T in m a n AT AOOUaT « . 1»*7 _ 4 F A O flS n ODD FELLOWS SPRINGFIELD the Street From Eggimann’s A c ro s s The Reliable Store of Portland Bankrupt T h e U. S. C o u rt O rd e re d S to c k to Be Sold a t O n ce. We P u rc h a se d S to c k a t V e ry L o w F ig u re s an d w ill Sell it H e re in S pringfield. S A L E S ta rts F R ID A Y , A u g u s t 2 6 th . We Just Show You a Few Prices to Illustrate the Tremendous Savings. Stock must be Closed Out in a Few Days. NO RED TAPE and NO PRICE JUGGLING but an Honest Close Out BANKRUPT SALE. $5.00 Full Size Nashua Blankets BANKRUPT SALE PRICE $2.98 BANKRUPT SALE PRICE $3.00 Double % Size 64x76 SHEET BLANKETS $1.89 BANKRUPT SALE PRICE $ 4 .5 0 -$ 5 .0 0 Men’s DRESS or W ORK SHOES $7.00 W OOL BLANKETS BANKRUPT SALE PRICE $3.98 $5.00-$6.00 iW OOLBLAZIERS BANKRUPT SALE PRICE $2.98 $2.50 FLANNEL SHIRTS BANKRUPT SALE PRICE $148 $2.98 $5.50-$7.00 M en’s DRESS or W ORK SHOES BANKRUPT SALE PRICE $398 $ 17 00 Bergmann & Currin Calhe d LOGGER SHOES BANKRUPT SALE PRICE $10.98 $4.50-$5.00 M en’s Dress PANTS b a n k r u p t sa le price $2.98 $6.00 - $8.50 Men’s All Wool DRESS PANTS b a n k r u p t sa le price $3.98 $1.25 HICKORY SHIRTS BANKRUPT SALE PRICE 69c $2.50 Men’s Dress Shirts $1.48 $2.00 “ “ “ 98c 50c Fibre FANCY HOSE 75c SILK HOSE - $6.00 All-Wool Heavy UNION SUITS Men’s Summer Union BVD Style BANKRUPT SALE PRICE Men’s $2-98 29c 39c BANKRUPT SALE PRICE 49c 20c Heavy Red W rist Cotton GLOVES $1.50 Men’s Heavy OVERALLS $2 Heavy W inter UNION SUIT BANKRUPT SALE PRICE BANKRUPT SALE PRICE BANKRUPT SALE PRICE 98c 9c Pair 3 for 25c $1.29 Sale Starts FRIDAY at 9 A. M, At Odd Fellows Building at Springfield. The M anagem ent