TIME S P R I N G m J) NJCWS FACE FOUR THURSDAY AUGUST 28, 1M7 srevtsd oa his farm bar». Joe Jacob I so'utloa The psrlod at which Isola­ sud Mary Us Vors, both of Kugens( 's ruantng IL | (loa should be maintained cannot bo Medford Alisa and Sara Aun Davis, By « escisi Globe- Trotting CJtnmp Mr. and Mra. L» C. Yarnell and guaasd at. Children aro not permit- both of Springfield. Csrrwaeswdsnte daughter. Kdna June. via ted fríen s ted to reutra to school for al Issai here lasi Sunday. They formerly re­ three weeks. T Y P E W R IT E R KIHHGNS— Assorted sided here maksa In black and blue la sloe* nt In the presence of an eptremlc, UPPER WILLAMETTE Lowell »«•"««• la»‘ Sunday Mr and Mrs Arnold Tracer and , street and house dust ahould be kept li e News ofh< v. For the conveni­ _____ Mr and Mra. Green and family of children from Junction City vlaited I dowB by ,p rtnk||„ , on ,n’■ **n rom»1-: ’’ —~ for eversl » eks with a Mr. C ot... J . . . . last Thursday for I on price* en ptnfeg nni* ether work tf. anea the importance of the prophylac­ destroyed the barn of Henry Knowles Sprained ankle, has discarded her Itelknap Springs tic value of paaturltvd milk. Friday night about S SO. The family crutches and is walking about again, Many Thurston People have been The summer prevalence anil the wwre about to retire when t h c Rer w A a k lllt wili de u w r h(, picking hops for Parrel McQuInn at Knowles boy. who was out In front of I fBrewv„ ^ rraoB next Sunday prior to Waltervllte, They finished picking rural distribution of this disease are * e house, saw flame* come out of the leaTjng for Prance to attend the last Tuesday Monday afternoon the I dl,,t"rb“*« f“ '“« * “ »> regur.l to sum \ roof of the barn. The Are waa already convention hop house waa burned to the ground j ”"*r ’ •<*“ ’»■» Th” «“'y •*»«’ rule •• Í * * s under way and the walls soon col lap- _____ _ _ _ _ with moat of the yeto-a crop. Also *° arold p l,ie * * h,,r’ »*»*•*»»••«« <»««- F ib Sp«k>, It months old. •cd A chicken coop also burned. ] Spncialiiing in Tonniin the bailer waa burneo but the pickers *r* ,n progress. The fact. ho«v- THURSTON through her mother as intcrprvlcr. There were 30 tons of hay. several were all able to save their cars which j tafoatlle paralysis does not toys claim to »*» g lo h e -try lttiig usually strike the same place In epi hundred bushels of grain, several hogs Mu, Marjory Grant who has been were parked near tb s hop hoses. champkoastup. having tirc lv d hall drnuic form two succeeding seasons the w orld in twice visiting Enropv. and small pigs and considerable ma- worklng tn the store at McKensle Mr and Mrs Johnson sud daughl r. Over Penney'» Store » A frica, and. Asm M .no r She was ehlnery No insurance wae carried Brldr, „ .tMrBed to her home here laat Mildred, from near Astoria vlalt-d la«: makes such places reasonably safe the voted lh< most popolar young and Mr Knowles figures his ices to Saturday for a few days rest before Wednesday and Thursday at John Ed year following an epidemic.—Stale tody* aboard the S.S. Sindra on «he Board of Health. about 93OO0 Ae no one m o k e s at p a n n in g her school at Coquille where mlston's. „ t u r n home this m qnih E ugene Phone 858 the Knowles ranch the origin of the wl„ teach TOm,n(f ye„ Mra. Rath Ham and slater. Grace, M a rr ia g e Licen se« fo r W e e k tre is a mystery. Mr and Mr< Arthur Peters visited visited their brother. Walter Pli-tt. Eugene; Earl Patna and Pauline During the past week County Clerk Quite a crowd gathered at the Mia* Haael Bdmiaton last Monday last Sunday evening. Volgsmore, both of Marcola; Irving W H 01 Hard has Issued marriage lic­ Wheeler ranch Saturday nurht Angnat Mrs Peters was formerly Mtaa Sarah Mrs. John Price and Mra. Prsd Gray Dugan and Dorothy Lewis, both of JO to witness the burning of the old Mosles and attended Normal at Ash- and daughter, and Mrs. Jennie Ed enses to the following W. latwrence Wells. Halsey, and Gracia Thornton. Eugene; L II Kims, Rainbow’, and B ill. Ice cream, pop. etc., were told land the past year Her home la at tnlaton from Eugene motored to Mc­ and it Was voted to turn the proceeds Mt Vernon. Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenzie last Tuesday where they are Eugene; Elmer Spencer and Mary M a ry Williams. Vids, Lyle Day. Junc­ Plckert. both of Eugene; Ralph Grs tion City. s»d Gladys Wynes. James • f the evening over to the Knowles Peters were married last Saturday spending a few days on a vacation Mr" and” Mto ” H a 'r v V y 'ito d ls y fro m hani and M» - Anderson, hot), of town. North Dakota; Weldon llunle.* family whose barn burned Friday and were on their way to Ashland Hsdleyvllle called at Taylor Need August 19. where they will make their home. Mrs. J. A. Phelps and two children where Mr. Peters Is employed by the ham’s last Monday. Rosa Mathews drove to Brownsville Evelyn and Robert Emma Olson. city. Mrs Sweet from Eugene visited her and spent last w eekend with his Belle Olson. Bonnie Jeanne Tinker, Mrs Lucetts Baughman and three granddaughter. Mrs William Barnett, family who are picking berries th en . grandchildren. Lucretia, Max and last Sunday. L a s I Sunday was Rev Turner's last Maxine Baughman are picking hops GARDEN WAY O p to m etru t at the old Clark Yard. One hundred day with the church here. The con­ Succeaaor to the Mrs Lee Cheshire and children. and thirty-five pickers are working on gregation gave a basket dinner In the Watt» Optical Co. 'grove at Ray Baugh's. Next Sunday Sufan and Claire, of Cheshire spent this hop yard. at No. 14 Mb Ave. West, The board of directors of Colon » services are dismissed so everyone Bunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Eugene, Oregon. high school met at the high school >wl” ** abl* ,0 *,t*nd the “ »■»> Jay Pith. We *re payln* attention to meat» for Hop Mrs W. J. Morrow and son. Merritt, When you nrs in that city and hnilding this week. High school opens group gathering at the fish hatchery. Picker»* lunche» and are pleaalng many cuntomer». John Bdmlston enjoyed a visit from o f Tillamook arrived Tuesday for a In need of Optical Work shs will September M. Ucnides many flee roaat» we have cold cooked meat» of nil his sister from Los Angeles last week­ visit at the home of Mrs Morrow's be glad to serve you. Fred W Smith of Saginaw. Michi­ kind», including Hauange, weinerwornt. prewied ham, end she left for her home last Sun­ parents. Mr and Mrs A. C. Travla. gan. is vistlng at the home of his day Eye S tra in -N e rv e Strain bologna, »Heed ham, minced ham, corn beef and head Mr. and Mrs. Hsrshall Bailey and Bye strain means nerve strain nephew. Mr and Mrs K. a Tlaker at cheeme. fam ily of Wendllng visited at the Rev and Mrs Harry Benton from Fl rasant Hill. —correct glasses Improvs vision Prank Bailey home 8unday. Eugene were callers In Thurston last We have a special this week on SMOKED HAM. If and nsrvsa. Our msthods aa- Mrs Annie Mason of Iowa, spent Sunday afternoon. Jane Anderson of Eugene spent you see these you will want one. aurs accurate siam lnatlona »eversl days at the Tinker ranch last Mr and Mrs. Wm Henson and chil­ Sunday with her cousin, Forrest week. * dren visited Mr. Henson's parents In Anderson. The tolsn cs of Optometry The best meat» la what we carry. Skill and exporlsnco tn tha Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Swift and Eugene last Sunday Mr and Mrs. Howard Thurman profession of optometry cannot dausfiiter. Margaret, left for California Lloyd Ryan front Eugene Is spend­ have moved into the Wylie house, be acquired In a month or a this week on a short auto trip. ing a few days with Prank Campbell. recently vacated by Mr and Mrs year Modern optomstry la ths Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Shrenk and Melvin Platt had the misfortune to Mark Cola. result of long and sxhauatlra three children motored to Newport ent the end of his thumb off last Charles Bailey of Clatskanie arrived B. C. STUART PRATT HOLVERSON study Such experience la our fsr the ’Week-end of August 91. Thursday He waa token to Spring- Tuesday at the Jay Pish home, where 4th and Main Sta. Phone 63 for Delivery bid for your patronage and good A number o f youn folk of Pleasant field where a physician dressed It. he will remain until after hop picking. will. HUI. and Coburg enjoyed a picnic at Sheriff Taylor has had a mint still Mr Bailey haa been visiting his son in Toledo. Mr and Mrs H. C. Harlow and fam- lly o f Parnlngton. Washington, are visiting here with Mr Harlow's sister. Mrs W J Pen grs. and other relatives near Eugene Sunday the Harlow family had a reunion at Deadmonds Petry. Mrs L. H Allen, who has been visit­ ing at the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs. W J PengTa. ia returning | to her home In Weiser. Idaho, the last i of thia week. I Miss Virginia Gray. Miss Helano t Koke and Miss Margaret O’Farrell of Eugene were guests of Miss Grace Fashion'«« Latest Innovations In Women'« and Misses' Brand New Maxwell. Wednesday evening Miss Dorthea Bailey entertained her Sunday school class of the M E church with a picnic on the hanks of the W illamette river, Wednesday afternoon. The time was spent play­ ing games. Those present for the event were: Ruth Pollard: Vivian; Runte. Ladoris Walker. Lamnvne » Black. Pay Holveraon. Jean Louka, Doris Woorley, Charline and Florence — The J. C. Brill Store I k prenenting three »mart ex­ Bell Fish, Miss Beebe Gates and Miss amples of the Autumn mode at typical Brill Stores Dorthea Bailey. Community News ik SbùgMkrl .VJ® V ' J* Dr. Geo. A. Simon Dr. Ella C, Meade Hop Pickers Lunches INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. Wait For Big Circus Honest Bill '/J X J3/LLYD£P/mTM£/VTjFO/!£- 3 Rings “Anatomically Constructed Supertorsal Arch Support” Three Button Latice Creations—Exceptionally Priced, Pair America’s Best Circus 125 - - PEOPLE - - 125 100 Horses - Ponies $75,000 Worth of Wild Animals ELEPHANTS, LIONS, TIGERS, CAMELS, BEARS. COATS, DOCS, MONKEYS, LEOPARDS, BUFFALO, ELK. GORILLAS, ZEBRAS, AND OTHERS. SEE TEX, WORLD'S LARGEST ELEPHANT SEE DIAMOND, ONLY SPOTTED ELEPHANT ON EARTH Wire Walkers, Jugglers, Acrobots And Funny Clowns One Day Only—Rain or Shine SEE OPEN CAGES IN PARADE Big Street Parade at 1:00 P. M. AFTERNOON AND NIGHT Springfield Monday, Sept. 12 INFANTILE PARALYSIS IS ON THE INCREASE Elghty-twvi cases of epidemic polio­ myelitis of Infantile paralysis were re ported to the California State Board ; of Health during the first two weeks of July. A few cases have been re­ ported in Oregon. Infantile paralysis Is an acute generalized Infection due to a filterable virus, occurlng both in epidemics and sporadically. The In­ fective nature of the disease has been conclusively shown. The virus at­ tacks the nervous system and persists In the nasal secretion for a long time. ; The paralysis may be preceded three or four days by nausea, vomiting, and i fever. However, a child may go to bed apparently well, and wake up In the morning with paralysis and slight fever. The great 'majority of cases are found In children under five. Cases among persons over twenty are » I comparatively raer. For the benefit of the public the fol­ lowing regulations for the control of Infantile paralysis are published: The patient should be Isolated as com -1 ' pletely as possible In a clean, bare I room, well screened to keep out In-1 sects. Visiting is not permitted, and only the necessary attendant should come In contact with the case. All discharges. Including sputum, nasal secretions, urine and feces, should be thoroughly disinfected. Eating uten- 1 nils should be boiled. Everything that ' comes In contact with the patient should be sterilized. Towels, bed linen, and other fabrics should be boiled or dipped In a strong germicidal i 0 ' value. — They’re New, they're Perfect, they come In a full range of sizes. Splendid quality black or brown calf also patent leathers. In desirable welt soles and Ctiban heel« — Note; Look for the trade mark If comfort unusual and fit supreme are your quest. You'll And It on the soles. Again, we mention the price is extremely attractive! Another Value Worth Shouting About- Men’s Brand New Dress Oxfords Guaranteed 100% Leather Construction---- Pair, Only $3 .9 5 —To make a more indelible Impression as to the merits of this dependable quality and nicely tanned calf leather lace Oxfords. There is nothing to cover up the heels, counters, insoles and outsoles, the vital parts of the shoes, are solid leather. —Furthermore, if the wearer finds paper In Its construction, will be given "Money Back or A New Pair Free.” Well made on a stylish broad toe last, either tan, with stitching and perforation embellishment. Ideal for street and business wear. OTHER NUMBERS IN MEN’S DRESS OX­ FORDS WITH GOODYEAR WELT SOLES AT PAIR, $4.75, $5.95 UP T O ................ $7.50 Big Showing of Children’s School Footwear «