« THURSDAY AUGUST 26, 1S27 T H E BPR1NGKIKLD NEWS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of j the Week Collected for Our Readers. O r« Hohlinun #ó. pluasor ta rn u r In U tnallllu tuu niy (lluU at I ’itndl. tun laal w«»k P»ar «hipping and harveatlag In the Runua rlvov «allay la a » « uadar way la aarnaat with all I h r p arkins h<»1 of this year attracted na- ltonal attention, dropped dead at the I tel moot orchard home of bla daurh ter. Mra. Hcott F. A lllira , In llood «Ivor. lu e 's u m m er W h ite House" of the Plana u rr bring made for the fifth K lam ath ledlans Is being tem porarily annual community fa ir ai Hprlngwator established at the famous Huckleber­ to be held H rp lra ib rr 19. ry mountain camp grounds, near C h il­ T he neweat mem ber of Oregon’« oquin. where the more than 1200 In- financial Inatllnlluna, the Chiloquin dtaus of the K lam ath reservation are M a le bank, waa form ally organised at trekking thia week to taka part In a meeting of (he stockholders laal the annual berry picking weak. Locations at C rater lake have Just W heat harvest la In full awing near been completed by the United States <^>ve, every combine at work, with bureau of public roads for the aew tbs grain averaging around «0 bushels Afoot.wide tra il that will be built by an acre. Harley ran aa high as I t the government from the rim to the and oats •< bushels water's edge w ithin the next year. T he annual ronvsntlon of tba Ore­ This w ill eoable tourists to use bur­ gon Wool Grower»' association waa ros Instead of making the rather d if­ bald In Pendleton last week In con ficult and strenuous hike as a l prés­ Junction w ith the largest ram sala ent. aver held la the stale The entire business and assets of During July I I predatory hunters the Neatucca Valley bank of Clover­ worked moat of the time and turned dale have been purchased by the First tn the scalps of 170 coyotes, SI hob National bank of Tillam ook and con­ rata, two bears. 111 badgers. I l l P»r solidated w ith those of the la tte r In­ cuplnea and 11 aqunka stitution. This purchase Increases T h e big event of late summer for the total resources of tha F ir si Na­ W illa m e tte valley people began last tional to 62.2UO.OOO, Including 6185.000 Monday when the hop picking season of capital, surplus and undivided opened to continue until tha begin profita. ntng of school n e tt month. The Oregon evergreen blackberry, T he fifth assembly of Hlble atudente which a few years ago was yielding a Of the Methodist church. Hnuth. open good Incom« to many of the mountain ad at tha Columbia collage of M ilton rraldsols of eastern M an county, last week w ith the largest reglstra where it grows In profusion. Is finding very little sale this year. The can tjon la tha history of tha school. la tha election at Bandon recently, nerles are taking very few of them aale of the city's hydro-electric power this season, and are offering a price and lighting plant remained a com (hat w ill only about cover picking and m ualty enterprise, the vote belag I I hauling. F ire losses la Oregon, exclusive of Portland, during tha month o* July, aggregated 6411,040, according to a report prepared by the state fire mar­ shal. T hera were 106 (1res reported, of which four were of an Incendiary origin T he moat disastrous (Ire waa at Clhloquln. where a part of the bus P ractically every graduate of the loess district was destroyed with a Southern Oregon Norm al school at loss of (100.000. Ashland has been placed la a teach­ A group of excavators led by J. B ing position by tha employment bu Horner, profeaaor of history and dl rvau maintained at tha school, of which Professor Churchill la chalr- rector of historical research In Ore­ gon Agricultural college, unearthed a section of the tusk of a prehistoric Mra K C. Small, who crossed the mammoth, at Roseburg last week. , plains w ith her parents In 1161. ob The tusk Is Lbs largest ever found In served her l l t h birthday anniversary the Pacific northwest. It measured la Balem recently. Hhe said It re- 10 Inches In diam eter and the un qulred a l l month« and I I days to broken section was about six feet In cross the plains from Burlington to length. Balem Oregon farm ers intend to plant only Students registering as freahm ea at 96 per cent as much acreage to « h e a l W illa m e tte university In Salem thia this fall aa wss seeded a year ago, ac­ fall w ill ba required to arrive on the cording (o ih< ri-plli-H to an inquiry campus September 10. one week e a rli­ sent out by F. L. Kent, Oregon atatlatl er than the other classmen, according clan of the departm ent of agriculture. to plans worked out by uulvrrstty of T he decrease Is largely due to this nclala year's seeding of spring wheat on Oregon's hop yield for 1917 probably spring plowing or disked stubble, thus w ill not exceed HO.000 bales, accord reducing the usual summer (allowed log to announcement by growers. The acreage available for planting thia fall. normal crop ranges from 00.000 to A ll carriers which handle deciduous 100.000 hales. The short crop this fruits, other than apples, shipped In year Is attributed to the recent hot carload lots to Denver or farth e r east weather. were urged to reduce rates on this W in nie McDougal, threshing on his class of business In letters sent out farm 1*4 miles north of Dayton, re­ by the public service commission re ports a yield of more than 60 bushels cently. T he request was based on n of wheat per aero from a ten-acre hill recent decision by the Interstate com­ land field. An average run In the im merce commission lowering the freight m ediate locality Is from 10 to 41 bush charges on fru its shipped from Call * els per acre. fornla to eastern destinations. The •A pack of 20 wolves was encounter­ order becomes effective October 10. ed recently near Scotl mountain In N ine persons were killed by tra ffic the Cascade national forest by Poster accidents In Oregon during July and Steele, fire assistant of the forest. It 366 were Injured, according to tne became known last week. T he pack m onthly report of T. A. R affety, chief la the largest to be seen near Eugene state tra ffic Inspector. T hree of those In many years. killed were pedestrians who were In favor of selling and I I I against. Nathan H Weldon. for whom tha station Waldoo on tha O P A B. rail road waa named, died Saturday night at h it home la Cottage Grove. He was born on Preach Prairie, near Sa­ lem. In 1141. Hood K iver schools w ill open on Septem ber I. The new city high school, built at a cost of more than 1176,000, Is being made ready for oc­ cupancy, and (he classes of Junior high grades w ill bo removed to the old high school. struck by automobiles, five were k ill­ ed In wrecks of automobiles and one by a collision between a train and an automobllo. T he total number of ac­ cidents reported was 2324, of which 1373 were attrib u ted to carelessness. Bit« of crockery, some (Ire brick, m etal parts of (arm Im plem ents and other odds and ends which were be­ lieved to have been burled In a flood which destroyed Santlam C ity in 1862 and again in 1868. have been unearth ed by Dan Looney, who Is digging a gravel pit at the site of the abandoned town. Santlam C ity was located three foundation of tho now m ill on the miles from Jefferson toward the Junc­ Baisley-Elkhorn m ining property none tion of tho Santlam and W illa m e tte B aker Is now under way. T he mine rivers. W hen in Its prim e It boasted Is working about 26 men. T he con of a three-story brick building and The •tru e!Io n Is being hurried tn order to other substantial structures. get things well under way before snow town was not rebuilt following the floods. tails. T h e re was exported to Europe from Oregon ports during the 1926-27 sen son a total of 1,720,726 boxes of ap pies, according tn the annual report of the Oregon state board of pilot com mlsslnners filed with Governor P at­ terson at Salem. * T he pouring of concrete for the A halibut caught off Nowport on the banka was on display In a New ­ port shop recently which. It la esti­ mated, wimld feed 400 persons. The flth weighed 199 pounds, was flvs feet and nine Inches long and 24 Inches wide at Its middle. , Follow ing two disastrous fires with In the pnst ten months, whon most of one side of town was wiped out, mer Chants and city officials of Chiloquin have combined In an effort to reduce Mhture tire loss by adding up-todute fire fighting equipment. Harvesting of wheat in Union coun­ ty Is near Its peak and W allow a coun­ ty farm ers are also beginning harvest work, w ith yields In both counties running higher than e a rlie r expecta­ tions. Several fields In both counties have yielded near 6U bushels an sere and a 30-acre tract of Rldlt wheat owned by Ray G reiner, near Sum m er­ ville, yielded 66 bushels. It Is esti­ mai ed that Union county's wheat yield w ill run more than 1,260,000 biiHhela, which Is almost the biggest crop In history. PAGE STYE TOWN AND VICINITY Move to M llw au klo — M r. and Mrs. Elder moved thia week to M ilw au kie. f r o * Ihsrw planned to go to Son Fran cisco, where ha has a poaiLoo as an 1 accountant Haro Goos to W a s h in g to n — W from W a lte rv llle — M r. and O. Hughes, - Mra. F ra n k Page of W a lte rv llle were president of the F irs t N atio n al bank, visitors In S p rln tfle ld Monday On was In W ashington this w eek, attend­ Tuesday they loft on a vactlon trip Dexter Man Here— L. TOgapev of ing to business interrats. to Newport. D exter was a visitor hero fo r a short tim e Monday. Return from Springs— M rs. C. 17. F orm er Resident V isits — W a lte r Sw art« tnd M r» C. E Knnyoa are Natron Resident Violto— A a out-of- 6 sovs I f *»*'•-* VOw/bPt Mnrlnwn Bruno, on hla w ay to hla C alifo rn ia tw on visitor trotn Natron »as come from Soap Lake. W ashington, D. h. AlllrOU. lalted for a few h -» ,a S u n -a y w ith ’■ *"■ r /im pen. He is «.«a vib < avwgv «<•- • « «Uto » « *.., ' . F latts In Town— M r. and Mrs. lives ut the Amr lean hotel here, has a form er candy m aker a t Egglm ann's Gsorue P latt of Thurston were shop­ boon taken to the Eugene hospital for candy shop. pers here early this week. treatm ent for rheum atism . Goes on Vacation— B e rt Sankey, Mohawk Man In— B ill Sm ith of Mo­ Baby Boy Wolcomod— M r. and M rs m all c a rrie r on ru ra l route No. 2, hawk wag a business visitor bore M on­ L. W . Boggs o f M arcóla aro the happy left on hla annual vacation Tuesday. day. parents of a baby boy, born Monday H is son. E lm er, Is substituting for him. V is ito r from Vs esta— M ra Floyd at the Pacific C hristian hospital in Vacations of other postal employes are being arranged. T a y lo r of Veneta wus a visitor In Eugene. Springfield Monday. V is it at Cox Homo— Mrs. Bertha In from Santa Clara— L. W E llio tt, G rlbble and children of Portland, visit­ farm e r of Banta C lara, was a Spring- ed this week at the home of M r. and Mrs. H erb ert J. Cox. M rs. Oribble Held business visitor this week and Mrs. Cox are old friends. Rainbow People Moro— Mra. George Form er Surveyor Hors — How ard W illia m s and son. Joe, of Rainbow, [“arsons, footer city suveyor w ith o f­ were In Sprlncfh-ld Monday. fices In the Sutton building, w ith Mrs. W a lta rv llla Man In— H a rry Jackson Parsons, paid Springfield friends a of W a lte rv llle was a business visitor visit Tuesday. H e has been located a t here Monday. Spokane. In from Fall C rsek— M r. and .Mrs. C. M Neet of F all C reek transacted business In Springfield Monday, Go to Sum m it— M r. and M rs Swm M ontgom ery drove to the sum m it of McKenxle pass Bunday. H srs from M areóla— A lb ert Pierce of M arcóla spent a part o f Tuesday In HprlngHeld. Crssw sll Man Haro— M T . Jackson of C resw ell was a Springfield visitor Tuesday. County Commiaaloner H e r» Com ity Commisslooer C. I. H a rd was a visitor here Monday. Loaburg Woman Visit«— M rs John Cnrrlo of Loaburg shopped In Spring- field Monday. N atro n Man In — B. O. Sm ith of Natron spent a part of Monday In Springfield transacting basin F all Creak Man Hsrs—J . F. Moor« of F all Creek was a Springfield ria lto t 1 Saturday. Here from Thurston— W . If. E yler of Thurston was a Springfield business visitor Monday. Undergo Operation Hero— M r. and Mrs. J. L. F isher of W endllng brought th eir two children. M ary and Bernice, to the offlee of a local surgeoa Satur­ day fo r tonsilectomles. start vour boy RIGHT Flah on North Fork— C arl Olson, local Southern Pacific agent and Dan Crites of Eugene, form er Springfield man, fished on the N o rth F ork of the W illa m e tte riv e r Sunday. T hey had a day of good lock. It Is the early impressions that often count most in the future of a boy's life. Start yours right. Open a small savings account for him and teach him the usefulness of a bank, and the value to him In after life of knowing how to transact business as a banker does. D rive to Portland— M r. and Mrs. George W illiam s of Rainbow drove to Portland Tuesday. T hey are expected back today. T h e y combined business and pleasure on the trip . If you Btart a small account now It will be easier to send him through college or start him out in business. A few dollars a month from childhood will mean a lot when he is twenty-one. If you have a boy. start his ac­ count now—and keep It growing. Sprains K n e e — H o b a rt W i l t o n sprained his knee thia week w hile H ero from t ups no— M r and Mra p uttin g Ice tn a box. H e waa crowd­ Ernest Stapleton of Eugene were Sun­ ing the Ice into the bor w ith hla knee day visitors a t the residence of Mr. when he struck it a heavy blow. and Mra. I “aul Schlewe. Misa Petersen a t M ilto n — Miss Rev Sykes R eturn»—Rev. and Mra Pearle Peterson, slater of C ity Record­ G abriel Sykes have returned from ' er 1. M. Peterson, has gone to M ilto n th e ir vacation, spent largely a t Hood for a visit w ith relatives. She w in R iver. return to Springfield before beginning her work as grade teacher at T he Flak on M cKensle— Fred Freso of Dalles September 12. Springfield and Kenneth Tóbala oí Eu gene w ere fishing on the McKenxle V is it Mrs. Scott— M r. and M rt. Paul riv e r Monday. Scott visited h it m o t h e r , M rt. Move Here from Junction— M r and Charles Scott, of this city, over the C. E Foster and fam ily moved into a week-end. T he Scotts have been liv ­ house on G street this week. They ing In several cities north of here. are form er residents of Jun rtion City. They le ft Monday for Portland, and Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY FAIR Fairgrounds Eugene August 30, 31, September 1, 2 ________ '■ 1 1 - ............................ .. It ■ * Complete Exhibits of the Resources of Lane County Greatest Program of Free Attractions Ever Offered in Lane County RUNNING RACES RELAY RACES CHARIOT RACES RAWHIDE RACES NOVELTY RACES COMEDY RACES BICYCLE RACES A LONE PACING STALLION THE FRANK ZERADO TROUPE OF ENTERTAINERS BUSTER BROWN TIGE, THE DOG ACTOR CAPT. ESPE NOVELTY AUTOS THE TOPSY TURVY CAR THE FOLLY GIRLS IN DANCING ACTS JACK NICHOLS, FAMOUS CLOWN FANCY ROPING ALI DIN IN BLINDFOLD DRIVING ACT A ll crow ded into One G reat Program . E very afternoon beginning A t 2 p. m. A ll repeated, except the Horse Races, every Evening, beginning a t 7:30 p. m. Flood Lights on the Grounds Dancing Every Evening Take A Walk Through Ballyhoo Lane Three Colorful Days The Fair of 999 Thrills NOTICE T O EXHIBITORS Tuesday, August 30 is Entry Day. Entries may be made up till 5 P. M. on that day. No admission will be charged on Entry Day. NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS All exhibits must be in place by 9 A. M. on Wed­ nesday in order to compete for premiums.