™ £JSSL THURSDAY AUOUBT 26, 1927 F A S S E N O IR T R A IN S C H E D U L E S P R IN O F IE L D S TO FS Cascada Lina North beund SEPTIC TANKS Heady for you Io Inatall For family of live ___ ______ $21 For family of eight .............. $28 at our plant Rawer Pipe— Drain Tile Chimney Blocks RUOCNK CONCRRYR RIFR CO. * tf. Watrb repairing done correctly Work In today—Out tomorrow. Hoyt M l Main a t u NOTICE F o il PUBUICATION FOREST EXCHANGE NO. 01754» Deparament of the Interior, United Statea Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ gon. July 2b. 1P2Z. N O T IC E la hereby given that E K. Faulkner, of Corvallis, Oregon, tiled applh-allun No 01764» uniter tile Art of March ¡0. 1832. (42 Htat . 4<6| to exchange Ute Nt» N W , NW (4 N B t,. HWl» NWl* N W li NBI4, N W ', BWi* NWIa NE>„. WS4 RWU HW'4 NEI4. HW«, HEH NW'H. B B t, H E', BEN, NWS», Wty NW *4 RES» EH NES4 NBS» RWSi, SWS4 N E < NESe RWSg. KSb NKS» 8WS». WH NW (4 NEH HW>,. WH HE1» .P W 4 , WS» BH NFS» NWSi. Sec­ tion 14 Tp 16 H Range 10 Weat. W M. containing 140 arrea within the Rtualaw National Foreat. In eirhange for timber of equal value from the RWSe NEH NEH. Berllon 4 Town, ship 20 R . Range It WeaL W M., con­ taining ten arrea, also within said Rlualaw National Foreat The purpose rff this notice ta to al­ low all persona claiming the landa aelnrted or having bona fide objec­ tions lo aucb appllretloa. an oppor­ tunity to file their protect with the Regtater of the U R lan d Office at Roneburg. Oregon Any each protests or objections must be Hied In thia of­ fice within thirty duya from the date of the first publication of thia notice, beginning July 28, 1827 non - cob I HAMILL A CANADAY. Regtater. Jl II: Au 4 11 18 26. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Emma M Griggs. Deceased Notice la hereby given lhat M F. Orlgga. has been by the County Court of the State of Oregon. In and for la n e County appointed administrator of the estate of Emma M Orlgga de­ ceased AU person having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly stated and veri­ fied. at the law office of A E Wheeler In Eugene, Oregon, within a ll months from this 28lh day of July. 1827. M F ORIOGS. Administrator. A. E. WHEELER. Attorney, Jl 21: Au 4-11-18-26 B U S IN E S S Phone 130-M Life, Automobile and Firs Insurance CARL A. WYMAN Resident Agent 734 D Street, Springfield. Oregop es. Phone 160 Plano Moving »PRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILLI» BERTSCH. Prop. JFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE 533 Main Street Successor to Sutton Transfer (lflllce Phone 43 Res. Phone 3 Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. General Practice. Special Attention to Obstetrics and Diseases of chll- Iren. -S First National Bank Building Springfield. Oregon WM. G. HUGHES [ A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC O ffice a* tST NATIONAL BANK ngfield, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY OENTIBT ton Bldg. Phone 2GJ Residence Phone 153 M Springfield, Oregon G eneral L aw Fraction I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law C ity H a ll B nlldlng Springfield, Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE A T TO R N B Y A T LAW N O T A R Y P U B L IC Building Springfield, Ons gen. that none of the defendants have any rlghL title, or latareat therein or thereto whatsoever: and that the de- fendanta and «sth of them be forever barred and enjoined from asserting any claim thereto. This summons Is served upon you by publication In accordance with an order mate at Eugene. Oregon, by the Hon O F Sktpworlh, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, on the 19th day of July, 1927, requtr Ing that thia summons be served by publication thereof at least once a week for alx coaaecuUve weeks in the Springfield News, or that In lieu there of you be persona.ly served with aum mons outside > f the State of Oregon Date of first publication the 21st day of July, 1927. DONALD YOUNG, Attorney for plaintiff, 880 W illamette Street, Eu gene, Oregon. GRADE E X A M IN A T IO N » The regular uniform eighth grade state examinations will be given la districts where pupils have complied with the legal requirements and ap­ plication haa been made for ques­ tions, on Thursday and Friday, Sep­ tember 1, 2, 1927. A limited number can be taken care of In my office E. J. MOORB. County School FupL Ao. 26: Be. 1: Weat Coast, to Portland, ._ 6:04 A. M Local. No. 8 3 ___________ 1:11 F. M Southbound [.ocal No. 81 __ ___ 8:46 A. M Weat C o a st,________ ___ 8:11 P. M Number 81 carries a sleeper, and B lank Prom issory notes and re­ connects at Black Butts for San Fran­ ceipt* printed and In stoch a t *38» cisco and Loa Angeles. Both Weat News office. » H A T H THE UHW OF GOING T -• WANTED- Hear from owner Ranch <’oaa> trains atop here on flag. EUOENR WHEN Y- If CAN HUY 1' for safe. Ulule cash m ce. particu W tndllng Trains BU M M O N B CHEAPER IN YOUR OWN TOWN. lara P. F. Hush. Minneapolis. Minn Eaatbound mixed, at Springfield. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. LURKE-R ÍEÜOND HAND STORE Se. 2» 8:18 A. M. Commercial State Bank of Springfield. OPEN PAY ANP NIGHT Westbound mixed, at Springfield a corporation. Plaintiff, -vs- Grant J. 12» 6th Street tf. FOR SAI JO -Slightly used Burroughs 1:60 P. M. Cowling. Defendant. Adding Machine. Perfect condition. To Grant J. Cowling, the above named Cash or terms. Inquire at Bpring- defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: fled Postofllce. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE You are hereby required and summon­ USED CARS THAT STATE OF OREOON FOR LANE ed to appear and answer the complaint SUM M O NS Jl 21-28: A 4-11-18-25: 8 1: ARE SETTER COUNTY. filed against you in the above entitled IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE O. A. Serfllng plaintiff, v. George O. suit and court, within four weeks from B NOTICE OF FINAL 8ET1LEMENT Yoran, Frances Yoran and Luclle the date of the first publication of STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE 1823 Ford Fourdoor Voran, hla wife. Ada Yoran Hale Notice la heheby given that Granvel this summons, to-wit: on or before COUNTY. 1»24 Mght His Htudebaker Coupe. the 22nd day of September, 1927, and L. Prtndel. Administrator of the estate Mary F. Sisson. Plaintiff, vs., Emery and ........ Hale, her husband. Fred 1831 Rulck Touring, Glass Incloaure l> Sisson. Defendant. 8 Dunn and Anna Dunr bis wife, of Hiram M. Prlndel, deceased, has you will take notice that If you fail Edna niggle« and _____ D lgglw r; filed hla final account and report as to appear and answer said complaint 1*26 Rulck Standard Coupe To Emery D. Sisson, defendant. her husband. Lnvlnla Belknap »«ch. and the Court has set Saturday or otherwise plead thereto within said 182« Rulck Redan. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Christian, Catharine Christian Bar- the 24th day of September 1927. at the time, tbe plaintiff for want thereof, OF OREGON: You are hereby re- ISIS Rulck Touring. rett. and Clinton Barrett her bus- hour of 10:00 A. M. to bear objections will apply to the above entitled court ' qulred to appear and answer the Com- 1820 ilulck Roadster. band, Alonxo Patterson and Mabel to the same, at the County Court for tbe relief prayed for In its said 1 plaint filed against you In the above 1826 Chevrolet Redan Patterson, hla wife. Kester Dudley Room, et Eugene, in Lane County, complaint to-wlt. entitled amt within six weeks from Christian. Louis Belknap Christian. Oregon, and for the final settlem ent 182« Rulck Two Poor Sedan That the plaintiff have judgment the date of the first publication of thia Ira Summer Christian. Zulu Kupetx. ' ■“•d estate- ,.n , v n o .. .. , , and recover from defendant the sum Summons, and If you fa.. 10 answer, 1827 Rulck Roadster. and Joseph Kupetx, her husband. GRANVEL L. PRINDEL, Adminis- o f T w o Hundred Fifty Dollars for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ 182« Ford Touring — — trator. Eugene Christian and - Olive Chrts ply to the Court for the relief prayed (8250.00) together with Interest there­ WELLS A WELLS, Attorneys. 1823 Dodge Coupe. tian, his wife, Roy Christian. Blva for In the crmiplalnt, to-wlt: for a dls- on at the rate of 8 per cent per an­ Au. 25: Se. 1-8-15-22 Christian Moore. Ethel C. Smith | solution of the marriage contract ex- 1821 Podge Touring num from t> -ptember 22nd, 192«. until and Clement Smith, her husband. [ ------------------------ I latlng between you and the plaintiff paid, for the further sum of Thirty 1827 Dodge Coupe. This summons Is served by publica­ Frank Christian. Elmo Christian. HOP picK E R S BOOKS— Printed and Five Dollars (336.00) reasonable at­ 1822 Ford Cotipe. Mllllnder Atkeson and George U | ,n 8tock th day of July. 1927. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE foreclosed and that said premises be .... ....... Calllson. his wife, Martha In aald court. The Pacific Savings and Or 8ee Mr. Masters. 624 8th Btreet Ix>an Association, a Washington Cor­ Wallace and _____ Wallace, his In the County Court of the State of sold in the manner provided by law Oregon In and for tho County of and that the proceeds from the sale wife. Henry E. Calllson a n d -------- Springfield. Phone 132-J poration plaintiff, recovered judgment of said mortgaged premises be first ap­ Lane In Probate. Calllson. his wife, and also all other In re Estate of Eugene W Bowder, plied to the satisfaction of this plain­ against the defendants W. H James persons or parties unknown claim­ and Bertha James, hla wife, tor the sum tiff's judgment and decree herein, and deceased. ing any right, title, estate, lien or Notice Is hereby given that by the the remainder. If any. be applied as to of 81780 28 and Interest thereon at the Interest In the real estate described terms of an order duly given and made the court may seem m eet and equi­ rate of 10 per cent per «m um from A D M IN IS T R A T O R S N O T IC E In tbe complaint herein, defendants. on July 25. 1927, the above entitled table. and that the defendant be fore­ N O T IC E 18 H E R E B Y O IV E N , Thai February 1. 1827 until paid, and for Court appointed, me. Ralph C. Bowder. closed and barred of any estate, rlghL SUM M O NS the undersigned has by the County 1 the further sum of 1200 00 as Attor­ Court of lam e County. Oregon, been neys fees, together with costa in the To Frances Yoran and Luclle administrator of the above entitled title or interest In. or Hen, claim or duly appointed administrator of the aum of $17 00. which judgment was en­ Yoran, his >w4fe, Ada Yoran Hale and estate: that all persons having claims demand upon said mortgaged pre­ Inst the said estate shall present mises, and the whole thereof, save aetata of Samuel Pavla Cairns, de­ rolled and docketed In the Clerks _____ Hale, her husband. Edna Dig Piggies, her husband, the same to me with vouchers «ttach- only such statutory right of redemp­ ceased. and that all persona having office of said Court In said County on ».-a. gles and claims against aald estate are hereby the 29th day of July. 1927. and said Lavlnla Belknap Christian, Alonso , ed at the law office of my attorney, H tion as he may have and for such required to present aald claims, pro­ execution to me directed commanding Patterson and Mabel Patterson, his E. Slattery. 717 W illam ette S treet Eu- other and further relief as to the court perly verified as required by law, to me In the name of the State of Ore­ wife. Catharine Christian Barrett and gene. Oregon, within six months from may seem equitable. This summons is published pursuant the undersigned at the office of W. O. gon. In order to satisfy aald judgment. Clinton Barrett her husbnd. Kester the date of the first publication of Louis Belknap this notice In The Springfield News. to an order of the Honorable C. P. Bar­ Benson. Attorney. Room 8. The Flrat Interest attorneys fees, costa of suit Dudley Christian Bank Building. Reedsport. Oregon, and accruing costs to sell the follow­ Christian. Ira Summer Christian. Eu- J which Is August 11. 1927: and that all nard, Countv Judge of I^ane County. gene Christian and Olive Christian. 1 ______ persons iwring the said n esU te ahall Oregon, duly made and entered on the within six months from the data of ing described real property. to-w1t: _ - L li_ < l^ n f l The East one hundred and ten (110) pay »X- the obligations 8zw to m me. thia notice. 20th day of August, 1927. The first feet of Lot one (1) In Block three (S) his wife. Elva Christian Moore. Ethel RALPH C. BOWDER, Administra­ publication thereof will be made on Dated August 18th, 1827. of Mountain View Park Addition to C. Smith and Clement Smith, her hus­ tor. Thursday, the 25th day of AugusL ROT G CAIRNS. Administrator of Eugene. In Lane County, Oregon band. Frank Christian. Elmo Chris­ H E. Slattery. Attorney for Adminls 1927.and it will be published four con­ the Estate of Samuel Pavla Calms, and - George wow therefore inererore In in m uauie ui m e tian. Mllllnder Atkeson. — — - Now the e name of the secutive weeks in the Springfield deceased State of Oregon, In compliance with L. Atkeson. her husband or the un- • 11-18-25- S 1-8’ An. 18-26: Re 1-8-16: News. said execution and order of sale and known heirs of Mllllnder Atkeson. if I. M PETERSON. Attorney for In order to satisfy said judgment In­ deceased. ........ .. Erickson, wife of NOTICE OF SALE OF OOVERN- Plaintiff. Postofllce Address, Spring- te r e st attorneys fees, costs of suit Charles E r ic k so n ,..... .... York, wife - MENT TIMBER field, Oregon. and accruing costa. I w ill on Saturday of James York_______ Humphrey, wife Au. 25: Se. 1-8-15-22 the 3rd day of September. 1927. at the of Ralph Humphrey, —....... Corblt, General Land Office, Washington, D. C., July 18, 1927. hour of one o'clock In the afternoon wife of Henry S. Corbitt. -------- Cor- Is hereby given that subject SU M M O N S of said day. at the Southwest front bit. husband of Sarah Francis Corblt. , Notice conditions and limitations of door of the County dourt House. In the unknown Helre of Norris Humph-1 the the gct of June 9 19, e , 39 Stat 218 i In the Circuit Court of the State of Eugene, Ixane County, Oregon offer Oregon for Lane County. deceased........ Bowman, hus- and 8Uant t0 departmental régula-' for sale and sell for cash, at public rey. band of Wilma Bowman, Irene C. t)on|j Qf Apr„ H 1924 (B0 b D 376). Commercial State Bank of Springfield. auction, subject to redemption as pro- a corporation. Plaintiff, -vs- Grant J. vided by law. all of the right, title “ unr!i ’ , *"*’ „ “ Y 1” ' the timber on the following lands will Cowling. Defendant. and Interest of said defendants W. II ^nn<’ b.e na ,C ‘" J . ' g - be sold at ten o clock a m . Sept 14. To Grant J Cowling, the above named Jam es and Bertha Jam es, h is wife “ r ' ’ the* defendant Ethel M Mahany and C. Arthur Ma Klnsella. her hus high(,gt bidder at not less than the ap- In the naime of the State of Oregon ■ hany. her hushnna. and all persons sella and through or under them j band, Rufus G. Calllson. Jr. and , ....... ( prftj8^,d value as shown by this notice. You are hereby required and summon­ 228 Main 8L Residence 125 C 8 ‘ I claiming by. either of them In and to said i Calllson. his wife. Emery E. Calllson. sa,e ((J bp subjeet t0 the approval of or any nr ed to appear and answer the complaint «3 J 82 M premises. and . ... Calllson. u'.s wife. Martha the Secretary of the Interior. The filed against you in the above entitled Wallace, her husband, purchase price, -with an additional sum court within four weeks f r o m FRANK E TAYLOR. Sheriff of W allre and Full Auto Equipment 1« n ,11. . »«.i r n iiic n n of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, the date of the first publication of Lane County. Oregon. Hpnrv R Callison and being commissions allowed, must be By BEULAH BRINN1CK Deputy. I-ady A ssistant his wife, and also all other per. on at time of sale money to he this summons, to-wlt: on or before Au. 4-11-18-25: S. 1: or patles unknown claiming any right. sale Is not approved other- the 22nd dav of September, 1927. and title. estate, lien or Interest in the I " 5 Urn* ¿Ill Issue for the timber, you will take notice that If you fail ORDER FOR HEARING real estate described In the complaint mus, bp removed wlthin 10 to appear and answer said complaint IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR LANE hprpm. d efendan tii. ntt «< will bp received from or otherwise plead thereto within said COUNTY IN THE STATE OF ORE ?L i,T r«i°.o ! citixens of the United States, assocla- time, the plaintiff for want thereof, VASBY BROS. OON. OREGON, you are hereby required' to tlons of such citixens and corpora­ will take judgment arainst you aa demanded in his said complaint as fol­ IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOP­ appear and answer the plajntlff's com- tions orcanixed under the laws of the lows: For the sum of Two Hundred TION OF THOMAS JAMES TUR­ plainst filed against you in the above Painting A Decorating NER, By George H. Turner and entitled suit within six weeks from United StateR. or any State, territory Forty Dollars ($249 00). together with in all its branches Musette Turner. the dale of the first publication of or district thereof only. Upon applica­ interest thereon at the rate of 8 per This matter coming on for hearing this summons, and If you fall to so tion of a qualified purchaser the tim­ cent per annum from January 20th. 312 Main Street upon the petition of George H. Turner appear and answer, tor want thereof ber on any legal subdivision will he 1920, until paid, the further sum of and Musette Turner praying for the the plaintiff will apply to the Court offered separately before being Includ­ Thirty Five Dollars (335 00) reason­ adoption of a male child of the age of for the relief prayed for In the com- ed In any offer of a larger unit. T. 41 able attorney's fees and for plaintiff's one year and of unknown parentage, plaint herein, to-wlt: that the plain- s jj 7 g g ec 9, NE*4 SW*.i yellow costs and disbursements and for a change of the name of «aid tiff be decreed to be the sole and pine 400 M, SE*4 9W ’i yellow pine This summons Is published pursu­ DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL child to Thomas Janies Turner, and absolute owner In fee simple of the 400 M. none of the timber on this ant to an order of the Honorable C. P. that the Judge of the above entitled follow ing described real property: DENTIST section to be sold for less than $4.09 Barnard. Conntr Judee of I -ne Coun­ Court be appointed to act in these ty, Oregon, duly made and entered Beginning! at the southwest corner per M. proceedings ns next friend of said of a tract of land! conveyed by William Phone 43 THOS. C. HAVBLL, Acting Com­ on the 20th drv of 'ugnst, 1 j 27. The child and that notice of hearing of Sloan and wife to Norris Humphrey, missioner. first publication of this snn'mons will First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield said petition be given to the unknown by deed recorded In Book H. page 240 A. 4-11-18-25: S. 1: be made on Thursday, the 25th day of parents of said child by publication; of the Lane County, Oregon. Deed August. 1927. ano the last nubhcatlon and Records, said point being In the east IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE thereof will he mail» on Thursday, the to Court, 22nd day of September, 1927, and it « It . appearing - x .u the .u .„ x and the line of W illamette Street, In Eugene. STATE OF OREGON FOR Court finds that the mother and father j bftnp pounty. Oregon, running thence fill he published four consecutive LANE COUNTY of said child arc unknown and that 1 north on the cast side of W illamette weeks In the Snrlngfield News. W. J. Seaver, Plaintiff, vs., W. F. there Is no iwnv of ascertaining who j g |r,,eb 176 fCPt to the south line of I. M PETERSON, Attorney for Simpson, Defendant. I is the mother of said child or who Is ! 14tb Ave. east, thence east on the Postofllce Address, Spring All kinds of gravel for con­ ! his next of kin and lhat he has no 8o„th line of 14th Ave. east 110 feet, To the above named d eien d an t W. F. Plalntilfi, field, Oregon. crete or road work. W e 'guardian In Ibis state; and lhat the tbence south 62 feet, thence east 60 Simpson: Au. 25: Se. 1-8-16-22 Court should proceed herein ns though feet, thence south 114 feet, thence In the name of the State or Oregon, make a specialty of crushed snid child had no parent living, and you are hereby summoned to answer w est 160 feet to the plase of begin­ NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S SALE rock and rock sand. Bunk­ the complaint filed against you in the no guardian or next of kin In this ning; also The Estate of Charlotte Emily Pengra, ers at foot of Main on Mill above entitled cause and court iwithin Beginning at a point In tho north state; deceased. street. Now therefore. It Is hereby ordered line of 141k Ave. east which Is 67 feet four weeks from, the first publication Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ that the Hon. C. P. Barnard be, and east and 240 feet north of the south- of this summons and If you fail so to tue of an order of the County Court HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. he Is hereby, appointed to act as next .west corner of a tract of land con­ answer Judgment will be taken against friend of tho said child In the above veyed hv William Sloan ano wife to qou for the sum of $140.25 with Inter­ of the State of Oregon, in and for Lane County, entered on the 11th entitled matter and that he may give Norris Humphrey, by deed recorded est «hereon at legal rate from August day of August, 1927. licensing and or withold his consent to such adop­ In Book H. page 240. Lane County, 1, 1927, with the costs and disburse­ directing me as executor of the last tion In loco parentis; and It is further Oregon, Deed Recorda, In Eugene, ments of this action. This summons will and testam ent of Charlotte Emily ordered that the said petition be heard Ixtne County, Oregon, running thence Is served upon you by publication by Pengra, deceased, to sell the real pro­ JEWELER before thia Court In tho County Court east on the north line of 14th Ave. 93 virtue of an order of C. P. Barnard, perty hereinafter described. 1 will, on Room In tho Lane County Court feet thence north 45 feet, thence west County Judge of Lane County. Oregon, and after the 24th day of September, Repairing a Specialty House. In Eugene, Oregon on the 24th 93 feet, thence south 45 feet to the made and filed August 10, 1927, direct­ 1927, on the premises, offer for sale ing that service of summons be made Springfield, Oregon day of September 1927; and that a place of beginning; also Beginning at a point 346 feet north upon you by publishing the same for and sell at private sale to the party copy of this order be served upon the offering the most therefor, cash In unknown parents of said child by pub­ of the southwest corner of a tract of four successive w eeks In the Spring- hand, the Lot Number “D" In Block lishing a copy thereof opco a week land conveyed by William Sloan and field News, and requiring you to Number Three of Springfield. Lane M. 0. HOGE for three successive weeks- In the wife to Norrla Humphrey by deed answer the same within four weeks County. Oregon, according to the ex­ ' Springfield News, the last publication recorded In Book H, pnge 240, I*»ne from the first publication thereof. This tended survey thereof, as platted and Attorney-at-Law : lo be at least four weeks before the County. Oregon. Deed Records, In the summons Is so first published August of record In said County, sujbect to . • , limo herein appointed for Rnld hear­ east line of W illam ette S treet In Eu­ 18. 1927. Practise U. 9. and State S D. ALLEN, Attorney for Plain­ the approval of the said Court. W ill gene. l-ano County, Oregon, running ing Courts thence north on tho east side of Wil­ tiff, Office, Hovey Building, Eugene, sell In parts, If desired. Dated this 29 day of July, 1927. A. E. WHEELER. Executor. lam ette Street 68 feet, thence east Oregon. C. P. BARNARD. County Judge. Eugene, Oregon Au. 18-26: Se. 1-8-16: Au. 18-26: Be. 1-» t 160 feet thence south 58 feet, thence Au 4-11-18-25. i g T RESULTS) All kludn of house painting: Kulso ui!’ « *4 i »r runm »ml up Roy K««h Call 126 J. tf. west 188 feat to the place of begin- ■ E IG H T H D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W. R oof ’ fo *7