Judge a Store by the A dvertiu n g It Does THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rth o A tuy Po op irs Pape»" L IV I N IW B F A F M R ’* * L I V I T O W N TW ENTY-FOURTH YEAR WOOD PRODUCTS DISPLAYED IIH IR SCHOOL BOARD FILLS VACANCY: INSTITUTE AT EUGENE. SEPT. 8-9, Title ■ U m Pay RAILROAD WILL LIKELY BE HELD HERE SOON W orld Student Record Bib 4-L riuniu OLI FOR LABOR DAY That the hearing on the clegtng of Second street In order to assess part been secured by the Bprlnafmld school i of the cost of the new Willamette j Sports of the Woods and Millt board to take the position left vacant , river bridge against the Southern to be Seen in All Day Cele­ Booth-Kelly Exhibits of Dougina by the withdrawal of M bs B yntul Pacific company will be set In a few j Veatch, high school teacher, accord . bration of Mill Operatives and days Is the opinion of Judge C. P- - Fir and Cedar Lumber One of log to a statem ent made by W. O. | Barnard who attended a meeting of Employees; . Everything to be Attractive Features; Awards Hughes. chairman o f the school board. the highway commission thia week. Free. Made f o r Dleplaye; Coast ah« will teach mathematics and The hearing which was to have been , Fork Winner. physics. The board hae secured her held promptly was put off on request Commencing Monday morning Sep­ »Ignaturo to her contract added Mr. of the railroad company engineer« tember 6 verlle woods men will spend With the annual Istne County Fair Hughes, Mies Veatch will te». h In who requested time to Chech up on the d a y with employers and friends tn full swing In Eugene many resi­ lie,id this coming school term the estimated coat for overhead and In and all day eelegartlon at Wend- dents of Springfield attending It are undergrade crossings o n Second' The teachers of the Springfield street. L. E. Bean, chairman of the j ling. finding special Interest In the ex­ public achool have been notified by public eervlce commission, has In­ Four-L locals from, Springfield« hibit of lumber products arranged by A. J Morgan, principal of the high formed the railroad official^ that they , .1 »...1 ' »chord, that the Lane County Teach Wendllng. and camps wtll send teams m lllln t r I n lt t r r n t a o f the* n o r i l l w e a l. ro" * . I er's Institute wtU be held September have had sufficient time and that the to compete In the game« for prlxee Having a primary concern in tha , an()9|h gt Eu<„ne lhtJ Woodrow 1 hearing should be held. hung up for those men most skilful prosperity of the saw mill Industry wilnini junior High achool which Is j i The railroad officials had demanded In tree-topping, cable splicing, log­ they And the appeal to the public to located at 12th and Jefferson streets j | at the last meeting In Salem that they bucking, foot racing, base ball and Nelson T Johnson, of OVa- other competitions. use wood In Its various useful pur- Among those who will address the | Uoma. new assistant See'y. of Sta'e, I be given time to check up on costa I Neil 1) Blue, of Vtrnon. Ha and estim ates required by the pro-, poses very attractive. | assembly of teachers will he C. A. | was promoted from th - I -r-.i "> "We tried to get log-rollers,” said posed brldge-bulldlng program. This has set a high ncliool and college Sen-test where lie l.ew I ' r Howard, state superintendent of pub ' George Cox. of the Springfleld local record by finishing the two full T h e Booth K elly Lumber com pany had been grauted even though the courses of seven years in 29% lie Instruction; K F. Carlton, secre-! rest Io the more diuniAed position this morning, "but we were unable to which has a big mill here has co­ —which by the »ay pays only public service commission realised months He will receive his A.B turv of the Oregon State Teacher's get them, aside from that, everything operated with others In trying to sell $7.500 per year degree at Florida University at the the expensive nature of delay. Chair­ elae connected with the wood« in re­ O r x o n lumber to the borne builders association; lion It F. Mulkey of end o the summer term man Bean's reply intimates that the | Portland, formerly preaident of the gards to work or play will be seen.” commission is in no frame of min-1 of the nation, 1 state normal school at Ashlasd and McKENZIE HIGHWAY A nurse will be on the field all day Oregon wood products are for more delay from the same quarter. EFFORTS TO LOCATE and there will be a nursery for chlF MUST BE 80-FEET OR seen In many attractive forms lioth W C. Hawley, congressman from thia Judge Barnard called attention to CANNERY IN T H IS CITY dren available, said Mr. Cox. rough and finished They range from dlatrict. LA N tvcn. NO ROAD BUREAU AID the fact that bids very likely will be The program of sports events had the huge, thick slabs of the first cuts WILL BE CONTINUED opened at the September meeting for not been available but Mr. Cox aw down to smaller, highly finished artl- METHODISTS WILL SEND That the McKenile highway must , rradlt)g the flrgt four mile« of the Effort* locAte a new cannery In , — gureB every s, leg down even to a small hair comb DELEGATE TO CONVENTION have an 80-foot right-of-way or there Willamette highway east from irons l Lowell a j w c ii Mu«.»» to — -- — - one the picnic will be o . f made from Douglas fir can be no further federal aid In mak- j bridge Bid. calling ¿ o r j h e ^ r a d j ^ j " ' £ ^ “ ‘g’Jrtngfleld i ^ ’t a s ^ X ^ h e a d m its ^ « very Motion pictures of togging and saw ­ Following the Sunday morning ser­ ,t a portion of th . Lincoln u l g , | of t h e ^ r - B e . m a y n- ? l, CommPrc^ g^ ded lively, there being between three and mill operations are being shown also vices the local Methodist Episcopal church will elect a lay delegate, and I way. Is the statem ent of Enunett The Mate will advertise for these at a meeting of a comm ittee of that four thousand people present. In the large tented booth C. W. Oodlove won the senior and an alternate. (o «,«-nd to the Lay Elec- J n ow lrd. representative from Lane bid. on behalf of Lane county and the body Wednesday There are to be no concessions oB grand championship honors on his | torgi conference which will be held In county In the Legislature, who was county win pay all the cost of the meeting with the local commntee the grounds states Mr. Cox. This M pure bred Jersey Priscilla Pilot Girl , Soptamber IS I ™ r( Emmett Howard and J. B. H a ll, simply a big welcome and good fello» here yesterday after returning from . . w ork This Jersey took the ««me honors last Mr May and prank Bailey Portland where ha Interviewed en­ Engineers were ordered Tuesday who have been interviewing cannery- ship m eet for the men and the women year His young herd sire also won h rpprpgpnt Oregon at the Central gnd , 4 fee, for telephone, telegraph OrPgnn highway, wlhch Is a part of Data gathered y e - . was awarded first prise for p r t « , which m eets once In four or p,IWrr lines that may be built thP Rend to Bums road and links up Chamber of Commerce and * • * ’ ’ ' J Four-L and the mill company Jointly. field, grain and o rca.rd display The j mugt MrK, nlle highway to make a in the county has been furntah'd Some $800 being the quota provided several large canning concerns. Three by the men of the locals. Mr. Cox de­ Grange made a showing of 88 points An alternate Is selected In the event | outside the portion used for roadway. pp„ „ „rate road Boys’ sod Girls' Prlxat The work will start this year as of these canneries have had jep resem clared. the delegate may not attend. The state highway department Is In Prtxes for flowers were awarded to will send a team of eight .VretTof X » ’c rop and it U _ 8pringfleld ~ __________________ slating that Lane county furnish thia S X “ ‘u m?drCe boys and girls of the Four-ll Club as men to enter the hose cart race. right-of-way chiefly because of the GIRL SCOUTS RECEIVE follow s: BADGES AT MEET.NG ~ ~ M,n’“ n ~ Best Floral Display. First. Clarence Koon, Junction City; Holding th .lv first regular meeting » 1 ^ « rlght^f-w .y I. furnished that The Commission ^ her " d u X ^ ^ X ’ _ Second. Lucille Zumwallt. Junction , h , McKenile w ... he made a c o a s t, Mds to he opened for a new bridge the e f f o ^ dls- p R A (S E S City Third. Francis Hom. Creswell; , of the season In the library. August branch of the Lincoln highway an d ' at Bine river. Lane county, pelled that Lane county farmers w ere] , . , 1 C u i w r T n N «IC E N E R Y Fourth. Helen McMann. Junction City. 80th. the Girl scouts devoted part of satisfied and did not want another WASHINGTON SCENERT The Hawkins variety orchard near the time to drawing up rules of pro- will some day be paved to the coast. Runrne took the Individual and the cedure. awarding of badges earned Otherwise the Satlman road, author- ^ ,|S S LUCILLE STEWART cannery. W. K. Barnell, local manager at sw eepstakes for fruit. Thay displays’! during the summer, and taking Girl : i«ed for construction at the last meet honorxdbv shower - e. ten varieties of fruit. 1 Scout tests Many of the girls passed lug of the highway com m ission.. will undoubtedly be selected and A shower was given In honor of c#Bnty «hia season to Salem and other returned during t e pas Both the Ooshen and tha C resw ell, |n part of their tests. county will be the loser. Miss Lucille Stewart. Tuesday even- cannert„ to he canned. Mr. Howard a two ’ • “ “ "’‘renort. a oleW- were very attractive and Thoae receiving badges at camp displays tag. at her home announcing her com- declare<,. H f has also checked up on tral Washington He were; Adaltne Perkins. Cooking. arous'-d much favorable comment. vug marriage to Ben Webber, which fruUa gent „„t or not be- sent trip the OLD SOUTHERN SOLDIER will be consummated Saturday even- lnR harTegU(). Steven '. P as. which Is he said. tM badges; Ixeidelle Williams. First 'Aid, FOUR NEW HOUSES BUILT ATTENDS FINAL BIVOUAC tag at the home of the bride's parents, m the fall ,t „ , he plan of the highest “or,1'era / “ V railway Observer; Eveyln Harris. Music. ____ „ Stew art _____ «»flH « The Great Northern railway BY LOCAL CONTRACTOR Lee Prldmore. 82. one of the loyal j Mr. and . ___ Mra. zw George chamber of Commerce to Ak send com- cades. wofB In place of a regular meeting an in­ r H Parsons and son are com door «oor picnic was planned pl.nncn for rnr Thursday , n u r.n .y (((11(>wrg of Rob).r, E L„ anggrered The groom I- the son of Mr. and to Portland. Salem and San has a la^ n™ unnpl th!s K ' ___________ ____ „„ t h - e v e n in g S e p te m b e r 8 Aom , to 9 The flna( cB„ i>(day August 26 '1 w » hh- r S r. v t .w h e a d heads s of pack- on the road, an Mrs. r’- Carl Webber. Sr. i --------------- p,.anclsco .„ to .» r interview of pack- pletlng a new modern home on th- following comm ittees were oppolnted: | He ,g MUrv,VP(, by hlg wldoWi lwo Seveial weeks age. it will be rem- jn^ companies in an effort to locate nlty, Mr. Barnell declared. Scenery corner of 7th and D streets This Is along the way was superb. No oiled Refreshments. Jewel Hlltehrsn.l. Eu- daughters and one son. The funeral emibered. Mr. Webber s daughter mar p(anta hpre the fourth house they have built this L. C Ables and son. Kenneth, from roads were traveled on the trtp. nice McFarland, and Audrey Daniel» I * from (he WaIker chapel rled Harold Stewart The Barnell party, consisting of Mf. season. Eugene were also in attendance at the Monday at ten o'clock In the morning. ’’There has been much more bull! and Mrs. Barnell and daughter Bar | Thelma Baker and Adallne Perkins. IN WHICH SIMPLY A 'm eetin g last night. Mr Ables is In He was burled In Mt. Vernon cem e­ tag Inking place this year than Inst.” bars, visited Oroville, Washington, Groups of girls appointed by Mrs. tery. Rev. Gabriel Sykes read the DEED IS RECORDED terested in irrigation and has a large which had been the former home of declared Mr. Parsons. “It seemed that Basford will entertain other members services for the departed man. ______ — farm Just north of the city in which ------- , , , r.m taa as soon as we began to work In the tradition n o b o d y he has deve.oped the foremost Irri- ^ B a r n e l l • on an at regular meetings, it was decided. According to Mr. Prldmore was born In Prince spring '« v |.h , hp result •**°!n etaotn shrdlu etaoln etsoln watched George cut down his father’s nation system In Lane county, build " he added With ‘h* , etaotaetgoln etaoln etsoln etao. ttthm " " » • m Vlr"ln*“ » **45 A era Washington highway. that Springfield haa made a substan j ________________ thp |lR(, oj j - be pntered the Army of cherry tree—or made remarks ab ou t1 the South and served throughout the »A- tlal growth. , S P. WILL RUN SPECIAL TO UNION MEETINGS CLOSE; Lions to Spend Day a t Lake But when the old cherry tree at the , Mr. Parsons anil his son do all the bitter conflict. Twice he was Im DEMPSEY-TUNNEY FIGHT ---- . . . _ ,„«i I The Springfield Lions club mem MORE WORK IS PLANNED work required In erecting a new real ............ , prlponed He wgg » prisoner of war West end of Main street was cut dowu her» and there was no lack of onlookers or dence. at the time of General L e e s sur- Residents of Springfield who are Union services held by the local of Mayor and Mrs G. G BuHhman advice. especially desirous of w itnessing two churches during the summer closed Lahor Day at their summer cottage at render Piqued somewhat the man with the tn((nt hPBTywe,Khtg exchange Mrs. Ed Cole Returns— Mrs. Ed The last seven years of his life had Triangle Lake A picnic dinner and axe offered It to a bystander and sa . P Chicago have been provided with last Sunday's meeting In the Cole of Chase Gardens returned Sun­ program will be enjoyed. A commit­ been spent In Springfield. The son. ■Now go ahead! ” Two surprise, fol- > M ow s, raUroad Christian church. The regular pro* day from a trip to Idoha where she gram of the various denom ination tee from the local den Is working on Truman Prldmore, lives In Canada. visited relatives and friends at McCall the program and final arran gem en t One daughter, Ruth, resides in Car- lowed. wiilch will sell them round trtp tickets w ill be resumed. and Ixtag Valley. She drove over X n d: trB,n a”d 111 be made at the Friday noon lunch nation. Washington. The other. Helen. More of the same spirit of co-oper» He knew how to use IL with her two sons, Orhle and Ralph. the arena, according to Carl Olson tlon which promoted the union meet* llvee with her mother In Springfield. eon of the club. All others protected them selves She returned alone Orhle Cole, who local a g en t The fare will be $104.85 lngs wus seen at the close of the Sue- from flying chips. Then L M P e t a r - , ^ gB pringfleld. haa been In attendance at the summer CARLOAD OF MILK COWS Legion to Meet Friday Night—John son. city recorder, returned the axe, ( train w ill leave San day evening session when a d -cisioe session of the University of Oregon, C O T O CALIFORNIA PUt? i \ CO-at„ O. - 1.a" i Z " t will teach In the public schools of Will, commander of the local post of r6' I Francisco September 19th at 10 P M. was reached to appoint a Joint c o » the American Ixtglon announces the m lttee to Investigate the subject of cord other people's deeds. Emmett. Ralph, who went to high I and will arrive In Chicago September first regular meeting of the post will week-day religious education. A carload of high grade milk cows school for two yekrs In 8prlngfleld. i 22 at 9 A. M. The return will start The names of the Joint committee S to r e O p en in g D ela y ed w ill enter the Intermountaln Insti­ take place tomorrow night. He urges w ss shipped to Los Angeles yesterday. I September 28. will be announced on Sunday Sep* tute at Weiser. Although Mrs. Cole all World War veterans, whether T hese cows were bought In the vici­ » • The I II“ tickets UVBkVwB for saz» seats •• wtll -- range v nity of Springfield and -were selected The opening of the McMorran and Thp g,,uthern Pact tember 4. was pleased with her visit In the member« or not, to attend. for their good qualities as milkers. Washburne new store in Eugene which mountains of Idoha she Is very glad fle had 830 seats allotted for the Educator Visits—R. W Rose of It was said. has been advertised for Fr.day has to be again In Oregon. Mr. Cole Is special. Hot Spell Broken— Rain fell Sun­ Portland made a brief call on friends The car contained 22 cows stated been delayed until Saturday accord­ employed at the Chase Gardens. day evening and Monday and cooled In Springfield Tuesday. He Is prin­ Carl Olson, local agent for the South­ ing to an announcement made by the cipal of the Park Rose school In Port­ ern Pacific, who also remarked that management this morning. Saturday j Cu y Physician Goes to Salem—Dr off the air and freshened all Nature Bug Turns Over In Harrisburg in a general way. The remainder of Orrin Gregg and Mike Renshaw land and former principal at Molalla, It was a hit unusual for shipments of evening from B until 10 o’clock will be w h . Pollard, city health officer, went the week has been fair but cool aad Oregon. the first opening to the public of the to Salem W ednesday to attend sea- drlvmg a bug racing car built at the m ilk stock has not been the rule at new store at Willamette and Broad- Rionf of the Oregon state board of pleasant. Jolllff Scalefe garage, n a r r o w l y this station. Service Extended — The Mountalu way, ' health which are being held In the escaped serious Injury today when the J. A. Neher. a Springfield farmer ______________ — ' chamber of commerce rooms there. At Home Over Week End— RusoeB car turned over at Harrisburg. The States Power company is building a who sold some of the cows making up - ia He was accompanied by Mrs. Pollard. Olson sepnt the week end at the home boys were trying the car out and to line to extend their services to 2« thia car was of the opinion the buyer Portland Visitors on Way to Gold remain for the two day of his father, Carl Olson, local agent avoid hitting another automobile ran homes located out of Springfield In the hnd entered this field for the first Bosch—Mrs. E. E. Southard of Fort- mppt,ng o{ the gtftte medical associa- for the Southern Pacific. Russell Into a yard at a rapid rate of speed direction of Ooshen, according to W. time. land, whose husband has a contract tlon. Olson la a salesman for an auto ae* and turned over three times, accord K. Barnell. local manager. gravelling a section of the Roosevolt Ing to spectators. The car Is a total cessory firm In Portland. Leaves for Paris highway, Is visiting Mrs. H. A. Looney wreck but the occupants escaped un Mother Convalescing — Mrs. Minnie Home Nearing Completion — The) of Springfield. She Is accompanied by hurt. Ben Dorris, local nut grower, left her daughter. They plan to go OP Tracy 'who has been seriously 111 new home of William Vashy which he Go to Newport—Mrs. N- W. Emery ! at the home of her daughter, Mrs. 8. with her nephew. Lloyd Emery and Is erecting on the corner of 8 and C today for Portland where he will Join Gold Beach Saturday. Eire Truck Makes Run—The fire ___________ | Elton Lasselle, 428 7th streeL 1« Mra. Jack Henderer of Sprlngeflld streets Is nearing completion. He Is the Oregon delegation attending the engine answered a call to 7th and F Studsnt Goo. to P ortland-C ourtney! kradually regaining he ratrength. also building a modern cottage on an American Legion convention In Paris drove to Newport Tuesday. ntreet Tuesday afternohn where Mr. Dorris, formsrly a lieutenant In adjoining loL Lasselle, a member of the eighth grass fire had begun to spread. No the l i s t division. Is a state delegate Goes to Salon»—Dr. Carl H. Phette- grade graduating class of the Spring- In from Trlsngls Lake— Mr. and damage was done. Rsturna from Independence— Mrs. ot the convention. While a we y he will field public school has left for Y*ort- place left this maralng to attend n Mra. Corda Ketchen form near Trt- visit the Belgium battlefield where he m eeting of the state medical associa­ Return from Coast—Mike Leathers Anna Knox returned from Independ­ w as wounded and other places along land where he will enter high school . n g»« Lake spent Wedaeeday la tow s. tion In Salem. and small daughter have returned ence Tnesday after spending several the western fron t ¡th is tall. days there. from the coast at Newport. Ml>i Catherine A Tlnkham h ss I .