th « s n u N o n f l o FA G « TWO IM b U A e d I h w y T h « r« l* y at Sprlogfletd. L a *« lAwialy. Oracua. hr T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H B M A X S T . Hdltor. Bfetered aa second class matter, February 24. 190.1 at the poatofflce. Springfield. Oregon — M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One year in Advance____ 11.75 »1 »0 0U M onths__________ Three Months Single Copy THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1. 1927 HEALTH BOARD TELLS OF SCHOOL HYGIENE Tboae who fear that county fa in are becoming obsolete had that fear dispelled thia week when T il* function o f Oregon arhoota la not I juii * county otaged one of the best shows In her ^l>a- u, tt j**m. to t>e .»ten at the mm %*i? big 1)001 handling 200.000 000 nursing It. notice fur publucation bushels. The exporters that raised no wheat \\'t> need desire all our live«. No great thing forest BXCHANUB but got the profits have lost control, and farmers was ever done by a man without a great desire. No 017694 are getting a bigger pnee for their wheat. Per- it was Napoleon’s desire for fame that drove Department of th» in t.n o r, United bans our farmers will learn something from him forward, and Alexander's and Caesar's desire ^ ‘*XUg*n,? £ ¿ " ^ 7 ’’°***“'* ° r*‘ ' for conquest that actuated their efforts. NOTICE la hereby given that Freed We are proud of our railroads in the United J Marriage is rarely successful without a great IV taold . ot Eugene. Oregon. c^> Crow Stage. Bled application No. 017694. Elates. Canada has more miles of railroad per desire. the Act of March 10. 1011. (42 capita than any country in the world. Canadian ' a marriage merely for convenience, for money, S under U U 4*6) to exchange the U% farmers produced 16.UUO.OOt) bushels of w h eat' for position, or such reasons, is usually a failure. NNS* SW H . and Lot J. Sec. 1». Tp. 17 Sixty years ago. They produced 410,000,000 There have been few business successes ar- 8 . Range 11 Weat. W M . within the National Forest, for the tlm buahels last year. We have a powerful, energetic I complished by those who had no desire to get for- Slualav her on the NW% NBA*. Section 24. aatiou north of us, and are glad ot it. They are ! ward, and few politicians achieve success without Tp lg S . Range 11 West. W M . with good pace-makers. _ _ the proper amount of ambition. In said Sluelaw National Forest. Behind the whole human race In every race is The purpoee of this notice Is to a l­ low all pontons clalnmut the land DONT SHOOT the thing we call desire. It is the steam of the selected. or navlng bona Bile objec I human engine. It is the urge in human accom- (Iona to such application, an opportun Peer season opens September 10 and hunters lo file their protest with the Kcgls XLXZr ’“ t < of , the Brat publication of this notice, *** 1 they want or do not want a thing hard enough. September 1. 1*27. Every year there are people killed in our county Since desire is bo essential in human accom­ beginning I»7 deer hunters who shoot at every noise or plishment everything should be done to conserve Non-coat. HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. BHjveinent in the bushes. More men are killed it. All those false avenues of which desires ar<* Se 1-8-15-83 39 than deer by shooting blindly in the bushes. If easily satisfied without great accomplishment arc you are going deer hunting get your mind work- injurious. NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE­ IX t along safety first lines as well as your gun MENT MEN FORECLOSURE The chief trouble with drinking alcohol Is not before you go. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN In pur­ its immediate toxic effect upon the system so • • • much as it is the fact that it gives us a sense of suance of a tablualed list of Improve­ ment liens due and unpaid, transmit The fire at the power plant fuel bin iast week satisfaction without effort. The peace and con­ ted by the Town Recorder of Spring gemonstrated the value of sufficient fire fighting tent and hilarity that come after a good drink of field to the Town Treasurer, and fur equipment. With less means ot lighting this fire whiskey properly come after doing a Job of work ther In pursuance of Chapter 220 ot General Laws of Oregon for 1927, that broke out when everyone was asleep dis­ well. Those who are steady drinkers are very un­ the said list being as follows reliable doers. astrous results might have happened. , j LOTS I. The sex desire properly conserved j and limited . 1 2 ASSESSMENTS 3 4 5 6 7 g 8 AOAINST , nt) l0 of m628.23. Main street grading assessed by Or­ dinance Number 287 to Springfield Manufacturing and Investment Com pany. a corporation on November 20tb. 1911, balance due and unpaid Augusi 12th, 1927. On principal, >226.13. 6% Interest on same from November 22, 1916. >149 16 Main Street curb and gutter as­ sessed by Ordinance Number 288 to 8prlngfleld Manufacturing and In­ vestm ent Company, a corporation on November 20th, 1911, balance due and unpaid August 12th, 1927, On princi­ pal, >194.76 6% interest on same from I November 22nd, 1916, >128.48. Main street sidewalk assessed by j Ordinance Number 321 to Springfield , Manufacturing anil Investment COO pany, a corporation on September : 18th. 1912, balance duo and unpaid , AugUHt 12th. 1927, On principal, >83.17. , 6% Interest on same from September 19th, 1916, >54 89. Total due and Un- I paid on above deacrlhed property, >2165.47. ASSESSMENTS AOAINST M)T 8. | Block 1, Extended Survey of Spring j field, Orogon, as follows: North A street paving assessed by Ordinance Number 379 to A. J. Per­ kins and J. W. Machen on January J 24th, 1914, balance due and unpaid ‘ August 12th, 1927, On principal, i >220.03. 6% Interest on seme from February 5th, 1914, >171.62. Fourth street paving assessed by i Ordinance Number 386 to A J. Per- j kins and J W Machen on February ' 21st, 1914, balance duo unit unpaid I August 12th, 1927, On principal, ! >628.77. 6% Interest on srtmo from February 28th, 1916, >414 «2. Total due | and unpaid on above described proper ty. >1436.34. That I will on the 24th day of fteptem- I her, 1027, (Saturday) at the hours of I Ten o'clock on tho forenoon of said : day, In fMBt of the Town Hall In | Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, sell the above described property to the bidder for cash who offers to pay the assi'Hsjnents, costs, Interest and ac- ctuelng costs and Interest thereon, and take a certificate of sale therefor as by law provided. Dttfc this August 12th, 1927. J. 8MIT8ON, Town Marshall of the 1 Town of Springfield. MU. 25: 8e. 1-8-16-22 p ie n i o f (Im o for them later on Stato Board of H e a lth When the child comes hems at both tbs prin rlpal men! »houtd bo eaten ltal Just aa Important Is the after noon resL It la not necessary that the chlldr actually sleep, but it should he encouraged to lie down In a qulst room for halt an hour lo sn hour. A child of sis needs twelve hours sleep at night. After ths begin ulng of the school year 7: JO should be ths regular bed time, and this rule ahould not bo broken. M ills children should never ha taken out to evenlnr entertainments- movie», and other of reg ularity and exciting diversion« There will ho Four hundred _______ and four reels of motion pictures ,,u«hl ”»• We fail to see where waterpower development ____________ SB the WcKenxie river or anywhere else will hurt have been sent to several thousand lepers In the cteeaimeea the fish or fishing. Water that is used tor power ICulton I^eper Colony In the Philippines by the Very few grown upe i-waiiae the mn« #sd6 its way back into the river. Fish can be Motion Picture Producent and Distributors of »•* “ »t physical »train the alx year scree: ned away from the turbines and cross dams i America. This is a wonderful gift to these unfor- »Wa are under when they «rat atari gy means of fish ladders that have worked suc­ tunates, who art* now seeing for the first time the great adventure of goiug to school much of the outside world. f*« c # u «2 pf««r *»'<> pro»- cessfully elsewhere. a a a leoia tu tackle, and needs nil the re The worst enemy of the fish are the fish Ihetu- pslves. They are cannibals, the large devouring 1 The war killed 600.000 French horse«. In 1913 aerva force that can he mustered for ____ _ try planted tu the French census reported the number as J. 222.- him. the young. Of the millions of small •ur Wvere and lake® each" vear by the glin e oom- I 0 0 0 T h e fir8t < * " • « • <*»* war i’bu'ed the special care tor him at this time, ■dssion but a very small per centage are said to number at 2.636.000, By 1926 the number anti in- particularly with reference to regular hvT and get large enough to catch Some by 246.000 in spite of on increase in auto- hours of reel and sleep, and avoidance JJJho^pU e, « oa,, out o , e.O , hu»- ¿ T T “ " ~ “ Those men who call themselves si>ortsineu 1 would do well to get into the class of real sports­ men and instead of fighting every industrial de­ velopment devote a little serious thought to the propagation of fish. If they can find means of saving half the small fish planted in Oregon lakes gnd streams then there will always be plenty of fish and the few that might be killed by an in­ dustry located on a stream will be negligible. 4 TUURAPAT BWrrWMBJR 1, 1927 Dr. Geo. A. Simon Speciaiiiing In Tonsils Over Penury’s 8torw Phone 366 Eugene Dependable Eyeglass Service . "Dr. Roijdl Qick O F T O M IT R IB T —8 Y W I0 M T BR8CIALIBT 17» WHUmBtU S t Eturoue, Or«. JUtfT ONK THING, BUT—1 DO IT RIOHT? TRAINED YOU SUCCEED A Eugene Business College training will give you the foundation on which to build a successful cart*<*r. Enroll today and begin with one of the new classes Monday. For full information about our courses, address EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE " I l 's a G o o d School** A. E. ROBERTS, lYesident Telephone 666 992 Willamette Bt. Eugene, Oregon Make Yourself At Home Conte to Egglmann's any hour of the day and we an* always ready to serve you with a smile. Anti whut we serve you is guaranteed to make you smile. Years of ex­ perience has taught us how to mix soft drinks and make ice ereont thut satisfies the taste and also have good whole­ some ftxid value. Quality Is the first consideration In Kggimann’a con­ fections. EGGIMANN’S Wait For Big Circus Honest Bill 3 Rings America’s Best Circus 125 - - PEOPLE - - 125 100 Horses - Ponies $7St0 0 0 Worth of Wild Animals ELEPHANTS, LIONS, TIGERS, CAMELS, BEARS, GOATS, DOCS, MONKEYS. LEOPARDS, BUFFALO, ELK, GORILLAS, ZEBRAS, AND OTHERS. SEE TEX, WORLD’S LARGEST ELEPHANT SEE DIAMOND, ONLY SPOTTED ELEPHANT ON EARTH Wire Walkers, Jugglers, Acrobots And Funny Clowns One Day Only—Rain or Shine SEE OPEN CAGES IN PARADE Big Street Parade at 1:00 P. M. AFTERNOON AND NIGHT Springfield Monday, Sept. 12