PAGE T H ItflV TH V R 8D A T AU0U8T 16, 1*27 T I « 8P1UNQ1 SWAMP Michael J. Phi.1 Upa Ill« n n « r * e t* n c V H e n ry J iy ! * • Copy Waist M ishael V. PHlllI»« tha surface H» Oiled the woodshed to the saves end even pi 1*1 e tier around the la- aide of the «arses. a alab abed with eloping root He made three tripe to the Davenant ranch. But the owner had not yet arrived Another rainy day found him chink­ ing the logn of the cabin with mud from the banka of the creek It did not really need It. But restlessness waa devouring blm, and the demand for liquor waa rising like a prairie Ore. The Intenalty of the paeelon * frightened him. Back home. 1 a Announcement! We wlnh to announce that we have purchased tne Orindell Grocery on Main near Fourth street and will be pleased to meet all the regular customer» of the grocery and new ones as well. Our long experience In the grocery business has taught us to know good groceries and how to give real service to our patrons. We will carry a full and complete line of fresh fancy rroceries of high quality. Also carefully selected an d a r .n le I could run ■lock jn But here, the frontier still, where TM I L1A0INQ CHARACTERS — | run the booie-tracha day nnd night p fenced. You conalder life waa much more open and simple, up hi re But as they get down where II Edison Forbes, a young resident ol the restraints were fewer. The wild­ Bi oltilale with an Inherent craving I there are more towna .they m u a l lay ( a erness. grim and unfriendly In storm, up daya." for liquor. Is held for the death of s gay and sparkling In sunshine. Invited lie took the bottle out again His d woknau who has been killed by a bool one to live bis own life, uncaring lagging truck. t Ircumslantlal evi­ potations had reduced the contents k There were few to see and to com considerably Tha stuff was begin (] dence pointe to Forbes and rather j ment. it was. he fancied, like the than tell the truth of the episode nlng to taka effect. "Well, another r early days in the west. Some of the little drink won't do ua any barm." be , which would clear him bul casi an settlers here were failures who had aald aloud with a reckless laush "And other friend In a bad light, he elands com« to the Jackplne country to for­ I gueaa It'a time to hit homeward ( trial and Is sentenced tv a long term th< n It'a a long, long ways to little | ( get the past They did not ask too In prison The governor of the state. , personal questions. Because they 1 old Tipperary down there by the ( an old friend of Eddie's father, be would resent such question« from 1 creek a c»*nt more. And It m l< n t t a n * a lleves nim Innocent and pardons him "It'a a long, long way Io Tipper­ year to find your man. Suppose I others. shortly after hla arrival at the Jail. ary." he sang, unsteadiness creeping ; advance the money to satisfy the , Just after noon, while he waa at th« Scoots Llbbsy. a -worthless rhuror Into hla footsteps. (Continued on Page S) lazes, and give you a thousand dollars tsr. who has smashed his machine in Darkness had fallen when h e besides T* to another car. killing Its lone occu­ »lumped against the door o( the cabin. , pant, a woman. Forbes' companl n The raincoat had Impeded him Some j A thousand dollars- The offer was j ena Llbbsy quit lb s scene hurrkllj. where back along the trail he had I surprisingly generous, it -meant that rtealmati considered the place worth leaving the former alone to l«t" a thrown It away 8« that It was a particularly twice what the average < a » is t> h la who reasons that Eddie drenched figure that toppled to the person would pay. Well. If II was floor when Palsy Jane lifted the laU'h. worth more than eighteen hundred W hen the Doctor She got him undressed and to bed, dollars to Sealman. It must be worth Recommends j somehow. Ups compressed, eyes glow­ M ilk of Magnesia that to them. ing with resentful Inner fires. He "I don't believe I care to sell." he f o r the treat­ was Inert as a log He slept the ment of consti­ night through, without moving. Real­ said. Patsy Jane's eyes telegraphed pation. h e a r t ly It was more of a stupor that of a pproval. b u r n , or other sleep, for the liquor had the effect on k in d r e d ail­ CHAPTER X. hla senses of a shrewdly swung Another Truck ments. use i mallei. Sealman jhow ed hla disappoint­ 1 He waa sick next day. tick with a ••That's a good price. Mr. 1! «»use of failure and remorse and m en t worthlessness, but physically III as Forbes, a big price. You won't get young couple to pay Sealman oners well The eiposure In the cold rain another such offer." Milk of Magnesia "Maybe not." to give Bddls a Job after he goes down Itself was a venomous drug. The An especially high grade “You've admitted that there's a adulterants which had been added to to lxmg Porta«*. a nearby town, and product of f u l l official give bite and volume by the various chance you can’t raise the taxes. You learns about tba tax«*- strength and purity. may lose everything " The next day while walking about handlers bordered on deadly poisons Highly recommended also "That'a a chance I mean to take, and they clawed and lore at stomach their property they discover a mya as an alkaline mouth wash returned Eddie, sm iling He felt bet­ and Intestinal linings terloua mound that contains outcrops to protect the teeth from It was not until the second morn­ ter that the refusal whs behind him. similar to salt. At the tax office "Hum ' Sealman digested thia for a erosion b y t h e mouth ing. after he had eaten breakfast In Forbes learns that the back taxes time. “I'm not Justified Mr. Forbes, acids. a dressing g o sn . that Palsy steeled amount to over eight hundred dollars Smooth as Cream not Justified at all. In fact. I’m prob­ and that the certtflcalea are held by herself against the pity which kept a b ly foolish for doing It. But 1 might Pleasant to Take swelling up at sight of the pale face. a Chicago capitalist who la eager to Rexall Milk of Magnesia She had tended bis uncomplainingly. obtain the property. Eddie has five straightens out your stom ­ Ignoring the fretful replnlngs and self- months to pay. A few daya later he ach and gives you back scnurgfns helps a booxe truck out of the mud your appetite. Sold only i "Now. Eddie." she said gTsveiy. and la presented with a bottle ol at the Rexall Drug Store. whiskey which he hides before walk 1 across the breakfast table. "We'll have FULL PINT a little talk. 1 m not going to say tng over to Interview Sealman. much Nagging won't do any good. But we must have an understanding." CHAPTER IX She healtated before going on; "I An Offer don't need to tell you what liquor does for you. You know where it brought you—where you'd be If It weren't for the governor. Eddie. I won't stand any more. I can't stand any wore. Thia Is the last time. !f you gel drunk again I'll leave you." He searched the sad piquant little Com« in and let us get acquainted with you HALLECK’S GROCERY Successor to Grindell s Grocery Main Street Near Fourth Stevens-Perkins Building Before the W e t W eather Come* ° U R s f f i ? o ? ? gMP^ Ep » . « .« .n - « » P .r square. SOc SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR ROOFING Flanery’x Drug Store WRIGHT & SON S pringfield S wings to S i l v e r t o w n s ! b o t h e iJ o o . Hla optimism was not Justified j Most of the settlers In the vicinity had J little good land, and that was lily- . cultivated. They preferred hunting, and fishing and getting out posts Io farming for which they had neither capital nor equipment. When he crossed the creek, h o w -} ever, there was a ray of hope. The , Davenant ranch, plaything o f a wealthy.Detroiter, had a resident fore­ man. He told Eddie that the owner had ambitious plans for the year 'n I the way of heavy planting and much clearing He might need several men. i When Mr. Davenant came up in a ! week or so, and made final decision, he had better be on hand. Eddie felt that ho could not afford to wait even a wee«c. He went to j town. But Long Portage was over­ flowing with labor The married men who hnd been In the woods all winter were trooping back. Their summer Jobs were kept for them. There was no chance for an outsider against the long-established claims. The week passed dully. He dug and chopped out pine stumps, for their roots and pitchy knots made excellent firewood. The hard labor of sawing and chopping smothered his homesick ness and drowned In fatigue the crav­ ing for liquor which was ever near More Silvertowns on Springfield cars than ever before. All indications in this section reflect the na­ tion wide swing to Silvertowns—the recogni­ tion of Goodrich Silvertown quality, value, economy. This swing is the reward of building a won­ derful product A tire so good that motor­ ists using it, have passed along the word of its excellence. Since the early days of balloon tire experi­ ence the Silvertown balloon tread has been winning friends by its tremendous mileage Come in an d ask for our prices on Silvertowns.