looked-for den or extra storage space—the extra wires necessary for your range will In no way Interfere. Now, with the KEY TO BETTER COOKING —a Magnificent Westlnghouse—you will have more time to devote to your children and to other Interests. It will be possible for you to place your dinner In (he oven hours before dinner-time and when you return And It deliciously and auto­ matically cooked-to-a-turn. and par re­ tba v