T hursday Ài’ourr wkJrh to bed to r t WfcT <|»V«fc P*rp*to*£« tke improv T > | WltAAMCTTX M U M H X GET RIO OF GAS xoncx is Hmtxar oivfi « e a iMtwata« a x e T o « * BeeorS.r X S e e n r ta ta* T««W T****wr»c I.« S v ­ isar ts «4 c V>w»f know» that babtea are Important. ao -aw* j T Or»# a Sir ' *7 FaBraarv M. l»*t at tk- m atter « h a t her daughter* may think, and eat »I 4 «.< •« Seia< a> ftot*»-»» akk CWyra pa**A c*. I ■AIL kUMCa«FT)O4« a A TX Oa- y«*r IB A «viar* __ *1 I Ttew* WawCta -------TSe . n <• T a r - fa»T -----------f c ■aathv t h t b s *» a t to rouatry aad th - " am tf you t ta good too* ar ft a J9T* AN ito-FOOT H OHT-Or-W AT a ahtehe* a Summer school to train mother* and X X father* also in bringing up children ef » A new building will house this new branch of 1 M learning. and husbands « ill be aB oved to attend the Sum mer lectures Lirlnc quarter* « til b- prortded for them at Vassar AD o f wfcirh « mr< moo sense • • • State »p-xiflcation» to road huddmg are Mate The private life of som e a t the fam ous or In­ •psi Ifli ariiiM Just the same as red tape is red fam ous «om en of history has been the *ub)ect tape and « - suppone taat a the end Lane county m _____ _ _ _ and » ___ _ —— stone* __ _ lately atter o f _ aoseto ne««paper vtC b ase io bxy aa »•>-?«« n *5,t‘?i".waL ? f w * •u t*1? hare su flciea t scandal in this day and HcKenxie highway from .r p n u g ^ d to the »urn wnhoyf d W i < [Blo tf most of It is never osea. • • • to look into th e future to road _ to-foot righ t-of-«ay probably An ex-bandit is n o « emperor of C hina The gbouid be had as far as Vida but above there it is problem tn China seem s to be to invent «rays of scry doubtf J tf it «til ever be used. No one has kiilto« off the Chinese to-tooc roads ex t into the sides of • • • as y et Even tf there were a demand ________ for them -a n h siidea would cover them up TiL1’ ***rchhghf. tf ever perfe, red m The senaibie th m e to do k to buy an 10-foot P «**« »*«• should find a ready market amongst fight-of-w ay when it to needed and to to be i m - |T e l Richard's flgfct fa n s proved or when we have used our 40-foot rtgbt- p f-xiiy Granting that k may eoto a little more A local Dumhdora remarked this week that the M 50 or 100 years from now we do not he«*’ * percentage of accident* in airplanes « a s very Chat anyoo* «IB contend that the value of this ooe to a person land «til increase as fast as the interest on Lane • • • pounty's money necessary to buy this useless State specifications should be We are pleased tf not rsghtdown grateful that fiemble enought to correspond with common a bee has 13.000 eyes, as announced—instead of pease. sting*- • • • • • • /WC* l« T OLR wriVITV MONEY GOES P EAST , Vo wh(_ .• j s x f n T ' s ; ; ' r --‘T . • X «. 7 » » i t i • « « ■ « -« « -tr h w r * -t » 0 4 . e » a • . r i. b>'«*tas» aa* « - *» r Cue emtroes over water There are only about sever, points to the river The sam e »pint that manned the American between Salem and Newberg that need the per- “flying coffin»" during the war will aiwert itaeif m anent improvement», and practically no work Xthen there ia a prize to be gained even with odd* below Newberg will be needed. •galne*- »ucces*. Americans are ever ready ac , This is very good news. peopl- to take a chance. The attention of the United State» governm ent will hereafter be given more largely to internal A million dollar* daily are being paid In ga»oline improvmenta. to great water power development» taxe« to thia country. O regon’s tax amount» to and navagation problem» and the like— •15 .000 daily. It is beginning to be a question as The Mississippi flood has stressed this idea of to whether real estate or automobile», trucks and internal improvement»— So that disaster will serve the purpose, am ong tractor* pay the most taxes. . . . . . . ,__. . . 2. • a a other things, of bringing »till water to the Wil- Six «hooter* in the early days were the cause lam ette river at a nearer date than might have af m ost of the killing». Now six cylinders do the been possible had not the father of waters gone on such a rampage Work. t irosa orno «an-ry*» f>—r Otnra Dependable Eyeglass Service Dr. Roijdl Q ick oe-roairTaixT—gvm dM T «FMtAkWT IT I W_^aaie * K T inN G B I T —I DO IT RIOHTJ TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER SIXTH O retsasra a ET to * * * * * * M u r g n m c ia se Swgtra ! M t o ll Axast in * isrt - « moesrai t •, : • ¡«s. i»u v.a » T-Wa. 4a* a id »a j e x f ’ 9*« «• $•!*& nnan flier* set a non-stop # 'iZ'" T T ’tJl’ Automobiles have a great bearing on the econo- p ^ on j Berlin to Berlin » - raoex-. pur cooditkms of Oregon.. There are no auto­ auto- • • s J;“ mobile factories here or oil wells and practically a m :« ina. is n o s «nscissi- The feller « h o insists that life is a joke usually u » rr i s « ! « • • « os **«« from nothing that goes into the eom tnm tkm of a ras-x.-r sits i»i«. M il ♦! Total 4 a - motor rehieie is made to the state It to all ahip- lives to find that it is on him. • • • aa4 issasi -« ahe-»» 4-wrlb-4 »'-«av per in and hundreds of million» of dollar» of our ty, |1 US M gtoney goes to other states to pay. Consequently August i « n „ » , m o 4* t of s - h - « r e must dig harder and harder to ret this money ___ . advice to June Bridegrooms: A little ber. IM7. therefor the place of lumber lest in a fear decades w e will aa by law pm»l4e4 United States Senator Cha» L. McNary »ay* r* --4 tkta Aarnat lit* . I t t t be swapping nlckles between ou rselves J SXJTSON. Town Marak*:! of t i e a a a the engineers o f the U. S. war department are definitely com mitted to the project for atill water Towa •* «sriasksM THE E X jL E m . FUGHT I The Dole Paciflt fiigbr kA» turned out to be in the Willamette— NOT1CB OF 8ALB OF And the work being done th « year, with the government timber doleful Death and failure followed to the wake • f the flyers. The whole thing will injure confi- J50.000 item to the rtvers and harbor* bill for the c«n«rai L*«a o*.* up a 10 c®,»4:tiont aad . liatitat.-ja« ano can a u u s m e s s a attem t t e m p pting t in g ; long t o n g flight» nignta over Tbe they may build tke ,-4* act of Jan - » i»K. » S t s t . 11» of A <*«-» ** * a u . a p l to fly oyer more than barge »tag- the year through without *a4ata «safpewaA » S o a a t laatracUaS. m 4 r-aaosakta rataa « M a ! i a a «»>4 adbowl wkara ywa ara aaaarad of a baaiaaaa tratatas tkal will i t yoa few a -»a>j«.».b> poaiuoa EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE k E. ki'BER TS. ITaaidaat »»; *Tt.!aai»tta S t Ett ,f> h* »ab>ct u> th- » p - t ' 0* * - ^ * ,h’ , iona, r ,, „=e.flrtk . f „„„ p,r ,«n. th «*^ f. » in» eow nH aiona alloaad. ■oa» be ><»ited at time nt aat< Be ready "with a ^11“ ^ J,r the t!a, . . wh7 h mam b- r- moved aithfa io year» Bid» win b- rasefvad m ' t-na nt tke U stte« Sl*le* ..»»" *»« ns of such G’11*®« and corporation» or*anlied under the Uw, o, ,h„ guu# or tD. sta te , territory or dintrut tb-r of only. Cp«n a c t 'n » '. ,n of » quaiif.ed parchaaer the tlmh-r on any |e « ,i »ub- --------------- ’---- 1----—— —— — ----------------------------- division will be offereti separately be­ fore beinz included In any offer of a larger unit. T. I g . R. i W. Sec, 35. . N PU NEt4 green and burned yellow j fir and h»muxk 277» M. appralsel 1 value tM»S, NW 1» NE*a green and ! burned retlo v fir and hemlock 3450 M. appraised value *4524 26; NEtb N W '; green and burned yellow fir and hem­ lock 3520 M. appraised value *4046: NW>4 NW44 green and burned yellow fir 2»30 M appraised value |2»3h ftW’-i NW ’4 green and burned yellow ‘ f r and hemlock 3550 X. appraised I value $442»; and the 8E>4 NW«« green and burner, yellow fir and hem­ lock 2»iX. M. appraised value I345S 25. none of the timber on theae subdivi­ sions to be sold for less than the ap­ praised value stated T 178.. R. 7 W . Sec 2», S'E'4 NE'4 red fir 340 M. red redar 75 M.. 8E»* NE«4 red fir 500 M 8W«4 NW«4 yellow fir 412 M. red cedar 40 M. NE'4 8E«4 red fir 800 M red cedar 40 M. NW«4 8E«4 red fir 500 M. T .88 , R 7 W . Sec. 1. Lot *, red fir 1900 M, none oi the timber on these sections to be sold for less than »2 per M T 2 N , R 2 W . Sec. 17. NE84 8W«4 yellow fir 1500 M, red ce4 8W<4 yellow flr 1340M. hem ; i lock 400 M. white flr 500 M, Noble f lr i 40 M. NW'4 HW'4 yellow flr 400 M. ( J hemlock 120 M. white flr 500 M. Noble j i flr 140 M. none of the timber on this j i section to be sold for less than $1.75 , I per M for the yellow flr. $1 per M for I I the white flr and hemlock and $1 25 j per M for the Noble flr. T 3 N . R Brownie! AS LOW AS f j m n lh li iuuet of "KotUktry " FREE u ith nory Brouttit ath fo r it ! G et those vacation pic­ tures as you go. Stop m to* day and get this " sim p le* real cam era" — full line al­ ways in stock. And depend on us for finest developing and printing. KETELS DRUG STORE Science TH E KEY TO EDUCATION True education not only opens up stores of knowledge but develops the alert mind. The chief glory of m odem science is THE SCIENTIFIC SPIRIT Higher education In the field of applied science com bines technical study with the fundamental training essential to citizenship. Its degrees open the w ay not only to leadership in "the several pursuits and professions In life” but also to a larger com m unity service. OREGON STATE LAND-GRANT COLLEGE M aintains schools of E ngineering( civil, electrical, m e­ chanical, chem ical). Mines, Forestry, Agricultural, Phar­ macy, Home Economics. Vocational Education, Commerce, and Military Science, all offering accredited college work. The School of Basic Arts and Sciences, Industrial Journal­ ism, Library Practice, Physical Education, and Music afford sound basic and specialized training. For catalogue and other Information address the Registrar O regon S tate A g r ic u ltu r a l Corvalli* C o lle g e